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Topic subjectHunsobo logs 4.16.08
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828, Hunsobo logs 4.16.08
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just some random stuff.
851, Seriously...
Posted by Magus_Guest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your equipment is what made you "badassery."

The gauntlets, the pendants, the bracelet, the rings, along with imperial tactics, allowed to you merely sit back and bash/bash/bash. Which is lame/lame/lame.

Sorry, but your logs show just how much of an impact equipment (or preps for that matter) has against people without the uber stuff. Its not very impressive at all.
852, Actually, give 9 out of 10 players that set, and they wouldn't do as well.
Posted by DaBull on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know I wouldn't have.

Not to mention the fact that he got a pimp set 3 or 4 times (I remember fighting him when he had two HumanSunders before he was even Emperor) when most people would have deleted after the first full loot.

Is Twist's 380 more impressive than say Niheriva 150? Less? I believe they should be judged by the same standards, in that even with the changes aiding their numbers, the numbers themselves are better than 99% of the playerbase.

Not to mention how freaking hard it is to play an Imperial correctly and not get Anathema'd, especially for what, 800 hours?

Stop being bitter Magus.
853, RE: Actually, give 9 out of 10 players that set, and they wouldn't do as well.
Posted by Magus_Guest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Uh, if I had that set, I could replicate what Twist did to a degree. But then, I consider myself a fairly decent warrior player.

I say to a degree, because A) I might have gotten anathema'd after that long. My characters have a hard time lasting 2-300 hours, while most of them only go for about 120-150.

B) I probably would've gotten bored and ended up getting overconfident.
854, B happened to me more than once.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe the other logs bored you too much to see the logs where I get smoked by my own overconfidence, and the nice set doesn't do as much as you (or I) expect it to.

That said, I make no claim to greatness in any of these logs. I'm putting them out there because I logged them and some people (including myself) seem to enjoy the fact that I post them. If you do not like them, I encourage you to not read them.
855, RE: B happened to me more than once.
Posted by Magus_Guest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It wasn't a knock against you Twist. You're cool.

I must have missed the logs where you get smoked though.
856, Links enclosed (edited to add another link)
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Here's one thread:


The third post, titled "defending the orb and fetish" is one where my overconfidence (or whatever) get me smoked. The other 4 logs are the rest of that evening (stuff before death and after death).

Here's another:


This one has the death from my POV and Linaeren's. I like the two posts because it highlights just how much the "feign strength" edge did for me. I think it may have, at times, forced people to run/panic thinking I was still really healthy when I was half dead or worse.
850, w Izuhlzin vs. Xinrithil and Linaeren
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::1139 (97%)::100%::94%::27100::civilized::8 PM::: [EMPIRE] the Imperial Vanquisher: Intruder! Intruder! Linaeren is
raiding the Cabal!
People near you:
(PK) Xinrithil The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Linaeren The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Hunsobo The Imperial Throne Room

:::1139 (97%)::100%::94%::27100::civilized::8 PM::: g hide
You get the hide of the Ancient Black Dragon.

:::1139 (97%)::100%::94%::27100::civilized::8 PM::: The Chamber of the Council of Four

[Exits: north east south west up down]

:::1139 (97%)::100%::94%::27100::civilized::8 PM::: The End of the Hallway

[Exits: east south west up]

:::1139 (97%)::100%::94%::27100::civilized::8 PM::: scaPeople near you:
(PK) Xinrithil The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Linaeren The Gates of the Palace
(PK) Hunsobo The End of the Hallway

:::1139 (97%)::100%::94%::27100::civilized::8 PM::: scan s
dash s You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
Xinrithil is here.
A vicious wolverine brandishes deadly claws and razor-sharp fangs.
A huge tree has uprooted itself at the bidding of Linaeren.
(Translucent) Linaeren is here, fighting the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!
A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.

***** Range 3 *****
In the moonlight a lizard struggles against an iron chain around its neck.

:::1139 (97%)::100%::94%::27100::civilized::8 PM::: dash s k A Hallway

[Exits: north south]

:::1139 (97%)::100%::93%::27100::civilized::8 PM::: dash s k wilverine
The Gates of the Palace

[Exits: north south]
Xinrithil is here.
A vicious wolverine brandishes deadly claws and razor-sharp fangs.
A huge tree has uprooted itself at the bidding of Linaeren.
(Translucent) Linaeren is here.
The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!
A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'
They aren't here.

:::1139 (97%)::100%::93%::27100::civilized::8 PM:::
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'

:::1139 (97%)::100%::93%::27100::civilized::8 PM::: k
Someone tells you 'you ready soon?'

:::1139 (97%)::100%::93%::27100::civilized::8 PM::: k wolv

Linaeren continues to bleed from his wounds.
Linaeren's leaking blood pools upon the ground.
Linaeren's bleeding EVISCERATES him!

:::1147 (98%)::100%::98%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: A savage wolverine parries your acidic bite.
A savage wolverine has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1147 (98%)::100%::98%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: shove xin

The Treant's beating MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Treant's beating MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A savage wolverine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A savage wolverine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash MUTILATES the Treant!
A savage wolverine parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite *** DEVASTATES *** a savage wolverine!
A savage wolverine dodges your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a savage wolverine!
A savage wolverine dodges your acidic bite.
Your gloves seem to spring to life and swing your sword on their own.
You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Your flurry *** DEVASTATES *** a savage wolverine!
A savage wolverine partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry *** DEVASTATES *** a savage wolverine!
A savage wolverine partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry MANGLES a savage wolverine!
A savage wolverine is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::1147 (98%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Xinrithil thrusts his dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
Blood gushes out of your severed artery!
Xinrithil's deep gash decimates you!
A savage wolverine is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::1121 (96%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
You yell 'Die, Linaeren, you sorcerous dog!'
Linaeren narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Linaeren darts toward you with a sharp seed in his hand!
You howl in agony as Linaeren embeds a sharp seed in your chest!
Linaeren's thornheart injures you.
Linaeren parries your acidic bite.
A savage wolverine is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::1108 (95%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: You couldn't budge them.
Xinrithil yells 'Help! Hunsobo is trying to shove me into battle!'
You parry Xinrithil's stab.
You parry Xinrithil's stab.
You parry Xinrithil's pierce.
A savage wolverine is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::1108 (95%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
The Treant's beating MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A savage wolverine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A savage wolverine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
You dodge Xinrithil's stab.
You dodge Xinrithil's stab.
You parry Xinrithil's stab.
You parry Linaeren's cleave.
You parry Linaeren's cleave.
Linaeren spits a glob of slime aimed at your face!
You narrowly avoid being spat upon by Linaeren!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a savage wolverine!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a savage wolverine!
A savage wolverine parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a savage wolverine!
A savage wolverine is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1108 (95%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Xinrithil utters the words, 'insect swarm'.
A savage wolverine is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1108 (95%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: shove xin

The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'
A savage wolverine is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1108 (95%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Linaeren narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Linaeren conjures up a cloud of spores, but it harmlessly floats away.
A savage wolverine is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1108 (95%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: You couldn't budge them.
Xinrithil yells 'Help! Hunsobo is trying to shove me into battle!'
You parry Xinrithil's stab.
You parry Xinrithil's pierce.
You parry Xinrithil's pierce.
A savage wolverine is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1108 (95%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
The Treant's beating MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Treant's beating MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Treant's beating MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A savage wolverine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A savage wolverine's claw *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
You parry Xinrithil's stab.
Xinrithil's pierce wounds you.
You parry Xinrithil's pierce.
You remain safe as Linaeren's cleave bounces harmlessly off of a girth of lobster plates.
A savage wolverine dodges your acidic bite.
A savage wolverine dodges your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite *** DEVASTATES *** a savage wolverine!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a savage wolverine!
A savage wolverine is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::1089 (93%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
The Imperial Vanquisher moves to block Izuhlzin's path.
A savage wolverine is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::1089 (93%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Linaeren yells 'Die, Izuhlzin, you sorcerous dog!'
Izuhlzin utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Linaeren twitches helplessly as his body is stunned by pain.
Izuhlzin's neurological disruption DISTRESSES Linaeren!
A savage wolverine is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::1089 (93%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Xinrithil thrusts his dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
You yell 'Help! Xinrithil tried to slice my artery!'
Xinrithil's deep gash wounds you.
A savage wolverine is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::1071 (91%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
The Treant's beating MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Treant's beating MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
A savage wolverine's claw *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
You barely manage to turn Xinrithil's stab aside.
You parry Xinrithil's stab.
You parry Linaeren's cleave.
You parry Linaeren's cleave.
Izuhlzin's smash maims Linaeren!
Izuhlzin's girdle of serpents lashes out at Linaeren!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash mauls the Treant.
A savage wolverine parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite *** DEVASTATES *** a savage wolverine!
A savage wolverine is DEAD!!
You receive 216 experience points.
A savage wolverine's claws are ripped from his dead body.
The gods give you 24 copper coins for your sacrifice of the burnt corpse of a savage wolverine.

:::1071 (91%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: sig lin
You call upon the Codex and carve a Sigil of Pain onto Linaeren.
Your sigil of pain DISMEMBERS Linaeren!
Linaeren has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::1071 (91%)::84%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
The Treant's beating MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Treant's beating MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
You parry Xinrithil's stab.
You parry Xinrithil's pierce.
You parry Xinrithil's stab.
You parry Linaeren's cleave.
Izuhlzin's smash MUTILATES Linaeren!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash decimates the Treant!
Linaeren parries your acidic bite.
An acrid smell surrounds Linaeren as your acidic bite is blocked by a pair of steel-trimmed gauntlets.
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Linaeren!
Your acidic bite MASSACRES Linaeren!
Your acidic bite MANGLES Linaeren!
His feet aren't on the ground.
Linaeren is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1071 (91%)::84%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Izuhlzin utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Izuhlzin's neurological disruption flusters Linaeren!
Linaeren is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::1071 (91%)::84%::91%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: flur
You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Your flurry MANGLES Linaeren!
Your flurry MANGLES Linaeren!
Your flurry MASSACRES Linaeren!
Xinrithil partially evades your attack, but you still hit him.
Your flurry DISMEMBERS Xinrithil!
Linaeren is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::1071 (91%)::84%::84%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
The Treant's beating MANGLES the Imperial Vanquisher!
You parry Xinrithil's stab.
Xinrithil's pierce bounces harmlessly off of your stony hide.
You swat Xinrithil's pierce away from you.
You remain safe as Linaeren's cleave bounces harmlessly off of crimson dragon scale leggings.
You parry Linaeren's cleave.
Izuhlzin's smash EVISCERATES Linaeren!
Linaeren is DEAD!!
A crescent-bladed silver axe, flared like a waxing moon vaporizes, returning to its true owner.
Linaeren's fingers are sliced from his dead body.
The Treant slowly fades away.

:::1071 (91%)::84%::84%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: targ xin
#Ok. $target is now set to {xin}.

You feel less armored.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery devastates you!
You feel a tearing pain from within as the thorny plant's growth continues.
Your thornheart hits you.

:::1031 (88%)::85%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM:::
You parry Xinrithil's stab.
You parry Xinrithil's pierce.
Xinrithil's stab devastates you!
You parry Xinrithil's stab.
Xinrithil parries your acidic bite.
Xinrithil dodges your acidic bite.
Xinrithil dodges your acidic bite.
Xinrithil has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1000 (85%)::85%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM:::
Xinrithil yells 'Die, Izuhlzin, you sorcerous dog!'
Izuhlzin utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Izuhlzin's neurological disruption scares Xinrithil.
Xinrithil has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1000 (85%)::85%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM:::
As Nrechau leans down to take something from the corpse, Izuhlzin kicks him backwards.
Xinrithil has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1000 (85%)::85%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM:::
You dodge Xinrithil's stab.
You parry Xinrithil's pierce.
Xinrithil's stab decimates you!
Xinrithil's stab devastates you!
You parry Xinrithil's stab.
Xinrithil parries your acidic bite.
Xinrithil dodges your acidic bite and closes in for a concealed attack!
Xinrithil's stab devastates you!
Xinrithil dodges your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite misses Xinrithil.
Seizing upon a flaw in Xinrithil's tactics, you try to disarm him.
You disarm Xinrithil!
Xinrithil has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::912 (78%)::85%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM:::
You parry Xinrithil's punch.
You parry Xinrithil's pierce.
You parry Xinrithil's pierce.
You parry Xinrithil's punch.
Xinrithil shudders with pain as the ghostly image of a pure white jaguar rips itself from his body and leaps towards you,
claws seeking blood!
Xinrithil's ghostly jaguar MUTILATES him!
Xinrithil's ghostly jaguar *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Xinrithil dodges your acidic bite.
Xinrithil dodges your acidic bite.
Xinrithil parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite MASSACRES Xinrithil!
Xinrithil has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::788 (67%)::85%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM:::
Nrechau steps out of the shadows.
You get in one more shot on Xinrithil as he flees.
Your parting blow MASSACRES Xinrithil!
Xinrithil has fled!

:::788 (67%)::85%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: s
They aren't here.

:::788 (67%)::85%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: Before the Imperial Palace

[Exits: north east south west]
A large pool of fresh blood has been trampled somewhat by the passage of many feet.
(Translucent) Izuhlzin is here, fighting Xinrithil.
Xinrithil is here, fighting Izuhlzin.
In the moonlight a lizard struggles against an iron chain around its neck.
Izuhlzin's smash EVISCERATES Xinrithil!

:::788 (67%)::85%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM:::
Xinrithil has fled!
The Avenue of Conquest

[Exits: north east south]

:::788 (67%)::85%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: kt
They aren't here.

:::788 (67%)::85%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Xinrithil Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Izuhlzin Before the Imperial Palace
(PK) Hunsobo The Avenue of Conquest

:::788 (67%)::85%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: They aren't here.

:::788 (67%)::85%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: Xinrithil yells 'Die, Hunsobo, you sorcerous dog!'
You call upon the Codex and carve a Sigil of Pain onto Xinrithil.
Your sigil of pain DISMEMBERS Xinrithil!
Xinrithil is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::788 (67%)::69%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: kt

You parry Xinrithil's stab.
Xinrithil's pierce mauls you.
You parry Xinrithil's pierce.
You parry Xinrithil's stab.
Xinrithil dodges your acidic bite and closes in for a concealed attack!
Xinrithil's stab decimates you!
Xinrithil parries your acidic bite and retaliates with lightning quickness!
Xinrithil's stab decimates you!
Turning aside your acidic bite, Xinrithil slips a nimble strike beneath your guard!
Xinrithil's stab devastates you!
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Xinrithil is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::726 (62%)::69%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM:::
You get in one more shot on Xinrithil as he flees.
Your parting blow MASSACRES Xinrithil!
Xinrithil has fled!

:::726 (62%)::69%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: s
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
(Translucent) Izuhlzin is here.
In the moonlight a lizard struggles against an iron chain around its neck.

***** Range 2 *****
The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!
A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.

You scan south.
***** Range 3 *****
Xinrithil is here.

You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

:::726 (62%)::69%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: wheThey aren't here.

:::726 (62%)::69%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: where
The Avenue of Conquest

[Exits: north east south]

:::726 (62%)::69%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Xinrithil The Avenue of Conquest
(PK) Izuhlzin The Avenue of Conquest
(PK) Hunsobo The Avenue of Conquest

:::726 (62%)::69%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: The Imperial Square

[Exits: north east south west]
Water flows from a beautifully carved onyx fountain.

:::726 (62%)::69%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: The Avenue of Conquest

[Exits: north east south]

:::726 (62%)::69%::85%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: The Avenue of Conquest

[Exits: north south]

:::726 (62%)::69%::84%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: The Avenue of Conquest

[Exits: north east south west]

:::726 (62%)::69%::84%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: An Archway Entering the Imperial City

[Exits: north south]

:::726 (62%)::69%::84%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: af
The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

:::726 (62%)::69%::84%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: north east south]

:::726 (62%)::69%::84%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

:::726 (62%)::69%::84%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: A Bend in the Imperial Road

[Exits: north east]
Xinrithil is here.

:::726 (62%)::69%::84%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::726 (62%)::69%::84%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::726 (62%)::69%::84%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Xinrithil A Bend in the Imperial Road
(PK) Izuhlzin A Bend in the Imperial Road
(PK) Hunsobo A Bend in the Imperial Road

:::726 (62%)::69%::84%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: You are affected by:
Physical effect: 'thornheart' modifies dexterity by -4 for 49 hours.
Physical effect: 'thornheart' modifies strength by -4 for 49 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 43 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 43 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 23 hours.
Skill: 'tendonslash' modifies dexterity by -8 for 8 hours.
Skill: 'watershield' for 8 hours.
Skill: 'watershield' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'stone skin' modifies armor class by -40 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies hit roll by 10 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies dexterity by 5 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'artery' modifies strength by -8 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'shield' modifies armor class by -30 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 5 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies hit roll by -4 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies dexterity by -4 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'hurl' modifies strength by -4 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'protection from good' for 0 hours.

:::726 (62%)::69%::84%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::726 (62%)::69%::84%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: east south west]
(Translucent) Izuhlzin is here.

:::726 (62%)::69%::84%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: bt
The Imperial Road

[Exits: east west]
(Translucent) Izuhlzin is here.

:::726 (62%)::69%::83%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: bt
A Bend in the Imperial Road

[Exits: south west]
(Translucent) Izuhlzin is here.
Xinrithil is here.

:::726 (62%)::69%::83%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: Xinrithil yells 'Die, Izuhlzin, you sorcerous dog!'
Izuhlzin utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Izuhlzin's neurological disruption flusters Xinrithil!

:::726 (62%)::69%::83%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: As you draw near, Xinrithil sneaks in a concealed attack!
Xinrithil's stab devastates you!
You fall flat on your face!
Your bash misses Xinrithil.
Xinrithil yells 'Help! Hunsobo is bashing me!'
Xinrithil is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::696 (59%)::69%::83%::27100::civilized::10 PM:::
Xinrithil's stab EVISCERATES Izuhlzin!
Xinrithil parries your acidic bite and retaliates with lightning quickness!
Xinrithil's stab devastates you!
Xinrithil dodges your acidic bite.
Xinrithil dodges your acidic bite.
Xinrithil parries your acidic bite and retaliates with lightning quickness!
Xinrithil's stab mauls you.
Xinrithil parries your acidic bite and retaliates with lightning quickness!
Xinrithil's stab decimates you!
Xinrithil is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::617 (52%)::69%::83%::27100::civilized::10 PM:::
Xinrithil continues to bleed from his wounds.
Xinrithil's bleeding DISMEMBERS him!
Xinrithil's thirst injures him.
You feel less protected from good.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding wounds you.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery devastates you!
You feel a tearing pain from within as the thorny plant's growth continues.
Your thornheart hits you.
Xinrithil is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::558 (47%)::70%::85%::27100::civilized::11 PM:::
Xinrithil's pierce DISMEMBERS Izuhlzin!
Xinrithil's stab EVISCERATES Izuhlzin!
Xinrithil dodges your acidic bite and closes in for a concealed attack!
Xinrithil's stab maims you!
Xinrithil dodges your acidic bite.
Xinrithil dodges your acidic bite.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Xinrithil is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::577 (49%)::70%::85%::27100::civilized::11 PM:::
Izuhlzin utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Izuhlzin's neurological disruption alarms Xinrithil!
Xinrithil has fled!

:::577 (49%)::70%::85%::27100::civilized::11 PM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::577 (49%)::70%::85%::27100::civilized::11 PM::: They aren't here.

:::577 (49%)::70%::85%::27100::civilized::11 PM::: They aren't here.

:::577 (49%)::70%::85%::27100::civilized::11 PM::: You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

:::577 (49%)::70%::85%::27100::civilized::11 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Xinrithil The Imperial Road
(PK) Izuhlzin A Bend in the Imperial Road
(PK) Hunsobo A Bend in the Imperial Road

849, Xilia (Sifaka Lemur)
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: targ lem
Waserax leaves north.
[EMPIRE] an Imperial Centurion: Help! a sifaka lemur is attacking me at Entrance to the Village of Balator!

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: targ lemur
#Ok. $target is now set to {lemur}.
People near you:
A hidden figure On the Main Path Through the Village
(PK) Zarilia On the Main Path Through the Village
(PK) Hunsobo On the Main Path Through the Village
(PK) Waserax On the Main Path through the Village
(PK) a sifaka lemur Entrance to the Village of Balator
Garg On the Main Path Through the Village

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: bOn the Main Path Through the Village

[Exits: north east south west]
Garg is here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: bOn the Main Path through the Village

[Exits: north east south west]
An arial warrior student dives and strikes.
A storm giant warrior student spars with another student here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: bt
bThey aren't here.

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: bt
Entrance to the Village of Balator

[Exits: north south west]
(Black Aura) Waserax is here.
(Pink Aura) a sifaka lemur is here, fighting an Imperial Centurion.
(Black Aura) A Centurion stands here collecting the tithe for the Empire.
(Black Aura) A Centurion stands here collecting the tithe for the Empire.
A sifaka lemur has fled!

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
A sifaka lemur squeals somewhere nearby.
A sifaka lemur dodges your bash.
A sifaka lemur has fled!
A sifaka lemur is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
A sifaka lemur has fled!
A sifaka lemur is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
Waserax looks at a sifaka lemur.
A sifaka lemur is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
A sifaka lemur has fled!
A sifaka lemur is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: flur

A sifaka lemur has fled!
A sifaka lemur is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
Zarilia's smash MASSACRES a sifaka lemur!
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
A sifaka lemur's bite grazes an Imperial Centurion.
A sifaka lemur is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
A sifaka lemur has fled!
A sifaka lemur is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
A sifaka lemur has fled!
A sifaka lemur turns away from the roadblock and heads back the way she came.
A sifaka lemur leaves south.

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
Waserax leaves north.

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: s
But you aren't fighting anyone!

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: wherThe centurion steps aside for you.
The centurion steps aside for you.
On the Main Path through the Village

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) A sifaka lemur dances around the heights here.
An arial warrior student dives and strikes.
A storm giant warrior student spars with another student here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A sifaka lemur leaps high into the air and is gone.

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: where
btPeople near you:
A hidden figure On the Main Path Through the Village
(PK) Zarilia On the Main Path through the Village
(PK) Hunsobo On the Main Path through the Village
(PK) a sifaka lemur On the Main Path Through the Village
Garg On the Main Path Through the Village

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: People near you:
A hidden figure On the Main Path Through the Village
(PK) Zarilia On the Main Path through the Village
(PK) Hunsobo On the Main Path through the Village
(PK) a sifaka lemur On the Main Path Through the Village
Garg On the Main Path Through the Village

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: On the Main Path Through the Village

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) A sifaka lemur dances around the heights here.
(Hide) Aguar is here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: bt
On the Main Path Through the Village

[Exits: north east south west]
A villager passes by on their way about town.

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: On the Main Path Through the Village

[Exits: north east south west]
A pair of leggings is here.
Garg is here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: On the Main Path Through the Village

[Exits: north east south west]

:::1165 (100%)::86%::99%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: bt
btOn the Main Path Through the Village

[Exits: north east south west]
A dwarven warrior student grumbles words of hatred for magic.

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: btThey aren't here.

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: On the Main Path Through the Village

[Exits: north east south west]

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: On the Main Path Through the Village

[Exits: north east south west]
A pair of leggings is here.
Garg is here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: They aren't here.

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: On the Main Path Through the Village

[Exits: north east south west]
(Pink Aura) A sifaka lemur dances around the heights here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: You slam into a sifaka lemur, and send her flying!
Your bash MUTILATES a sifaka lemur!
A sifaka lemur squeals somewhere nearby.
A sifaka lemur is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
Seizing upon a flaw in a sifaka lemur's tactics, you trip her and she goes down!
Your trip scratches a sifaka lemur.
You parry a sifaka lemur's bite.
A sifaka lemur's bite is unable to penetrate a pair of strange bracers.
You parry a sifaka lemur's bite and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a sifaka lemur!
A sifaka lemur is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
Waserax has arrived.
A sifaka lemur is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
Waserax leaves south.
A sifaka lemur is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
You parry a sifaka lemur's bite.
A sifaka lemur is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: jab

A sifaka lemur squeals somewhere nearby.
Zarilia tries to call a cabal power onto a sifaka lemur but a sifaka lemur is no longer there.

A sifaka lemur is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: Your jab is blocked by a sifaka lemur's defenses.
Your thrust misses a sifaka lemur.
A sifaka lemur is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
A sifaka lemur dodges your acidic bite.
You parry a sifaka lemur's bite and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite *** DEVASTATES *** a sifaka lemur!
A sifaka lemur is DEAD!!
A sifaka lemur's hindpaws are sliced from her dead body.

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
Waserax has arrived.

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: exam corpse

Garg has arrived.

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: gt de
Waserax snorts.

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: gt deadThe corpse of a sifaka lemur is here, riddled with small pits and
The burnt corpse of a sifaka lemur contains:
(Glowing) a halo of clarity
(Glowing) a pearl-encrusted dagger
a knapsack made of woven platinum
(Glowing) a banded ring
torso from the snow worm
a pair of hobnailed boots
gleaming moonstone-studded leather leggings
a pair of black iron gauntlets
a tigerseye pendant
a large green tunic
a skin from the snow leopard
a copper bracer
a wide bronze belt
a bracelet of chained star rubies
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
a silver ring enamelled with a black rose
a black pearl-encrusted mirror
the pouch of nourishment
a glass decanter

:::1165 (100%)::87%::99%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: gt deaded
You tell your group 'deaded'

846, retrieval/raid at Fortress
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::1216 (100%)::85%::79%::27100::wilderness::12 AM::: dash n vit niher
Standing Before the Fortress of Light

[Exits: north south]
The corpse of Waserax is here, badly sliced and hacked.
(White Aura) Siilthlyzrin is here.
Nrechau is here, fighting Hargrumm.
(Swirling Air) (White Aura) Niela is here.
(White Aura) Niheriva is here.
(WANTED) Hargrumm is here, fighting Nrechau.
(Purple Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
(Purple Aura) A huge figure in deep gray armor guards the gate.
You escape the quicksand here by flying over it.
Waserax has arrived.
Waserax escapes the quicksand here by flying over it.
Your blow misses hitting any vital areas.
Your blow to a vital area misses Niheriva.
Niheriva yells 'Help! Hunsobo punched me!'
Niheriva is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::78%::27100::civilized::12 AM:::
Siilthlyzrin closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Nrechau.
Nrechau is surrounded by a white aura.
Niheriva is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::78%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: s
Hargrumm executes a controlled overhead attack with his polearm.
Hargrumm's chop decimates Nrechau!
You are hungry.
Niheriva is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: stu
Drovis tells you 'mage then hunsobo'
Niheriva is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: stun

Niela utters the words, 'aufgpuzre'.
A slight breeze seems to center on Hargrumm.
Niheriva is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Using his shield, Niheriva turns your punch aside.
Your punch wounds Niheriva.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Niheriva absorbs the force of your punch with the helm of brilliance.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Niheriva's slash.
You parry Niheriva's slash.
You parry Niela's punch.
Niheriva has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
You get in one more shot on Niheriva as he flees.
Your parting blow wounds Niheriva.
Niheriva has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: You land a stunning blow on Niheriva!

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Siilthlyzrin looks at Nrechau.
Nrechau grabs hold of Hargrumm's wrist and twists it violently!
With a sickening crunch, Nrechau applies kotegaeshi to Hargrumm's wrist!
With his broken wrist, Hargrumm can no longer hold onto a hefty steel halberd.
Nrechau's kotegaeshi EVISCERATES Hargrumm!

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Niheriva yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niheriva's direction.

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: vit ni
Nrechau's poisonous bite decimates Hargrumm!
Nrechau's claw MUTILATES Hargrumm!
Nrechau's poisonous bite wounds Hargrumm.

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: vit niel

Waserax yells 'Die, Niela, you sorcerous dog!'
Niela utters the words, 'szbbrz ha bajroculof'.
Niela tosses a small pebble at Waserax.
In mid-air the pebble transforms into a huge boulder!
The huge boulder narrowly misses Waserax.
Waserax injures Niela.

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Hargrumm has fled!
Hargrumm leaves south.

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Niheriva yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niheriva's direction.
Waserax's voice of condemnation hits Niheriva.

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: bas niel

Waserax's cleave injures Niela.
Your punch injures Niela.
Your punch hits Niela.
Niela absorbs the force of your punch with some armguards formed of a dragon turtle shell.
Your punch hits Niela.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Niela's punch.
You parry Niela's punch.
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Niheriva closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Niheriva disappears.
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: You weaken Niela with a blow to a vital area.
Your blow to a vital area grazes Niela.
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Nrechau leaves south.
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Waserax's cleave injures Niela.
Waserax's cleave injures Niela.
You parry Niela's punch.
You parry Niela's punch.
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niela's direction.
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Nrechau has arrived.
The gods protect Nrechau from the quicksand.
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: stun
Charging forward, you hit Niela with enough force to send her
sailing through the air!
Your bash grazes Niela.
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Nrechau leaves south.
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Your punch injures Niela.
Your punch injures Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Waserax's cleave injures Niela.
You parry Niela's punch.
You parry Niela's punch.
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: b
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niela's direction.
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: bas

Siilthlyzrin looks at Niela.
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Your punch wounds Niela.
Your punch injures Niela.
Your punch wounds Niela.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Waserax's cleave wounds Niela.
Waserax's cleave injures Niela.
You parry Niela's punch.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niela's direction.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: You try to land a stunning blow on Niela but miss.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: bas

Your punch wounds Niela.
Your punch decimates Niela!
Niela absorbs the force of your punch with a set of arborian leggings.
Your punch wounds Niela.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Waserax's cleave decimates Niela!
Waserax's cleave mauls Niela.
Niela's punch scratches you.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1212 (99%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niela's direction.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1212 (99%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Niela utters the words, 'szbbrz ha bajroculof'.
Niela tosses a small pebble at Waserax.
In mid-air the pebble transforms into a huge boulder!
The huge boulder narrowly misses Waserax.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1212 (99%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Your punch devastates Niela!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Niela's punch.
You parry Niela's punch.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::1212 (99%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Siilthlyzrin looks at Niela.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::1212 (99%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niela's direction.
Waserax's voice of condemnation injures Niela.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::1212 (99%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: Leading with your shoulder, you slam into Niela and send her flying!
Your bash hits Niela.
Niela is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::1212 (99%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Your punch MUTILATES Niela!
Your punch DISMEMBERS Niela!
Your punch maims Niela!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Waserax's cleave MUTILATES Niela!
Waserax's cleave MUTILATES Niela!
You parry Niela's punch.
You parry Niela's punch.
Niela is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1212 (99%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: bas

Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niela's direction.
Waserax's voice of condemnation injures Niela.
Niela is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1212 (99%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Your punch devastates Niela!
Your punch misses Niela.
Your punch maims Niela!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Waserax's cleave MUTILATES Niela!
Waserax's cleave EVISCERATES Niela!
You parry Niela's punch.
You parry Niela's punch.
Niela's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Niela's dispel evil mauls you.
Niela is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::1194 (98%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Nrechau has arrived.
The gods protect Nrechau from the quicksand.
Niela is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::1194 (98%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: bas

Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niela's direction.
Waserax calls forth the demons of Hell upon Niela!
Waserax's torments MANGLES Niela!
Niela is DEAD!!
Niela looks strangely pained as her amulet stops glowing.

:::1194 (98%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: But you aren't fighting anyone!

:::1194 (98%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: But you aren't fighting anyone!

:::1194 (98%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: huBut you aren't fighting anyone!
Nrechau's poisonous bite devastates a Maran Tara'bal!

:::1194 (98%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: hum
wheYou wield a long sword named 'HumanSunder'.
A long sword named 'HumanSunder' feels like a part of you!

:::1194 (98%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: where
You dual wield a long sword named 'HumanSunder'.
A long sword named 'HumanSunder' feels like a part of you!
Nrechau grabs hold of a Maran Tara'bal's wrist and twists it violently!
Nrechau's kotegaeshi MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!

:::1194 (98%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: k oPeople near you:
(PK) Hunsobo Standing Before the Fortress of Light
(PK) Waserax Standing Before the Fortress of Light
Siilthlyzrin Standing Before the Fortress of Light
Nrechau Standing Before the Fortress of Light

:::1194 (98%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: k outer
Your acidic bite DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::1194 (98%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Waserax gets a mantle of earth from the corpse of Niela.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::1194 (98%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a Maran Tara'bal!
Your acidic bite MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Nrechau's poisonous bite maims a Maran Tara'bal!
Nrechau's claw decimates a Maran Tara'bal!
Nrechau's claw DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: exam corpse
t niheThe withered, pale remains of Niela's corpse are here.
The corpse of Niela contains:
a large saddle bag
(Glowing) a set of arborian leggings
the Seantryn Battle Helm
a pair of black steel gauntlets
some armguards formed of a dragon turtle shell
a dragon boat
(Invis) (Humming) the staff of fire
firewalker boots
a lovely dress of pristine white satin
the belt of life
a sleek sienna rod
( 2) a sleek black rod
( 2) a thin silver bracelet
(Glowing) a necklace of prayer beads
a ring of stamina
an ivory amulet shaped like a troll
(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) the ring of fortitude
a monk's robe
a cloak made from the pelt of a displacer beast
a thick strip of cured demon hide, pierced with onyx shards
( 3) a potion of transportation
a dull wand crafted of lead
(Glowing) a lions head mask
(Glowing) (Humming) the helm of freedom
38 gold coins
1362 silver coins
234 copper coins
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: t niher to
Your acidic bite MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** a Maran Tara'bal!
A Maran Tara'bal dodges your acidic bite.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
A Maran Tara'bal's searing light injures Nrechau.
A Maran Tara'bal's kicked dirt misses Nrechau.
Nrechau's poisonous bite MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
A Maran Tara'bal is poisoned as Nrechau lands a blow with an envenomed dagger.
A Maran Tara'bal looks very ill.
Nrechau's claw maims a Maran Tara'bal!
Nrechau's poisonous bite maims a Maran Tara'bal!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: g
A Maran Tara'bal says 'Protect the light my brother.'
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1216 (100%)::85%::81%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: g all.coin
You yell 'Die, Niheriva, you sorcerous dog!'
Niheriva narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Niheriva raises his hands to the heavens calling forth the light!
You are seared by the light of the heavens!
Niheriva's light of heaven maims you!
The magic of your fly spell unravels.
You are hungry.
A Maran Tara'bal shivers and suffers.
A Maran Tara'bal's poison decimates it!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1182 (97%)::86%::83%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: g all.coins
Siilthlyzrin says with arrogant articulation 'My staff.'
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1182 (97%)::86%::83%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: g all.coins corpse
You get 38 gold coins from the corpse of Niela.
You split 38 gold coins. Your share is 19 gold coins.
You get 1362 silver coins from the corpse of Niela.
You split 1362 silver coins. Your share is 681 silver coins.
You get 234 copper coins from the corpse of Niela.
You split 234 copper coins. Your share is 117 copper coins.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1182 (97%)::86%::83%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: h
Your acidic bite MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Niheriva's slash.
You parry Niheriva's slash and return an attack of your own.
Niheriva is unaffected by your acidic bite!
You parry Niheriva's slash.
Nrechau's poisonous bite EVISCERATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Nrechau's claw DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1182 (97%)::86%::83%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: h niher
You start aiming at Niheriva.
Niheriva has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1182 (97%)::86%::83%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: fi
Nrechau gets a lions head mask from the corpse of Niela.
Niheriva has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1182 (97%)::86%::83%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: fist

Niheriva yells 'Die, Waserax, you sorcerous dog!'
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niheriva's direction.
Niheriva has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1182 (97%)::86%::83%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: stuYou stop using a long sword named 'HumanSunder'.
Izuhlzin pops back into existence.
Niheriva has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1182 (97%)::86%::83%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: stunYou stop using a long sword named 'HumanSunder'.
Niheriva has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1182 (97%)::86%::83%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: stun
You try to land a stunning blow on Niheriva but miss.
Niheriva has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1182 (97%)::86%::83%::27100::civilized::2 AM:::
Niheriva deflects your punch with his shield.
Niheriva deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch misses Niheriva.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Niheriva's slash.
Nrechau's poisonous bite MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Niheriva has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1182 (97%)::86%::83%::27100::civilized::2 AM:::
Nrechau fails to execute a joint lock on a Maran Tara'bal.
Nrechau's kotegaeshi misses a Maran Tara'bal.
Niheriva has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1182 (97%)::86%::83%::27100::civilized::2 AM:::
You get in one more shot on Niheriva as he flees.
Your parting blow injures Niheriva.
Niheriva has fled!

*** We retrieve and decide to try for the Orb ***

The Altar Room

[Exits: east south west]
A clear glass decanter with a slim stopper lies here upright.
A small skeleton key lies here collecting dust.
A raft has been left here.
A white marble altar surrounded with a brilliant holy radiance is here.
Chests have been placed about for spare equipment and donations.
A massive Maran Tara'bal is here, watching.
(White Aura) A large man stands here, dressed in the robes of an Acolyte.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
Waserax has arrived.
Waserax yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'
Siilthlyzrin yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'
The Watcher MUTILATES Siilthlyzrin!
You don't know any cabal powers of that name.
The Watcher is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::1216 (100%)::65%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: sig
The Ancient Knight closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Watcher.
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite misses the Watcher.
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Waserax's cleave MANGLES the Watcher!
Siilthlyzrin's crush injures the Watcher.
Siilthlyzrin's crush mauls the Watcher.
An amulet set with a throbbing bloodstone pulses with ruddy crimson light near Siilthlyzrin's heart.
Siilthlyzrin's soul drain injures the Watcher.
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
The Watcher narrows its eyes and glares in your direction.
The Watcher's heavenly wrath maims you!
The Watcher has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1181 (97%)::65%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: sig
Siilthlyzrin has fled!
Someone tells you 'some outlander returned the rest of her armors, hwoever'
Niela has arrived.
The Watcher has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1181 (97%)::65%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
You yell 'Die, Niheriva, you sorcerous dog!'
Niheriva narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Niheriva raises his hands to the heavens calling forth the light!
You are seared by the light of the heavens!
Niheriva's light of heaven MUTILATES you!
The magic of your watershield spell unravels.
The magic of your sanctuary spell unravels.
The Watcher has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1144 (94%)::65%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in the Watcher's direction.
Pinpoints of light envelop the Watcher, revealing its presence to all!
The Watcher has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1144 (94%)::65%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: h niher
You start aiming at Niheriva.
Niheriva parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite misses Niheriva.
Niheriva parries your acidic bite.
With impossible speed, Niheriva avoids your acidic bite and counterattacks you.
Niheriva's slash EVISCERATES you!
Niheriva deflects your acidic bite with his shield.
Waserax's cleave DISMEMBERS the Watcher!
You parry Niheriva's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite MUTILATES Niheriva!
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
The Watcher narrows its eyes and glares in your direction.
The Watcher raises its hands to the heavens calling forth the light!
You are seared by the light of the heavens!
The Watcher's light of heaven === OBLITERATES === you!
Niheriva has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::899 (73%)::65%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: The Hall of Light

[Exits: west]
A strange bottle beckons you to have a drink.
You flee from combat!

:::899 (73%)::65%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Niheriva yells 'Die, Waserax, you sorcerous dog!'

:::899 (73%)::65%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: af
You are affected by:
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 8 for 35 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 10 for 32 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 28 hours.
Skill: 'protection from good' for 14 hours.
Skill: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for -1 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 9 for 8 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -15 for 8 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies constitution by 5 for 19 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies hp by 51 for 19 hours.

:::899 (73%)::65%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: w
The Altar Room

[Exits: east south west]
A clear glass decanter with a slim stopper lies here upright.
A small skeleton key lies here collecting dust.
A raft has been left here.
A white marble altar surrounded with a brilliant holy radiance is here.
Chests have been placed about for spare equipment and donations.
(Ghost) Niela is here.
(White Aura) Niheriva is here.
(White Aura) Waserax is here, fighting the Watcher.
(Pink Aura) A massive Maran Tara'bal is here, watching.
(White Aura) A large man stands here, dressed in the robes of an Acolyte.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
The Watcher has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::899 (73%)::65%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: sig niher
Niheriva yells 'Die, Hunsobo, you sorcerous dog!'
You call upon the Codex and carve a Sigil of Pain onto Niheriva.
Your sigil of pain injures Niheriva.
The Watcher has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::899 (73%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Niheriva yells 'Die, Waserax, you sorcerous dog!'
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niheriva's direction.
The Watcher has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::899 (73%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Your acidic bite MASSACRES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
You wrap flames around the Watcher, charring its exposed flesh!
Your pillar of fire TORCHES the Watcher!
Waserax's cleave MASSACRES the Watcher!
You parry Niheriva's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite MUTILATES Niheriva!
You parry Niheriva's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite MUTILATES Niheriva!
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
The Watcher narrows its eyes and glares in Waserax's direction.
The Watcher's heavenly wrath EVISCERATES Waserax!
The Watcher has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::899 (73%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: l niher
bas niher
An ascetic-looking elf about six feet tall, with high cheekbones and
delicately pointed ears, is here. Long, loose hair is held back with a
simple leather strand, and it flows in reddish-brown waves across the
battle dress that is simple, well-kept, and deadly serious. Strapped to
one arm is a shield, and sheathed on a grey belt are the weapons of the
templar orders. His bright green eyes are fierce, flashing out from under
the arching brows that echo the color of the hair on his head. The slender
but muscular limbs, the strong, pointed chin, the silent and steady tred: the
hallmarks of the high elves of Thera are all present in this warlike figure,
as he strides with the air of commanding purpose and surety of will.
The violence of his dress and the seriousness of his demenour are tempered
slightly by the easy smile that lights his face for a moment.
Niheriva, a male elf, has some small but disgusting cuts.

Niheriva is using:
<worn on finger> a ring set with a single sapphire
<worn on finger> a ring set with a single sapphire
<worn around neck> an ivory amulet shaped like a troll
<worn around neck> a wooden hummingbird pendant
<worn on body> (Humming) the Scales of the Crimson Dragon
<worn on head> (Glowing) the helm of brilliance
<worn on legs> (Glowing) a pair of gleaming diamond leg guards
<worn on feet> boots of speed
<worn on hands> (Humming) the blademaster's gloves
<worn on arms> (Glowing) a pair of gleaming diamond arm bands
<worn about body> a cloak of displacement
<worn about waist> the girdle of endless space
<worn around wrist> (Humming) a bracelet of woven gold
<worn around wrist> (Humming) a bracelet of woven gold
<mainhand wielded> the Phoenix Blade, 'Darkbane'
<worn as shield> (Glowing) a shield of pure light
<tattooed> a black jaguar with glowing white eyes
Niheriva narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
You feel unclean.
Niheriva's heavenly wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
The Watcher has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::770 (63%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: Charging forward, you hit Niheriva with enough force to send him
sailing through the air!
Your bash grazes Niheriva.
The Watcher has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::770 (63%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your opponent is not wielding a weapon.
Waserax's cleave misses the Watcher.
You parry Niheriva's slash.
The Watcher's searing light DISMEMBERS you!
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::713 (58%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Niheriva yells 'Die, Waserax, you sorcerous dog!'
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niheriva's direction.
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::713 (58%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: drive e

Nrechau has arrived.
Nrechau yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'
The Watcher MUTILATES Nrechau!
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::713 (58%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
The Watcher dodges your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Waserax's cleave DISMEMBERS the Watcher!
You parry Niheriva's slash.
You parry Niheriva's slash.
You parry Niheriva's slash.
Niheriva executes the form The River Undercuts the Bank!
You remain safe as Niheriva's slash bounces harmlessly off of a pair of strange bracers.
Nrechau's poisonous bite devastates the Watcher!
Nrechau's claw EVISCERATES the Watcher!
Nrechau's claw misses the Watcher.
Nrechau's poisonous bite EVISCERATES the Watcher!
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
The Watcher narrows its eyes and glares in your direction.
The Watcher's heavenly wrath MASSACRES you!
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::641 (52%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Niheriva yells 'Die, Waserax, you sorcerous dog!'
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niheriva's direction.
A small halo of light appears behind Niheriva as Waserax's supplication fails to affect him.

The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::641 (52%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: You failed to drive the Watcher.
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your opponent is not wielding a weapon.
You wrap flames around the Watcher, charring its exposed flesh!
The Watcher's skin chars and splits under the intense heat!
Your pillar of fire *** SCORCHES *** the Watcher!
Waserax's cleave DISMEMBERS the Watcher!
You parry Niheriva's slash.
You parry Niheriva's slash.
You dodge Niheriva's slash.
Nrechau's claw EVISCERATES the Watcher!
The Watcher's searing light decimates Nrechau!
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
The Watcher's holy light DISMEMBERS Nrechau!
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::641 (52%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Niheriva yells 'Die, Waserax, you sorcerous dog!'
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niheriva's direction.
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::641 (52%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Nrechau has fled!
Nrechau leaves east.
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::641 (52%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Waserax's cleave MASSACRES the Watcher!
Waserax's cleave MASSACRES the Watcher!
You dodge Niheriva's slash.
You parry Niheriva's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite EVISCERATES Niheriva!
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
The Watcher's searing light MUTILATES Waserax!
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::641 (52%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Niheriva yells 'Die, Waserax, you sorcerous dog!'
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niheriva's direction.
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::641 (52%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Nrechau has arrived.
Nrechau yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'
The Watcher maims Nrechau!
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::641 (52%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Nrechau has fled!
Nrechau leaves east.
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::641 (52%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Niheriva narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Niheriva's heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS you!
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::578 (47%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite misses the Watcher.
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your gloves seem to spring to life and swing your sword on their own.
You try to strike the same spot with both your swords.
Your thrust *** DEVASTATES *** the Watcher!
Your thrust *** DEVASTATES *** the Watcher!
Waserax's cleave DISMEMBERS the Watcher!
You parry Niheriva's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite MUTILATES Niheriva!
You parry Niheriva's slash.
You parry the Watcher's searing light and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
The Watcher narrows its eyes and glares in Waserax's direction.
Waserax slumps visibly as the vigor seems to flee his body.
The Watcher's fatigue alarms Waserax!
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::578 (47%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: The Grand Temple

[Exits: north south]
Izuhlzin is here.
(White Aura) Siilthlyzrin is here.
You flee from combat!
Izuhlzin scans north.

:::578 (47%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: af
You are affected by:
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 8 for 35 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 10 for 32 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 28 hours.
Commune: 'wrath' modifies save vs spell by 13 for 18 hours.
Commune: 'wrath' modifies hit roll by -6 for 18 hours.
Skill: 'protection from good' for 14 hours.
Skill: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for -1 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 9 for 8 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -15 for 8 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies constitution by 5 for 19 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies hp by 51 for 19 hours.
Niheriva yells 'Die, Waserax, you sorcerous dog!'

:::578 (47%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Izuhlzin scans north.

:::578 (47%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: '
Siilthlyzrin looks at you.

:::578 (47%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: 'aura
wYou say 'aura'

:::578 (47%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Grand Temple
(PK) Waserax The Altar Room
Siilthlyzrin The Grand Temple
Niela The Hall of Fire
(PK) Izuhlzin The Grand Temple
(PK) Niheriva The Hall of Fire
Nrechau The Hall of Light

:::578 (47%)::50%::86%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: bers
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

:::680 (55%)::42%::81%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: '
Izuhlzin scans north.

:::680 (55%)::42%::81%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: 'healin'
Siilthlyzrin closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

:::680 (55%)::42%::81%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: where
You say 'healin''
Someone yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'

:::680 (55%)::42%::81%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Grand Temple
(PK) Waserax The Hall of Light
Siilthlyzrin The Grand Temple
Niela The Hall of Fire
(PK) Izuhlzin The Grand Temple
(PK) Niheriva The Hall of Fire
Nrechau The Altar Room

:::680 (55%)::42%::81%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: gr
Hunsobo's group:
[51 War] Hunsobo 55% hp 42% mana 81% mv 586900 xp
[51 Sha] Waserax 62% hp 41% mana 49% mv 512900 xp

:::680 (55%)::42%::81%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: wher
Siilthlyzrin closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
Numbness sweeps over your wounds as Siilthlyzrin seals them with a crimson fire.

You are hungry.
You are starving!
Your hunger grazes you.

:::742 (61%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: where

Izuhlzin scans north.

:::742 (61%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Grand Temple
(PK) Waserax The Hall of Light
Siilthlyzrin The Grand Temple
Niela The Altar Room
(PK) Izuhlzin The Grand Temple
(PK) Niheriva The Hall of Fire
Nrechau The Hall of Fire

:::742 (61%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: pouch
You get the pouch of nourishment from the girdle of endless space.

:::742 (61%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: Ok.
A sweet aroma wafts across your nose as you open the pouch of nourishment.

:::742 (61%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: where
You get a silverpike fillet from the pouch of nourishment.

:::742 (61%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: You finish eating a silverpike fillet.
You are definitely still hungry.
Izuhlzin looks at you.
You feel a sense of danger.

:::742 (61%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: Ok.

:::742 (61%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: You put the pouch of nourishment in the girdle of endless space.

:::742 (61%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: whPeople near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Grand Temple
(PK) Waserax The Hall of Light
Siilthlyzrin The Grand Temple
Niela The Altar Room
(PK) Izuhlzin The Grand Temple
(PK) Niheriva The Altar Room
Nrechau The Hall of Fire
Waserax yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'
Siilthlyzrin closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
Numbness sweeps over your wounds as Siilthlyzrin seals them with a crimson fire.

:::808 (66%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Grand Temple
(PK) Waserax The Altar Room
Siilthlyzrin The Grand Temple
Niela The Altar Room
(PK) Izuhlzin The Grand Temple
(PK) Niheriva The Altar Room
Nrechau The Hall of Fire

:::808 (66%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Nrechau yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'

:::808 (66%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Waserax yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'

:::808 (66%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Nrechau has arrived.

:::808 (66%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Izuhlzin scans north.

:::808 (66%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Waserax yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'
Siilthlyzrin closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
Numbness sweeps over your wounds as Siilthlyzrin seals them with a crimson fire.
Waserax yells 'Die, Niheriva, you sorcerous dog!'

:::874 (71%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Nrechau nods.

:::874 (71%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Waserax has arrived.
Nrechau sits down and rests.

:::874 (71%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Grand Temple
(PK) Waserax The Grand Temple
Siilthlyzrin The Grand Temple
Niela The Altar Room
(PK) Izuhlzin The Grand Temple
(PK) Niheriva The Grand Temple
Nrechau The Grand Temple
Niheriva's slash MASSACRES Waserax!
Niheriva's slash MASSACRES Waserax!

:::874 (71%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Izuhlzin scans north.

:::874 (71%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bas
Niheriva yells 'Die, Izuhlzin, you sorcerous dog!'
Izuhlzin utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Izuhlzin's neurological disruption disquiets Niheriva.

:::874 (71%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bas
But you aren't fighting anyone!

:::874 (71%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bas niher

Waserax has fled!
Waserax leaves south.

:::874 (71%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: You fall flat on your face!
Your bash misses Niheriva.
Niheriva yells 'Help! Hunsobo is bashing me!'
Niela has arrived.
Niheriva has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::874 (71%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Niheriva swings his shield around to meet your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite EVISCERATES Niheriva!
Niheriva deflects your acidic bite with his shield.
Your acidic bite DISMEMBERS Niheriva!
Your ring of regeneration glows brightly!
Niheriva strikes Izuhlzin with the edge of a shield of pure light.
Niheriva's shield jab MUTILATES Izuhlzin!
You parry Niheriva's slash.
You parry Niheriva's slash.
Niheriva is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Nrechau looks at Niheriva.
Niheriva is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Waserax has arrived.
Niheriva is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bas niher

Niheriva yells 'Die, Waserax, you sorcerous dog!'
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Niheriva's direction.
Niheriva is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
You get in one more shot on Niheriva as he flees.
Your parting blow MANGLES Niheriva!
Niheriva has fled!
Nrechau looks at Waserax.

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bas niher
bas niher
bas niher

Waserax leaves south.

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Izuhlzin scans north.
Izuhlzin scans south.
Izuhlzin scans east.
Izuhlzin scans west.
Izuhlzin scans up.
Izuhlzin scans down.

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Waserax has arrived.

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: dash n bas niherThey aren't here.

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: dash n bas niherThey aren't here.

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: dash n bas niherThey aren't here.

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: dash n bas niherThey aren't here.

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: dash n bas niherPeople near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Grand Temple
(PK) Waserax The Grand Temple
Siilthlyzrin The Grand Temple
Niela The Grand Temple
(PK) Izuhlzin A Light Filled Corridor
(PK) Niheriva The Hall of Fire
Nrechau The Grand Temple

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: dash n bas niher
Nrechau scans north.

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: dash n bas niher
The Altar Room

[Exits: east south west]
A clear glass decanter with a slim stopper lies here upright.
A small skeleton key lies here collecting dust.
A raft has been left here.
A white marble altar surrounded with a brilliant holy radiance is here.
Chests have been placed about for spare equipment and donations.
(Pink Aura) A massive Maran Tara'bal is here, watching.
(White Aura) A large man stands here, dressed in the robes of an Acolyte.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
Waserax has arrived.
Waserax yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'
Siilthlyzrin yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'
The Watcher devastates Siilthlyzrin!
They aren't here.
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Niela has arrived.
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::899 (73%)::40%::82%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bas ni
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your opponent is not wielding a weapon.
Your gloves seem to spring to life and swing your sword on their own.
You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Your flurry MANGLES the Watcher!
Your flurry *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your flurry *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your flurry *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Waserax's cleave MASSACRES the Watcher!
The Watcher's searing light devastates you!
The Watcher narrows its eyes and glares in Waserax's direction.
The Watcher's heavenly wrath MANGLES Waserax!
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::869 (71%)::40%::74%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bas niher
They aren't here.
Waserax has fled!
Waserax leaves south.
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::869 (71%)::40%::74%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: The Hall of Light

[Exits: west]
A strange bottle beckons you to have a drink.
You flee from combat!

:::869 (71%)::40%::73%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bas niher
They aren't here.

:::869 (71%)::40%::73%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: The Altar Room

[Exits: east south west]
A clear glass decanter with a slim stopper lies here upright.
A small skeleton key lies here collecting dust.
A raft has been left here.
A white marble altar surrounded with a brilliant holy radiance is here.
Chests have been placed about for spare equipment and donations.
(Ghost) Niela is here.
(White Aura) Siilthlyzrin is here, fighting the Watcher.
(Pink Aura) A massive Maran Tara'bal is here, watching.
(White Aura) A large man stands here, dressed in the robes of an Acolyte.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
Niela says 'Bring enough to fight us?'
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::869 (71%)::40%::73%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bas niher

The Ancient Knight closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Niela.
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Seizing upon a flaw in the Watcher's tactics, you kick dirt toward its eyes!
The Watcher is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches the Watcher.
Siilthlyzrin's crush injures the Watcher.
Siilthlyzrin's crush mauls the Watcher.
An amulet set with a throbbing bloodstone pulses with ruddy crimson light near Siilthlyzrin's heart.
Siilthlyzrin's soul drain devastates the Watcher!
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
The Watcher's searing light devastates Siilthlyzrin!
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
Blinding silvery-white flames leap from the Watcher's gauntlets, sweeping across the room!
The Watcher's holy power EVISCERATES you!
The Watcher's holy power EVISCERATES Siilthlyzrin!
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::818 (67%)::40%::73%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: They aren't here.
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::818 (67%)::40%::73%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
You yell 'Die, Niheriva, you sorcerous dog!'
Niheriva narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Niheriva raises his hands to the heavens calling forth the light!
You are seared by the light of the heavens!
Niheriva's light of heaven MUTILATES you!
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::779 (64%)::40%::73%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bas niherThe Grand Temple

[Exits: north south]
Izuhlzin is here.
You flee from combat!

:::779 (64%)::40%::73%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bas niher
They aren't here.

:::779 (64%)::40%::73%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bas niher
The Altar Room

[Exits: east south west]
A clear glass decanter with a slim stopper lies here upright.
A small skeleton key lies here collecting dust.
A raft has been left here.
A white marble altar surrounded with a brilliant holy radiance is here.
Chests have been placed about for spare equipment and donations.
Niheriva is here.
(Ghost) Niela is here.
(White Aura) Siilthlyzrin is here, fighting the Watcher.
(Pink Aura) A massive Maran Tara'bal is here, watching.
(White Aura) A large man stands here, dressed in the robes of an Acolyte.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::779 (64%)::40%::73%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: You slam into Niheriva, and send him flying!
Your bash mauls Niheriva.
Niheriva yells 'Help! Hunsobo is bashing me!'
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::779 (64%)::40%::73%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: h
Niela looks at Siilthlyzrin.
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::779 (64%)::40%::73%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: h nih
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your ring of regeneration glows brightly!
Niheriva's slash wounds you.
You parry Niheriva's slash.
The Watcher's searing light devastates Siilthlyzrin!
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
The Watcher calls forth a storm of fire and brimstone!
The Watcher's fire and brimstone CHARS you!
The gods protect Niela from the Watcher.
The Watcher's fire and brimstone CHARS Siilthlyzrin!
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::739 (60%)::40%::73%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: h niher

[EMPIRE] the Imperial Warlock: Our conquest is yet assured, though Cila leaves us.
The Watcher wipes the dirt from its eyes.
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::741 (60%)::41%::76%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
The Ancient Knight closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Niheriva.
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::741 (60%)::41%::76%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Watcher!
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Watcher!
You parry Niheriva's slash.
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
The Watcher narrows its eyes and glares in Siilthlyzrin's direction.
The Watcher's heavenly wrath MASSACRES Siilthlyzrin!
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::741 (60%)::41%::76%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Niela looks at you.
The Watcher is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::741 (60%)::41%::76%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: basYou start aiming at Niheriva.
Niheriva has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::741 (60%)::41%::76%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas
Niheriva maneuvers his shield in front of you as you slam into him,
partially deflecting your powerful bash!
Your bash maims Niheriva!
Niheriva has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::741 (60%)::41%::76%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Niheriva deflects your acidic bite with his shield.
Niheriva parries your acidic bite.
Niheriva deflects yo
847, The rest...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::741 (60%)::41%::76%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Niheriva deflects your acidic bite with his shield.
Niheriva parries your acidic bite.
Niheriva deflects your acidic bite with his shield.
Your acidic bite misses Niheriva.
Niheriva parries your acidic bite.
Siilthlyzrin's crush misses the Watcher.
Siilthlyzrin's crush wounds the Watcher.
You parry Niheriva's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Niheriva!
You parry Niheriva's slash.
You parry Niheriva's slash.
The Watcher's searing light misses Siilthlyzrin.
You manage to avoid the Watcher's blazing grasp!
Niheriva is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::741 (60%)::41%::76%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas

Niheriva parries your acidic bite.
Niheriva parries your acidic bite.
Niheriva parries your acidic bite.
Niheriva parries your acidic bite.
His feet aren't on the ground.
Siilthlyzrin's crush misses the Watcher.
You parry Niheriva's slash.
The Watcher calls forth a storm of fire and brimstone!
The Watcher's fire and brimstone scalds you!
The gods protect Niela from the Watcher.
The Watcher's fire and brimstone CHARS Siilthlyzrin!
Niheriva is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::711 (58%)::41%::76%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: Niheriva maneuvers his shield in front of you as you slam into him,
partially deflecting your powerful bash!
Your bash wounds Niheriva.
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Niheriva!
Your acidic bite MANGLES Niheriva!
Niheriva parries your acidic bite.
You dodge Niheriva's slash.
Niheriva smashes the edge of a shield of pure light into your chest.
Niheriva's shield jab wounds you.
Niheriva executes the form Thistledown Floats on the Whirlwind!
Niheriva yells 'Mia ayende!'
You parry Niheriva's slash.
Niheriva's wooden hummingbird pendant glows white!
Niheriva is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::694 (57%)::41%::76%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: flur

Niela looks at Niheriva.
Niheriva is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::694 (57%)::41%::76%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Your acidic bite MANGLES Niheriva!
Niheriva deflects your acidic bite with his shield.
An acrid smell surrounds Niheriva as your acidic bite is blocked by the helm of brilliance.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Siilthlyzrin's crush wounds the Watcher.
You dodge Niheriva's slash.
You parry Niheriva's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite MASSACRES Niheriva!
The Watcher's searing light devastates Siilthlyzrin!
Siilthlyzrin has fled!
Niheriva is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::734 (60%)::41%::76%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Niheriva!
Your acidic bite MANGLES Niheriva!
Niheriva deflects your acidic bite with his shield.
Your acidic bite MANGLES Niheriva!
Niheriva is DEAD!!
The Phoenix Blade, 'Darkbane' vaporizes, returning to its true owner.
Niheriva's fingers are sliced from his dead body.
Niheriva looks strangely pained as his amulet stops glowing.

:::734 (60%)::41%::76%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: But you aren't fighting anyone!

:::734 (60%)::41%::76%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: g cloak corpse
You get a cloak of displacement from the burnt corpse of Niheriva.

848, Almost immediately after (Drovis)
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::1039 (85%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Altar Room
(PK) Drovis The Grand Temple
Niela The Altar Room
Niheriva The Altar Room

:::1039 (85%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Altar Room
(PK) Drovis The Altar Room
Niela The Altar Room
Niheriva The Altar Room

:::1039 (85%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bt
You slam into Drovis, and send him flying!
Your bash MUTILATES Drovis!
Drovis yells 'Help! Hunsobo is bashing me!'
Drovis has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1039 (85%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
The Ancient Knight closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Niela.
Drovis has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1039 (85%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bt

Drovis parries your acidic bite.
Drovis parries your acidic bite and returns an attack of his own.
Drovis's slice devastates you!
Drovis parries your acidic bite and returns an attack of his own.
Drovis's slice maims you!
Drovis parries your acidic bite.
Seizing upon a flaw in Drovis's tactics, you kick dirt toward his eyes!
Drovis is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Drovis.
You parry Drovis's slice.
Drovis has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::972 (79%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Drovis calls forth magical faerie fire to cover you.
You are surrounded by a pink outline.
Drovis has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::972 (79%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Your acidic bite MANGLES Drovis!
Drovis dodges your acidic bite.
Drovis parries your acidic bite.
Drovis dodges your acidic bite.
Drovis dodges your acidic bite.
Your ring of regeneration glows brightly!
You parry Drovis's slice.
You parry Drovis's slice.
Drovis has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::1004 (82%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: Leading with your shoulder, you slam into Drovis and send him flying!
Your bash hits Drovis.
Drovis has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::1004 (82%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Niheriva wears a shield of pure light as a shield.
Drovis has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::1004 (82%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Niela says to you 'Now then, I'll be taking my things back from him.'
Drovis has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::1004 (82%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Drovis dodges your acidic bite.
Drovis parries your acidic bite.
Drovis dodges your acidic bite.
Drovis parries your acidic bite and returns an attack of his own.
Drovis's slice devastates you!
Your ring of regeneration glows brightly!
You parry Drovis's slice.
You parry Drovis's slice and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Drovis!
You parry Drovis's slice.
Drovis is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::1012 (83%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bt
[EMPIRE] the Imperial Prelate: The power of the Empire grows as Zarilia joins us.
Drovis is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::1012 (83%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bt

Drovis dodges your acidic bite.
Drovis parries your acidic bite.
Drovis parries your acidic bite.
Seizing upon a flaw in Drovis's tactics, you trip him and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Drovis.
Your ring of regeneration glows brightly!
Drovis's slice maims you!
You parry Drovis's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite MANGLES Drovis!
You parry Drovis's slice.
Drovis's slice devastates you!
Drovis is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::980 (80%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: You slam into Drovis, and send him flying!
Your bash grazes Drovis.
Drovis is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::980 (80%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Drovis parries your acidic bite.
Drovis parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite MANGLES Drovis!
Your gloves seem to spring to life and swing your sword on their own.
You try to strike the same spot with both your swords.
Your thrust *** DEMOLISHES *** Drovis!
Your thrust *** DEVASTATES *** Drovis!
You parry Drovis's slice.
You parry Drovis's slice.
You parry Drovis's slice.
Drovis is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::980 (80%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bt

Drovis parries your acidic bite and returns an attack of his own.
Drovis's slice devastates you!
Drovis parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite MANGLES Drovis!
Drovis dodges your acidic bite.
He's already been blinded.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
You parry Drovis's slice.
You dodge Drovis's slash.
You parry Drovis's slice.
Drovis is convulsing on the ground. (10% - 15%)

:::988 (81%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: You slam into Drovis, and send him flying!
Your bash wounds Drovis.
Drovis is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::988 (81%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
The fingers of Niheriva decomposes.
Drovis is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::988 (81%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
The Ancient Knight closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Niheriva.
Drovis parries your acidic bite and returns an attack of his own.
Drovis's slice maims you!
Drovis parries your acidic bite and returns an attack of his own.
Drovis's slice decimates you!
Drovis parries your acidic bite.
Drovis parries your acidic bite.
You parry Drovis's slice and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite MANGLES Drovis!
Drovis is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Drovis is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::929 (76%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: jab

An acrid smell surrounds Drovis as your acidic bite is blocked by a midnight dragon skull.
Your acidic bite *** DEVASTATES *** Drovis!
Drovis is DEAD!!
A clump of Drovis's hair is ripped from his head.

:::929 (76%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: exam corpse
But you aren't fighting anyone!

:::929 (76%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: Only a pitted skeleton remains of Drovis's corpse, hissing in a pool of
The burnt corpse of Drovis contains:
(Glowing) the weaponsmaster's scimitar
a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
a large sack
a pair of silver-lined sleeves
a suit of red-trimmed black adamantite platemail
a brass dragonscale bracer
a golden lion's wrath ring
a midnight dragon skull
a dragon boat
some worn studded leather leggings
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a skin from the snow leopard
a razor ring
a noble's un'zeth
a girdle of giant strength
a brass dragon's talon
a Frostbrand sword
studded rothe-hide bracer
( 2) a longsword of dark steel
a long, dark, leather cloak
a tendril of serpentine weed
( 2) (Glowing) a demon-headed pendant
an envenomed dagger
a black sword
a small bloodstone key
black robes slashed with bone-white
( 2) (Glowing) a flask of hellfire
a topaz stone necklace
12 gold coins
246 silver coins
383 copper coins

:::929 (76%)::23%::89%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: g all.coins corpse
You get 12 gold coins from the burnt corpse of Drovis.
You get 246 silver coins from the burnt corpse of Drovis.
You get 383 copper coins from the burnt corpse of Drovis.

845, Linaeren quickie
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::876 (75%)::42%::29%::27100::wilderness::3 AM::: kt
Linaeren has arrived.

:::876 (75%)::42%::29%::27100::wilderness::3 AM::: Linaeren yells 'Die, Hunsobo, you sorcerous dog!'
You call upon the Codex and carve a Sigil of Pain onto Linaeren.
Your sigil of pain DISMEMBERS Linaeren!
Linaeren has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::876 (75%)::26%::29%::27100::wilderness::3 AM:::
Linaeren narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Your mind spins as Linaeren fills your lungs with poisonous spores!
Linaeren has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::876 (75%)::26%::29%::27100::wilderness::3 AM::: cru

You dodge Linaeren's cleave.
You parry Linaeren's cleave.
Your punch MANGLES Linaeren!
Linaeren deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch *** DEMOLISHES *** Linaeren!
Linaeren deflects your punch with his shield.
Linaeren is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::876 (75%)::26%::29%::27100::wilderness::3 AM::: You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Linaeren!
Your crushing blow knocks Linaeren down!
Your crushing blow *** DEVASTATES *** Linaeren!
Linaeren is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::876 (75%)::26%::29%::27100::wilderness::3 AM:::
You parry Linaeren's cleave.
Your punch *** DEMOLISHES *** Linaeren!
Linaeren dodges your punch.
Your punch MANGLES Linaeren!
Linaeren deflects your punch with his shield.
Your punch *** DEMOLISHES *** Linaeren!
Linaeren is DEAD!!
A crescent-bladed silver axe, flared like a waxing moon vaporizes, returning to its true owner.
Linaeren's ear is sliced from his dead body.

:::876 (75%)::26%::29%::27100::wilderness::3 AM::: gt him deaded
exam corpse

Linaeren tells you 'Goodness.'

:::876 (75%)::26%::29%::27100::wilderness::3 AM::: hum

You feel a burning sensation on the inside of your skull.

:::878 (75%)::25%::32%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: You tell your group 'him deaded'

:::878 (75%)::25%::32%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: The bludgeoned corpse of Linaeren lies here.
The corpse of Linaeren contains:
an orcish shield
( 2) a pair of armguards from the snow worm
a worn studded leather shirt
a horned minotaur helm
( 2) the medallion of the Wild
(Glowing) Robes of the Grand Druid
(Humming) the spider axe
a wide bronze belt
a black potion
a pair of steel-trimmed gauntlets
a cured hide sack made from the burnt corpse of Monmouth
a gleaming moonstone-studded leather shield
(Glowing) a shimmering blue potion
a silver ring enamelled with a black rose
black steel boots trimmed with gold
a pitch-black ring
a shield from the hide of a snow worm
torso from the snow worm
some leggings from the snow worm
a crude water skin made from the corpse of a heavily armored dwarf

:::878 (75%)::25%::32%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: You wield a long sword named 'HumanSunder'.
A long sword named 'HumanSunder' feels like a part of you!

:::878 (75%)::25%::32%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: You dual wield a long sword named 'HumanSunder'.
A long sword named 'HumanSunder' feels like a part of you!

:::878 (75%)::25%::32%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: gt got spores on Hunsobo tho
You tell your group 'got spores on Hunsobo tho'

844, w Ktaar vs. Rin, Niela, and Juliane
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::1043 (89%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Rin The Imperial Road
(PK) Juliane The Imperial Road
(PK) Ktaar The Imperial Road
(PK) Niela The Imperial Road
Mesashian The Imperial Road
(PK) Hunsobo The Imperial Road

:::1043 (89%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: s
The Imperial Road

[Exits: north east south]
A steaming pile of an Imperial Centurion's entrails is lying here.
(Ghost) Mesashian is here.
Juliane is here.
(Swirling Air) Niela is here.
Rin is here.

:::1043 (89%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: btRin scans north.

:::1043 (89%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: bt
Rin is far too small to aim at properly.

:::1043 (89%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: dim
Rin sings 'Off to sleep we drift and dream,
Nightmares cause a stifled scream.
Though victory today was seen,
On morrow's light we fight again.'
Juliane nods at Rin.
Ktaar steps out of the shadows.
Ktaar tries to hit Niela in the throat but misses.
Ktaar's tiger claw misses Niela.
Niela yells 'Help! Ktaar tried to jab my throat!'

:::1043 (89%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: btYou get a flask of diminution from the girdle of endless space.

:::1043 (89%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: bt
You drink water from a flask of diminution.
You do not feel thirsty.
You sway dizzily for a moment then begin shrinking rapidly!
The world seems to be getting bigger around you.

:::1043 (89%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: Niela utters the words, 'surrabra ay hpz pzanofog'.
Drawing on herself, Niela slowly crouches down. As her chant ends, a
Huge shaft of lightning strikes her! Standing up, she suddenly throws
Out her arms. More shafts of lightning descend!
Niela's pillar of lightning DISMEMBERS Ktaar!
You yell 'Die, Niela, you sorcerous dog!'
Niela's pillar of lightning DISMEMBERS you!
You slam into Rin, and send him flying!
Your bash grazes Rin.
Rin yells 'Heelp! Huunssooboo iiss baasshiing mee!'
Niela is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::986 (84%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
Rin's slice mauls you.
Ktaar's slice wounds Niela.
Ktaar's claw injures Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
Niela absorbs the force of your punch with a pair of gleaming diamond leg guards.
Your punch wounds Niela.
Your punch devastates Niela!
Your punch wounds Niela.
Her feet aren't on the ground.
Your ring of regeneration glows brightly!
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::996 (85%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: bt

Juliane thrusts her dagger towards you, attempting to sever your artery!
Blood gushes out of your severed artery!
A spray of blood erupts from your wound!
Juliane's deep gash EVISCERATES you!
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::952 (81%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
You parry Rin's slice.
You parry Rin's slice.
Ktaar's slice injures Niela.
Ktaar's slice wounds Niela.
Ktaar's slice mauls Niela.
Ktaar's claw mauls Niela.
Your punch misses Niela.
Your punch wounds Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
Your punch decimates Niela!
Her feet aren't on the ground.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Rin expands back to normal size.
Juliane continues to bleed from her wounds.
Juliane's bleeding mauls her.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery MUTILATES you!
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::969 (83%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
With a series of short and powerful leaps, Ktaar delivers powerful rising crescent kicks to his foes!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Niela!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick maims Niela!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Juliane!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick EVISCERATES Juliane!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Rin!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick devastates Rin!
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::969 (83%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: Springing forward, you send Rin sprawling with a solid body blow!
Your bash injures Rin.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::969 (83%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
You parry Rin's slice.
You parry Rin's slice.
You parry Juliane's poisonous bite.
Juliane's acidic bite DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Juliane's poisonous bite.
Ktaar's slice injures Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
Your punch wounds Niela.
Your punch wounds Niela.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::912 (78%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: h rin

You dodge Rin's slice.
You swat Rin's slice away from you.
You parry Juliane's poisonous bite.
You parry Juliane's acidic bite.
You parry Juliane's poisonous bite.
Ktaar's slice decimates Niela!
Your punch wounds Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
Your punch devastates Niela!
Your punch misses Niela.
Her feet aren't on the ground.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::912 (78%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Mesashian concentrates for a moment and bandages her wounds.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::912 (78%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Niela utters the words, 'surrabra ay hpz pzanofog'.
Drawing on herself, Niela slowly crouches down. As her chant ends, a
Huge shaft of lightning strikes her! Standing up, she suddenly throws
Out her arms. More shafts of lightning descend!
Niela's pillar of lightning *** DEMOLISHES *** Ktaar!
Niela's pillar of lightning DISMEMBERS you!
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::857 (73%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Juliane rescues Niela from Ktaar!
Juliane starts aiming at Ktaar.
Juliane's poisonous bite DISMEMBERS Ktaar!
With a series of short and powerful leaps, Ktaar delivers powerful rising crescent kicks to his foes!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Juliane!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick DISMEMBERS Juliane!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Niela!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick devastates Niela!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Rin!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick EVISCERATES Rin!
Niela is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::857 (73%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: You start aiming at Rin.
Rin has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::857 (73%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: Charging forward, you hit Rin with enough force to send him sailing
through the air!
Your bash wounds Rin.
Rin has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::857 (73%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
With a quick blow you deflect Rin's slice aside.
You parry Rin's slice.
Juliane's poisonous bite EVISCERATES Ktaar!
Ktaar is poisoned as Juliane lands a blow with an envenomed steel stiletto.
Ktaar looks very ill.
Juliane's poisonous bite EVISCERATES Ktaar!
Your punch misses Rin.
Rin dodges your punch.
Your punch maims Rin!
Your punch MUTILATES Rin!
Your punch devastates Rin!
Your punch misses Rin.
His feet aren't on the ground.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Rin is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::911 (78%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: bt
You parry Rin's slice.
Rin's slice wounds you.
Juliane's poisonous bite misses Ktaar.
Ktaar's slice devastates Juliane!
Ktaar scores another deep wound in Juliane.
Ktaar's slice decimates Juliane!
The razor sharp blades attached to Ktaar's gloves slice at Niela!
Ktaar's claw EVISCERATES Niela!
Rin dodges your punch.
Your punch maims Rin!
Your punch maims Rin!
Rin avoids your punch at the last moment.
Seizing upon a flaw in Rin's tactics, you try to disarm him.
His weapon won't budge!
Rin is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::892 (76%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: bt

Juliane rescues Niela from Ktaar!
With a series of short and powerful leaps, Ktaar delivers powerful rising crescent kicks to his foes!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Juliane!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick EVISCERATES Juliane!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Niela!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick MUTILATES Niela!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Rin!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick DISMEMBERS Rin!
Rin is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::892 (76%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: Charging forward, you hit Rin with enough force to send him sailing
through the air!
Your bash injures Rin.
You parry Rin's slice.
You parry Rin's slice.
Ktaar's claw mauls Juliane.
Rin dodges your punch.
Your punch devastates Rin!
Your punch maims Rin!
Seizing upon a flaw in Rin's tactics, you try to disarm him.
His weapon won't budge!
Rin is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::892 (76%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
You dodge Rin's slice.
You dodge Rin's slice.
Ktaar's claw mauls Juliane.
The razor sharp blades attached to Ktaar's gloves slice at Juliane!
Ktaar's claw devastates Juliane!
Niela's magic mauls Ktaar.
Your punch MUTILATES Rin!
Your punch MUTILATES Rin!
Your punch EVISCERATES Rin!
Your punch MUTILATES Rin!
Your ring of regeneration glows brightly!
Rin is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::927 (79%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Niela has fled!
Niela leaves.
Rin is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::927 (79%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Juliane rescues Rin from you!
Juliane starts aiming at you!
Your punch MUTILATES Juliane!
Juliane dodges your punch.
Juliane dodges your punch.
Juliane dodges your punch and closes in for a concealed attack!
Juliane's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
Poison creeps into your body from an envenomed steel stiletto.
You feel very sick.
Juliane dodges your punch and closes in for a concealed attack!
Juliane's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
Juliane is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::837 (71%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
With a series of short and powerful leaps, Ktaar delivers powerful rising crescent kicks to his foes!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Juliane!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick DISMEMBERS Juliane!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Rin!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick DISMEMBERS Rin!
Juliane is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::837 (71%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
You dodge Juliane's poisonous bite.
You parry Juliane's acidic bite.
You parry Juliane's poisonous bite.
Ktaar's slice devastates Juliane!
Juliane dodges your punch and closes in for a concealed attack!
Juliane's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
Juliane dodges your punch.
Your punch devastates Juliane!
Juliane dodges your punch.
Your punch misses Juliane.
Juliane is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::793 (68%)::82%::66%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: stun

Lightning flashes in the sky.
Juliane continues to bleed from her wounds.
Juliane's bleeding mauls her.
Ktaar shivers and suffers.
Ktaar's poison wounds him.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison injures you.
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding artery MUTILATES you!
Juliane is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::740 (63%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: You try to land a stunning blow on Juliane but miss.
Juliane is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::740 (63%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM:::
Rin's ring flares with a bright white light!
Rin's shocking grasp decimates Ktaar!
Juliane's poisonous bite DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Juliane's acidic bite.
Juliane parries your punch and retaliates with lightning quickness!
Juliane's poisonous bite EVISCERATES you!
Your punch decimates Juliane!
Your punch maims Juliane!
Your punch maims Juliane!
Juliane parries your punch.
You kick dirt at Juliane, but it strikes something unseen before hitting her
Juliane is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::634 (54%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM:::
Rin sings 'Can you trust your eyes, do they see what's real
Am I here just near to you, near enough to feel?
Or am I near the gnarled oak just over to your left
Or maybe standing to your right before the granite cleft?'
You get in one more shot on Juliane as she flees.
Your parting blow MUTILATES Juliane!
Juliane has fled!
Ariola has arrived.
Ktaar's claw devastates Rin!
Your punch EVISCERATES Rin!
Your punch EVISCERATES Rin!
Your punch MUTILATES Rin!
Rin dodges your punch.
Rin is convulsing on the ground. (10% - 15%)

:::634 (54%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: bas
[EMPIRE] Ariola: I wouldn't dust at the vanquisher
Rin is convulsing on the ground. (10% - 15%)

:::634 (54%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: bas rin
You slam into Rin, and send him flying!
Your bash hits Rin.
Ktaar's claw mauls Rin.
Rin dodges your punch.
Your punch MUTILATES Rin!
Your punch MUTILATES Rin!
Your punch decimates Rin!
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Rin is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::688 (59%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM:::
With a series of short and powerful leaps, Ktaar delivers powerful rising crescent kicks to his foes!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Rin!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick DISMEMBERS Rin!
Rin is DEAD!!
Rin's severed head plops on the ground.

:::688 (59%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: bas juli
bas juli
bas juli
bas juli
They aren't here.

:::688 (59%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: They aren't here.

:::688 (59%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: They aren't here.

:::688 (59%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: They aren't here.

:::688 (59%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: People near you:
Brognar The Avenue of Conquest
Ariola The Imperial Road
(PK) Ktaar The Imperial Road
Mesashian The Imperial Road
(PK) Hunsobo The Imperial Road

:::688 (59%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM:::
Ktaar gets 55 gold coins from the corpse of Rin.
Ktaar splits 55 gold coins. Your share is 27 gold coins.
Ktaar gets 18 silver coins from the corpse of Rin.
Ktaar splits 18 silver coins. Your share is 9 silver coins.
Ktaar gets 35 copper coins from the corpse of Rin.
Ktaar splits 35 copper coins. Your share is 17 copper coins.

:::688 (59%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: bas juli
They aren't here.

:::688 (59%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: exam corpse
sectThe corpse of Rin is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Rin contains:
a pair of black steel gauntlets
(Glowing) a brass circlet
(Glowing) a set of arborian leggings
a wooden walking staff
a deerskin drum
an ornate gold belt
a dirty blue surcoat, embroidered with the symbol of a phoenix
a ring embossed with lightning bolts
(Glowing) (Humming) the Ankh of Loch Terradian
a living Boa Constrictor
a thin silver bracelet
the hide of the Ancient Blue Dragon
black steel boots trimmed with gold
the Bracelet of Longevity
a phylactery of fortitude
a ring of stamina
a canoe
the Eagle-Marked Sword
a staff of return
a potion of flight
a Crusader's Sword
the girdle of endless space
a bottle of firebreather
a potion of transportation
( 2) a small yellow root
a black potion
a flask of diminution

:::688 (59%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: sect dem gone or de
Mesashian sits down and rests.

:::688 (59%)::82%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: sect dem gone or deaded
g dimi
Ktaar gets the Bracelet of Longevity from the corpse of Rin.
[EMPEROR] Hunsobo: dem gone or deaded

843, w Izuhlzin and Zarilia vs. Mesashian and Niela
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::870 (74%)::53%::98%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: Redhorn Gate

[Exits: north west]
Mesashian is here, fighting Izuhlzin.
(Barrier) Izuhlzin is here, fighting Niela.
(Swirling Air) (Barrier) (Rigid) Niela is here, fighting Izuhlzin.
A small, furry beast watches you from the safety of a snow drift.
A small, furry beast watches you from the safety of a snow drift.

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: People near you:
(PK) Izuhlzin Redhorn Gate
(PK) Niela Redhorn Gate
(PK) Mesashian Redhorn Gate
(PK) Hunsobo Redhorn Gate

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: vit niel
Izuhlzin's beating grazes Niela.
Izuhlzin's beating misses Niela.
Izuhlzin's beating scratches Niela.
Niela's wrath injures Izuhlzin.
Mesashian's stab mauls Izuhlzin.

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: vit niel

Izuhlzin utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Niela twitches helplessly as her body is stunned by pain.
Izuhlzin's neurological disruption disquiets Niela.
Ducking back, Izuhlzin barely evades Mesashian's mountain storm kick.
Mesashian's mountain storm kick misses Izuhlzin.

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: Niela can no longer find the strength to wield the White King's
You weaken Niela with a blow to a vital area.
Your blow to a vital area injures Niela.
Niela yells 'Help! Hunsobo punched me!'
Niela has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Izuhlzin's beating misses Niela.
Izuhlzin's beating grazes Niela.
Izuhlzin's beating scratches Niela.
Your punch injures Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
Your punch injures Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: cru
You lace your fingers together to jab at Niela but miss.
Niela has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: gt come
Izuhlzin's beating grazes Niela.
Izuhlzin's beating misses Niela.
Your punch wounds Niela.
Your punch misses Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
Your punch injures Niela.
Your punch wounds Niela.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: cru

Izuhlzin utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Niela twitches helplessly as her body is stunned by pain.
Izuhlzin's neurological disruption disquiets Niela.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Izuhlzin's beating grazes Niela.
Niela's punch hits Izuhlzin.
Your punch wounds Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
Your punch injures Niela.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Mesashian stops using the Cuendillar Dagger of the Empress.
Mesashian wields a fang-hilted dagger.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: You tell your group 'come'
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Niela!
Your crushing blow knocks Niela down!
Your crushing blow maims Niela!
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Mesashian tries to hit Izuhlzin in the throat but misses.
Mesashian's tiger claw misses Izuhlzin.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Izuhlzin's beating hits Niela.
Mesashian's defilement mauls Izuhlzin.
Mesashian's claw MUTILATES Izuhlzin!
Niela dodges your punch.
Your punch injures Niela.
Your punch injures Niela.
Your punch decimates Niela!
Your punch decimates Niela!
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Niela yells 'Die, Zarilia, you sorcerous dog!'
Zarilia narrows her eyes and glares in Niela's direction.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: cru

Izuhlzin utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Izuhlzin's neurological disruption concerns Niela.
Niela is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Izuhlzin's beating grazes Niela.
Izuhlzin's beating scratches Niela.
Niela dodges your punch.
Your punch injures Niela.
Your punch wounds Niela.
Your punch injures Niela.
Your opponent is not wielding a weapon.
Niela is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Niela yells 'Die, Zarilia, you sorcerous dog!'
Zarilia narrows her eyes and glares in Niela's direction.
Niela is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Striking with her thumb and forefinger, Mesashian hits Izuhlzin in the throat!
Mesashian's tiger claw wounds Izuhlzin.
Niela is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Izuhlzin's beating grazes Niela.
Izuhlzin's beating misses Niela.
Niela's punch grazes Izuhlzin.
Your punch injures Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
Your punch wounds Niela.
Your punch decimates Niela!
Niela is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Niela yells 'Die, Zarilia, you sorcerous dog!'
Zarilia narrows her eyes and glares in Niela's direction.
Niela is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Niela!
Your crushing blow leaves Niela dazed!
Your crushing blow mauls Niela.
Niela is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Izuhlzin's beating misses Niela.
Izuhlzin's beating scratches Niela.
Mesashian's claw MUTILATES Izuhlzin!
Your punch wounds Niela.
Your punch injures Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
A tattoo of an incarnadine spiral erupts into flames that slither into Niela's mouth.
Niela is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: cru

Niela opens her mouth but only silence comes out.
Zarilia narrows her eyes and glares in Niela's direction.
Niela is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::870 (74%)::53%::97%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Izuhlzin's beating scratches Niela.
Niela's punch scratches Izuhlzin.
Your punch injures Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
Your punch injures Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
Niela continues to bleed from her wounds.
Niela's leaking blood pools upon the ground.
Niela's bleeding hits her.
Niela is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM:::
Izuhlzin has fled!
Niela is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM:::
Niela yells 'Die, Zarilia, you sorcerous dog!'
Niela is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: cru
You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Niela!
Your crushing blow leaves Niela dazed!
Your crushing blow decimates Niela!
Niela is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM:::
Niela's punch misses Zarilia.
Zarilia's divine power hits Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
Your punch injures Niela.
Your punch mauls Niela.
Your punch wounds Niela.
Niela is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM:::
Mesashian's kicked dirt misses Zarilia.
Zarilia yells 'Die, Mesashian! You dirty fool!'
Niela is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM:::
Mesashian's defilement injures Zarilia.
Mesashian's claw mauls Zarilia.
Zarilia's divine power hits Niela.
Zarilia's divine power hits Niela.
Your punch wounds Niela.
Your punch injures Niela.
Niela dodges your punch.
Your punch injures Niela.
Niela is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: cru

Zarilia shivers in the freezing temperatures.
The extreme cold MUTILATES Zarilia!
Niela is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM:::
Zarilia strikes hard with the staff of Medius where Niela used to be.
Zarilia's battering strike misses Niela.
Niela is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: You lace your fingers together to jab at Niela but miss.
Niela is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM:::
Niela's punch hits Zarilia.
Zarilia's divine power hits Niela.
Niela is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
Your punch mauls Niela.
Niela is DEAD!!

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: bas mes

Zarilia is blinded by the dirt in her eyes!
Mesashian's kicked dirt scratches Zarilia.
Mesashian's claw injures Zarilia.
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Mesashian absorbs the force of your punch with a pair of steel-clawed frontpaw gauntlets.
Mesashian parries your punch.
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Seizing upon a flaw in Mesashian's tactics, you swiftly kick her!
With your decisive kick you drive the spike of your boot into your foe!
Your kick MANGLES Mesashian!
Mesashian has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: humYou lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Mesashian!
Your crushing blow leaves Mesashian dazed!
Your crushing blow MANGLES Mesashian!
Mesashian has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: hum
Mesashian's claw injures Zarilia.
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Mesashian parries your punch.
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Seizing upon a flaw in Mesashian's tactics, you trip her and she goes down!
Your trip scratches Mesashian.
Mesashian has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: targ mesa
#Ok. $target is now set to {mesa}.

Mesashian's defilement mauls Zarilia.
Zarilia's divine power MUTILATES Mesashian!
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Your punch EVISCERATES Mesashian!
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Seizing upon a flaw in Mesashian's tactics, you trip her and she goes down!
Your trip scratches Mesashian.
Mesashian is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: bt

Izuhlzin is burned by the White King's scepter and drops it.
Izuhlzin's burning hands toasts him.
Mesashian springs away from your bash, landing neatly on her hindpaws.
Mesashian is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM:::
Mesashian's claw hits Zarilia.
Zarilia's divine power MUTILATES Mesashian!
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Mesashian is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM:::
Izuhlzin wears a ring of vitality on his left finger.
Izuhlzin wears a ring set with a single sapphire on his right finger.
Izuhlzin wears a pair of black steel gauntlets on his hands.
Izuhlzin wears the belt of life about his waist.
Izuhlzin wears a lovely dress of pristine white satin on his body.
Izuhlzin is zapped by a lovely dress of pristine white satin and drops it.
Izuhlzin wears firewalker boots on his feet.
Izuhlzin wears some armguards formed of a dragon turtle shell on his arms.
Mesashian is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM:::
Zarilia tells the group 'Get the Ivory if it is there.'
Mesashian is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::875 (75%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM:::
Mesashian parries your punch.
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Mesashian dodges your punch.
Mesashian parries your punch.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Mesashian is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::955 (81%)::53%::100%::27100::wilderness::5 AM:::
Mesashian has fled!
Mesashian leaves north.

842, with Ktaar vs. Ravon
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*** Ravon didn't know Ktaar was near. Neither did I, actually. He wasn't logged in until about 10 minutes prior. ***

:::1165 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bt
The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]
Ravon is here.

:::1165 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: Ravon's cleave MANGLES you!
You yell 'Die, Ravon, you butchering fool!'
Ravon has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1073 (92%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: Ravon is far too small to aim at properly.
Ravon has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1073 (92%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: trip

The Nightwalker has arrived.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You stop the Nightwalker's claw just before it reaches you.
Ravon has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1073 (92%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: His feet aren't on the ground.
Ravon has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1073 (92%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
The Nightwalker lunges at you with venomous fangs!
You feel very sick.
You parry Ravon's freezing bite.
You parry Ravon's slice.
Ravon's freezing bite DISMEMBERS you!
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
An acrid smell surrounds Ravon as your acidic bite is blocked by a suit of darkened platemail.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
His feet aren't on the ground.
Your ring of regeneration glows brightly!
Ravon has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1044 (89%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: fle

Ktaar steps out of the shadows.
Ktaar tries to hit Ravon in the throat but misses.
Ktaar's tiger claw misses Ravon.
Ravon yells 'Help! Ktaar tried to jab my throat!'
Ravon has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1044 (89%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: dThe Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]
You flee from combat!

:::1044 (89%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: dim
You get a flask of diminution from the girdle of endless space.

:::1044 (89%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: s
You drink water from a flask of diminution.
You do not feel thirsty.
You sway dizzily for a moment then begin shrinking rapidly!
The world seems to be getting bigger around you.

:::1044 (89%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
Ktaar is here, fighting Ravon.
Ravon is here, fighting Ktaar.

:::1044 (89%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: Mesashian tells you 'Not break kitty spirit, ever.'

:::1044 (89%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: You slam into Ravon, and send him flying!
Your bash injures Ravon.
Ravon yells 'Help! Hunsobo is bashing me!'
Ravon has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1044 (89%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
The Nightwalker yells 'Hunsobo! Now you die!'
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
Ravon has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1044 (89%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bt

You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
Ktaar's slice hits Ravon.
You parry Ravon's freezing bite.
Ravon's slice EVISCERATES you!
Ravon's freezing bite devastates Ktaar!
Ravon's slice MUTILATES Ktaar!
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Your acidic bite injures Ravon.
Your gloves seem to spring to life and swing your sword on their own.
You try to strike the same spot with both your swords.
Your thrust devastates Ravon!
Your thrust misses Ravon.
Ravon has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::995 (85%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
With a series of short and powerful leaps, Ktaar delivers powerful rising crescent kicks to his foes!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Ravon!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick maims Ravon!
Ravon has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::995 (85%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
Ktaar's claw wounds Ravon.
You parry Ravon's freezing bite.
You parry Ravon's slice.
Ravon's slice misses Ktaar.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite mauls Ravon.
Your ring of regeneration glows brightly!
Ravon has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::1029 (88%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: You slam into Ravon, and send him flying!
Your bash injures Ravon.
Ravon has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::1029 (88%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
The Nightwalker's claw misses you.
You remain safe as the Nightwalker's claw bounces harmlessly off of a pair of strange bracers.
Ktaar's claw mauls Ravon.
Ktaar's slice injures Ravon.
Ravon's freezing bite MASSACRES you!
You parry Ravon's slice.
Ravon's slice MUTILATES Ktaar!
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite injures Ravon.
Ravon has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::959 (82%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bt

With a series of short and powerful leaps, Ktaar delivers powerful rising crescent kicks to his foes!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Ravon!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick maims Ravon!
Ravon is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::959 (82%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
You parry the Nightwalker's claw and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite DISMEMBERS the Nightwalker!
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
The Nightwalker tears at you with its claws!
The Nightwalker's tearing claws mauls you.
The Nightwalker's tearing claws mauls you.
The Nightwalker's claws tear deeply into your arms!
Ktaar's slice injures Ravon.
You parry Ravon's freezing bite and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
You parry Ravon's slice.
Ravon's freezing bite maims Ktaar!
Ravon's slice maims Ktaar!
Ktaar's claw wounds Ravon.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Your acidic bite injures Ravon.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite injures Ravon.
Ravon is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::913 (78%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: Charging forward, you hit Ravon with enough force to send him sailing
through the air!
Your bash grazes Ravon.
Ravon is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::913 (78%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
The razor sharp blades attached to Ktaar's gloves slice at Ravon!
Ktaar's claw MUTILATES Ravon!
You parry Ravon's freezing bite.
You parry Ravon's slice.
Ravon's slice misses Ktaar.
Ravon's freezing bite maims Ktaar!
Ktaar shudders as the unthinkable cold of Ravon's weapon takes its toll.
Your acidic bite nearly breaks through Ravon's blocking blow.
Ravon knocks your acidic bite aside before it gets near him.
Your acidic bite injures Ravon.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Ravon is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::913 (78%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bt

With a series of short and powerful leaps, Ktaar delivers powerful rising crescent kicks to his foes!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Ravon!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick EVISCERATES Ravon!
Ravon continues to bleed from his wounds.
Ravon's leaking blood pools upon the ground.
Ravon's bleeding injures him.
Your eyes no longer pierce the shroud of invisibility.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison MUTILATES you!
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding maims you!
Ravon is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::841 (72%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
Ktaar's claw maims Ravon!
You parry Ravon's freezing bite.
You parry Ravon's slice.
Ravon's slice MUTILATES Ktaar!
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Seizing upon a flaw in Ravon's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
With your decisive kick you drive the spike of your boot into your foe!
Your kick mauls Ravon.
Ravon is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::841 (72%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: Charging forward, you hit Ravon with enough force to send him sailing
through the air!
Your bash hits Ravon.
Ravon is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::841 (72%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry Ravon's freezing bite.
You parry Ravon's slice.
Ravon's freezing bite maims Ktaar!
Ravon's slice EVISCERATES Ktaar!
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Ravon dodges your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite injures Ravon.
Ravon is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::841 (72%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: bt

Ravon spins gracefully away from Ktaar's rising phoenix kick.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry Ravon's freezing bite.
You parry Ravon's slice.
Ravon's freezing bite devastates Ktaar!
Your acidic bite injures Ravon.
Ravon dodges your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
An acrid smell surrounds Ravon as your acidic bite is blocked by a suit of darkened platemail.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Ravon is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::841 (72%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: You fall flat on your face!
Your bash misses Ravon.
Ravon is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::841 (72%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
You parry the Nightwalker's claw and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite *** DEVASTATES *** the Nightwalker!
Ktaar's slice injures Ravon.
The razor sharp blades attached to Ktaar's gloves slice at Ravon!
Ktaar's claw decimates Ravon!
You parry Ravon's freezing bite.
You parry Ravon's slice.
Ravon's freezing bite misses Ktaar.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite mauls Ravon.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
His feet aren't on the ground.
Your ring of regeneration glows brightly!
Ravon is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::882 (75%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: bt

You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
Ktaar's slice hits Ravon.
Ktaar's claw mauls Ravon.
Ktaar's claw injures Ravon.
You parry Ravon's freezing bite.
You parry Ravon's slice.
Ravon's freezing bite maims Ktaar!
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Your acidic bite misses Ravon.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite injures Ravon.
Ravon is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::882 (75%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
With a series of short and powerful leaps, Ktaar delivers powerful rising crescent kicks to his foes!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Ravon!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick mauls Ravon.
Ravon is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::882 (75%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
You parry the Nightwalker's claw and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** the Nightwalker!
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry Ravon's freezing bite.
Ravon's slice EVISCERATES you!
Ravon's freezing bite maims Ktaar!
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite injures Ravon.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Ravon is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::838 (71%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: You slam into Ravon, and send him flying!
Your bash hits Ravon.
Ravon is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::838 (71%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: bt

You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
Ktaar's slice hits Ravon.
Ktaar's claw injures Ravon.
The razor sharp blades attached to Ktaar's gloves slice at Ravon!
Ktaar's claw mauls Ravon.
You parry Ravon's freezing bite.
You parry Ravon's slice.
Your acidic bite mauls Ravon.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Ravon is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::918 (78%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Ravon narrowly escapes the wrath of Ktaar's rising phoenix kick.
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick misses Ravon.
Ravon is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::918 (78%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
Ktaar's slice injures Ravon.
Ktaar's claw decimates Ravon!
You parry Ravon's freezing bite.
You parry Ravon's slice.
Ravon's freezing bite MUTILATES Ktaar!
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite injures Ravon.
Your acidic bite mauls Ravon.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Seizing upon a flaw in Ravon's tactics, you try to disarm him.
You try to disarm Ravon, but his grip on the whipping tail of a manticore is too firm!
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Ravon is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::998 (85%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Ravon stops using a steel short sword.
Ravon dual wields the Shadow Dagger.
You slam into Ravon, and send him flying!
Your bash injures Ravon.
Ravon is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::998 (85%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
The Nightwalker's claw nearly breaks through your blocking blow.
Ktaar's ring of regeneration glows brightly!
You parry Ravon's freezing bite.
You parry Ravon's defilement.
Ravon's freezing bite maims Ktaar!
Ktaar shudders as the unthinkable cold of Ravon's weapon takes its toll.
Ravon's freezing bite MUTILATES Ktaar!
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Your acidic bite misses Ravon.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Ravon is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::998 (85%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
With a series of short and powerful leaps, Ktaar delivers powerful rising crescent kicks to his foes!
Like a rising phoenix, Ktaar's powerful kicks streak through the air towards Ravon!
Ktaar's rising phoenix kick EVISCERATES Ravon!
Ravon is convulsing on the ground. (10% - 15%)

:::998 (85%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: bt

You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
Ktaar's claw decimates Ravon!
You parry Ravon's freezing bite and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite mauls Ravon.
You parry Ravon's defilement.
Ravon's freezing bite maims Ktaar!
Ktaar's claw wounds Ravon.
Ktaar's claw wounds Ravon.
Ravon parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Your acidic bite wounds Ravon.
Your acidic bite injures Ravon.
Seizing upon a flaw in Ravon's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
With your decisive kick you drive the spike of your boot into your foe!
Your kick decimates Ravon!
Your gloves seem to spring to life and swing your sword on their own.
You try to strike the same spot with both your swords.
Your thrust devastates Ravon!
Your thrust decimates Ravon!
Ravon is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Ravon is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::1078 (92%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: You'll have to let him get back up first.
Ravon is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::1078 (92%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: bt

The Nightwalker's claw wounds you.
Ktaar's slice injures Ravon.
Ravon is DEAD!!
Ravon looks strangely pained as his amulet stops glowing.
The Nightwalker vanishes, its binding broken.

:::1060 (90%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: They aren't here.

:::1060 (90%)::100%::71%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison MUTILATES you!
You continue to bleed from your wounds.
Your bleeding maims you!

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: g whip corpse
You get the whipping tail of a manticore from the corpse of Ravon.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: l
g The Imperial Road
You stand on a perfectly engineered road traveling as far as you
can see to the north and south. Fields of crops surround you and
the occasional farmhouse peeks above the rolling hills as you
travel past. The farms here seem to be well maintained and the
few people you do see are hard at work tending their crops or
preparing for the next day. Far to the north you see a line of
snow covered mountains, to the south the road leads through the
rolling hills.

[Exits: north south]
( 3) Dust from passing travelers settles softly over a small pool of fresh blood.
Hewn limbs bleed near the mutilated corpse of Ravon.
Ktaar is here.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM:::
Ktaar gets 220 gold coins from the corpse of Ravon.
Ktaar splits 220 gold coins. Your share is 110 gold coins.
Ktaar gets 34 silver coins from the corpse of Ravon.
Ktaar splits 34 silver coins. Your share is 17 silver coins.
Ktaar gets 20 copper coins from the corpse of Ravon.
Ktaar splits 20 copper coins. Your share is 10 copper coins.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: drop whip
saYou drop the whipping tail of a manticore.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: sac whip
g dagger corpThe gods give you 20 copper coins for your sacrifice of the whipping
tail of a manticore.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: g dagger corpse
drYou get the Shadow Dagger from the corpse of Ravon.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: drop dagger
sYou drop the Shadow Dagger.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: sac dagger
gThe gods give you 22 copper coins for your sacrifice of the Shadow

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: g axe corpse
g sworYou see nothing like that in the corpse.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: g sword corpse
You get a steel short sword from the corpse of Ravon.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: g sword corpse
You see nothing like that in the corpse.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: exam corpse
Hewn limbs bleed near the mutilated corpse of Ravon.
The corpse of Ravon contains:
the Notes of the Master
the hide of a desert troll
the belt of life
(Glowing) (Humming) a darkened helm
a forest colored cloak
(Humming) a shield of blackest pitch
Cloak of the wolf-kin
(Glowing) (Humming) the sleeves of Harrapia
a sleek black rod
a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
the Bracelet of Charms
a sapphire periapt
an ivory amulet shaped like a troll
a wide copper bracelet
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) a ring of woven spider silk
the flaming scepter of Chaos
a fire opal ring
(Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
a dragon boat
the pouch of nourishment
(Glowing) (Humming) a suit of darkened platemail
a sleek amber rod
a stalk of seaweed
gauntlets of ogre power
( 2) a wand of return
a potion of teleportation
the hide of the Ancient Black Dragon
a flask of diminution
a sleek sienna rod

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: g troll corpse
The hide of a desert troll: you can't carry that many items.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: put all c
Ktaar gets an ivory amulet shaped like a troll from the corpse of Ravon.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: put all girdle
You put a steel short sword in the girdle of endless space.
You put a blindfold in the girdle of endless space.
You put a shimmering blue potion in the girdle of endless space.
You put a potion of returning in the girdle of endless space.
You put a potion of return in the girdle of endless space.
You put a potion of teleportation in the girdle of endless space.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: g all corpse
You get the Notes of the Master from the corpse of Ravon.
You get the hide of a desert troll from the corpse of Ravon.
The belt of life: you can't carry that much weight.
A darkened helm: you can't carry that much weight.
You get a forest colored cloak from the corpse of Ravon.
A shield of blackest pitch: you can't carry that much weight.
Cloak of the wolf-kin: you can't carry that much weight.
The sleeves of Harrapia: you can't carry that much weight.
A sleek black rod: you can't carry that much weight.
A pair of steel lined dragonscale boots: you can't carry that much weight.
The Bracelet of Charms: you can't carry that much weight.
You get a sapphire periapt from the corpse of Ravon.
A wide copper bracelet: you can't carry that much weight.
The girdle of endless space: you can't carry that much weight.
A ring of woven spider silk: you can't carry that much weight.
The flaming scepter of Chaos: you can't carry that much weight.
You get a fire opal ring from the corpse of Ravon.
A pair of darkened leggings: you can't carry that much weight.
A dragon boat: you can't carry that much weight.
The pouch of nourishment: you can't carry that much weight.
A suit of darkened platemail: you can't carry that much weight.
A sleek amber rod: you can't carry that much weight.
You get a stalk of seaweed from the corpse of Ravon.
Gauntlets of ogre power: you can't carry that many items.
A wand of return: you can't carry that many items.
A wand of return: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of teleportation: you can't carry that many items.
The hide of the Ancient Black Dragon: you can't carry that many items.
A flask of diminution: you can't carry that many items.
A sleek sienna rod: you can't carry that many items.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: put all girdle
g You put a stalk of seaweed in the girdle of endless space.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: g all corpse
The belt of life: you can't carry that much weight.
A darkened helm: you can't carry that much weight.
A shield of blackest pitch: you can't carry that much weight.
Cloak of the wolf-kin: you can't carry that much weight.
The sleeves of Harrapia: you can't carry that much weight.
A sleek black rod: you can't carry that much weight.
A pair of steel lined dragonscale boots: you can't carry that much weight.
The Bracelet of Charms: you can't carry that much weight.
A wide copper bracelet: you can't carry that much weight.
The girdle of endless space: you can't carry that much weight.
A ring of woven spider silk: you can't carry that much weight.
The flaming scepter of Chaos: you can't carry that much weight.
A pair of darkened leggings: you can't carry that much weight.
A dragon boat: you can't carry that much weight.
The pouch of nourishment: you can't carry that much weight.
A suit of darkened platemail: you can't carry that much weight.
A sleek amber rod: you can't carry that much weight.
Gauntlets of ogre power: you can't carry that much weight.
A wand of return: you can't carry that much weight.
A wand of return: you can't carry that much weight.
A potion of teleportation: you can't carry that much weight.
The hide of the Ancient Black Dragon: you can't carry that much weight.
A flask of diminution: you can't carry that much weight.
A sleek sienna rod: you can't carry that much weight.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: exam corpse
Hewn limbs bleed near the mutilated corpse of Ravon.
The corpse of Ravon contains:
the belt of life
(Glowing) (Humming) a darkened helm
(Humming) a shield of blackest pitch
Cloak of the wolf-kin
(Glowing) (Humming) the sleeves of Harrapia
a sleek black rod
a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
the Bracelet of Charms
a wide copper bracelet
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) a ring of woven spider silk
the flaming scepter of Chaos
(Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
a dragon boat
the pouch of nourishment
(Glowing) (Humming) a suit of darkened platemail
a sleek amber rod
gauntlets of ogre power
( 2) a wand of return
a potion of teleportation
the hide of the Ancient Black Dragon
a flask of diminution
a sleek sienna rod

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: in
Ktaar gets the sleeves of Harrapia from the corpse of Ravon.

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: in
You are carrying:
a fire opal ring
( 2) a sapphire periapt
a forest colored cloak
the hide of a desert troll
the Notes of the Master
(Glowing) the orb of Medius
(Glowing) a gray-colored potion
(Glowing) the orb of water
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) the orb of earth
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
(Glowing) a belt of flaming demon scales
an emerald periapt
a phylactery of free movement

:::988 (84%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: drop
The bleeding stops.
You feel yourself expand back to your normal size.
The power of the Imperial Codex fades away.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison MUTILATES you!

:::951 (81%)::100%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: drop
Ktaar tells the group 'Takes All?'

:::951 (81%)::100%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: drop
Ktaar concentrates for a moment and bandages his wounds.

:::951 (81%)::100%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: drop troll
You drop the hide of a desert troll.

:::951 (81%)::100%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: g scepter corpse
You get the flaming scepter of Chaos from the corpse of Ravon.

:::951 (81%)::100%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: shake
You shake your head.

:::951 (81%)::100%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: 'wi
Ktaar gets a shield of blackest pitch from the corpse of Ravon.

:::951 (81%)::100%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: 'will return
exaYou say 'will return'

:::951 (81%)::100%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: exam corpse
Hewn limbs bleed near the mutilated corpse of Ravon.
The corpse of Ravon contains:

:::951 (81%)::100%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Ktaar nods.

:::951 (81%)::100%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Ravon wears the hide of a desert troll about his body.
Ravon holds a sleek sienna rod in his hands.
Ravon wears the hide of the Ancient Black Dragon on his body.
Ravon wears gauntlets of ogre power on his hands.
Ravon wears a pair of darkened leggings on his legs.
Ravon wears a ring of woven spider silk on his left finger.
Ravon wears the girdle of endless space about his waist.
Ravon wears a wide copper bracelet around his left wrist.
Ravon wears the Bracelet of Charms around his right wrist.
Ravon wears a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots on his feet.
Ravon wears a darkened helm on his head.

:::951 (81%)::100%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: l
The Imperial Road
You stand on a perfectly engineered road traveling as far as you
can see to the north and south. Fields of crops surround you and
the occasional farmhouse peeks above the rolling hills as you
travel past. The farms here seem to be well maintained and the
few people you do see are hard at work tending their crops or
preparing for the next day. Far to the north you see a line of
snow covered mountains, to the south the road leads through the
rolling hills.

[Exits: north south]
( 3) Dust from passing travelers settles softly over a small pool of fresh blood.
Hewn limbs bleed near the mutilated corpse of Ravon.
(Ghost) Ravon is here.
Ktaar is here.

:::951 (81%)::100%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Ravon stops using a sleek sienna rod.

:::951 (81%)::100%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: in
You are carrying:
the flaming scepter of Chaos
a fire opal ring
( 2) a sapphire periapt
a forest colored cloak
the Notes of the Master
(Glowing) the orb of Medius
(Glowing) a gray-colored potion
(Glowing) the orb of water
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) the orb of earth
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
(Glowing) a belt of flaming demon scales
an emerald periapt
a phylactery of free movement

:::951 (81%)::100%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: lore scepter
This weapon, the flaming scepter of Chaos, can be referred to as 'flaming scepter'.
It seems to be dark and cloaked in shadows.
It has a chilling aura of evil.
Only those of chaotic nature could use it.
It is worth 5042 copper, and is of the 40th level of power.
It can cause 6d7 points of damage, at average 24.
When worn, it affects your ability to do damage by 1 points, your ability to land accurate blows by 4 points,
your mental power by 10 points, your durability by 20 points and your dexterity by 1 points.

:::951 (81%)::92%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Ravon stops using the hide of the Ancient Black Dragon.
Ravon wears a suit of darkened platemail on his body.

:::951 (81%)::92%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Ravon stops using the hide of a desert troll.
Ravon wears Cloak of the wolf-kin about his body.

:::951 (81%)::92%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: in
You are carrying:
the flaming scepter of Chaos
a fire opal ring
( 2) a sapphire periapt
a forest colored cloak
the Notes of the Master
(Glowing) the orb of Medius
(Glowing) a gray-colored potion
(Glowing) the orb of water
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) the orb of earth
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
(Glowing) a belt of flaming demon scales
an emerald periapt
a phylactery of free movement

:::951 (81%)::92%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: Ravon shrugs indifferently.

:::951 (81%)::92%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: l
Ktaar glances at you.

:::951 (81%)::92%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: lore sword

Ravon stops using the girdle of endless space.
Ravon wears the belt of life about his waist.
You do not have that object.

:::951 (81%)::92%::76%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: give s
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison MUTILATES you!

:::913 (78%)::93%::79%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: give scepter ravon

Ktaar tries to give you something, but you can't carry that much weight.
Ravon looks at you.
You give the flaming scepter of Chaos to Ravon.

:::913 (78%)::93%::79%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Ravon looks at Ktaar.

:::913 (78%)::93%::79%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: in
You are carrying:
a fire opal ring
( 2) a sapphire periapt
a forest colored cloak
the Notes of the Master
(Glowing) the orb of Medius
(Glowing) a gray-colored potion
(Glowing) the orb of water
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) the orb of earth
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
(Glowing) a belt of flaming demon scales
an emerald periapt
a phylactery of free movement

:::913 (78%)::93%::79%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: give opal ravon
You give a fire opal ring to Ravon.

:::913 (78%)::93%::79%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: gt need sapphire periapt?
You tell your group 'need sapphire periapt?'

:::913 (78%)::93%::79%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: exam note
Ktaar tells the group 'Wants Harrapia?'
You do not see that here.

:::913 (78%)::93%::79%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: exam notes

The lightning has stopped.
Your piercing gaze fades.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison MUTILATES you!

:::875 (75%)::94%::81%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: Shuffling through the papers you stop at a rough draft discussion on

memory and recollection. In a precise hand you read:

One must get hold of a starting-point. [crossed out text]

This explains why it is that persons are supposed to recollect
sometimes by starting from mnemonic loci. [an arrow points to the
previous page]

[In a hasty scrawl:] Example of loci progression...

From milk to white, from white to mist, and thence to moist, from
which one remembers Autumn (the 'season of mists'), if this be the
season he is trying to recollect.

[A second example has been scratched out.]

The notes of the master is a artifact, made of paper, and weighs 0 pounds 10 ounces.

:::875 (75%)::94%::81%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: g
Ktaar tells the group 'Has one already'

:::875 (75%)::94%::81%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: gt nuh

Ktaar concentrates for a moment and bandages his wounds.
You tell your group 'nuh'

:::875 (75%)::94%::81%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: pg
You focus your gaze to pierce through magic, shadows and foliage.
You have become better at piercing gaze!

:::875 (75%)::81%::81%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: give sapphire ravon

Ktaar drops the sleeves of Harrapia.

:::875 (75%)::81%::81%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: You give a sapphire periapt to Ravon.

:::875 (75%)::81%::81%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Ravon holds a sapphire periapt in his hands.
Ravon wears a fire opal ring on his right finger.
Ravon wields the flaming scepter of Chaos.

:::875 (75%)::81%::81%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: in
You are carrying:
a forest colored cloak
the Notes of the Master
(Glowing) the orb of Medius
(Glowing) a gray-colored potion
(Glowing) the orb of water
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) the orb of earth
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
(Glowing) a belt of flaming demon scales
an emerald periapt
a sapphire periapt
a phylactery of free movement

:::875 (75%)::81%::81%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: e
Ravon wears the sleeves of Harrapia on his arms.

:::875 (75%)::81%::81%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: exam cloak
A black satin cloak with a star and moon clasp lies folded here.

A cloak of displacement is armor worn about the body, made of cloth, and weighs 4 pounds 15 ounces.

:::875 (75%)::81%::81%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: Ktaar tells the group 'Wants shield of black pitch?'

:::875 (75%)::81%::81%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: gi
Ravon stops using a sapphire periapt.

:::875 (75%)::81%::81%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: gt nuh
eYou tell your group 'nuh'

:::875 (75%)::81%::81%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: exam forest
gThis cloak, made from a rough, thick cloth, is dyed several colors,
forming an adequate camouflage. It seems to flow around your hands as
you examine it, giving you the impression that the cloak has a life
all its own.

A forest colored cloak is clothing worn around the neck, made of cloth, and weighs 4 pounds 15 ounces.

:::875 (75%)::81%::81%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: give fo
The rain ceases.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison MUTILATES you!

:::837 (71%)::82%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: give forest ravon

Ktaar drops a shield of blackest pitch.
You give a forest colored cloak to Ravon.

:::837 (71%)::82%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: in
You are carrying:
the Notes of the Master
(Glowing) the orb of Medius
(Glowing) a gray-colored potion
(Glowing) the orb of water
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) the orb of earth
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
(Glowing) a belt of flaming demon scales
an emerald periapt
a sapphire periapt
a phylactery of free movement

:::837 (71%)::82%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Someone tells you 'Did the mighty Emperor take down Ravon?'

:::837 (71%)::82%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: give no
Ravon wears a shield of blackest pitch as a shield.
Ravon wears a forest colored cloak around his neck.

:::837 (71%)::82%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: give notes ravon
You give the Notes of the Master to Ravon.

:::837 (71%)::82%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: reply yuh. Wit' Ktaarguy
You tell someone 'yuh. Wit' Ktaarguy'

:::837 (71%)::82%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
A pool of blood crumbles into dust.
A pool of blood crumbles into dust.

:::837 (71%)::82%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: in
gYou are carrying:
(Glowing) the orb of Medius
(Glowing) a gray-colored potion
(Glowing) the orb of water
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) the orb of earth
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
(Glowing) a belt of flaming demon scales
an emerald periapt
a sapphire periapt
a phylactery of free movement

:::837 (71%)::82%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: g all gir
Ktaar concentrates for a moment, then resumes his position.

:::837 (71%)::82%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: g all girdle
You get a stalk of seaweed from the girdle of endless space.
You get a potion of teleportation from the girdle of endless space.
You get a potion of return from the girdle of endless space.
You get a potion of returning from the girdle of endless space.
You get a shimmering blue potion from the girdle of endless space.
You get a blindfold from the girdle of endless space.
You get a steel short sword from the girdle of endless space.
You get the gem of protection from the girdle of endless space.
The pouch of nourishment: you can't carry that many items.
An everfull skin: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of return: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of returning: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of returning: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of teleportation: you can't carry that many items.
A worn key: you can't carry that many items.
A glowing key: you can't carry that many items.
A dark-elf long sword: you can't carry that many items.
An elegant silver rapier: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of returning: you can't carry that many items.
A steel open-faced helm: you can't carry that many items.
A steel chainmail hauberk: you can't carry that many items.
A flask of firewater: you can't carry that many items.
The Lord's wand: you can't carry that many items.
The Lord's wand: you can't carry that many items.
A flask of firewater: you can't carry that many items.
The Lord's wand: you can't carry that many items.
A small black root: you can't carry that many items.
A small black root: you can't carry that many items.
A small black root: you can't carry that many items.
A small black root: you can't carry that many items.
A small black root: you can't carry that many items.
A small black root: you can't carry that many items.
A small black root: you can't carry that many items.
A small black root: you can't carry that many items.
A small black root: you can't carry that many items.
A small black root: you can't carry that many items.
A small black root: you can't carry that many items.
A small black root: you can't carry that many items.
The Lord's wand: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
The Lord's wand: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A purple pill: you can't carry that many items.
A model ship: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of flight: you can't carry that many items.
A potion of sight: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
A silver pill: you can't carry that many items.
An opal wand: you can't carry that many items.
An opal wand: you can't carry that many items.
An opal wand: you can't carry that many items.
A herbal potion: you can't carry that many items.
A clear potion: you can't carry that many items.
A clear potion: you can't carry that many items.
The contents of the girdle snag briefly, preventing you from getting all of it at once.

:::837 (71%)::82%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: in
You are carrying:
(Glowing) the gem of protection
a steel short sword
a blindfold
(Glowing) a shimmering blue potion
a potion of returning
(Glowing) a potion of return
a potion of teleportation
a stalk of seaweed
(Glowing) the orb of Medius
(Glowing) a gray-colored potion
(Glowing) the orb of water
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) the orb of earth
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
(Glowing) a belt of flaming demon scales
an emerald periapt
a sapphire periapt
a phylactery of free movement

:::837 (71%)::82%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: put gem girdle
You put the gem of protection in the girdle of endless space.

:::837 (71%)::82%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: lore sword
This weapon, a steel short sword, can be referred to as 'short sword shortsword'.
It is worth 311 copper, and is of the 10th level of power.
It can cause 1d8 points of damage, at average 4.

:::837 (71%)::75%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Ktaar The Imperial Road
Ravon The Imperial Road
(PK) Hunsobo The Imperial Road

:::837 (71%)::75%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bog
You boggle at the concept.

:::837 (71%)::75%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: 'yous
The clouds disappear.

You shiver and suffer.
Your poison MUTILATES you!

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: 'yous try cleave wit'
Ktaar concentrates for a moment and bandages his wounds.

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: 'yous try cleave wit' dis?
You say 'yous try cleave wit' dis?'

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: l rav

Ravon shrugs indifferently.

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: A cold, emotionless drow stands here. His silver hair
is short and cropped, and very well kept, although you can
see where the bloodstains did not fully come out. His
armor is shined to an immaculate finish, and his instruments
of torture are hung from his belt meticulously.
Ravon, a male dark-elf, is convulsing on the ground.

Ravon is using:
<worn on finger> (Glowing) a ring of woven spider silk
<worn on finger> a fire opal ring
<worn around neck> a forest colored cloak
<worn on body> (Glowing) (Humming) a suit of darkened platemail
<worn on head> (Glowing) (Humming) a darkened helm
<worn on legs> (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
<worn on hands> gauntlets of ogre power
<worn on arms> (Glowing) (Humming) the sleeves of Harrapia
<worn about body> Cloak of the wolf-kin
<worn about waist> the belt of life
<worn around wrist> a wide copper bracelet
<worn around wrist> the Bracelet of Charms
<mainhand wielded> the flaming scepter of Chaos
<worn as shield> (Humming) a shield of blackest pitch

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: drop sword
You drop a steel short sword.

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: in
You are carrying:
a blindfold
(Glowing) a shimmering blue potion
a potion of returning
(Glowing) a potion of return
a potion of teleportation
a stalk of seaweed
(Glowing) the orb of Medius
(Glowing) a gray-colored potion
(Glowing) the orb of water
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) the orb of earth
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
(Glowing) a belt of flaming demon scales
an emerald periapt
a sapphire periapt
a phylactery of free movement

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: put seaweed girdle
You put a stalk of seaweed in the girdle of endless space.

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: onefing
Ktaar tells the group 'Is unholy?'

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: onefing
eYou hold up one finger.

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: gt nuh tink so
You tell your group 'nuh tink so'

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: exam girdle
This girdle appears rather small. It is made of leather and has four
none of which are very large. Upon inspecting the inside, you notice that
your hand seems to be able to go much further than the outer depth of the
girdle. This was obviously crafted by magic, or perhaps changed by it.

The girdle of endless space is a container, made of leather, and weighs 463 pounds 10 ounces.
When you look inside, you see it is stuffed full.
The girdle of endless space contains:
(10) a stalk of seaweed
(Glowing) the gem of protection
the pouch of nourishment
(Glowing) an everfull skin
(Glowing) a potion of return
( 3) a potion of returning
( 4) a potion of teleportation
(Glowing) a worn key
(Glowing) a glowing key
a dark-elf long sword
an elegant silver rapier
a steel open-faced helm
a steel chainmail hauberk
( 6) (Glowing) a flask of firewater
( 5) (Glowing) the Lord's wand
(12) a small black root
(16) a potion of flight
(40) a silver pill
(28) a purple pill
a model ship
( 2) (Glowing) a potion of sight
( 3) an opal wand
(Glowing) a herbal potion
(19) a clear potion
(12) a potion of invisibility
an elegant, beautifully written scroll
( 2) a pitch-black ring
an invitation from the Empress
( 5) a small piece of black moss
(13) a small yellow root
(13) a small violet root
( 2) (Glowing) (Humming) a lavender potion
(Glowing) the heart of an illusion
an unusual snake-like bracelet
a padded vest
[Hit Return to continue]

A pool of blood crumbles into dust.
[Hit Return to continue]

( 4) a potion of translucence
a tattered slave's robe
( 5) a handful of green thistlewood seeds
( 5) a blessed obulus
(11) a flask of diminution
some juggling balls
( 2) a thick iron bracer
( 2) a darktail gorget
( 6) a golden wand
a violet potion with gold flecks
( 7) (Glowing) a shimmering blue potion
a black silk belt
a jigger of beaded onyx, filled to the brim with a harsh smelling liquid named 'Dragons Breath'
( 7) a pill of detect magic
( 3) a potion of transportation
( 5) a potion of curing blindness
a dirty cloth blindfold
a silver green potion
( 8) a jar of viscous oil
(19) a small vial of diluted venom
(19) a speckled pill
a potion of recall
(Glowing) a tiny flask of green and white
( 2) (Glowing) a tiny crystal vial
( 3) a tendril of serpentine weed
an oil of sight
(10) (Glowing) an azure potion
a packet of brown dust
(Glowing) a thin glittering flask
( 3) a potion of health
( 2) (Humming) a potion demonic aid
( 2) a magenta potion
( 2) a stem from a blue flower
a sickly green wand
[Hit Return to continue]

( 2) a pile of brass nails
( 9) an elixir with a tinge of violet
( 6) a green potion
a small blue leaf
( 2) a violet potion
( 2) an indigo potion
a pinch of seagrass
an elixir of magical dissipation
a small leather wrapped flask
a beige potion
( 4) some deeply-hued purple berries
( 4) a green precipitate
( 5) a small water bottle
a piece of boldly marked parchment
( 3) a tiny stone vial
a blue leaf
a tattered journal
( 5) a potion of water breathing
some waterweeds

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM:::
:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: in
'You are carrying:
a blindfold
(Glowing) a shimmering blue potion
a potion of returning
(Glowing) a potion of return
a potion of teleportation
(Glowing) the orb of Medius
(Glowing) a gray-colored potion
(Glowing) the orb of water
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) the orb of earth
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
(Glowing) a belt of flaming demon scales
an emerald periapt
a sapphire periapt
a phylactery of free movement

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: 'tKtaar steps out of the shadows.
Ktaar tells the group 'No, is not..'

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: 'tink dat all Hunsobo took
You say 'tink dat all Hunsobo took'

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Ktaar The Imperial Road
Ravon The Imperial Road
(PK) Hunsobo The Imperial Road

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: l
The Imperial Road
You stand on a perfectly engineered road traveling as far as you
can see to the north and south. Fields of crops surround you and
the occasional farmhouse peeks above the rolling hills as you
travel past. The farms here seem to be well maintained and the
few people you do see are hard at work tending their crops or
preparing for the next day. Far to the north you see a line of
snow covered mountains, to the south the road leads through the
rolling hills.

[Exits: north south]
A steel short sword lies here.
Hewn limbs bleed near the mutilated corpse of Ravon.
(Ghost) Ravon is here.
(Hide) Ktaar is here.

:::799 (68%)::76%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: 'but

You are hungry.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison MUTILATES you!

:::761 (65%)::77%::88%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: 'You say 'but'

:::761 (65%)::77%::88%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: 'did
Ktaar steps out of the shadows.
Ktaar tells the group 'Wonders how strong weapon was.'

:::761 (65%)::77%::88%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: 'did smash dem weapons of yous
You say 'did smash dem weapons of yous'

:::761 (65%)::77%::88%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Ktaar The Imperial Road
Ravon The Imperial Road
(PK) Hunsobo The Imperial Road

:::761 (65%)::77%::88%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: wear emerald
You stop using a long sword named 'HumanSunder'.
You hold an emerald periapt in your hands.
You feel a rush of insight into purge poison.

:::761 (65%)::77%::88%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: c 'purge pois
Ktaar steps out of the shadows.
Ktaar tells the group 'Ktaar has the ivory troll amulet.'

:::761 (65%)::77%::88%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: c 'purge poison'
An emerald periapt grows warm in your hand.
You lost your concentration.

:::761 (65%)::73%::88%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: c 'purge poison'
Ravon smirks.

:::761 (65%)::73%::88%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: gt yuh, want givAn emerald periapt grows warm in your hand.
You feel less sick.
A warm feeling runs through your body.
You are hungry.

:::764 (65%)::68%::90%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: gt yuh, want give to Healer.
Ktaar steps out of the shadows.
Ktaar concentrates for a moment and bandages his wounds.

:::764 (65%)::68%::90%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: gt yuh, want give to
Ravon calls for divine transportation!
Ravon disappears.

:::764 (65%)::68%::90%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: gt yuh, want give to healer, Hunsobo figger
lYou tell your group 'yuh, want give to healer, Hunsobo figger'

837, Armonk
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: t armonk tol' dem yous wus mine.
You tell Armonk 'tol' dem yous wus mine.'

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Armonk The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Derick Blood Square
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: af
wherYou are affected by:
Power: 'centurions' for 58 hours.
Spell: 'infravision' for 51 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 26 hours.
Spell: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -10 for 15 hours.
Skill: 'protection from good' for 7 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 6 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 0 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for -1 hours.

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: where
who People near you:
(PK) Armonk The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Derick Blood Square
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: who pk
[51 Elf War] (PK) Juliane the Ephemeral Blade of the Dance
[46 Dwarf War] (PK) Armonk the Champion of Battlefields
[51 Human Shf] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Iukulli the Grand Master of Changelings, Justiciar of Thera
[48 Human Tra] (PK) (WANTED) Anthelsar the Master of Dimension
[51 Elf Bar] (PK) Lyriana Elena Arendyl the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Minstrel of Orc Doom
*51 Fire War* (PK) [EMPIRE] Hunsobo Oltog the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady, Emperor of Thera
[51 Gnome Inv] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Babou the Weaver of the Elements, Magistrate of Galadon
[51 Gnome War] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Siloreelo Di Taloreelo the Legend of the Battlefield, Marked of the Indigo Triangle,
Provost Magistrate

Players found: 8

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: targ armonk
#Ok. $target is now set to {armonk}.
wherYou are affected by:
Power: 'centurions' for 58 hours.
Spell: 'infravision' for 51 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 26 hours.
Spell: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -10 for 15 hours.
Skill: 'protection from good' for 7 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 6 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 0 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for -1 hours.

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Armonk The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Derick Blood Square
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
Derick wakes and stands up.

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: l
Derick steps out of the shadows.
Tagerung tells you 'Aye then.'

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: l
Blood Square
The soft warmth of the sun fills this bloodied and ancient square. The
earth is cracked and the ground is stained, yet this was once the heart
of the village and is marked as such by the blood that reddens the earth.
Barbarian children hardly notice your presence as they wrestle and run in
the square, so intent are they on their war-games and fun. Sparse weeds
grow along the northern edge of this square, becoming denser as you
approach the building that lies in that direction. To the south is a hut
from which plumes of smoke and ash drift into the deep blue skies. To the
west is another hut, secluded from the more traversed portions of this
village and draped with the furs of exotic animals. The path continues
east, leading toward one of the clusters of huts that make up the bulk of
the village.

[Exits: north east south west]
(Ghost) Derick is here.

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: af
wherYou are affected by:
Power: 'centurions' for 58 hours.
Spell: 'infravision' for 51 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 26 hours.
Spell: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -10 for 15 hours.
Skill: 'protection from good' for 7 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 6 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 0 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for -1 hours.

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: where
whoPeople near you:
(PK) Armonk The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Derick Blood Square
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square
Tagerung Before a Fortified Hillock

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: who pk
[51 Elf War] (PK) Juliane the Ephemeral Blade of the Dance
[46 Dwarf War] (PK) Armonk the Champion of Battlefields
[51 Human Shf] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Iukulli the Grand Master of Changelings, Justiciar of Thera
[48 Human Tra] (PK) (WANTED) Anthelsar the Master of Dimension
[51 Elf Bar] (PK) Lyriana Elena Arendyl the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Minstrel of Orc Doom
*51 Fire War* (PK) [EMPIRE] Hunsobo Oltog the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady, Emperor of Thera
[51 Gnome Inv] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Babou the Weaver of the Elements, Magistrate of Galadon
[51 Gnome War] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Siloreelo Di Taloreelo the Legend of the Battlefield, Marked of the Indigo Triangle,
Provost Magistrate

Players found: 8

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: af

Armonk tells you 'Well, nothin personal if I ain't trustin yer blades.'
You are affected by:
Power: 'centurions' for 58 hours.
Spell: 'infravision' for 51 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 26 hours.
Spell: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -10 for 15 hours.
Skill: 'protection from good' for 7 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 6 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 5 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 0 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for -1 hours.

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: whoPeople near you:
(PK) Armonk The Shrine of the BattleRagers
A hidden figure The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: who pk

You feel a sense of danger.
[51 Elf War] (PK) Juliane the Ephemeral Blade of the Dance
[46 Dwarf War] (PK) Armonk the Champion of Battlefields
[51 Human Shf] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Iukulli the Grand Master of Changelings, Justiciar of Thera
[48 Human Tra] (PK) (WANTED) Anthelsar the Master of Dimension
[51 Elf Bar] (PK) Lyriana Elena Arendyl the Grand Mistress of Artistry, Minstrel of Orc Doom
*51 Fire War* (PK) [EMPIRE] Hunsobo Oltog the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady, Emperor of Thera
[51 Gnome Inv] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Babou the Weaver of the Elements, Magistrate of Galadon
[51 Gnome War] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Siloreelo Di Taloreelo the Legend of the Battlefield, Marked of the Indigo Triangle,
Provost Magistrate

Players found: 8

:::1128 (100%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: dash w bas
Armonk has arrived.
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
You yell 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Someone is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::1126 (99%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: dash w bas
You parry someone's wrath and return an attack of your own.
Your slice MASSACRES someone!
Someone's slash EVISCERATES you!
Someone's wrath MASSACRES you!
You remain safe as someone's slash bounces harmlessly off of something.
Someone parries your slice.
Someone parries your slice.
Someone parries your slice.
Someone dodges your slice.
Seizing upon a flaw in someone's tactics, you kick dirt toward its eyes!
Someone is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches someone.
Someone has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1006 (89%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: ba
No way! You are still fighting!
Someone has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1006 (89%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bas
Charging forward, you hit someone with enough force to send it
sailing through the air!
Your bash MUTILATES someone!
Someone has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1006 (89%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
You parry someone's wrath.
You parry someone's slash.
You parry someone's wrath.
You parry someone's slash.
Someone's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Someone dodges your slice.
Someone dodges your slice.
Someone parries your slice.
Someone dodges your slice.
Someone dodges your slice.
Seizing upon a flaw in someone's tactics, you trip it and it goes down!
Your trip scratches someone.
Someone has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::946 (83%)::54%::91%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::

You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
You slowly float to the ground.
Armonk has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::953 (84%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas

You parry Armonk's wrath.
You dodge Armonk's slash.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk stops your slice just before it reaches him.
Your slice MASSACRES Armonk!
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::953 (84%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: Charging forward, you hit Armonk with enough force to send him sailing
through the air!
Your bash devastates Armonk!
Armonk has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::953 (84%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
You knock Armonk's wrath harmlessly to the side.
You parry Armonk's slash.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk parries your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Seizing upon a flaw in Armonk's tactics, you trip him and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Armonk.
Armonk has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::953 (84%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas

Armonk's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Armonk's slash.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice MASSACRES Armonk!
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::896 (79%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: You slam into Armonk, and send him flying!
Your bash wounds Armonk.
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::896 (79%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's slash.
Armonk's wrath deflects harmlessly off of a girth of lobster plates.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Your slice MASSACRES Armonk!
Your slice MASSACRES Armonk!
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::896 (79%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: sig

You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Your slice MASSACRES Armonk!
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk remains safe as your slice bounces harmlessly off of a pair of armguards from the snow worm.
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::896 (79%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas
Tagerung has arrived.
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::896 (79%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas
Tagerung sits down and rests.
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::896 (79%)::56%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas
You call upon the Codex and carve a Sigil of Pain onto Armonk.
Your sigil of pain MUTILATES Armonk!
Armonk's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Armonk's slash.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::782 (69%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Smuerlk tells you 'empror angrie at orc, yas nat let follur no mores'
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::782 (69%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Armonk attempts to shatter your weapon, but it holds firm.
Armonk's wrath MASSACRES you!
You parry Armonk's slash.
You remain safe as Armonk's slash bounces harmlessly off of hide armor from a yeti.
You parry Armonk's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Armonk parries your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::716 (63%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: You slam into Armonk, and send him flying!
Your bash EVISCERATES Armonk!
Armonk is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::716 (63%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Tagerung looks at Armonk.
Armonk is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::716 (63%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas
You dodge Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's slash.
Armonk remains safe as your slice bounces harmlessly off of a skin from the snow leopard.
Armonk parries your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::716 (63%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas
Tagerung looks at you.
Armonk is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::716 (63%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bas

You parry Armonk's wrath and return an attack of your own.
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
You parry Armonk's slash.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Armonk remains safe as your slice bounces harmlessly off of a suit of black chainmail.
Seizing upon a flaw in Armonk's tactics, you trip him and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Armonk.
Armonk is convulsing on the ground. (10% - 15%)

:::716 (63%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: You slam into Armonk, and send him flying!
Your bash EVISCERATES Armonk!
Armonk is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::716 (63%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Armonk's wrath DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Armonk's slash.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk is DEAD!!
You sense a mystical boost to your innate magical abilities.
Armonk's fingers are sliced from his dead body.

:::651 (57%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: exam corpse
t smuerThe corpse of Armonk is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Armonk contains:
a pair of eog-lined gauntlets
a wide bronze belt
a brass dragonscale bracer
a suit of black chainmail
a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
(Glowing) (Humming) an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer'
a cowhide knapsack
( 2) the stomach of a beast
a canoe
some leggings from the snow worm
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
(Glowing) a black mitre
( 2) a silver Justice badge
( 2) Mahn-Tor's Great Axe
a horned minotaur helm
a skin from the snow leopard
( 2) a shiny black hematite ring
21 silver coins
15 copper coins

:::651 (57%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: t smuerlk nuh
g You tell Smuerlk 'nuh'

:::651 (57%)::41%::95%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: where
People near you:
Derick Blood Square
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square
Tagerung Blood Square
Tagerung stands up.

:::664 (58%)::43%::100%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: b
Tagerung leaves east.

:::664 (58%)::43%::100%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: bers
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: where

Tagerung has arrived.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: sect come smash DerPeople near you:
Derick Blood Square
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square
Tagerung Blood Square

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: sect come smash Derick
Tagerung says 'Do we take head?'

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: sect come smash Derick if want
[EMPEROR] Hunsobo: come smash Derick if want

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: Blood Square
The soft warmth of the sun fills this bloodied and ancient square. The
earth is cracked and the ground is stained, yet this was once the heart
of the village and is marked as such by the blood that reddens the earth.
Barbarian children hardly notice your presence as they wrestle and run in
the square, so intent are they on their war-games and fun. Sparse weeds
grow along the northern edge of this square, becoming denser as you
approach the building that lies in that direction. To the south is a hut
from which plumes of smoke and ash drift into the deep blue skies. To the
west is another hut, secluded from the more traversed portions of this
village and draped with the furs of exotic animals. The path continues
east, leading toward one of the clusters of huts that make up the bulk of
the village.

[Exits: north east south west]
The corpse of Armonk is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The severed fingers of Armonk lie here.
Tagerung is here.
(Ghost) (Hide) Derick is here.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: sac fingers

Armonk tells you 'I still don't know why I bother, its the same nonsense each time I war yer.'
The gods give you 0 copper coins for your sacrifice of the fingers of Armonk.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: sect oh you dids
[EMPIRE] Tagerung: He ghost.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: sect oh you dids
[EMPEROR] Hunsobo: oh you dids

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: af
wherYou are affected by:
Power: 'centurions' for 56 hours.
Spell: 'infravision' for 49 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 24 hours.
Spell: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -10 for 13 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 5 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'protection from good' for 5 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 4 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 3 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for -1 hours.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: where
People near you:
Derick Blood Square
(PK) Hunsobo Blood Square
Tagerung Blood Square

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Smuerlk tells you 'orc nat smart nat understandin, but orc stay wake, help Empror if need'

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Tagerung scans north.
Tagerung scans south.
Tagerung scans east.
Tagerung scans west.
Tagerung scans up.
Tagerung scans down.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: t
Tagerung leaves south.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: t smuerlk nuh
You tell Smuerlk 'nuh'

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: exam corpse
t The corpse of Armonk is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Armonk contains:
a pair of eog-lined gauntlets
a wide bronze belt
a brass dragonscale bracer
a suit of black chainmail
a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
(Glowing) (Humming) an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer'
a cowhide knapsack
( 2) the stomach of a beast
a canoe
some leggings from the snow worm
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
(Glowing) a black mitre
( 2) a silver Justice badge
( 2) Mahn-Tor's Great Axe
a horned minotaur helm
a skin from the snow leopard
( 2) a shiny black hematite ring
21 silver coins
15 copper coins

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: t armonk
Tagerung has arrived.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: t armonk yu
Tagerung scans west.

:::766 (67%)::36%::95%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: t armonk yuh den. But since yous came outs, Hunsobo nu
Smuerlk tells you 'Yuh, orc always help empror if need'

:::784 (69%)::38%::100%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: t armonk yuh den. But since yous came outs, Hunsobo nuh takin' head.
You tell Armonk 'yuh den. But since yous came outs, Hunsobo nuh takin'

836, Vharilius gankage
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::1040 (92%)::74%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: mtAlong the Eastern Road

[Exits: east west]
Meldressen is here.
(Hide) Maryk is here.
(Pink Aura) Izuhlzin is here, fighting Vharilius.
(Invis) A skeletal warrior stands here awaiting its master's commands.
(Invis) Akeleacd is here.
(White Aura) A transplendant ring of sparkling wings and brilliant light is here.
(White Aura) Vharilius is resting here.
Tagerung has arrived.

:::1040 (92%)::74%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: mt

Tagerung impales Vharilius on a lion's mark steel spetum!
Vharilius yells 'Help! Tagerung is trying to impale me!'
A spray of blood erupts from the new hole in Vharilius's flesh!
Tagerung's impalement MANGLES Vharilius!

:::1040 (92%)::74%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: Vharilius yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Hunsobo!'
Your slash DISMEMBERS Vharilius!
Izuhlzin tells you 'kill'
Vharilius is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::1040 (92%)::74%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
Babou has arrived.
Vharilius is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::1040 (92%)::74%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: flur
Babou leaves west.
Vharilius is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::1040 (92%)::74%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: flur

Izuhlzin has fled!
Vharilius is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::1040 (92%)::74%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
Your slash DISMEMBERS Vharilius!
Your slice EVISCERATES Vharilius!
Your slash DISMEMBERS Vharilius!
Vharilius deflects your slice with his shield.
Vharilius deflects your slash with his shield.
You parry Vharilius's divine power.
Tagerung's charge misses Vharilius.
Tagerung's charge DISMEMBERS Vharilius!
Vharilius is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1040 (92%)::74%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
A great horned owl flies up to you quickly then slows to a near halt.
You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Vharilius gets his shield in front of your attack, but your attack still lands.
Your flurry EVISCERATES Vharilius!
Your flurry DISMEMBERS Vharilius!
Vharilius gets his shield in front of your attack, but your attack still lands.
Your flurry EVISCERATES Vharilius!
Your flurry DISMEMBERS Vharilius!
Your flurry MASSACRES Vharilius!
Vharilius is DEAD!!
A transplendant archon vanishes, its binding broken.
Babou has arrived.

:::1040 (92%)::74%::73%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
You notice Akeleacd start to move towards the corpse and grab his wrist to stop him.

:::1040 (92%)::74%::73%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: exam corpse

Tagerung leans down to try to take something from the corpse and you plant your foot on his shoulder and kick him

:::1040 (92%)::74%::73%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
A great horned owl seems to be trying to nod, but with much difficulty.
A moment too late, you notice Tagerung reaching for something in the corpse and are unable to stop him.
Tagerung gets 24 gold coins from the corpse of Vharilius.
Tagerung splits 24 gold coins. Your share is 8 gold coins.

:::1040 (92%)::74%::73%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
You notice a bone golem start to move towards the corpse and grab its wrist to stop it.
You notice Tagerung start to move towards the corpse and grab his wrist to stop him.

:::1040 (92%)::74%::73%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: t izuh as yous command? *chThe corpse of Vharilius is here, dried blood caked over a slashed
The corpse of Vharilius contains:
( 2) a sleek black rod
(Glowing) a glowing flask
(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) a shining blue crystal
(Glowing) an engraved silver circlet
the Cloak of Death
( 2) (Glowing) (Humming) a ring set with a shard of blue crystal
the hands of a flame
a phylactery of fortitude
( 2) (Glowing) a mantle of earth
(Glowing) the mantle of the stars
firewalker boots
( 2) (Humming) a bracelet of woven gold
( 2) (Glowing) a staff of elemental power named 'Earth'
(Glowing) a set of arborian leggings
a sleek silver staff
an ice-rimmed shield
the elvish sash
a large saddle bag
an unholy axe named 'Venom'
a solid bar of unyielding titanium
Kteng's Staff
an iron figurine in the shape of a clawed demon
the pouch of nourishment
an opal wand

:::1040 (92%)::74%::73%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: t izuh as yous command? *chortA great horned owl flaps his wings fiercely for a moment and flies up
out of sight.

:::1040 (92%)::74%::73%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: t izuh as yous command? *chortle*
You tell Izuhlzin 'as yous command? *chortle*'
Izuhlzin nods.

835, Mesashian
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::1118 (100%)::16%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: bt
Fronkwin's Weaponry

[Exits: north]
A coil of supple leather lies here encrusted with razor sharp gems.
(Hide) Mesashian is here.
A stout old svirfneblin stands here pounding the edge of a weapon
with precision.

:::1118 (100%)::16%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: You slam into Mesashian, and send her flying!
Your bash EVISCERATES Mesashian!
Mesashian yells 'Help! Hunsobo is bashing me!'
Mesashian has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1118 (100%)::16%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
Mesashian steps out of the shadows.
You parry Mesashian's claw.
You dodge Mesashian's claw.
Mesashian parries your slice.
Mesashian parries your slice.
Mesashian dodges your slice.
Mesashian parries your slice.
Mesashian has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1118 (100%)::16%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: bt

You parry Mesashian's claw.
Mesashian's claw maims you!
You dodge Mesashian's claw.
Mesashian dodges your slice.
Mesashian steps inside your slice with a quick backfist.
Mesashian's claw maims you!
Mesashian dodges your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Mesashian!
Mesashian parries your slice.
Mesashian has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::1049 (93%)::16%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
Mesashian throws down a small globe.
People near you:
(PK) Mesashian Fronkwin's Weaponry
(PK) Hunsobo Fronkwin's Weaponry
Mesashian has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::1049 (93%)::16%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: You slam into Mesashian, and send her flying!
Your bash decimates Mesashian!
Mesashian has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::1049 (93%)::16%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
You remain safe as Mesashian's claw bounces harmlessly off of hide armor from a yeti.
You parry Mesashian's claw and return an attack of your own.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Mesashian!
You parry Mesashian's claw.
Mesashian dodges your slice.
Mesashian drives your slice back with her connecting blow.
Mesashian dodges your slice.
Mesashian stops your slice with a solid blow.
Mesashian is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::1049 (93%)::16%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: flur

You parry Mesashian's claw.
You dodge Mesashian's claw.
You parry Mesashian's claw.
You parry Mesashian's claw.
Mesashian dodges your slice.
Mesashian parries your slice.
Mesashian parries your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Mesashian!
Seizing upon a flaw in Mesashian's tactics, you trip her and she goes down!
Your trip scratches Mesashian.
Mesashian is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1049 (93%)::16%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Mesashian partially evades your attack, but you still hit her.
Your flurry MANGLES Mesashian!
Mesashian partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry MANGLES Mesashian!
Mesashian partially evades your attack, but you still hit her.
Your flurry MANGLES Mesashian!
Mesashian partially evades your attack, but you still hit her.
Your flurry MANGLES Mesashian!
Mesashian partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry MASSACRES Mesashian!
Mesashian partially evades your attack, but you still hit her.
Your flurry MANGLES Mesashian!
Mesashian is DEAD!!

:::1049 (93%)::16%::86%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: exam corpse
gt Mesashian deaded
The corpse of Mesashian is here, dried blood caked over a slashed
The corpse of Mesashian contains:
"Taisangu" the blade of a master assassin
( 2) a water skin
a barbed tail ring
(Glowing) a circlet of cold steel
a bracer made of braided leather
(Glowing) (Humming) the Ankh of Loch Terradian
(Glowing) a set of arborian chainmail
crimson-stained claw pads
( 2) a fang-hilted dagger
( 2) an amethyst ring
a spiked buckler
a pair of spiked gauntlets
a set of polished mithril armplates
a brown-furred cloak
a bag
a set of polished mithril legplates
a wide bronze belt
a fur-lined poncho
a thick leather bracer
a potion of returning
a dazzling shard of jasper
( 2) a brilliant uncut diamond
a strange, unknown gemstone
a sparkling uncut ruby
a pristine uncut emerald


:::1023 (92%)::25%::31%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: bt
A Room in the Inn

[Exits: [west]]
Mesashian is here.

:::1023 (92%)::25%::31%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: You slam into Mesashian, and send her flying!
Your bash MUTILATES Mesashian!
Mesashian yells 'Help! Hunsobo is bashing me!'
Mesashian has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::1023 (92%)::25%::31%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: con mesa
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Mesashian!
Mesashian dodges your slice.
Mesashian dodges your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Mesashian!
Your opponent is not wielding a weapon.
You parry Mesashian's claw.
You parry Mesashian's claw.
You parry Mesashian's claw.
Mesashian is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1023 (92%)::25%::31%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: con mesash

Mesashian dodges your slice.
Mesashian dodges your slice.
Your slice misses Mesashian.
You parry Mesashian's claw.
Mesashian's claw misses you.
Mesashian is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1023 (92%)::25%::31%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: The perfect match!
Mesashian is about the same size you are.
Mesashian is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1023 (92%)::25%::31%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: You slam into Mesashian, and send her flying!
Your bash wounds Mesashian.
Mesashian is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1029 (92%)::26%::33%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Mesashian dodges your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Mesashian!
Mesashian dodges your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Mesashian!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Mesashian!
Mesashian dodges your slice.
A tattoo of an incarnadine spiral erupts into flames that slither into both your and Mesashian's mouths.
You parry Mesashian's claw.
You parry Mesashian's claw.
Mesashian is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1029 (92%)::26%::33%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Mesashian dodges your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Mesashian!
You get in one more shot on Mesashian as she flees.
Your parting blow *** DEMOLISHES *** Mesashian!
Mesashian is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Your slice === OBLITERATES === Mesashian!
Mesashian is DEAD!!
Mesashian's fangs are pulled from her mouth.

:::1029 (92%)::26%::33%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: sect him dead
examAll that comes out of your mouth is the sound of silence.

:::1029 (92%)::26%::33%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: exam corpse
A splatter of viscera taints the air with horrid stench near Mesashian's
The corpse of Mesashian contains:
a thick leather bracer
a set of polished mithril legplates
a set of polished mithril armplates
a brown-furred cloak
a wide bronze belt
a fur-lined poncho
a pair of spiked gauntlets
a bag
"Taisangu" the blade of a master assassin
the Ancient Staff of the Cobra
a water skin
a barbed tail ring
(Glowing) a circlet of cold steel
a bracer made of braided leather
(Glowing) (Humming) the Ankh of Loch Terradian
(Glowing) a set of arborian chainmail
crimson-stained claw pads
( 2) a fang-hilted dagger
an eog sabre with a jagged edge
( 2) an amethyst ring
a key to the Keep
the gate key
23 gold coins
33 silver coins
485 copper coins

:::1029 (92%)::26%::33%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: g all.coins corpse
You get 23 gold coins from the corpse of Mesashian.
You get 33 silver coins from the corpse of Mesashian.
You get 485 copper coins from the corpse of Mesashian.

834, vs. Lyriana
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

*** Why not to sleep when raiding solo, even if no enemies in range are logged in. ***

:::573 (50%)::70%::88%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: who pk
s[50 Orc Ber] (PK) Smuerlk the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls
[51 Arial Inv] (PK) Valkek the Weaver of the Elements
[51 H-Drw Inv] (PK) Laviter the Weaver of the Elements
*51 Fire War* (PK) [EMPIRE] Hunsobo Oltog the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady, Emperor of Thera
[51 Gnome Inv] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Babou the Weaver of the Elements, Magistrate of Galadon
[51 Gnome War] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Siloreelo Di Taloreelo the Legend of the Battlefield, Marked of the Indigo Triangle,
Provost Magistrate
[51 D-Elf Tra] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Izuhlzin the High Wizard of the Arcane, Magistrate of Galadon

Players found: 7

:::573 (50%)::70%::88%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: skin
You get an everfull skin from the girdle of endless space.

:::573 (50%)::70%::88%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: You drink water from an everfull skin.
You do not feel thirsty.

:::573 (50%)::70%::88%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: You put an everfull skin in the girdle of endless space.

:::573 (50%)::70%::88%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: sl
You go to sleep.

:::573 (50%)::70%::88%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::

A coldness descends upon you; you feel yourself falling deeply asleep.

*** Snip getting sung up, spamming flee/q teleportation ***

:::783 (69%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: ####
You hear a dull ringing in your ears.
Your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault RATTLES you!
Your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault DISTURBS you!
Your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault STAGGERS you!
Your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault STAGGERS you!
Your punch scratches your agonizing heartbreak.
Your agonizing heartbreak dodges your slice.
Your punch scratches your agonizing heartbreak.
Your agonizing heartbreak parries your punch.
Your agonizing heartbreak parries your punch.
Seizing upon a flaw in your agonizing heartbreak's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
With your decisive kick you drive the spike of your boot into your foe!
Your kick scratches your agonizing heartbreak.
Your agonizing heartbreak has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::549 (48%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: ####A Swirling Mist of Illusions
You find yourself lost in the swirling illusions of a vast reverie that
extends as far as the eye can see. Hazily you can discern some kind
of landscape stretching out into the mist, but wherever you move, the
horizon strides ahead of you at equal pace. Dotting the scene are strange
forms; structures or trees or beings that have been conjured out of the
deepest recesses of your subconscious. Together, they form a bizarre
kind of fantasy known to you alone, and faintly you hear the odd notes
of a mysterious fantasia lingering in the ether.

[Obvious exits: north, east, south, west, up, down]
You hear a dull ringing in your ears.
The Watcher MUTILATES you!
You parry the Watcher's searing light.
You flee from combat!
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::511 (45%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: ####

Anthelsar has arrived.
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::511 (45%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: You quaff a potion of teleportation.
You failed.
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::511 (45%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: You hear a dull ringing in your ears.
Anthelsar utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Anthelsar's neurological disruption daunts you.
The Watcher has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::499 (44%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::3 PM:::
Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
Your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault misses you.
Your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault STAGGERS you!
Your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault DISTURBS you!
Your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault DISTURBS you!
You barely manage to turn your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault aside.
Your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault STAGGERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Anthelsar's brilliant radiance mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You try to attack some empty air near the Watcher.
You try to attack some empty air near the Watcher.
The thing does its thing!
A Swirling Mist of Illusions
You find yourself lost in the swirling illusions of a vast reverie that
extends as far as the eye can see. Hazily you can discern some kind
of landscape stretching out into the mist, but wherever you move, the
horizon strides ahead of you at equal pace. Dotting the scene are strange
forms; structures or trees or beings that have been conjured out of the
deepest recesses of your subconscious. Together, they form a bizarre
kind of fantasy known to you alone, and faintly you hear the odd notes
of a mysterious fantasia lingering in the ether.

[Obvious exits: north, east, south, west, up, down]

:::251 (22%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: w
Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
You parry your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault.
You parry your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault.
Your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault STAGGERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault DISTURBS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your agonizing heartbreak is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::147 (13%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: b
Your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault DISTURBS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A Swirling Mist of Illusions
You find yourself lost in the swirling illusions of a vast reverie that
extends as far as the eye can see. Hazily you can discern some kind
of landscape stretching out into the mist, but wherever you move, the
horizon strides ahead of you at equal pace. Dotting the scene are strange
forms; structures or trees or beings that have been conjured out of the
deepest recesses of your subconscious. Together, they form a bizarre
kind of fantasy known to you alone, and faintly you hear the odd notes
of a mysterious fantasia lingering in the ether.

[Obvious exits: north, east, south, west, up, down]
You flee from combat!

:::95 (8%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: bersYou aren't fighting anyone.

:::95 (8%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: speck

Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
Your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault STAGGERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A Swirling Mist of Illusions
You find yourself lost in the swirling illusions of a vast reverie that
extends as far as the eye can see. Hazily you can discern some kind
of landscape stretching out into the mist, but wherever you move, the
horizon strides ahead of you at equal pace. Dotting the scene are strange
forms; structures or trees or beings that have been conjured out of the
deepest recesses of your subconscious. Together, they form a bizarre
kind of fantasy known to you alone, and faintly you hear the odd notes
of a mysterious fantasia lingering in the ether.

[Obvious exits: north, east, south, west, up, down]
You flee from combat!

:::34 (3%)::100%::98%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: A speckled pill: you can't carry that many items.

:::34 (3%)::100%::98%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: You do not have that item.

:::34 (3%)::100%::98%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: in
You are carrying:
a blindfold
an emerald periapt
a battle drink
(Glowing) (Humming) a blazing sword named 'Incinerator'
(Glowing) a tiny mote of light
an eog sabre with a jagged edge
(Humming) a longsword named 'Storm Cleaver'
the Eagle-Marked Sword
the girdle of endless space
a potion of returning
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
the hide of the Ancient Black Dragon
a potion of teleportation
a sapphire periapt

:::34 (3%)::100%::98%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: ####
You quaff a potion of teleportation.
A Swirling Mist of Illusions
You find yourself lost in the swirling illusions of a vast reverie that
extends as far as the eye can see. Hazily you can discern some kind
of landscape stretching out into the mist, but wherever you move, the
horizon strides ahead of you at equal pace. Dotting the scene are strange
forms; structures or trees or beings that have been conjured out of the
deepest recesses of your subconscious. Together, they form a bizarre
kind of fantasy known to you alone, and faintly you hear the odd notes
of a mysterious fantasia lingering in the ether.

[Obvious exits: north, east, south, west, up, down]

:::34 (3%)::100%::98%::27100::civilized::3 PM:::
You speed up again.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison MUTILATES you!
You are incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.

:::-4 (0%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: t izuh where
Try as you might you can't escape the fiend for long!
Your agonizing heartbreak's mental assault RATTLES you!
You have been KILLED!!

You are no longer resistant to cold.
You become solid again.
You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!

833, Bash vs. Lyriana
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::916 (83%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: bt
The Snowy Courtyard

[Exits: north east south west]
Lyriana is here.
Smuerlk has arrived.
Ariola has arrived.
Tagerung has arrived.
Dyrin has arrived.

:::916 (83%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: You slam into Lyriana, and send her flying!
Your bash mauls Lyriana.
Lyriana yells 'Heelp! Huunssooboo iiss baasshiing mee!'
Lyriana has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::916 (83%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
You parry Lyriana's divine power.
You parry Lyriana's divine power.
Lyriana parries your slice.
Your slice DISMEMBERS Lyriana!
Lyriana dodges your slice.
Lyriana parries your slice.
Lyriana dodges your slice.
Smuerlk's crush DISMEMBERS Lyriana!
Smuerlk's cleave EVISCERATES Lyriana!
Lyriana has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::916 (83%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
Tagerung grins evilly.
Lyriana has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::916 (83%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
Tagerung looks at Lyriana.
Lyriana has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::916 (83%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
Ariola looks at Lyriana.
Smuerlk hurls himself at Lyriana, slamming into her with a loud impact.
Smuerlk's bash hits Lyriana.
Smuerlk kicks Lyriana while she's down!
Smuerlk's vicious attack hits Lyriana.
Lyriana has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::916 (83%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
You parry Lyriana's divine power.
Lyriana's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Lyriana's dispel evil wounds you.
Lyriana dodges your slice.
Lyriana dodges your slice.
Lyriana dodges your slice.
Lyriana parries your slice.
Smuerlk's cleave MUTILATES Lyriana!
Lyriana has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::897 (82%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
Dyrin looks at Lyriana.
Lyriana has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::897 (82%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: bt

Ariola waves goodbye to Lyriana.
Lyriana has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::897 (82%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: You slam into Lyriana, and send her flying!
Your bash wounds Lyriana.
Lyriana is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::897 (82%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
You parry Lyriana's divine power.
Lyriana dodges your slice.
Your slice EVISCERATES Lyriana!
Your slice DISMEMBERS Lyriana!
Lyriana is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::897 (82%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
Siilthlyzrin looks at Lyriana.
Lyriana is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::897 (82%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
Smuerlk sends Lyriana sprawling with a powerful bash.
Smuerlk's bash hits Lyriana.
Lyriana is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::897 (82%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
You meet Lyriana's divine power with a resounding impact.
Fire seems to leap off the strings of a beautiful silver harp strung with pure light from Lyriana's fingertips at you!
Lyriana causes a wall of fire to encircle you and burn you!
Lyriana's wall of fire singes you!
Lyriana's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Lyriana's dispel evil MUTILATES you!
Lyriana parries your slice.
Your slice EVISCERATES Lyriana!
Lyriana dodges your slice.
Lyriana parries your slice.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Smuerlk's cleave MUTILATES Lyriana!
Smuerlk's crush misses Lyriana.
Lyriana is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::884 (80%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: bt
Springing forward, you send Lyriana sprawling with a solid body blow!
Your bash decimates Lyriana!
Lyriana is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::884 (80%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
You parry Lyriana's divine power.
You parry Lyriana's divine power.
Fire seems to leap off the strings of a beautiful silver harp strung with pure light from Lyriana's fingertips at you!
Lyriana causes a wall of fire to encircle you and burn you!
Lyriana's wall of fire blisters you.
Lyriana's Amathylar, the Elven Blade of War glows a faint blue!
Lyriana dodges your slice.
Lyriana dodges your slice.
Lyriana dodges your slice.
Lyriana nimbly sidesteps your slice.
Your dirt kick is repelled!
Lyriana is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::870 (79%)::18%::82%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
You are thirsty.
Lyriana is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::870 (79%)::18%::84%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
Smuerlk sends Lyriana sprawling with a powerful bash.
Smuerlk's bash hits Lyriana.
Lyriana is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::870 (79%)::18%::84%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
You parry Lyriana's divine power and return an attack of your own.
Your slice DISMEMBERS Lyriana!
Lyriana's Amathylar, the Elven Blade of War glows a faint blue!
Lyriana parries your slice.
Lyriana dodges your slice.
Your slice DISMEMBERS Lyriana!
Your slice EVISCERATES Lyriana!
Lyriana dodges your slice.
Your dirt kick is repelled!
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
Smuerlk's crush EVISCERATES Lyriana!
Smuerlk's cleave MUTILATES Lyriana!
Smuerlk's crush EVISCERATES Lyriana!
Lyriana is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::902 (82%)::18%::84%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: bt
You slam into Lyriana, and send her flying!
Your bash injures Lyriana.
You dodge Lyriana's divine power.
Lyriana's Amathylar, the Elven Blade of War glows a faint blue!
Lyriana parries your slice.
Lyriana parries your slice.
Your slice EVISCERATES Lyriana!
Smuerlk's crush DISMEMBERS Lyriana!
Lyriana is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::902 (82%)::18%::84%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
Smuerlk falls flat on his face.
Smuerlk's bash misses Lyriana.
Lyriana is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::902 (82%)::18%::84%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
You parry Lyriana's divine power.
You parry Lyriana's divine power.
Lyriana's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Lyriana's dispel evil MUTILATES you!
Lyriana's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Lyriana's dispel evil mauls you.
Lyriana parries your slice.
Your slice EVISCERATES Lyriana!
Lyriana parries your slice.
Lyriana dodges your slice.
Lyriana parries your slice.
Smuerlk's crush MASSACRES Lyriana!
Lyriana is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::842 (77%)::18%::84%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: bt

You parry Lyriana's divine power.
You parry Lyriana's divine power.
Lyriana strums a soft, soothing melody on a beautiful silver harp strung with pure light.
Lyriana parries your slice.
Lyriana dodges your slice.
Lyriana parries your slice.
Your slice EVISCERATES Lyriana!
Lyriana is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::842 (77%)::18%::84%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: You slam into Lyriana, and send her flying!
Your bash injures Lyriana.
Lyriana is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::842 (77%)::18%::84%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
The gods protect Lyriana from Ariola.
Lyriana is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::842 (77%)::18%::84%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: g bracelet corpse

You parry Lyriana's divine power.
You parry Lyriana's divine power and return an attack of your own.
Your slice EVISCERATES Lyriana!
You get in one more shot on Lyriana as she flees.
Your parting blow MUTILATES Lyriana!
Lyriana is DEAD!!

:::842 (77%)::18%::84%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
Catching Tagerung's motion as he reaches for the corpse, you smack him upside the head and send him stumbling forward.
A moment too late, you notice Ariola reaching for something in the corpse and are unable to stop her.
Ariola gets firewalker boots from the corpse of Lyriana.

832, Taarilien
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::1128 (100%)::100%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: The Gates of the Palace

[Exits: north south]
Rogmos is here.
Taarilien is here, fighting the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Vanquisher of the Empire defends the Palace to the death!
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'

:::1128 (100%)::100%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: Taarilien yells 'Die, Hunsobo, you sorcerous dog!'
You call upon the Codex and carve a Sigil of Pain onto Taarilien.
Your sigil of pain MASSACRES Taarilien!
Taarilien has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1128 (100%)::85%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Taarilien parries your slice.
Taarilien barely turns your slice aside.
Taarilien dodges your slice.
Taarilien parries your slice.
Taarilien parries your slice.
Taarilien's slash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Taarilien's cut DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Taarilien has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1128 (100%)::85%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'
Taarilien has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1128 (100%)::85%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Siilthlyzrin closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is surrounded by a black aura.
Taarilien has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1128 (100%)::85%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: Taarilien evades your bash with surprising agility!
Taarilien has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1128 (100%)::85%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Taarilien parries your slice.
Taarilien parries your slice.
Taarilien parries your slice.
Taarilien dodges your slice.
His feet aren't on the ground.
Taarilien's slash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Taarilien's cut devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Taarilien has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1128 (100%)::85%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: bt
Rogmos nods sagely.
Taarilien has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1128 (100%)::85%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: bt

Quickly spinning on his heel, Taarilien delivers a crushing kick against the Imperial Vanquisher!
Taarilien's double spin kick mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Completing his spin, Taarilien brings his other foot around for another devastating strike against the Imperial
Taarilien's double spin kick mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is DEAD!!
As the Imperial Vanquisher falls, the bloody head of a magician returns to the Battle Cabal!
[EMPIRE] the Imperial Vanquisher: We have lost control of the bloody head of a magician
[EMPIRE] the Imperial Vanquisher: Alas, my life has come to an end...
The Imperial Vanquisher's heart is torn from its chest.
Taarilien sacrifices the corpse of the Imperial Vanquisher to the gods.
Taarilien has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1128 (100%)::85%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Siilthlyzrin closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You are surrounded by a white aura.
Taarilien has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1128 (100%)::85%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
You feel a sense of danger.
Taarilien has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1128 (100%)::85%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Taarilien dodges your slice.
Taarilien parries your slice.
Taarilien dodges your slice wildly.
Taarilien dodges your slice.
You parry Taarilien's slash.
You parry Taarilien's cut.
Taarilien has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1128 (100%)::85%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: Leading with your shoulder, you slam into Taarilien and send him
Your bash decimates Taarilien!
Taarilien has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::1128 (100%)::85%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** Taarilien!
Taarilien dodges your slice.
Taarilien dodges your slice.
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** Taarilien!
You parry Taarilien's slash.
Taarilien is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::1128 (100%)::85%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: bt

Rogmos looks at Taarilien.
Siilthlyzrin looks at Taarilien.
Taarilien is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::1128 (100%)::85%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Taarilien parries your slice.
Taarilien parries your slice.
Taarilien dodges your slice.
You parry Taarilien's slash.
Taarilien's cut mauls you.
Taarilien is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::1104 (97%)::85%::48%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: Taarilien evades your bash with surprising agility!
Taarilien parries your slice.
Taarilien dodges your slice.
Taarilien dodges your slice.
Taarilien dodges your slice.
Taarilien parries your slice.
Seizing upon a flaw in Taarilien's tactics, you kick dirt toward his eyes!
Taarilien is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt grazes Taarilien.
Taarilien's slash devastates you!
You parry Taarilien's cut.
You parry Taarilien's slash.
Taarilien is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::1078 (95%)::86%::53%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: bt

You get in one more shot on Taarilien as he flees.
Your parting blow *** DEMOLISHES *** Taarilien!
Taarilien has fled!
Taarilien leaves north.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::53%::27100::civilized::8 AM:::
Taarilien has arrived.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::53%::27100::civilized::8 AM:::
Taarilien leaves south.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::53%::27100::civilized::8 AM:::
Rogmos leaves south.
They aren't here.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::53%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: Before the Imperial Palace

[Exits: north east south west]
Rogmos is here.
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::53%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: The Avenue of Conquest

[Exits: north east south]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::53%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: Rogmos has arrived.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::53%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: The Avenue of Conquest

[Exits: north east south]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::53%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: Rogmos has arrived.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::53%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: The Imperial Square

[Exits: north east south west]
Water flows from a beautifully carved onyx fountain.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::53%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: The Avenue of Conquest

[Exits: north east south]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::53%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: The Avenue of Conquest

[Exits: north south]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: The Avenue of Conquest

[Exits: north east south west]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: An Archway Entering the Imperial City

[Exits: north south]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: north east south]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: A Bend in the Imperial Road

[Exits: north east]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: wPeople near you:
Rogmos The Avenue of Conquest
(PK) Siilthlyzrin A Bend in the Imperial Road
(PK) Hunsobo A Bend in the Imperial Road
(PK) Taarilien Lane of the Chosen

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: wherAlas, you cannot go that way.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: where
Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: east south west]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: east west]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::52%::27100::civilized::8 AM:::
You feel a sense of danger.
A Bend in the Imperial Road

[Exits: south west]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: Between Two Imperial Guard Towers

[Exits: north east south west]
A stocky duergar gazes upwards here, jotting notes on a piece of parchment.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: Entrance to the Imperial Lands

[Exits: north south]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: People near you:
Rogmos The Imperial Square
(PK) Hunsobo Entrance to the Imperial Lands
(PK) Taarilien Lane of Intrigue

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: s
People near you:
Rogmos The Imperial Square
(PK) Hunsobo Entrance to the Imperial Lands
(PK) Taarilien Lane of Intrigue

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: Entrance to the Village of Balator

[Exits: north south west]
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A dwarven warrior student grumbles words of hatred for magic.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: On the Main Path through the Village

[Exits: north east south west]
A human warrior student trains in battle and tactics here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: People near you:
(PK) Siilthlyzrin On the Main Path Through the Village
(PK) Hunsobo On the Main Path through the Village

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: On the Main Path Through the Village

[Exits: north east south west]
A villager passes by on their way about town.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: nn
On the Main Path through the Village

[Exits: north east south west]
A human warrior student trains in battle and tactics here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: Entrance to the Village of Balator

[Exits: north south west]
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A dwarven warrior student grumbles words of hatred for magic.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: People near you:
(PK) Siilthlyzrin On the Main Path Through the Village
(PK) Hunsobo Entrance to the Village of Balator

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: cEntrance to the Imperial Lands

[Exits: north south]

:::1078 (95%)::86%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: call centurions
Two centurions come to fortify this road.
[EMPIRE] an Imperial Centurion: We now watch over Entrance to the Imperial Lands as Hunsobo has ordered.

:::1078 (95%)::62%::51%::27100::civilized::8 AM:::
The heat starts affecting you again.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: gt him mine
People near you:
Rogmos The Imperial Road
(PK) Hunsobo Entrance to the Imperial Lands
(PK) Taarilien Lane of the Chosen

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: You tell your group 'him mine'

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: You are affected by:
Power: 'centurions' for 101 hours.
Commune: 'sanctuary' for 6 hours.
Commune: 'fly' for 4 hours.
Spell: 'panache' modifies charisma by 3 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 2 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' for -1 hours.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: People near you:
Rogmos The Imperial Road
(PK) Hunsobo Entrance to the Imperial Lands
(PK) Taarilien Avenue of the Imperial Inquisition

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: The centurion steps aside for you.
The centurion steps aside for you.
Between Two Imperial Guard Towers

[Exits: north east south west]
A stocky duergar gazes upwards here, jotting notes on a piece of parchment.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: People near you:
Rogmos The Imperial Road
(PK) Siilthlyzrin Between Two Imperial Guard Towers
(PK) Hunsobo The Imperial Road
(PK) Taarilien Lane of Intrigue

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: People near you:
Rogmos The Imperial Road
(PK) Siilthlyzrin Between Two Imperial Guard Towers
(PK) Hunsobo The Imperial Road
(PK) Taarilien A Turn in Lane of Intrigue

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: People near you:
Rogmos The Imperial Road
(PK) Siilthlyzrin Between Two Imperial Guard Towers
(PK) Hunsobo The Imperial Road
(PK) Taarilien A Turn in Lane of Intrigue

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: A Bend in the Imperial Road

[Exits: south west]

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: People near you:
Rogmos The Imperial Road
(PK) Siilthlyzrin The Imperial Road
(PK) Hunsobo A Bend in the Imperial Road
(PK) Taarilien A Turn in Lane of Intrigue

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: They aren't here.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: east west]

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: bt
The Imperial Road

[Exits: east south west]

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: A Bend in the Imperial Road

[Exits: north east]

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: They aren't here.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: People near you:
Rogmos The Imperial Road
(PK) Siilthlyzrin The Imperial Road
(PK) Hunsobo A Bend in the Imperial Road
(PK) Taarilien A Turn in Lane of Intrigue

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: bt
btThey aren't here.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: btThe Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: bt
The Imperial Road

[Exits: north east south]

:::1085 (96%)::64%::55%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: You feel a sense of danger.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: They aren't here.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Rogmos has arrived.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: bt
An Archway Entering the Imperial City

[Exits: north south]

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: Rogmos has arrived.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: They aren't here.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: bt
The Avenue of Conquest

[Exits: north east south west]

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: Rogmos has arrived.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: They aren't here.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: btYou scan north.
***** Range 6 *****
A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.

You scan south.
***** Range 5 *****
(Black Aura) Siilthlyzrin is here.

You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
Taarilien is here.

You scan up.
You scan down.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: bt
Rogmos leaves east.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: They aren't here.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: bt
Lane of Intrigue

[Exits: east west]
Taarilien is here.

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: You slam into Taarilien, and send him flying!
Your bash MUTILATES Taarilien!
Taarilien yells 'Help! Hunsobo is bashing me!'
Taarilien is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Taarilien dodges your slice.
Taarilien parries your slice.
Taarilien parries your slice.
Taarilien parries your slice.
Taarilien dodges your slice.
You parry Taarilien's slash.
You barely manage to turn Taarilien's slash aside.
Taarilien is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Rogmos has arrived.
Taarilien is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1085 (96%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Taarilien dodges your slice.
Taarilien parries your slice.
Taarilien dodges your slice.
Taarilien parries your slice.
Seizing upon a flaw in Taarilien's tactics, you kick dirt toward his eyes!
Taarilien is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Taarilien.
You parry Taarilien's slash.
Taarilien's cut devastates you!
You parry Taarilien's slash.
Taarilien's slash maims you!
Taarilien is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1019 (90%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: dou
You try to strike the same spot with both your swords.
Your thrust *** DEVASTATES *** Taarilien!
Taarilien is DEAD!!
Taarilien's head is shattered, and his brains splash all over you.

:::1019 (90%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: exam corpse

Rogmos nods sagely.

:::1019 (90%)::64%::54%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: reply
Rogmos says 'Hail Emperor.'

:::1025 (90%)::66%::59%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: reply sorry, wusy Hewn limbs bleed near the mutilated corpse of Taarilien.
The corpse of Taarilien contains:
a pair of blackened arm guards
a pair of blackened leggings
an aquamarine bracelet
( 2) (Glowing) a colorful cloak covered with patches
the horn from a black unicorn
(Humming) a cincture of pure jadeite
a cowhide knapsack
a jeweled lock pick
a malachite bracelet
a midnight dragon hide
(Glowing) a sapphire bracelet
a pair of titanium gauntlets
a forest-green, woven belt
skull of a skyflash
a pair of silver-tipped feathered ribbons
a tarnished silver ring
a dark, avian's black leather mask
a pair of mithril-reinforced talons
"Taisangu" the blade of a master assassin
(Glowing) (Humming) the ivory-hilted wakizashi
(Glowing) the Black King's scepter
a spider-shaped dagger
(Humming) a granite ring
a Frostbrand sword
a razor-edged shield
a white sword
(Glowing) a sword of honor
3 gold coins
422 silver coins
1069 copper coins

831, w Smuerlk and Valkek vs. Zekaris
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::720 (64%)::18%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Zekaris The Avenue of Conquest
(PK) Hunsobo The Avenue of Conquest
(PK) Valkek The Avenue of Conquest
(PK) Smuerlk The Avenue of Conquest

:::720 (64%)::18%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: n;kt
The Avenue of Conquest

[Exits: north east south]
(White Aura) Zekaris is here.
Valkek has arrived.
Smuerlk has arrived.

:::720 (64%)::18%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: You yell 'Die, Zekaris, you sorcerous dog!'
Zekaris narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
You are wracked with pain as Zekaris withers your flesh!
Zekaris's withering MASSACRES you!
Zekaris is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::654 (59%)::18%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: You call upon the Codex and carve a Sigil of Pain onto Zekaris.
Your sigil of pain devastates Zekaris!
Zekaris has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::654 (59%)::3%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
Zekaris's slash EVISCERATES you!
Zekaris parries your flaming bite.
Your slice MASSACRES Zekaris!
Zekaris parries your flaming bite.
Zekaris parries your flaming bite.
Zekaris parries your slice.
Smuerlk's crush EVISCERATES Zekaris!
Smuerlk's crush misses Zekaris.
Valkek fades into existence.
Zekaris has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::604 (54%)::3%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: No way! You are still fighting!
Zekaris has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::604 (54%)::3%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: You don't have enough mana.
Zekaris has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::604 (54%)::3%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
Zekaris's slash EVISCERATES you!
Valkek's ring flares with a bright white light!
Valkek fades into existence.
Valkek's shocking grasp DISMEMBERS Zekaris!
Zekaris parries your flaming bite.
Zekaris deflects your slice with his shield.
Zekaris parries your flaming bite.
Zekaris dodges your slice.
Smuerlk's crush maims Zekaris!
Smuerlk's crush DISMEMBERS Zekaris!
Smuerlk's crush EVISCERATES Zekaris!
Zekaris is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::554 (50%)::3%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
Smuerlk hacks at Zekaris's arm with all his might!
You hear a crack as Smuerlk's weapon connects with Zekaris's arm!
With his shattered arm, Zekaris can no longer hold onto a diamond-shaped black scale.
Smuerlk's mighty swing MANGLES Zekaris!
Zekaris is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::554 (50%)::3%::83%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: flur
You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Your flurry RAZES Zekaris!
Your flurry MASSACRES Zekaris!
Zekaris partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry SEARS Zekaris!
Zekaris partially parries your attack, but you still get through.
Your flurry DISMEMBERS Zekaris!
Your flurry TORCHES Zekaris!
Your flurry MASSACRES Zekaris!
Your flurry CHARS Zekaris!
Zekaris is DEAD!!
A blade fashioned from midnight shadows vaporizes, returning to its true owner.
A clump of Zekaris's hair is ripped from his head.

You are thirsty.
The pain of your bruised body begins to subside.
You slowly float to the ground.

:::557 (50%)::3%::71%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: grin
exam corpse

Valkek coughs loudly.

:::557 (50%)::3%::71%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: You grin evilly.

:::557 (50%)::3%::71%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: The charred and burnt corpse of Zekaris lies here.
The burnt corpse of Zekaris contains:
a cured hide sack made from the corpse of the singing wood-elf
a girdle of giant strength
a small vial of smoke
(Glowing) the Cloak of the Deep
a diamond-shaped black scale
a suit of black chainmail
an oddly shaped glass bracelet
midnight dragon leggings
a potion of flying
firewalker boots
( 2) a black potion
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
a bracelet of golden chain
some crimson steelroot
gauntlets of ogre power
(Humming) the helm of black magic
( 2) an iron ring set with a white moonstone
a sturdy hand-carved piragua
(Glowing) a scourge of bone

829, vs. Teranax and Armonk
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

tells you 'No needin ta worry, I comin.'
A massive giant is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::1108 (100%)::74%::54%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::1108 (100%)::74%::54%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::1108 (100%)::74%::54%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice misses a massive giant.
You parry a massive giant's slash.
You parry a massive giant's slash.
A massive giant is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::1108 (100%)::74%::54%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::1108 (100%)::74%::54%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::1108 (100%)::74%::54%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::1108 (100%)::74%::54%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo Before a Fortified Hillock
A massive giant is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::1108 (100%)::74%::54%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::1108 (100%)::74%::54%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: shove 1.

Your slice misses a massive giant.
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
You parry a massive giant's slash.
A massive giant is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::1108 (100%)::74%::54%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::1108 (100%)::74%::54%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: shove 1.What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::1108 (100%)::74%::54%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::1108 (100%)::74%::54%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
A massive giant wipes the dirt from its eyes.
A massive giant is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo Before a Fortified Hillock
A massive giant is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: reply
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
You parry a massive giant's slash.
You parry a massive giant's slash.
Your glass eye bracelet glows and repels the dirt!
A massive giant is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: reply prefer giantguy
You tell Armonk 'prefer giantguy'
A massive giant is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: reply nev
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
A massive giant dodges your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
A massive giant dodges your slice.
You parry a massive giant's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
A massive giant is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: reply never foughts him
whereYou tell Armonk 'never foughts him'
A massive giant is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: where
wherePeople near you:
(PK) Hunsobo Before a Fortified Hillock
A massive giant is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: reply prefer giantguy
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
It's too much bigger than you to trip.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
A warm feeling fills your body.
You parry a massive giant's slash.
Your glass eye bracelet glows and repels the dirt!
A massive giant is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo Before a Fortified Hillock
A massive giant is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
A warm feeling fills your body.
You parry a massive giant's slash.
A massive giant is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
Armonk tells you 'Well, yer gonna need ta deal with me too.'
A massive giant is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your opponent is not wielding a weapon.
You parry a massive giant's slash.
You parry a massive giant's slash.
Your glass eye bracelet glows and repels the dirt!
A massive giant is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: shove 1.
What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: shove 1.

Your slice misses a massive giant.
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice misses a massive giant.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
It's too much bigger than you to trip.
You parry a massive giant's slash.
A massive giant is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: What about fleeing instead?
A massive giant is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::1108 (100%)::75%::56%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: reply yuh den
You tell Armonk 'yuh den'
A massive giant is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::1108 (100%)::76%::58%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: af
You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -15 for 60 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 9 for 60 hours.
Commune: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -14 for 25 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 11 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 8 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 8 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 6 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 2 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for -1 hours.
A massive giant is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::1108 (100%)::76%::58%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo Before a Fortified Hillock
A massive giant is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::1108 (100%)::76%::58%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Armonk has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
You parry a massive giant's slash.
A massive giant is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::1108 (100%)::76%::58%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: A massive giant moves to block your path.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
A massive giant is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::1108 (100%)::76%::58%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: A massive giant moves to block your path.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Armonk drives his axes into both sides of your body, stunning you.
Armonk's brutal attack MASSACRES you!
Armonk's brutal attack MASSACRES you!
You yell 'Help! Armonk is trying to hack me to pieces!'
A massive giant is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::962 (86%)::76%::58%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice misses a massive giant.
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
A warm feeling fills your body.
You parry a massive giant's slash.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath and return an attack of your own.
Your slice MASSACRES Armonk!
A massive giant is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1062 (95%)::76%::58%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
You parry a massive giant's slash.
You parry a massive giant's slash.
You dodge Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
A massive giant is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::1062 (95%)::76%::58%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Teranax has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'
A massive giant is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::1062 (95%)::76%::58%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: A massive giant moves to block your path.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
A massive giant is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::1062 (95%)::76%::58%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

[Exits: north south west]
You flee from combat!

:::1062 (95%)::76%::58%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: You aren't fighting anyone.

:::1062 (95%)::76%::58%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: A Ruined Wall of the City

[Exits: north east]

:::1062 (95%)::76%::58%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: A Foul, Twisting Alley

[Exits: east west]
A filthy vulture is here, with a red crown atop its beak.

:::1062 (95%)::76%::58%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: tA Foul, Twisting Alley

[Exits: east west]

:::1062 (95%)::76%::57%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: targ A Foul, Twisting Alley

[Exits: north east west]

:::1062 (95%)::76%::57%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: af
wherYou are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -15 for 60 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 9 for 60 hours.
Commune: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -14 for 25 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 11 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 8 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 8 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 6 for 8 hours.
Spell: 'fly' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 2 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for -1 hours.

:::1062 (95%)::76%::57%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo A Foul, Twisting Alley

:::1062 (95%)::76%::57%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: where
who People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo A Foul, Twisting Alley

:::1062 (95%)::76%::57%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: who pk
w[42 Cloud War] (PK) Teranax the Commander of Warfare
[51 W-Elf Dru] (PK) Linaeren Bloodleaf the Acumen of Beasts, Harbinger of Thar-Eris
*51 Fire War* (PK) [EMPIRE] Hunsobo Oltog the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady, Emperor of Thera
[51 Felar Asn] (PK) Mesashian the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
[50 Arial Shf] (PK) Akreick the Grand Master of Shapeshifting
[51 Human Shf] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Iukulli the Grand Master of Changelings, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
[51 Elf Pal] (PK) Niheriva Vilisital the Redeemed Warrior-Priest of Baerinika, Captain of the Brigade
[51 D-Elf Tra] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Izuhlzin the High Wizard of the Arcane, Magistrate of Galadon
[51 Elf War] (PK) Juliane the Ephemeral Blade of the Dance
[51 Gnome Inv] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Babou the Weaver of the Elements, Magistrate of Galadon
[44 Felar Asn] (PK) Aguar the Master of Owaza
[48 Dwarf War] (PK) Armonk the Student of the Macalla

Players found: 12

:::1062 (95%)::76%::57%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: wherA Foul, Twisting Alley

[Exits: east west]

:::1062 (95%)::76%::57%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: where
A Foul, Twisting Alley

[Exits: east west]
A filthy vulture is here, with a red crown atop its beak.

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo A Foul, Twisting Alley

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: A Ruined Wall of the City

[Exits: north east]

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo A Ruined Wall of the City

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

[Exits: north south west]

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: You scan north.
You scan south.
You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A massive giant stands here, prepared to sacrifice himself for the village.

***** Range 2 *****
Armonk is here.
Teranax is sleeping here.

You scan up.
You scan down.

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: w
Before a Fortified Hillock

[Exits: east west]
A massive giant stands here, prepared to sacrifice himself for the village.

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: k outer
shoYour slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
A massive giant is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: shove armonk
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
You parry a massive giant's slash.
A massive giant is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: shove armonk

Armonk has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'
A massive giant is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Your glass eye bracelet glows and repels the dirt!
A massive giant is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: shove armonk
You shove Armonk in front of a massive giant!
Armonk yells 'Help! Hunsobo is shoving me into battle!'

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Armonk's wrath DISMEMBERS a massive giant!
Armonk's wrath EVISCERATES a massive giant!
Armonk's wrath EVISCERATES a massive giant!

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Teranax has arrived.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Teranax!'
Teranax's wrath nearly strikes you before you turn it away.
Teranax has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: Your opponent is too smart to be fooled by that.
You parry Teranax's wrath.
You parry Teranax's wrath.
You parry Teranax's wrath.
Teranax dodges your slice.
Teranax parries your slice.
Your slice EVISCERATES Teranax!
Teranax parries your slice.
Teranax dodges your slice.
Teranax dodges your slice.
Armonk's wrath DISMEMBERS a massive giant!
Armonk's wrath MASSACRES a massive giant!
Armonk's wrath EVISCERATES a massive giant!
Teranax has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: drive e
You make a furious drive at Teranax and push you both into The
Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins!
The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

[Exits: north south west]
Teranax is here, fighting YOU!
Teranax has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::1062 (95%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Teranax drives his axes into both sides of your body, stunning you.
Teranax's brutal attack *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Teranax's brutal attack MANGLES you!
Teranax has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::859 (77%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: sig

You parry Teranax's wrath.
Teranax delivers a blow of deadly force!
You parry Teranax's wrath.
You parry Teranax's wrath.
You parry Teranax's wrath.
Teranax parries your slice.
Your slice DISMEMBERS Teranax!
Your slice EVISCERATES Teranax!
Your slice EVISCERATES Teranax!
Teranax dodges your slice.
Your slice EVISCERATES Teranax!
His feet aren't on the ground.
Teranax is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::859 (77%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Armonk has arrived.
Teranax is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::859 (77%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Armonk tries some fancy axe-work, but just whacks his axes together.
Armonk's brutal attack misses you.
You yell 'Help! Armonk is trying to hack me to pieces!'
Teranax is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::859 (77%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
You parry Teranax's wrath.
You parry Teranax's wrath.
Teranax parries your slice.
Teranax parries your slice.
Your slice EVISCERATES Teranax!
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Teranax is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::859 (77%)::76%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: You call upon the Codex and carve a Sigil of Pain onto Teranax.
Your sigil of pain DISMEMBERS Teranax!
Teranax is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::859 (77%)::60%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
You parry Teranax's wrath.
Teranax's wrath MASSACRES you!
You parry Teranax's wrath and return an attack of your own.
Your slice DISMEMBERS Teranax!
Your slice MASSACRES Teranax!
Your slice MASSACRES Teranax!
Teranax parries your slice.
Your slice DISMEMBERS Teranax!
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You dodge Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Teranax is convulsing on the ground. (10% - 15%)

:::781 (70%)::60%::56%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas

Your eyes are no longer sensitive to magical auras.
Teranax is convulsing on the ground. (10% - 15%)

:::786 (70%)::61%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM:::
Armonk looks at Teranax.
Teranax is convulsing on the ground. (10% - 15%)

:::786 (70%)::61%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM:::
You get in one more shot on Teranax as he flees.
Your parting blow DISMEMBERS Teranax!
Teranax has fled!
Teranax leaves west.
But you aren't fighting anyone!

:::786 (70%)::61%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: w

You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk's wrath MASSACRES you!
You parry Armonk's wrath and return an attack of your own.
Your slice MASSACRES Armonk!
Armonk has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::710 (64%)::61%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: No way! You are still fighting!
Armonk has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::710 (64%)::61%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: mt
They aren't here.
Armonk has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::710 (64%)::61%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: where
siPeople near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
(PK) Armonk The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
Armonk has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::710 (64%)::61%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: sig

Armonk attempts to shatter your weapon, but it holds firm.
Armonk has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::710 (64%)::61%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: You call upon the Codex and carve a Sigil of Pain onto Armonk.
Your sigil of pain MUTILATES Armonk!
Armonk has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::710 (64%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM:::
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk parries your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk's wrath MANGLES you!
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::628 (56%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: bas
Leading with your shoulder, you slam into Armonk and send him flying!
Your bash maims Armonk!
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::628 (56%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM:::
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk parries your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk's wrath MASSACRES you!
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::552 (49%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM:::
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::552 (49%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: bas
Springing forward, you send Armonk sprawling with a solid body blow!
Your bash injures Armonk.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk parries your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::552 (49%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM:::
Teranax has arrived.
Armonk is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::552 (49%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM:::
Teranax looks at you.
Armonk is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::552 (49%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM:::
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Seizing upon a flaw in Armonk's tactics, you trip him and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Armonk.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::552 (49%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM:::
Teranax looks at Armonk.
Armonk is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::552 (49%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: bas

Teranax drives his axes into both sides of your body, stunning you.
A spray of blood erupts from your wounds!
Teranax's brutal attack MANGLES you!
Teranax's brutal attack MASSACRES you!
You yell 'Help! Teranax is trying to hack me to pieces!'
Armonk is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::385 (34%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM:::
Teranax's wrath MANGLES you!
You parry Teranax's wrath.
You parry Teranax's wrath.
You parry Teranax's wrath.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
You stop Armonk's wrath just before it reaches you.
Armonk is convulsing on the ground. (10% - 15%)

:::287 (25%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM:::
You get in one more shot on Armonk as he flees.
Your parting blow *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk has fled!
Armonk leaves south.

:::287 (25%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM:::
You parry Teranax's wrath.
You parry Teranax's wrath.
Teranax dodges your slice.
Teranax dodges your slice.
Your slice DISMEMBERS Teranax!
Seizing upon a flaw in Teranax's tactics, you try to disarm him.
You disarm Teranax!
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
A warm feeling fills your body.
Teranax is convulsing on the ground. (10% - 15%)

:::387 (34%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: You slam into Teranax, and send him flying!
Your bash maims Teranax!
Teranax is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::387 (34%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM:::
You parry Teranax's punch.
You parry Teranax's wrath and return an attack of your own.
Your slice DISMEMBERS Teranax!
Teranax is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Your slice MASSACRES Teranax!
Teranax is DEAD!!
Teranax spills his guts all over the floor.

:::387 (34%)::46%::58%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: bers

Armonk has arrived.

:::394 (35%)::47%::60%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
Armonk leaves west.

:::394 (35%)::47%::60%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: bas armonk
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: exam corpse
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: They aren't here.

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: Severed chunks of Teranax are scattered next to a corpse.
The corpse of Teranax contains:
a makeshift wooden trunk
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
hardened mithril leggings
a pale white skull ring
an adamantite bracer
a white sword
a brass dragonscale bracer
midnight dragon gauntlets
a wide bronze belt
stitched leather face cover
a skin from the snow leopard
a horned minotaur helm
a studded ring
midnight dragon boots
(Humming) the slavemaster's insignia
( 2) (Glowing) the Dragon Slayer
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
the flaming rib of an elemental
a flawless two-headed Pickaxe named 'Earthquake'
(Glowing) an Amulet of Strength
(Glowing) (Humming) an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer'
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a two-headed pickaxe with tips of diamond
(Humming) the Battleaxe of Mondurian
a two-handed white sword
(Glowing) a worn key
an iron ring set with a white moonstone
10 gold coins
149 silver coins
437 copper coins

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: g all.coins corpse
You get 10 gold coins from the corpse of Teranax.
You get 149 silver coins from the corpse of Teranax.
You get 437 copper coins from the corpse of Teranax.

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: g rib corpse
You get the flaming rib of an elemental from the corpse of Teranax.

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: comp rib
eThe flaming rib of an elemental looks like it would inflict less harm
than the Eagle-Marked Sword.
You suspect wielding the Eagle-Marked Sword would help your overall combat damage more.
You suspect wielding the flaming rib of an elemental would better aid you in landing accurate blows.

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: exam rib
This rib appears sharp on both the inside and outside curve, perhaps it
serve as a weapon.

The flaming rib of an elemental is a sword, made of fire, and weighs 9 pounds 15 ounces.

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: comp rib
The flaming rib of an elemental looks like it would inflict less harm
than the Eagle-Marked Sword.
You suspect wielding the Eagle-Marked Sword would help your overall combat damage more.
You suspect wielding the flaming rib of an elemental would better aid you in landing accurate blows.

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: where
People near you:
Teranax The Beginning of the Slaughtering Grounds
(PK) Hunsobo The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a bloodstone ring
<worn on finger> a golden lion's wrath ring
<worn around neck> an etched dragonscale pendant
<worn around neck> an etched dragonscale pendant
<worn on body> hide armor from a yeti
<worn on head> (Glowing) the flaming crown of giants
<worn on face> a nacreous mask of lizard skin
<worn on legs> (Humming) crimson dragon scale leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of spike-toed boots
<worn on hands> gauntlets of ogre power
<worn on arms> (Humming) a pair of strange bracers
<worn about body> a cloak of wyvern leather
<worn about waist> a girth of lobster plates
<worn around wrist> a glass eye bracelet
<worn around wrist> a wide copper bracelet
<mainhand wielded> the Eagle-Marked Sword
<offhand wielded> (Humming) Mael'nek, the Skullcleaver
<tattooed> an incarnadine spiral

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: spe
Teranax has arrived.

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: speck
Teranax gets a makeshift wooden trunk from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets a pair of armguards from the snow worm from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets hardened mithril leggings from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets a pale white skull ring from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets an adamantite bracer from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets a white sword from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets a brass dragonscale bracer from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets midnight dragon gauntlets from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets a wide bronze belt from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets stitched leather face cover from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets a skin from the snow leopard from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets a horned minotaur helm from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets a studded ring from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets midnight dragon boots from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets the slavemaster's insignia from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets the Dragon Slayer from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets a flawless two-headed Pickaxe named 'Earthquake' from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets an Amulet of Strength from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer' from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax getsspeck a two-headed pickaxe with tips of diamond from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets the Battleaxe of Mondurian from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets the Dragon Slayer from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets a two-handed white sword from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets a worn key from the corpse of Teranax.
Teranax gets an iron ring set with a white moonstone from the corpse of Teranax.

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: speck
Teranax grunts something incomprehensible, not amused by his circumstances.

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: speckPeople near you:
Teranax The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
(PK) Hunsobo The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: speckA Ruined Wall of the City

[Exits: north east]

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: speck
You get a speckled pill from the girdle of endless space.

:::496 (44%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: speck
You finish eating a speckled pill.
A warm feeling fills your body.

:::596 (53%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: speck
You get a speckled pill from the girdle of endless space.

:::596 (53%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: You finish eating a speckled pill.
A warm feeling fills your body.

:::696 (62%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: You get a speckled pill from the girdle of endless space.

:::696 (62%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: You finish eating a speckled pill.
A warm feeling fills your body.

:::796 (71%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: targ You get a speckled pill from the girdle of endless space.

:::796 (71%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: targ arYou finish eating a speckled pill.
A warm feeling fills your body.

:::896 (80%)::39%::56%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: targ armonk
#Ok. $target is now set to {armonk}.
You are hungry.
Your piercing gaze fades.

:::904 (81%)::40%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: where
You get a speckled pill from the girdle of endless space.

:::904 (81%)::40%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: pYou finish eating a speckled pill.
A warm feeling fills your body.

:::1004 (90%)::40%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: pouch
You get a speckled pill from the girdle of endless space.

:::1004 (90%)::40%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: You finish eating a speckled pill.
A warm feeling fills your body.

:::1104 (99%)::40%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo A Ruined Wall of the City

:::1104 (99%)::40%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: You focus your gaze to pierce through magic, shadows and foliage.

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: You get the pouch of nourishment from the girdle of endless space.

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: Ok.
A sweet aroma wafts across your nose as you open the pouch of nourishment.

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: You get a tender leg of lamb from the pouch of nourishment.

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: You finish eating a tender leg of lamb.
You no longer feel hungry.

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: Ok.

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: You put the pouch of nourishment in the girdle of endless space.

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

[Exits: north south west]
A steaming pile of Teranax's entrails is lying here.
Severed chunks of Teranax are scattered next to a corpse.
A large pool of fresh blood has been trampled somewhat by the passage of many feet.

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: Before a Fortified Hillock

[Exits: east west]
A massive giant stands here, prepared to sacrifice himself for the village.

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: People near you:
Teranax The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Hunsobo Before a Fortified Hillock
(PK) Armonk A Blood-stained Path Through the Village

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: k outer
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
A massive giant dodges your slice.
You parry a massive giant's slash.
You parry a massive giant's slash.
Your glass eye bracelet glows and repels the dirt!
A massive giant is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: where
who pk

Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
You parry a massive giant's slash.
You parry a massive giant's slash.
You parry a massive giant's slash.
A massive giant is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: People near you:
Teranax The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Hunsobo Before a Fortified Hillock
(PK) Armonk The Shrine of the BattleRagers
A massive giant is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: [51 W-Elf Dru] (PK) Linaeren Bloodleaf the Acumen of Beasts, Harbinger
of Thar-Eris
*51 Fire War* (PK) [EMPIRE] Hunsobo Oltog the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady, Emperor of Thera
[51 Felar Asn] (PK) Mesashian the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
[50 Arial Shf] (PK) Akreick the Grand Master of Shapeshifting
[51 Human Shf] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Iukulli the Grand Master of Changelings, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
[51 Elf Pal] (PK) Niheriva Vilisital the Redeemed Warrior-Priest of Baerinika, Captain of the Brigade
[51 D-Elf Tra] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Izuhlzin the High Wizard of the Arcane, Magistrate of Galadon
[51 Elf War] (PK) Juliane the Ephemeral Blade of the Dance
[51 Gnome Inv] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Babou the Weaver of the Elements, Magistrate of Galadon
[48 Dwarf War] (PK) Armonk the Student of the Macalla

Players found: 10
A massive giant is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: scan w
You scan west.
***** Range 5 *****
Armonk is sleeping here.
(Ghost) Teranax is sleeping here.
The Destructor of magic is here, daring you to cast a spell.
(White Aura) A healer is here tending to the wounded.

A massive giant is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::1104 (99%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM:::
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice MANGLES a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
Seizing upon a flaw in a massive giant's tactics, you kick dirt toward its eyes!
A massive giant is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Your kicked dirt grazes a massive giant.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
A warm feeling fills your body.
You parry a massive giant's slash.
A massive giant is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::1108 (100%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM:::
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** a massive giant!
A massive giant is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
A massive giant splatters blood on your armor.
The gods give you 2 copper coins for your sacrifice of the corpse of a massive giant.

:::1108 (100%)::27%::58%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: Among the Barbaric Huts

[Exits: east west]

:::1108 (100%)::27%::57%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: A Blood-stained Path Through the Village

[Exits: north east south west]

:::1108 (100%)::27%::57%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: Before the Pillar of Legends

[Exits: north east south west]
A towering pillar of stone stands here, casting its shadow down upon you.

:::1108 (100%)::27%::57%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: Blood Square

[Exits: north east south west]

:::1108 (100%)::27%::57%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: kt
The Shrine of the BattleRagers

[Exits: east]
A deep pit has been dug here into the ground.
A throne of thatched wood with a base of polished skulls, stands here.
Armonk is sleeping here.
(Ghost) Teranax is sleeping here.
The Destructor of magic is here, daring you to cast a spell.
(White Aura) A healer is here tending to the wounded.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Destructor!'
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
Driving the Destructor back, you slip an attack of your own through.
Your slice MASSACRES the Destructor!
You parry the Destructor's slash.
Your slice MASSACRES the Destructor!
Your slice MASSACRES the Destructor!
Your slice MASSACRES the Destructor!
Your slice MASSACRES the Destructor!
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor tries to strike the same place with both its swords.
The Destructor's thrust MASSACRES you!
The Destructor's thrust MANGLES you!
The Destructor's Weapon of Mastery twists and contorts into a pair of whips!
The Destructor has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::949 (85%)::27%::57%::27100::civilized::3 PM:::

You slowly float to the ground.
The Destructor has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::952 (85%)::28%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: Armonk yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Armonk is already affected by a Sigil of Pain!
The Destructor has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::952 (85%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Armonk.
The Destructor has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::952 (85%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: bas
Armonk wakes up and starts resting.
The Destructor has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::952 (85%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: bas arm
Your slice MANGLES the Destructor!
Your slice MANGLES the Destructor!
Your slice MASSACRES the Destructor!
Your slice MASSACRES the Destructor!
Your slice MANGLES the Destructor!
You parry the Destructor's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your slice MANGLES the Destructor!
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::952 (85%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: bas arm

Teranax wakes up and starts resting.
The Destructor has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::952 (85%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: You'll have to let him get back up first.
The Destructor has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::952 (85%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: Teranax looks at you.
The Destructor has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::952 (85%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
Teranax looks at Armonk.
Armonk looks at you.
The Destructor has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::952 (85%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: dt

Your slice MASSACRES the Destructor!
The Destructor parries your slice.
Your slice MANGLES the Destructor!
Your slice MASSACRES the Destructor!
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
A warm feeling fills your body.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1052 (94%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: Armonk is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Armonk.
Armonk yells 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
The Destructor has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1052 (94%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: h arm
Armonk attempts to shatter your weapon, but it holds firm.
The Destructor has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1052 (94%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: h arm

Your slice MASSACRES the Destructor!
Your slice MANGLES the Destructor!
The Destructor parries your slice.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
A warm feeling fills your body.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
A warm feeling fills your body.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor reaches out with the handle of Weapon of Mastery and jabs it into your eyes!
Someone's eye jab grazes you.
You parry someone's wrath.
You parry someone's wrath.
You parry someone's wrath.
Someone has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1101 (99%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: ba
Someone closes its eyes for a moment and nods at someone.
Someone has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1101 (99%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
Your slice MASSACRES someone!
Your slice MASSACRES someone!
It's too much bigger than you to trip.
You parry someone's slash.
You parry someone's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your slice MASSACRES someone!
You parry someone's slash.
You dodge someone's wrath.
You parry someone's wrath.
You parry someone's wrath and return an attack of your own.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1101 (99%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: They aren't here.
Someone has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1101 (99%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: You can't see a thing!
You flee from combat!

:::1101 (99%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: You aren't fighting anyone.

:::1101 (99%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: yell stupid eyejabbies
You yell 'stupid eyejabbies'

:::1101 (99%)::13%::59%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: You can't see a thing!

:::1106 (99%)::14%::61%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: af
rYou are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -15 for 55 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 9 for 55 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 27 hours.
Commune: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -14 for 20 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 5 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 3 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 6 for 3 hours.
Physical effect: 'eyejab' modifies hit roll by -4 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for -1 hours.

:::1106 (99%)::14%::61%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: rest
You rest.

:::1106 (99%)::14%::61%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: af
You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -15 for 55 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 9 for 55 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 27 hours.
Commune: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -14 for 20 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 5 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 3 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 6 for 3 hours.
Physical effect: 'eyejab' modifies hit roll by -4 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for -1 hours.

:::1106 (99%)::14%::61%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: where
You can't see a thing!

:::1106 (99%)::14%::61%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: sl
You go to sleep.

:::1106 (99%)::14%::61%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> something.
<worn on finger> something.
<worn around neck> something.
<worn around neck> something.
<worn on body> something.
<worn on head> something.
<worn on face> something.
<worn on legs> something.
<worn on feet> something.
<worn on hands> something.
<worn on arms> something.
<worn about body> something.
<worn about waist> something.
<worn around wrist> something.
<worn around wrist> something.
<mainhand wielded> something.
<offhand wielded> something.
<tattooed> something.

:::1106 (99%)::14%::61%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: sco
Hunsobo Oltog the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady, Emperor of Thera
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : fire
Ethos : Orderly Align : Evil Class : warrior
Practices: 0 Trains : 0 Hometown : Hamsah Mu'tazz
Exp : 586900 To Level : 27100 Sphere : War
Age : old, 588 years old (892 hours)
Hit Point: 1106 /1108 Mana : 56 /392 Move : 701 /1137
Str : 22(25) Int : 15(15) Wis : 17(15)
Dex : 14(16) Con : 9 (12) Chr : 18(14)
Carry # : 30/35 Weight : 562 lb 2 oz (Max 647 lbs)
Gold : 199 Silver : 330 Copper : 456
Wimpy : 400 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Sleeping
Hitroll : 19 Damroll : 72
AC pierce : -51 Heavily armored AC bash : -10 Well armored
AC slash : -50 Very well armored AC magic : 51 Slightly armored
AC element: -44 Very well armored
vs Spell : Protected vs Paralysis: Well protected
vs Breath: Divinely protected vs Mental: Not protected
You feel slightly hungry.
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You have 0 legacy choices.
You are specialized in sword.
You are specialized in hand to hand.
You have unraveled the Enigma of the Thirteen.
You shield your will within the Fortress of the Spirit.
You smash foes to the ground with the charge of Greeting the Avalanche.
You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -15 for 55 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 9 for 55 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 27 hours.
Commune: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -14 for 20 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 5 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 3 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 6 for 3 hours.
Physical effect: 'eyejab' modifies hit roll by -4 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'haste' modifies dexterity by 4 for -1 hours.

:::1106 (99%)::14%::61%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: in
nYou are carrying:
(Glowing) a shimmering blue potion
(Glowing) a potion of return
a blindfold

:::1106 (99%)::14%::61%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: note
You have no unread notes.

:::1106 (99%)::14%::61%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: who pk
*51 Fire War* (PK) [EMPIRE] Hunsobo Oltog the Dutiful Disciple of
Iunnalady, Emperor of Thera

Players found: 1

:::1106 (99%)::14%::61%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: af
You are affected by:
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -15 for 55 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 9 for 55 hours.
Skill: 'piercing gaze' for 27 hours.
Commune: 'swiftness' modifies save vs paralysis by -14 for 20 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 5 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for
830, The rest...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::1106 (99%)::14%::61%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
Someone's wild overhead attack === OBLITERATES === you!
You yell 'Help! Someone is trying to axe murder me!'
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::907 (81%)::14%::61%::27100::civilized::5 PM:::
The bright spot fades from your vision.
Armonk has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::929 (83%)::15%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: sig

Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk swats your slice away from him.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::929 (83%)::15%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Teranax grunts something incomprehensible, not amused by his circumstances.
Armonk has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::929 (83%)::15%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk remains safe as your slice bounces harmlessly off of a suit of black chainmail.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk's wrath MASSACRES you!
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::863 (77%)::15%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: Armonk is already affected by a Sigil of Pain!
Armonk is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::863 (77%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: bas
Teranax looks at Armonk.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::863 (77%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: bas
Charging forward, you hit Armonk with enough force to send him sailing
through the air!
Your bash wounds Armonk.
Armonk is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::863 (77%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice misses Armonk.
Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk's wrath EVISCERATES you!
You dodge Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk is gushing blood. (40% - 45%)

:::818 (73%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: bas

Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk twists himself around your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk parries your slice.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
A warm feeling fills your body.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk's wrath MANGLES you!
Armonk is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: You slam into Armonk, and send him flying!
Your bash hits Armonk.
Armonk is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Your slice MANGLES Armonk!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk dodges your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
You parry Armonk's wrath.
Armonk is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Teranax grunts something incomprehensible, not amused by his circumstances.
Armonk is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Teranax sits down and rests.
Armonk is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: flur

Armonk parries your slice.
Armonk dodges your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Armonk!
Armonk is DEAD!!

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: eBut you aren't fighting anyone!

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: exam corpse
The corpse of Armonk is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Armonk contains:
a wide bronze belt
a brass dragonscale bracer
a suit of black chainmail
( 2) (Glowing) (Humming) an unholy axe, 'Nightbringer'
a cowhide knapsack
( 2) a canoe
some leggings from the snow worm
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
( 2) a silver Justice badge
( 2) Mahn-Tor's Great Axe
a horned minotaur helm
a skin from the snow leopard
( 2) a shiny black hematite ring
a broad-bladed battleaxe crackling with energy
red-trimmed black adamantite plate boots
a pair of black steel gauntlets
(Glowing) a strange silver key
an aquamarine bracelet
a notched axe with a wicked blade
a large savage mask
642 copper coins

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Teranax mutters something quietly to himself.

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Teranax looks at you.

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Teranax goes to sleep.

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: where
whoPeople near you:
Teranax The Circle of Rites
(PK) Hunsobo The Circle of Rites

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: who pk
[51 W-Elf Dru] (PK) Linaeren Bloodleaf the Acumen of Beasts, Harbinger of
*51 Fire War* (PK) [EMPIRE] Hunsobo Oltog the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady, Emperor of Thera
[51 Felar Asn] (PK) Mesashian the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
[50 Arial Shf] (PK) Akreick the Grand Master of Shapeshifting
[50 Human Tra] (PK) (WANTED) Anthelsar the Grand Wizard of Transmutation
[51 Human Shf] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Iukulli the Grand Master of Changelings, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
[51 Elf Pal] (PK) Niheriva Vilisital the Redeemed Warrior-Priest of Baerinika, Captain of the Brigade
[51 D-Elf Tra] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Izuhlzin the High Wizard of the Arcane, Magistrate of Galadon
[51 Elf War] (PK) Juliane the Ephemeral Blade of the Dance
[51 Gnome Inv] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Babou the Weaver of the Elements, Magistrate of Galadon

Players found: 10

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM:::
Izuhlzin tells you 'Let me know when you can find an opening to knock down this guards twice.'

:::832 (75%)::0%::64%::27100::civilized::6 PM::: t izuh yuh me come now. Had to smash some r
The sky is getting cloudy.

:::840 (75%)::1%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: t izuh yuh me come now. Had to smash some rageguy
Teranax wakes up and starts resting.

:::840 (75%)::1%::67%::27100::civilized::7 PM::: t izuh yuh me come now. Had to smash some rageguys first
You tell Izuhlzin 'yuh me come now. Had to smash some rageguys first'
