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Forum Name Marketing CF
Topic subjectI think the Imm response is clear.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=56&topic_id=1&mesg_id=10
10, I think the Imm response is clear.
Posted by Adhelard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My thoughts are as follows:

1. The Imm response has largely been clear and defined: They recognize a need, they are interested in a solution. But no one has the background and/or experience to efficiently come up with a solution.

2. I am not sure you are seeing the response I just posted above. Every time you post, it almost reads as though it is the first time you posted - you identify problems but do not provide actionable solutions.

3. I think if you want to help, the way you should do so is to write up a clear action plan to implement whatever goals you are talking about. This plan can not be vaguely worded (up until this point I haven't seen you lay out an action plan). It must contain identifiable steps that can be delegated to others (and may well be implemented in its entirity by you). Include your email so that people interested in taking on clearly identified tasks can contact you.

4. I think at this point you should not tie "becoming an Immortal on CF" to "taking steps outlined in your action plan" - basically, marketing CF is not a path to Imm'ing on CF. It is a volunteer effort without extrinsic reward (other than continued CF). Like volunteer political groups.

Those are my suggestions.