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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectAnti-heroes
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3081
3081, Anti-heroes
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm looking for some advice on playing an anti-hero. Think I can come up with a role fairly easily and do some roleplaying, but I would like to know the possible caveats.

For once, is it worth looking for group? I may rank with neutrals but this'll probably reveal my nature to them, and I imagine it is much better to hide the fact you are an anti-hero, right? Will at least some people hate you less if they know?

Secondly, doesn't it strike anyone as odd that paladins (and other goodies) actually have more advantage against anti-heroes than they have against simply evil people? Any advice on dealing with that? Aside from the obvious "don't fight paladins"?

Thirdly, I'm thinking Tribunal is a cabal that offers some nice synergy with the edge (you won't fight paladins often since they respect the laws). Am I missing something? Can you group with cabalmates of opposite alignment?

Fourth, before I get the edge, there are a whole 25 ranks to gain. Is it okay to behave like an ordinary evil during this time (i.e. rank on good NPCs)? I imagine I can cover that in my role... something like change of heart or so.
3095, RE: Anti-heroes
Posted by Seilclavin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. I'd think being an Anti-Hero would lead to more grouping. Your kind of the leader of the pack, and your more than willing to prove your the evilistest bastard of them all. If your with a bunch of flower picking, balance seeking gnomes...it's not to hard to be an evil SOB.

2. Bash and Pincer.

3. While paladins "respect" the laws, it's to a degree. Your an Anti Hero. The evilstest bastard around. I'd think given the option of killing you or an Imperial, they'd be hard pressed to choose who to Com Wrath first.

4. Easiest in my opinion to START as an Anti Hero, An edge isn't what makes you the person...your role play is.
3088, RE: Anti-heroes
Posted by Asthiss on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>For once, is it worth looking for group? I may rank with
>neutrals but this'll probably reveal my nature to them, and I
>imagine it is much better to hide the fact you are an
>anti-hero, right? Will at least some people hate you less if
>they know?

From what I get of the help file it seems you could still group with other evils and hunt with them. But if your killing good align mobs you will get 0 exp. Been beating on Skeletons with many of my evil chars so sometimes it would work I guess.

>Secondly, doesn't it strike anyone as odd that paladins (and
>other goodies) actually have more advantage against
>anti-heroes than they have against simply evil people? Any
>advice on dealing with that? Aside from the obvious "don't
>fight paladins"?

Where are you getting this from? I only see that you won't get protection good from protection spells but protection evil instead. Where does it say that goodies will have and advantage against a anti hero?

>Thirdly, I'm thinking Tribunal is a cabal that offers some
>nice synergy with the edge (you won't fight paladins often
>since they respect the laws). Am I missing something? Can you
>group with cabalmates of opposite alignment?

You can't group with good align ones. Perhaps you could group around a neutral player though. Haven't tried this

>Fourth, before I get the edge, there are a whole 25 ranks to
>gain. Is it okay to behave like an ordinary evil during this
>time (i.e. rank on good NPCs)? I imagine I can cover that in
>my role... something like change of heart or so.

I would guess it's ok if you put in a role update about it. If your really gunning for it though you could take the hardcore route and just level with neutral people on evil align mobs until lvl 25 i guess
3089, RE: Anti-heroes
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Where are you getting this from? I only see that you won't get
>protection good from protection spells but protection evil
>instead. Where does it say that goodies will have and
>advantage against a anti hero?

I think he means to say since you don't have protection from good that the goodies will have that slight advantage. While 25% dam redux is nothing to scoff at, I don't think its a big deal if your playing a class like a mage that has tons of protections.
3091, RE: Anti-heroes
Posted by Asthiss on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Being the none user of protection vs align I guess I just thought it wasn't that big a deal. Still got the feeling there was info somewhere else I could have read up on. The hole paladin thing threw me off
3092, It's a choice thing
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not having protection from good is unhelpful against paladins etc.

However, if you are uncaballed, say, and can chose your fights, there's a lot to be said for having protection from evil as an ap, for example.

Why? Because evil dudes tend not to have as many healing options as good aligned guys. And they also won't have protection against you (as in, they won't have protection from evil).

So evil guys will be at a disadvantage against you. I've seriously considered this route in the past when I found an ap I was playing seemed to be preying on Empire more than all the other cabals put together.
3082, RE: Anti-heroes
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No change to grouping restrictions.

Remember the character is still evil. Someone who summons demons or collects souls or raises undead will always be evil. You just choose to use it to kill evil.

It's not the same as "turning good" where you would likely lose all of your skills and if you ever did get them back, you would not use the "evil" ones.
3083, RE: Still evil
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This I already know, but it doesn't answer any of my questions.
3084, I answered one and thought I'd throw in some thought to help you
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Grouping restrictions unchanged.

You said something about a "change of heart." Anti-hero doesn't require a change of heart. It just requires that you focus on killing evil people.

My guess would be it is ok to hunt good aligned mobs too (You are EVIL, not GOOD), but I didn't say that exactly because I don't know for sure mechanically.

You're aware this is a discussion forum?
3085, Understood
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I guess there still has to be some reason why an evil bastard decides to primarily hunt other evil bastards. Maybe 'change of heart' is not the right word.

About grouping restrictions, I'm afraid you didn't get the question right. The question wasn't if anti-heroes would be able to group with goods. It was about if opposite-aligned cabalmates are able to group in the first place. If your answer was exactly about that, then I apologize for misunderstanding.

Yes, I'm aware this is a discussion forum. In fact, I do mean to spark a bit of discussion on anti-heroes.
3086, Alright, I probably read some hostility that wasn't there.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Me mistake.
3087, Yep, sorry if I sounded rude n/t
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM