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Topic subjectIjerga gankdown
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=53&topic_id=1011&mesg_id=1233
1233, Ijerga gankdown
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

*** Retrieving ***

<1132/1132(100%) 465 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 6 PM>
Aradanathos utters the words, 'oculoqarquyl'.
The Imperial Vanquisher's body seems to grow less solid as his bonemass
Ijerga has arrived.
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1132/1132(100%) 465 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 6 PM>
Your cleave *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your searing light *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your cleave *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher dodges your searing light.
Your cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Camridarinil's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Camridarinil's smash *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1132/1132(100%) 465 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 6 PM>
You yell 'Die, Ijerga, you sorcerous dog!'
Ijerga narrows her eyes and glares in your direction.
Your skin begins to slowly waste away.
Ijerga's attempted rotting hits you.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1120/1132(98%) 465 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 6 PM>
::: h
Camridarinil scans north.
Camridarinil scans south.
Camridarinil scans east.
Camridarinil scans west.
Camridarinil scans up.
Camridarinil scans down.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1120/1132(98%) 465 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 6 PM>
::: h
The Imperial Vanquisher moves to block Dughaid's path.
The Imperial Vanquisher is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1120/1132(98%) 465 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 6 PM>
::: h ijer
You start aiming at Ijerga.
Ijerga has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1120/1132(98%) 465 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 6 PM>
::: p
Ijerga yells 'Die, Aradanathos, you sorcerous dog!'
Aradanathos utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Aradanathos's neurological disruption grazes Ijerga.
Bulkra leaves south.
Your cleave maims Ijerga!
Ijerga deflects your searing light with her shield.
Your cleave maims Ijerga!
Ijerga parries your cleave.
Camridarinil's smash *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Camridarinil's smash *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ranger's staff glows a soft green in Camridarinil's hands.
Aradanathos's smash MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
You dodge Ijerga's digestion.
Ijerga has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1120/1132(98%) 465 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 6 PM>
::: pt
They aren't here.
Ijerga has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1120/1132(98%) 465 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 6 PM>
::: p
Camridarinil darts past the Imperial Vanquisher's defenses, attempting a serpent
Camridarinil's serpent strike *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Ijerga has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1120/1132(98%) 465 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 6 PM>
::: pin
You drive your axes into both sides of Ijerga's body.
Your brutal attack maims Ijerga!
Your brutal attack maims Ijerga!
Ijerga is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1120/1132(98%) 465 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 6 PM>
::: targ ijerg
#Ok. $target is now set to {ijerg}.

You are hungry.
Aradanathos slowly floats to the ground.
Ijerga is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
Bulkra has arrived.
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'
Ijerga is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
Bulkra leaves north.
You now have a keen eye for Ijerga's movements, and can predict where she will
Ijerga parries your cleave.
A dual-bladed silver battle axe trails a brilliant arc of silvery flame as you
cleave Ijerga!
Your flaming bite MUTILATES Ijerga!
Your cleave MUTILATES Ijerga!
Camridarinil's smash misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
Camridarinil's smash *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
You parry Ijerga's digestion and retaliate with lightning quickness!
Your cleave devastates Ijerga!
Ijerga is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
::: pt

Ijerga is blinded by the dirt in her eyes!
Camridarinil's kicked dirt scratches Ijerga.
Ijerga yells 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Ijerga is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
The Imperial Vanquisher's kicked dirt misses Camridarinil.
Ijerga deflects your cleave with her shield.
Your searing light devastates Ijerga!
Ijerga parries your cleave.
Camridarinil's smash *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ranger's staff glows a soft green in Camridarinil's hands.
Aradanathos's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
You parry Ijerga's digestion.
Ijerga is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
Ijerga yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Aradanathos utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Aradanathos's neurological disruption grazes Ijerga.
Ijerga is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
Bulkra has arrived.
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'
You sense when Ijerga will strike almost before she does, and time your own
Ijerga parries your cleave.
Your searing light MUTILATES Ijerga!
Ijerga deflects your cleave with her shield.
Ijerga parries your cleave.
Your cleave devastates Ijerga!
Camridarinil's smash === OBLITERATES === the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ranger's staff glows bright green and emits a cloud of poisonous vapor towards
the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher looks very ill.
The Imperial Vanquisher screams in agony as plague sores erupt from its skin.
Camridarinil's poisonous vapor *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Camridarinil's smash *** DEVASTATES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
You parry Ijerga's digestion.
You dodge Ijerga's digestion.
Ijerga is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
Bulkra leaves south.
Ijerga is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
Camridarinil has fled!
Camridarinil leaves south.
Ijerga is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
::: You drive your axes into both sides of Ijerga's body.
Seizing a lucky opportunity, you take advantage of the situation.
Your brutal attack devastates Ijerga!
Your brutal attack EVISCERATES Ijerga!
Ijerga yells 'Help! Someone tried to hack me to pieces!'
Ijerga is gushing blood.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
Camridarinil has arrived.
Ijerga is gushing blood.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
Ijerga parries your cleave.
Your cleave misses Ijerga.
Your cleave devastates Ijerga!
Ijerga deflects your cleave with her shield.
Aradanathos's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
You dodge Ijerga's digestion.
Ijerga is gushing blood.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
Ijerga yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Aradanathos utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Ijerga twitches helplessly as her body is stunned by pain.
Aradanathos's neurological disruption injures Ijerga.
Ijerga is gushing blood.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
Ijerga yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
Ijerga is gushing blood.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
::: pt
Ijerga parries your cleave.
Your searing light MUTILATES Ijerga!
A dual-bladed silver battle axe trails a brilliant arc of silvery flame as you
cleave Ijerga!
Your flaming bite EVISCERATES Ijerga!
Your cleave maims Ijerga!
Ijerga stops your cleave just before it reaches her.
Camridarinil's smash MUTILATES Ijerga!
Aradanathos's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
You dodge Ijerga's digestion.
Ijerga is writhing in agony.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
::: pt

Cormindon has arrived.
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash injures Aradanathos.
Ijerga parries your cleave.
Your searing light MUTILATES Ijerga!
Your searing light maims Ijerga!
A dual-bladed silver battle axe trails a brilliant arc of silvery flame as you
cleave Ijerga!
Your flaming bite maims Ijerga!
Your cleave maims Ijerga!
Aradanathos's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Vanquisher!
You dodge Ijerga's digestion.
You parry Ijerga's digestion.
Ijerga is convulsing on the ground.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
Ijerga yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Aradanathos utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Ijerga is convulsing on the ground.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
Alkydrion has arrived.
Ijerga is convulsing on the ground.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
::: You manage to drive one axe into Ijerga's body, but fail to connect with the
Your brutal attack misses Ijerga.
Your brutal attack EVISCERATES Ijerga!
Ijerga yells 'Help! Someone tried to hack me to pieces!'
Ijerga is convulsing on the ground.

<1120/1132(98%) 475 1048(95%) 27100 civilized 7 PM>
Ijerga yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
Ijerga deflects your cleave with her shield.
Your searing light MUTILATES Ijerga!
Ijerga parries your cleave.
Ijerga deflects your cleave with her shield.
Your cleave maims Ijerga!
Your cleave maims Ijerga!
Ijerga is DEAD!!
Aradanathos's smash MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Aradanathos's smash MASSACRES the Imperial Vanquisher!
Cormindon's slash *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Cormindon's slash *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
Cormindon strikes the Imperial Vanquisher with the edge of a steel tower shield.
Cormindon's shield jab *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Vanquisher!
