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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRE: Lemme ask you?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=2593&mesg_id=2597
2597, RE: Lemme ask you?
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is it a crime to want to kick a lot of ass?

No, however judging ass kicking ability by skill percentage and/or pk prowress alone is not the answer. Additionally, I'll note that you glazed over the part where I hinted at going out and doing for yourself. Sure, there are numbers. Sure they have meaning. Do they have enough meaning to be worth obsessing over? Nope. Do people obsess over them? Yep. Will people obsess over this even after reading this? Yes. So why am I posting this? Mainly because I'd really like to see number crunching come to some form of public death. Additionally there are so many other factors that matter in pk, that whether or not your skills are maxed...it just doesn't matter man.

I fear a skilled player mroe than a skilled character. To explain that further. The guy with 75% in everything who knows how to hunt, how to run, and when to do which, I fear a #### load more than I do some cheesepunk who spent countless hours perfecting his skills. As far as preps go preps exist to be used. If you can win a fight without using them, by all means do so. However if you lose a fight because you could've prepped but didn't feel like it. You'll know what to do next time. Granted a skilled player knows when to prep and when not to prep....which all of this comes back to my intial point. Learn by doing for yourself.