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Topic subjectInvest too much effort to throw one away
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=20788&mesg_id=20790
20790, Invest too much effort to throw one away
Posted by Mekantos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Invest enough effort in a role, interactions, and being a general "mover and shaker" that you cannot fathom deleting the character for at least 400 hours.

Go pray to an Imm even if you aren't an empowerment class. Work on getting the Tattoo. Try to make things happen with the game, instead of just existing inside of it. Set a goal that isn't likely to succeed until late-game (Emperor. Chancellor. Captain. Commander. Etc.)

But set multiple goals, so if one is lagging or doesn't work out, you still have other stuff to shoot for.

Be dynamic! CF is completely unpredictable because you are playing with/against other people. Be open to changing your goals, and don't make your character into a static blueprint that can never be altered from the first step you take in the Academy.

Slow down! ENJOY the various ranks! If you think invokers get hosed in the 20's, GO KILL SOME PEOPLE in the 20's and feel badass (I did, and it was fun!). Then that badass feeling might help spur you forward during the lulls.