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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectFWIW
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=40677&mesg_id=40687
40687, FWIW
Posted by Nreykre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Time to roll up a necro? the Archmage of Eternal Night: The Omens foretell the dark horror of the grave. The next Advisor will be a necromancer, but there are none that have pledged themselves to our cause of that guild. Be watchful for signs, my scholars. -March 15 at 9:14am

Tavlin rolled on Fri Apr 1st. (That's kind of funny, actually)

IIRC, Reksah's bait didn't get a lot of bites, probably because Scion necro takes a pretty skilled player to pull off, especially with the heat something like this is probably going to put on the character.

Personally, I think anyone who would have taken Reksah up on his offer (so to speak) and had come forward with a decent role, solid RP, etc., would have seen pretty much the same rewards early on. The subsequent stuff probably has a lot to do with Twist just being the veteran he is, but you can't fault a guy for that.

Either way, it was all on the level and even after the player base pretty much ignored the golden opportunity they were given, someone competent stepped forward and helped put Scion back together after what was a pretty bleak time for the cabal and its applicants.