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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectZaewyn
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2822
2822, Zaewyn
Posted by Zaewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, I just started playing here today. I've played at Aabahran: The Forsaken Lands for about 10 years but lately things have just come to a halt. We see maybe about 5-12 people online. Average of 7. When you play 15 hours a day like I do sometimes it just zaps the will right out of you.

I know CF was the base for AR which was the base for FL....so figured I'd come "home" if you will :P

I love the Dark Knights on FL and Anti-Paladins seemed very similiar so I've rolled a Fire Giant A-P.

Now, I'm being told that there isn't much for a chaotic evil in this game outside of Scion and that Scion is pretty much an 'elite' cabal.

Should I reroll and go with something different for my first character here, or should I stick with what I want and just try my hardest?

Thanks, see you all in game.


P.S Hello to anyone else that used to play FL and may be lurking here in CF :P
2850, Sup
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea, I used to play FL.

Uh, who'd I play - been a while.

****Forgot which one was the one that got banned because I 'apparently' did some shady #### with Poplin, which was complete bogus and some asshole took what I said out context and 'squeeled' on me

I was the second lich on FL.

etc. etc.

I don't recall Zaewyn.

But when I did come here from FL, I loved the DKN class also (obviously) - so I tried the AP thing. I think it's a huge learning curve, especially with how protections work here (no purple potions/vials, which I still contend, blows). APs here are WAY more offensive than FL and less defensive.

I say, still go for the AP. In this mud, the sleep trick is more reliable than the summon/bash/fle/return/bash trick, especially since APs don't have charm person.

Anyways, post and I'll repost.

Oh, and what's his face, I think one of the original imms who got in a ####lock with Virigoth or someone, plays/played here. You know, the guy the imms (well when I left) still talks #### about.

2843, Welcome
Posted by anti on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
AP's are very cool, but as a new player, you will have a lot of problems with your sleek wands. I'm playing CF for more than 15 years and I never did an AP yet because:

1. I didn't know too many wands locations;
2. I know that I will rage delete after losing my unholy weapon :)

I've solved #1 by making 3-4 hero shifters, finding their wands and deleting them quickly afterwards. It took about 2 months, but I made a list with about 70 wands locations, using only IC talks, travels and etc. Yes, I know that's not very much, but once you get general understanding of how it works, you will find your sleeks easily.

Imo, for the new character AP isn't a good choice. But you are skilled player from other MUD and probably you will have no problems with playing AP.

So, good luck! And yes, as someone mentioned below - Empire is a good choice. Didn't know they change ethos without penalty (spell loss + vuln to wrath).

Live and learn!
2839, My advice
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fire AP isn't completely wimpy in combat, but if you are new you would almost certainly benefit more from a character that is not:
- distrusted
- poor at exploring
- poor at tanking (meaning finding groups will often be harder)

I would STRONGLY suggest that you play an assassin first (of any alignment).

You will be asked to group lots as you can tank.
You will be able to explore a lot of areas decently well.
You will be able to see thieves coming (so won't die to ambushes).
Likewise other assassins.
You can see the invisible, so won't die because of invisible people.

Basically you will find an assassin is much better in terms of learning the mud.

After doing a bit with an assassin, THEN I would say try something that suits you.

Alternatively, do the fire ap, but be prepared to get smushed even more often than most newbs. And while you are being smushed, remember that as an assassin life will be easier should you ever wish to choose that option.

Finally, if you do want to do an ap, going orderly evil instead of chaotic evil will give you the option of the Tribunal cabal or the Empire cabal. Tribunal isn't too bad for new players.
2824, Play what sounds fun
Posted by dude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Play this char out for a while. See what sort of things you like and don't like. When it starts to feel like work or a hassle, then roll up something new you think would be fun based on what you learned with your first char. Don't get attached to your first few characters. You will die a lot in the learning process. Just try to have a good time.
2823, Some general advice
Posted by thendrell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, welcome to CF. I hope you enjoy the game.

It is true that being a chaotic evil limits you to scion in terms of cabal choice, and that cabal is a bit more difficult to get into. But if this is your first character in CF, taking some time to learn some things might be for the best. You don't have to join a cabal for example, you can go solo learning things, and that may help you out in the long run.

I think there are some cabals better suited to getting the lay of the land (fortress/herald or generally filled with friendlier types just because of the nature of those cabals), along with more survivable characters Of course, if you like the character, stick with it, enjoying the character and the game is what its all about.

I generally think assassins, warriors and bards are good classes to learn with. Mage types tend to be a little frailer and more dependent on prep knowledge for survivability, and I think some characters might find it a little rough starting with a mage that will get hunted by various cabals just by the virtue of their race/class.

Have fun out in the fields.
2825, Indeed
Posted by Zaewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our classes and balance structure from Forsaken Lands is very comparable to CF, so the squishy mage vs hearty warrior thing is something I already comprehend.

All I really need to do is learn the map and areas, where to train, etc. When it comes to combat, both PK and NPCs...I can hold my own with any class.

That answered my question though...my current character has only Scion to aspire to. By the sounds of it in game, they fit my style and RP anyway, so that works haha.

I've enjoyed it so far, I'm sure I will be around for the long haul. FL will feel more comfortable for awhile, obviously...but there's only so much I can take while staring at a who list of 7 people with no one to kill or really RP with. I miss the days of us having 30-50 people online with constant, intense PK action all around the world. I'm hoping I can find that again here in CF.

So yes, yes...I believe I am here to stay bwahahaha
2829, Chaotic Evil can go Outlander too,
Posted by Rodriguez on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
or empire if you don't mind getting turned orderly.
2830, He said AP... So no outlander BUT
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If he goes Empire he'll get turned to orderly without any penalty. :D
2831, RE: Chaotic Evil can go Outlander too,
Posted by Zaewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can get your ethos changed so easily? Not used to that, would be interesting.
2832, RE: Chaotic Evil can go Outlander too,
Posted by Random. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is the only easy way to do that. Empire is the exception for Ethos changes.

As others have said, Welcome.

As far as cabals Scion is the most suited for the build you've described but I believe the Cult of Scarab could also be done. You could even pick a Herald although that would be the most unlikely choice I've ever seen aside from giving up spells and going Battle.

People are correct when they state it isn't a build for most people new to muds but if your used to getting hunted often then you should be fine. Once you learn a little from game mechanics, maps, and which skills do what, you should be fine.

As far as the Scion cabal. Up until last year I had never attempted it because I was told the same as you and my first try I was inducted. I may not be the weakest player around but had no prior knowledge of the cabal workings and with enough effort it wasn't too bad to get a place.

I will wish you good luck in whichever choice you make and again Welcome.
2833, RE: Chaotic Evil can go Outlander too,
Posted by Zaewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks. Definitely not new to MUD, been playing one for 10 years that was based off of CF's code. Very active and skill PKer on my MUD, very used to it all....just new to this map :P

Thank you to everyone for the welcome. Hope to be mixing it up with you all soon :-)
2835, RE: Chaotic Evil can go Outlander too,
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've heard someone to say that CF has the best PKers of the three games with CF code as base. Thus, it might be a tad bit more challenging here (though this is based on hearsay, I have no personal experience).

There's a CF world map in the Diku-Wiki at www.qhcf.net . It might help you to get started.

Anyway, welcome to the fields.
2836, Wait.. There are three CFs? n/t
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
x xfgxdfxn
2837, RE: Wait.. There are three CFs? n/t
Posted by Zaewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Basically some people left CF with CF code and created Abandoned Realms....then some people left AR and formed Forsaken Lands with the AR code....

So yeah, sure. You can think of it as three CFs :-)

I've heard that too, about the PK quality. Only one way to find out <3
2842, I've played AR about 8 years ago. It was very cool, but very low online, so.. CF was better.
Posted by anti on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked races and classes there, they were great.
Too bad CF is so solid and unchanging, so "classic", but I guess it's just a matter of taste. Some like modern music, some like techno, some like classic.
2872, Is it still up? n/t
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
2834, Chaotic evil can go Battle as well.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It welcomes anti-paladins as warmly as Outlander does, which leaves Scion/uncaballed as only option for him as a chaotic/evil character (I won't discuss the Empire ethos change here since I don't personally know the specifics well).