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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectRE: It's a question of priorities
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=16191&mesg_id=16212
16212, RE: It's a question of priorities
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'm just saying that, in the past, we've asked people to get
>on this, and you see how that's gone. Not mentioning any
>names, but some ex-staff have volunteered for this job and not
>done great with it, and some swore they would do awesome
>things and then just sat on the job for years at a time.
>It's an important task, but finding people who want to do it,
>are able to do a good job, and then actually do it has been
>less trivial than you might think.

Muahahaha! Welcome to my world!! I have to have the pre-fired chat with an employee today, so I can appreciate the difficulty in finding the right man for the job. I volunteer to give feedback, as I have in the past, but I can't roll out a full fledged marketing campaign for CF - I just don't have the time. I don't even have time for my paying clients right now. My plan right now is to keep going with the posts, and hope that inspires someone to take up the charge - or at least it's a resource for a future marketing immortal in the future.

>I personally think Valg writes great copy for that kind of
>stuff, but hardly anyone else has had both the talent and the
>motivation (at least, for very long.)

The trick is the consistancy. Someone has to be managing press releases and marketing efforts with consistancy. Notice I'm not saying with "intensity" which I think has been the trend in the past. You get a YEAAAARGHH MARKETING CHAAAARGE!!! that fizzles out too soon to have an effectiveness. I would say that if one person could (for instance) every Sunday night resolve to send out the same press release to a list of 10 newspapers (the same ones every week) and take a glance out how PPC was performing, that would do wonders. The key to marketing is just drumming out that same Message again and again over time until people start buying.

(and CF doesn't even have to make them buy! that's the crazy thing! just come take something for FREE! it's a no brainer)