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Topic subjectRE: Silent Tower Rethought.... maybe
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=26349&mesg_id=26374
26374, RE: Silent Tower Rethought.... maybe
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Warning: I've only been playing since 2001 and have never
>been to hell or the Silent Tower.
>My impression of things is that the rules regarding secrecy
>are now much more tightly enforced when compared to the days
>of old. So your posit about ST not having a place in today's
>CF is really weird to me.

Mainly it's that there's a lot more out of game chatter / forums / etc. than when I first started playing.

>It won't be long until all of the wand
>locations are known and anything of that nature is just a
>ticking time-bomb of open-ness. Information wants to be free.
> There's little you could do about it. The problem is that
>many times when people on the immortal staff begin to come to
>grips with the reality of secrecy, they get their feelings
>hurt and huff and puff about quitting altogether.

It's not about hurt feelings for me. (Although, since piles of the Silent Tower puzzley stuff has in the past been posted specifically to try to attack me personally, taking it personally wouldn't be a completely irrational response.)

It's that redesigning / reimplementing everything that's been posted would be (and has been in the past) a huge chunk of my time that could be spent any number of other ways.

I've spent that time before, and I might again someday. Right now I'm not interested.

There becomes an appeal to the thought of doing it exactly one more time and then thereafter what gets out, gets out.

Obviously, another solution might be to try to cease to be the kind of person that people are driven to antagonize, but I've chosen not to go that route. :P

>And every
>time the "punishments" punish the majority (non-cheaters?)
>more than they punish the cheaters. Because the cheaters will
>tend to gather the newer information than non-cheaters on
>average. My point is, change it from time to time to keep
>things fresh and interesting, but try not to get so upset when
>the inevitable occurs.

I think it's cool if people help each other figure out stuff IC.

I don't think it's cool when someone tries to post a walkthrough to Dio's. This kind of thing always gets taken down, but if someone's persistent enough about it the damage is done.