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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectStop making the game frustrating. (rant)
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=3575&mesg_id=3575
3575, Stop making the game frustrating. (rant)
Posted by Thunderpants on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Levels 5->20

Everytime an area is tweaked or modified on carrionfields it is ALWAYS to tone the area down. I wrote a note to the immstaff in the game the other day telling them that the money situation S-U-C-K-E-D at low levels. Everyone I grouped with was a newbie that night, and they all were starving. I can barely feed myself because there isn't any goddamn money for low levels.

I don't want to spend my time as a low level. I want to level out of that horrible range because:
1. You can't kill or do anything interesting.
2. You can't explore because your MV regen rates suck.
3. If you explore at this point you will DIE.
4. You can't get enough money to survive (feed yourself / train / practice / heal plague, poison / buy a potion?
4a. I guess there's money out there if you know it. But newbies ain't gonna find it (see 1. and 2. and 3.)
5. Pk sucks at this range for a lot of classes. Too gear dependant.

If CF immortals want to start toning area's down and balancing the CF economy they need to stop hitting pre 20's. It seems that pre-20 money sources are ALWAYS the ones on the cutting block.

(rich merchants on forest road)
(the galadon inn mobs)
(prosimy mobs) <-- taken from 1+ gold to ####ing -0- copper?!?!

By chance I encounted an area where the mobs carry decent silver. I expect this area to be next, because lowbies aren't supposed to have MONEY!

Also, was any leveling area put in to compensate for the loss of the white tower? It ain't half as easy to level out of the bitch ranks as it used to be as an evil char. That area was great. Oppositely aligned mobs that were fairly easy to kill... Plus more pk then you could shake a stick at. Baah. whatever.

PS: screwing up emerald forest sucked too. Sucks for evils leveling, sucks for rangers who used this area to pk.