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Topic subjectI will answer that, I guess
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16376, I will answer that, I guess
Posted by Andriana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This char is still alive, but I don't have more e-mail adresses to register new accounts.

So, first of all, I don't care of the title. Yes, I think it is unfair. Yes, I think I don't deserve it. But as I am not a honorable knight, I don't really care. I will wear it with pride.

I will answer your insults and statements though.

1) A bunch of complaining that single members of enemy cabals whose items were held wouldn't come and fight (despite one such character in range making constant, if not stupid enough to result in death, attempts).

I don't need any help to fight any member of enemy cabal on my territory. Now, Daevryn, be a man and post my Gang rate, please. If it is more then 1.5, I will remove everything I wear and sacrifice it before your eyes. Also, I will accept any title or loss of any skill/spell.
I was complaining that they don't come when I was the ONLY ONE to defend against them, and they didn't show up even in pairs. I DIDN'T complain when forces were with me.

2) Over-the-top ganging of a different such character who made an attempt, followed by looting 100% of that character's items. Food, stuff no one wanted, everything.

Lies. I haven't touched more then two items of any enemy who dared to approach the Tree alone with me defending. Again, be a man, and post my Gang rate. As for now, you are liar in my eyes. I have NEVER full looted anyone. NEVER.

3) RP with other characters primarily involving what good gear other people had and how much we wanted it.

Examples, my dear. Examples. I asked Nei to shatter amulet not because I wanted it, but because it gave invoker too much of advantage in raiding/ re-raiding. Give me a name and a case of such RP on my part.

4) A mad dash (there's more here, but I don't really want to get into it) to loot the corpse of an out of range person who died to a bad teleport.

You were there, you saw the drill. I took two items from his corpse. TWO ITEMS. Gauntlets and periapt. Which was taken for very specific purpose (and yes, you know the purpose) and was given away to another char as soon as the task was completed. Am I lying here?

5) Killing mobs people in our cabal (at the very least, of this alignment) shouldn't be killing in the quest for gear. (This also is slightly complicated and I don't want to get into it in greater depth.)

I don't get it. First of all, we didn't kill that mob you are talking about. It attacked us, we fled as soon as we could, and blinded it. The mob was not DEAD. Can you understand it? And the most important, I am not goodie. Since when am I forbidden to kill anything I wish to?

So, Daevryn, I would appreciate the answers and the gang rate.

Oh, by the way, I posted the log on QHCF. Unedited, note it. But the name of the person who actually full looted the named mage. I HAVEN'T TOUCHED A SINGLE! ITEM IN HIS CORPSE.