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Topic subjectI have and died to that too.
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2895, I have and died to that too.
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Recognizing that hindsight is 20/20, I've played plenty of
>ragers, I tend to TRY and play unconventional builds (and
>therefore tend to have to try lots of new tactics until I find
>something that MIGHT work...including orcs), and pretty much
>STARTED the entirety of the dagger spec world, I feel you're
>massively off on your assessment of Clahier's overpoweredness.
> For one, he's what...the THIRD good conjurer in history
>that's actually killed a half-dozen evils?

He's got a quest reward. If its "No significant change" why was Artificial moaning about why didn't he get a quest devil/demon?
Why not give the entire playerbase these skills if they aren't a significant change? Its hooey.

>1) At no point could you not have simply run away. This
>compares to paladins, who are very powerful in a cage match,
>but are somewhat mitigated by the fact that you can just RUN
>AWAY. Particularly as a dagger spec (and therefore warrior),
>this is an advantage you've thrown away. Compare that to
>devil conjurers, I've had plenty of fights where I've just
>been too incapacitated to fight and sometimes even live just
>by TRYING to fight them for five rounds.

I was trying to run away at the end. That said Im playing a berserker villager. Maybe your RP is ok with your berserker villager running like a bitch from a mage, mine wasn't. I'm ok with that.

>2) You're also going up against an ABS mage likely in full
>protections, and with (for what good it does) healing backup.
>I can name plenty of those that are nasty enough just with
>that setup.

Completely agree.

>3) You made plenty of actions in that fight that did you NO
>good. If you want me to specify, I can, but that's not really
>the point. It's the fact that you're taking a fight that you
>didn't perform at your top, against a character who pretty
>much did.

Hurl/Artery/Boneshatter is trying to drop his weapon to increase my damage output. Dirt kick (with ####ty tick timing taboot) was my intent to try to offhand his shield.

>In closing, however, I do feel that the higher tier conjurer
>servitors (particularly non-elemental ones) might be a bit TOO
>beefy overall. In the 20-40s range, it's not an unreasonable
>tactic to at least kill off the servitors instead of the
>conjurer, stopping his offense. At hero, I've often had
>choices of targetting the ABS mage, a good/evil servitor that
>is in a practice sense unkillable, or even unwoundable enough
>to make a difference in its mood (and is now likely to add
>MANGLE-DEMO attacks), and elementals that I MIGHT be able to
>kill if they're not the special conjurations.

This. Some enemies have the ability to catch a conjurer with his/her pants down and get a kill when they have no servitors/barrier. Thats not really an option with a non-hiding berserker villager.