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Topic subjectCode Changes January 2007 (Part 2)
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16100, Code Changes January 2007 (Part 2)
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Code changes January 2007

*SZ* - Santa Zulg request from the Players
*BB* - Bug Board submission from the Players

General Changes
*SZ* - If you are vulnerable to a material type, you will see it as a flag in front of objects
*BB* - Rot death items in containers will correctly rot on death
*SZ* - Adding bows as an option for the Keep of the Righteous quest chain
*SZ* - Barter rates for items a shopkeeper isn't interested in have been slightly improved
*BB* - All items that return to a pit will now return in 3 dimensions

Race Specific Changes
*BB* - Fixing arial wear slots auto-removing in combat

Class Specific Changes
*BB* - You can no longer sleeping disarm a material that you are vulnerable to (dark-elf + mithril)

*BB* - Strip vs. Fist of the Titans will now properly start combat
- Cranial as an opening move is like blackjack. You cannot do it repeatedly, and it offers the victim protection against future cranials for a while.

*BB* - Lich and Mummy corpses cannot be embalmed

- Fixed all aggressive mass spells so they will actually aggro everything they hit

*BB* - Adding wear-off messages for whirling simoon

*BB* - Fixing kotegaeshi so crunchy actually works again with the dual-wield changes

*BB* - Color roomnames for familiars is fixed

Cabal Specific Changes
*BB* - vanish + bond only works if assassin is not ghost
*BB* - Nexus benefactor will correctly announce non-warrior/mages again

*BB* - Adding failure echoes for preservation

Orc Clan
*BB* - Tremblefist correctly announces attacks/cabal items again

*BB* - Affects are not put into abeyance if using bloodthirst as a ghost