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Topic subjectOk, Daevryn, my final comment on this one
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=16358&mesg_id=16395
16395, Ok, Daevryn, my final comment on this one
Posted by Andriana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I see the root of the problem now. Our views of how Outlanders should be run differ too much, and we won't find agreement most probably.

As for your answers

1) Who cares who else you have or haven't ganged?
I do. But you don't, obviously.
Read the log. If you think it was a gang, we have different definitions of gangs. In addition, Haratzi admitted he didn't know there was invoker there at all, doesn't matter really but just FYI.

2) A cabal leader, even in Outlander, has some measure of control of the people below them, especially people they can uninduct if they choose. You certainly bear some responsibility for what they do in your sight.

Here is the deal for you. If you didn't get it already.
I am NOT going to order any Outlander of any branch to stop doing anything if he is not directly breaking the will of Ancients. Period.
We are Outlanders, we are not Empire. I lead by example and requests. I do not order people around, and I will never do.
Also, we are chaotic and hardly honorable (unless very specific role is involved). Looting is not forbidden. I asked to return things which Nameless One didn't need, and he agreed. Haratzi logged off till that time. Too bad.

You can title me whatever you wish. I won't change my RP and my view of Outlanders.

3) Put yourself in the position of either of the characters/players in question. Would you feel wronged? I sure as hell would in both cases -- or at least, I'd feel like you exhibited behavior that you should not.

I saw this Out-Of-Pk assassin looting Outlanders. A couple of times. Taking two items from his corpse in return is hardly something I will be ashamed of.
On a side note, why don't we title each lowbie who loots EVERYTHING from fallen hero? Food for thoughts.
And again, if you find place in my role or RP where it is said I am honorable knight... Oh well.

4) I don't think I'm talking about the same mob(s) you are. If a (especially non-evil) Outlander killing natural animals in order to gear isn't questionable, clearly we're at an impasse.

Dear god! There was not choice but to kill those animals there. They are agressive and you CANNOT flee from them. At all. Can you understand it? Agressive and you cannot flee. Should I repeat one more time?
In addition, none of us knew they are going to strike.
In accordance to your logic Outlander when in such situation should remove weapons and let himself be killed? *dismay*
Again, I guess we have different views of Outlanders.
And again, why don't we title each Outlander who is ranking on owlbears then?

In general, I already recieved a number of in-game tells from people who said in one way or another that this title is BS. And many of them were those who don't have any reasons to like me. Those I killed at one point or another.
Their opinion is of greater value to me then opinion of some Imm who had a bad day and decided to be an a***. End of story.

Thank you for attention.