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Topic subjectKii
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=53&topic_id=2831&mesg_id=2867
2867, Kii
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

*** No Nexuns on, just gonna pop on over and take the Key...***

<951/951(100%) 390(64%) 1168(92%) civilized 9 AM>
dash n art abol
The Eye of the Storm

[Exits: south [down]]
(Magical) Hovering near a glass plaque, four spheres revolve around an object ablaze with
(Magical) A beautiful altar of glass and platinum rises from the center of the room.
A reservoir of balance is here for spare armors and items for the cause.
(Translucent) Magical energy crackles around the guardian known only as the Eldritch Transfigurist.
(Translucent) The Abolisher of Discord stands here with cat-like grace.
(White Aura) The Benefactor of Balance stands here surrounded by a warm glow of divinity.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Eldritch Transfigurist!'
You dodge the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
You dodge the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
You parry the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
The Eldritch Transfigurist's kicked dirt misses you.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Abolisher of Discord!'
You parry the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
You parry the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
The Abolisher of Discord's kicked dirt misses you.
You thrust your dagger towards the Abolisher of Discord, attempting to sever her artery!
Your deep gash maims the Abolisher of Discord!
The Eldritch Transfigurist is in perfect health.

<951/951(100%) 390(64%) 1167(92%) civilized 9 AM>
The Benefactor of Balance closes his eyes for a moment and nods at someone.
Someone shudders, and looks more vigorous.
You parry the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
You dodge the Abolisher of Discord's blast and close in for a concealed attack!
Your poisonous bite EVISCERATES the Abolisher of Discord!
You parry the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your poisonous bite *** DEVASTATES *** the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Your slash EVISCERATES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
The Eldritch Transfigurist parries your slash.
The Eldritch Transfigurist has a few scratches.

<951/951(100%) 390(64%) 1167(92%) civilized 9 AM>
You thrust your dagger towards the Eldritch Transfigurist, attempting to sever his artery!
Your deep gash maims the Eldritch Transfigurist!
The Eldritch Transfigurist has a few scratches.

<951/951(100%) 390(64%) 1167(92%) civilized 9 AM>

You parry the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
The Eldritch Transfigurist utters the words, 'wunsohar yarh'.
A stabbing headache begins to grip you, but it quickly subsides.
The Eldritch Transfigurist's mental jolt alarms you!
You parry the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
You parry the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
A cloud of poison smoke fills the room.
You feel very sick.
The Eldritch Transfigurist dodges your poisonous bite.
Your slash DISMEMBERS the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Your slash EVISCERATES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
With practiced quickness, you lunge suddenly, drawing the Eldritch Transfigurist off guard.
Your poisonous bite maims the Eldritch Transfigurist!
The Eldritch Transfigurist has a few scratches.

<921/951(96%) 399(65%) 1263(100%) civilized 10 AM>

Kii steps out of the shadows.
Kii weakens you with a strike to your kidneys.
Kii's kidney shot EVISCERATES you!
You yell 'Help! Kii hit me in the kidney!'
The Eldritch Transfigurist has a few scratches.
*** Ah crap. ***
<876/951(92%) 399(65%) 1263(100%) civilized 10 AM>
wAs you run past Kii, she grabs a sprig of marshweed from your belongings.
Alas, you cannot go that way.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
The Eldritch Transfigurist has a few scratches.

<876/951(92%) 399(65%) 1263(100%) civilized 10 AM>
wear Kii blocks off your route of escape!
The Eldritch Transfigurist has a few scratches.

<876/951(92%) 399(65%) 1263(100%) civilized 10 AM>
The Eldritch Transfigurist's blow swings wildly and misses.
You parry the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
The Eldritch Transfigurist's kicked dirt misses you.
You dodge the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
Your poisonous bite MUTILATES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Your poisonous bite MUTILATES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
You dodge Kii's drowning and close in for a concealed attack!
Your poisonous bite DISMEMBERS Kii!
You dodge Kii's surge of water.
The Eldritch Transfigurist has a few scratches.

<876/951(92%) 399(65%) 1263(100%) civilized 10 AM>
targ kii
#Ok. $target is now set to {kii}.
h k
Kii's weapon trip misses you.
You evade Kii's weapontrip, causing her to nearly fall over!
The Eldritch Transfigurist has a few scratches.

<876/951(92%) 399(65%) 1263(100%) civilized 10 AM>
h kii
As you run past Kii, she grabs an ebony jambiya from your belongings.
A Hall of Magic

[Exits: north south]
You flee from combat!

<876/951(92%) 399(65%) 1262(99%) civilized 10 AM>
They aren't here.

<876/951(92%) 399(65%) 1262(99%) civilized 10 AM>
wi club
You stop using an envenomed dagger.
You wield the clawed club of skull-bone.
The clawed club of skull-bone feels like a part of you!

<876/951(92%) 399(65%) 1262(99%) civilized 10 AM>
dPeople near you:
(PK) Kii The Eye of the Storm

<876/951(92%) 399(65%) 1262(99%) civilized 10 AM>
dash n cran kii
The Eye of the Storm

[Exits: south [down]]
(Magical) Hovering near a glass plaque, four spheres revolve around an object ablaze with
(Magical) A beautiful altar of glass and platinum rises from the center of the room.
A reservoir of balance is here for spare armors and items for the cause.
(Translucent) Kii is here.
(Translucent) Magical energy crackles around the guardian known only as the Eldritch Transfigurist.
(Translucent) The Abolisher of Discord stands here with cat-like grace.
(White Aura) The Benefactor of Balance stands here surrounded by a warm glow of divinity.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Eldritch Transfigurist!'
You parry the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
You desperately dodge around the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Abolisher of Discord!'
You parry the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
You parry the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
You parry the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
You try to hit Kii over the head with the clawed club of skull-bone, but come up short.
Kii yells 'Help! Caitlyan tried to hit me over the head!'
Your cranial hit misses Kii.
The Eldritch Transfigurist has a few scratches.

<876/951(92%) 399(65%) 1261(99%) civilized 10 AM>

You parry the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
You dodge the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
The Eldritch Transfigurist utters the words, 'eugfjsh yrzgp'.
Your skin twists and splits under the Eldritch Transfigurist's magical assault!
The Eldritch Transfigurist's disruption MASSACRES you!
You parry the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
You parry the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
With careful precision, the Abolisher of Discord strikes at your inner forearm.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your smash === OBLITERATES === the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Your slash MUTILATES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Your smash EVISCERATES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Your smash DISMEMBERS the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Your smash MUTILATES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
You dodge Kii's drowning.
You dodge Kii's drowning.
The Eldritch Transfigurist has some small but disgusting cuts.

<803/951(84%) 399(65%) 1261(99%) civilized 10 AM>
h kii

You get in one more shot on Kii as she flees.
Your parting blow MANGLES Kii!
Kii has fled!
Kii leaves south.
The Eldritch Transfigurist has some small but disgusting cuts.

<803/951(84%) 399(65%) 1261(99%) civilized 10 AM>

The Benefactor of Balance closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Eldritch Transfigurist.
The Eldritch Transfigurist has some small but disgusting cuts.

<803/951(84%) 399(65%) 1261(99%) civilized 10 AM>

Kii steps out of the shadows.
Kii trips you up with a scimitar named 'Wave Dancer' and sends you sprawling!
Kii's weapon trip wounds you.
Seizing upon your moment of weakness, Kii brutally kicks you while you're down!
Kii's vicious attack devastates you!
You yell 'Help! Kii is tripping me with a weapon!'
The Eldritch Transfigurist has some small but disgusting cuts.

<751/951(78%) 399(65%) 1008(79%) civilized 10 AM>

The Eldritch Transfigurist's slice maims you!
You dodge the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
The Eldritch Transfigurist utters the words, 'wagg wzhabaruq ghixuio'.
The Eldritch Transfigurist raises a hand in a halting gesture.
Your heartrate slows and your limbs become heavy as your metabolism decreases.
You parry the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
You dodge the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
Your smash DISMEMBERS the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Your slash EVISCERATES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Your smash maims the Eldritch Transfigurist!
Your slash EVISCERATES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
You parry Kii's drowning.
You parry Kii's surge of water.
You dodge Kii's drowning.
The Eldritch Transfigurist has some small but disgusting cuts.

<718/951(75%) 399(65%) 1008(79%) civilized 10 AM>

You parry the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
You dodge the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
The Eldritch Transfigurist utters the words, 'wunsohar yarh'.
A stabbing headache rips through your skull, disorienting you!
The Eldritch Transfigurist's mental jolt STAGGERS you!
You dodge the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
The Abolisher of Discord throws a handful of sharp spikes at your feet!
You start to limp.
The Abolisher of Discord's caltraps wounds you.
Your smash MUTILATES the Eldritch Transfigurist!
You parry Kii's drowning.
You dodge Kii's surge of water.
The Eldritch Transfigurist has some small but disgusting cuts.

<636/951(66%) 399(65%) 1008(79%) civilized 10 AM>
You're totally frozen!
The Eldritch Transfigurist has some small but disgusting cuts.

<636/951(66%) 399(65%) 1008(79%) civilized 10 AM>

The stiffness in your body wears off.
The Eldritch Transfigurist has some small but disgusting cuts.

<636/951(66%) 399(65%) 1008(79%) civilized 10 AM>
h kii
You start aiming at Kii.
Kii trips you up with a scimitar named 'Wave Dancer' and sends you sprawling!
Kii's weapon trip hits you.
Seizing upon your moment of weakness, Kii brutally kicks you while you're down!
Kii's vicious attack decimates you!
Kii has some small but disgusting cuts.

<589/951(61%) 399(65%) 806(63%) civilized 10 AM>

The Eldritch Transfigurist's slice mauls you.
The Eldritch Transfigurist's slice injures you.
You parry the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
The Eldritch Transfigurist utters the words, 'wagg qafsacandusar gayhunsouio'.
The Eldritch Transfigurist draws one hand closed, as if crushing something unseen.
Your flesh grows painfully tender and soft.
You parry the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
Kii dodges your smash.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Kii parries your slash.
Kii parries your slash.
Kii parries your smash.
Kii parries your slash.
You parry Kii's drowning.
You parry Kii's surge of water.
Kii's surge of water MASSACRES you!
Kii has some small but disgusting cuts.

<460/951(48%) 399(65%) 806(63%) civilized 10 AM>

You parry the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
You parry the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
The Eldritch Transfigurist utters the words, 'wagg kadaowunsoh hanuig'.
The Eldritch Transfigurist passes one hand near his throat.
Nausea grips you momentarily, but your condition does not worsen.
You dodge the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
You parry the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
The Abolisher of Discord's kicked dirt misses you.
Kii dodges your smash.
Kii dodges your slash.
Kii parries your slash.
You dodge Kii's drowning.
You parry Kii's surge of water.
Kii has some small but disgusting cuts.

<460/951(48%) 399(65%) 806(63%) civilized 10 AM>
The Benefactor of Balance closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Kii.
Kii shudders, and looks more vigorous.
Kii has some small but disgusting cuts.

<460/951(48%) 399(65%) 806(63%) civilized 10 AM>
Kii trips you up with a scimitar named 'Wave Dancer' and sends you sprawling!
Kii's weapon trip hits you.
The Eldritch Transfigurist's slice wounds you.
You parry the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
The Eldritch Transfigurist utters the words, 'wagg buarjwuizgqunsoqz'.
Raising a clenched hand, the Eldritch Transfigurist briefly shimmers a different color.
A pink, luminescent secretion oozes from your skin.
You dodge the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
The Abolisher of Discord's blast maims you!
Kii parries your smash.
Kii parries your slash.
You parry Kii's drowning.
You parry Kii's surge of water.
You dodge Kii's drowning.
Kii has some small but disgusting cuts.

<352/951(37%) 399(65%) 644(50%) civilized 10 AM>

The Eldritch Transfigurist's slice wounds you.
You parry the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
You dodge the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
The Eldritch Transfigurist utters the words, 'wagg oculoqarquyl'.
The Eldritch Transfigurist makes a striking gesture with an open hand.
You feel your bones lose density and become more brittle.
You parry the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
The Abolisher of Discord's kicked dirt misses you.
Kii parries your smash.
Kii parries your slash.
Kii remains safe as your slash bounces harmlessly off of the belt of strength.
You dodge Kii's drowning.
Kii's surge of water DISMEMBERS you!
Kii's drowning MASSACRES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Kii has some small but disgusting cuts.

<158/951(16%) 399(65%) 644(50%) civilized 10 AM>
You bring the clawed club of skull-bone around with bone-shattering force!
Your bone-shattering blow MANGLES Kii!
Kii is covered with bleeding wounds.

<158/951(16%) 399(65%) 644(50%) civilized 10 AM>

You parry the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
The Eldritch Transfigurist utters the words, 'wzhabaruq djuqtunsouio'.
A sheen of sweat covers the Eldritch Transfigurist as his movements become quicker.
You dodge the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
You dodge the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
You dodge the Abolisher of Discord's blast.
Your smash *** DEMOLISHES *** Kii!
Kii dodges your slash.
Kii parries your slash.
You dodge Kii's drowning.
Kii's surge of water DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You dodge Kii's drowning.
You dodge Kii's drowning.
Kii is covered with bleeding wounds.

<74/951(7%) 399(65%) 644(50%) civilized 10 AM>

With a flap of your wings, you propel yourself away from Kii's weapon trip.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison hits you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Kii is covered with bleeding wounds.

<53/951(5%) 424(69%) 901(71%) civilized 11 AM>

The Eldritch Transfigurist's slice decimates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
With careful timing you deflect the Eldritch Transfigurist's slice.
The Eldritch Transfigurist utters the words, 'eugfjsh wjgqrz'.
Rending pain wracks your muscles with uncontrollable spasms!
Your hands spasm with sudden pain, and your grip weakens.
The Eldritch Transfigurist's disruption *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!