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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectQ's about shrines and guilds/cabals
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=461
461, Q's about shrines and guilds/cabals
Posted by mingx on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First I want to give a big applause to the Carrion Field community for having such an in-depth and extensive role play system. I've been playing MUDs since middle-school and my college buddies still gawk at me for finding scrolling lines of text ("It's too fast to read!") entertaining and fun ("Come on, lets go play Halo instead"). And out of all the "top-ranked" MUDs I've tried, I have to say Carrion Fields is one of the few I thoroughly enjoy and proud to have invest so much effort in creating a character instead of leveling up and such.

My first question is regarding shrines. I get the feeling that shrine locations are something sacred and rarely mentioned by players in-game and out, which I can understand for a good reason. But I was wondering if it would be okay seek assistance regarding a shrine location while in character (IC). My perspective IC is that if a pilgrim was making a pilgrimage and needed directions, he would be more than free to ask around a town unless the god struck down mortals who utter any syllables regarding the shrine locations or something. I'm not saying I would approach absolute strangers and ask "Hey you got speedwalks to X shrine", but rather asking people I frequently travel with or hang out with for suggestions or hints. My OOC reason for this is that shrine locations are often incredibly vague from the help file and the few libraries I've hit have come up empty. Perhaps I just picked a god that required an extra bit of effort from his worshippers; but exploring possible areas with often dangerous monsters, dying repeatedly, and then finding out the shrine is not in the area can be quite frustrating after the fourth or fifth time. A little guidance to narrow down a search can often boost a player like me with enough confidence to finish the search.

My other question is concerning guilds and cabals. I'm more familiar with the "clan" system and I've a little bit confused on the distinction between a guild and a cabal. Are they both forms of clans or are they different things? The helpfile for cabal makes it sound like a "clan" but the helpfile for guild suggests and organizational system much like that of a clan. The last sentence in the guild helpfile also throws me off regarding thieves being the only ones having this organizational structure. Are they the only ones able to blackball fellow members or are they the only ones who have a guild system? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Please be kind, for I am the first to admit I don't know nearly enough about CF although I am committed in learning more.
467, Other note on shrines:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you're looking for empowerment, you needn't necessarily find the shrine at all. You should always pray from an appropriate place, and while giving full attention- it's a common pitfall to see less experienced players pray from their guild, or while ranking. But as long as you've chosen an appropriate place that shows some effort on your part, it will not be an obstacle to empowerment.

It is more common that you are required to find the shrine (*) if you are looking to be a tattooed follower of a specific religion. Shrines are intended to be focal points of religions, and since most tattoos are branded onto fairly high level players, the exploration danger (**) is lower.


(*): If any. Some Immortals (like me) don't have one.
(**): I'm not aware of any shrine a level 10 character could not reach due to danger. Some require treading a careful path, however, and if you're looking in the wrong place you can run into anything.
469, Slightly off-topic: post-Empowerment
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What do Immortals tend to expect of their empowerees?

I've seen guides to getting empowered, and vague tips of what to do after empowerment (i.e., visit your god on occasion), however, nothing clear.

I've seen roleplay where the empowered character goes on to follow their god's religion, but there are many characters who get empowered by gods of different spheres, so it would appear that religion isn't an expectation. Or is it? Is it acceptable to follow a seperate religion than the sphere which you were empowered under, for example?

Any details would be appreciated! Thanks!
466, RE: Q's about shrines and guilds/cabals
Posted by Velkurah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad you're enjoying the mud! Especially since you have experience with other muds as well, make sure you post your thoughts and suggestions on the forums for us. Discussion is always good.

Now, regarding shrines. Asking IC is exactly the way to do it. The most preferable would be finding a tattooed and/or titled follower of the god you wish to follow, and asking them for help. Some will take you there themselves, some will give you hints, and others might not help you at all... obviously it is going to vary from character to character. Just ask completely IC and roleplay it out. Some gods followers don't have titles, or they may not have anyone with their tattoo currently. In that case, try asking other appropriate people. Looking for Shokai's shrine? Find a paladin hero and ask them. Looking for Khasotholas? Try bribing an Imperial. I personally have been known to give hints to my followers if you let me know via notes and prayers that you are looking for my shrine but can't find it. That's up to the individual immortal though. Also, many immortal helpfiles have a hint in them.

As for cabals vs. guilds. Cabals are going to be the same thing as the "clans" you've experienced elsewhere, I believe. The cabal helpfile should be fairly clear. Guilds tend to refer to your profession... thief, warrior, etc. Most guilds have very little structure within, though the paladins guild will have a lot more then the warriors guild. The exception is thieves, who have a very intricate guild system, with different guildmasters teaching different thief professions. Some thieves join cabals, some thieves just work within their thieves guild... many do both to one degree or another.

Good luck!

468, RE: Q's about shrines and guilds/cabals
Posted by Hutto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>In that case, try asking other
>appropriate people. Looking for Shokai's shrine? Find a
>paladin hero and ask them. Looking for Khasotholas? Try
>bribing an Imperial.

This is good advice. In addition to this, I would agree with what you said:

asking people I frequently travel with or hang out with for suggestions or hints.

People that my characters know IC are those that have always given me the most IC information. It makes sense.

You're a smart bloke. You'll do well here.

Hutto, the Sleepy Nitpicker

'Sorry, I'm not 72323slhlst. Or however you say Elite'
465, Who sphere
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Once you have chosen a sphere and are past level 10, you can type who sphere and see everybody who has the same sphere as you (except for sphere deception I'm told).

If one of those people in your sphere is an empowered character (healer, druid, shaman, paladin) you can assume that they, to one degree another, are a mortal voice of your god and a.) probably know the shrine location you seek and b.) actually might have a reason to guide you. However, they will be the least likely to come out and give you exact directions - instead they'll probably give you some clues/direction to get you close to looking in the right area. So asking them would certainly be appropriate. Like you said do it IC, have a reason to be approaching them, and do so respectfully.

Another way to get to a shrine is to find an appropriate spot to commune with the god you are seeking and ask for guidance in finding his shrine. Your guild and market square in Galadon are infamously bad places, a battlefield or standing over a recent corpse might be a good place to pray to a war god for example. If the god doesn't rule over your sphere, you should have a reason to be seeking him out in your role. Again, the imm may send some information your way to get you started on your pilgrimmage, you won't be given exact directions.
464, shrines
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My own experience suggests that if you pick who you ask reasonably carefully (e.g. followers of that god, and not of a religion that would not be inclined to help you), you will probably at least get a hint of where to look. For example, there was one god I followed whose shrine was "amongst a humble people" or something like that. Someone told me that these people lived near to a particular city, at which point I found the shrine in the surrounding areas of the ruined city.

The only reason I can say this now is that that shrine is gone from the game.
462, RE: Q's about shrines and guilds/cabals
Posted by Nhiala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>My first question is regarding shrines. I get the feeling that
>shrine locations are something sacred and rarely mentioned by
>players in-game and out, which I can understand for a good
>reason. But I was wondering if it would be okay seek
>assistance regarding a shrine location while in character

Perfectly alright. Much depends on how you go about it. That is to say, going down the "who list" and asking each person, in order, would probably not impress anyone, not least of which your patron deity. Though, asking "reasonable" people is certainly valid role-play and isn't something that's going to get you a smackdown.

>My other question is concerning guilds and cabals. I'm more
>familiar with the "clan" system and I've a little bit confused
>on the distinction between a guild and a cabal.

A guild is a loose confederation of people who share the same profession. There could be a Carpenter's Guild, Cobbler's Guild, etc. A cabal is more like a cult, for lack of a better word, or group of people who band together because of common beliefs. It's commonplace for members of most guilds to have guildmates they consider enemies (e.g. Maran Warrior vs. Empire Warrior). Cabalmates are supposed to be allies working towards a common goal, and as such it's rare for them to attack one another. (Note: some evil cabals do promote plotting and political machinations.)
463, Adding to Guilds...
Posted by Manden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guilds are referred to in two ways here: The actual location where you can practice your new skills and spells and be afforded some small safety from attacks, and the organization of all people of the same Class as you. The only Guild that really has any sort of organization other than in a roleplay sense (which is of course important) are the Thieves Guilds. If you have a character that is a Thief, you may want to join a guild in one of the cities. Each of the set up guilds are listed on the History/Current Events Page under the Political Power thing, and you'll have to pay to join. Then there will be some requirements of you as a member, but of course there will be some benefits as well.

If you're not a Thief, how you want to interact with your Guild is entirely up to how you choose to roleplay your character. Your character may think there should be a sense of camaraderie among all Shapeshifters, or you could look at it as only people that are taught the same spells and skills. And just to warn you, I wouldn't expect to be any safer from attack from anyone in your own guild just because you're of the same class.