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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectI'm at the end of my rope.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2597
2597, I'm at the end of my rope.
Posted by Wayward Knight on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Okay, I want to start with some minor history here.

I'm not exactly new to the fields, but I have only had three or four characters total and no heroes.

All of my characters that I leveled higher than thirty (save one) were empowerment characters.

One was over a year and a half ago and the others were recently, before and now one after the player-wipe.

This most recent one is the first character upon which I have ever had any problem getting interaction with.

On ALL of my empowerment characters I chose spheres that were not lorded over by active gods.

Now, the rope, and it's end:

I've spent the last 15 hours or more (which panned out over more than a month, for various reasons, not the least of which included the complete LACK of response) of my character's game-life praying and doing randomly-thought-up, role-related and role-documented #### to gain empowerment beyond level 35. If the things I did don't work, I don't know what will. I could easily think up other things that would be just as good as what I've already done but I can literally not think of anything that could outdo my previous actions at this point.

Not only that, but I have sent NUMEROUS notes to the immortals and not received a single response, IC or otherwise, to ANY of my notes regarding empowerment.

Since hitting level 35 (I was empowered low-level by an immortal purely, I believe, as an act of kindness) I have been completely STUMPED. The only person who agreed to help me was wizinvis at the time, so I am not certain who it actually was, though I have a good idea. And even they have not responded, whatsoever, to any of my notes.

Before I get railed with the 'don't act like you deserve it' argument, READ THIS PART CAREFULLY:

I am not acting like I deserve empowerment!
I have, however, devoted more than 100% of myself to this character
when I was playing him actively, and the only reason I stopped playing him actively was because I was being ignored (or felt like I was being ignored - wouldn't you?) What I think I deserve is the chance to interact with someone and EARN empowerment.

No one is giving me that chance. The only interaction freely given so far is a surely well-intentioned but ill-received trick that turned my character into the opposite sex, and caused me to even more completely lose interest in playing the character when coupled with the fact that I was also being ignored (again, my perception of events) by the immortals. I mean, come on, if you have the time to trick a character with items in their inventory that border on out-of-character, surely you have the time to interact with them based upon the role that they've spent so much time on?

I'm at the end of my rope. I can't delete and remake the character to spark some life-changing roleplay event in him that causes him to forsake all of his prior vows, because the name will go unusable permanently at this point (not that I want to do that, but it was nice to think it was an option) and I can't drag myself to continue to log on knowing that I am going to get no response from my prays no matter what time I get online.

When I created the character I fell in love with the concept and I played religiously, and I would continue to do so if I wasn't at this roadblock of both empowerment and drastic character alteration. I've paid my dues and roleplayed both being ignored by the gods AND not being the right sex, AND included both of these things in my role, but still no response.

I don't know what to do. Someone help me, or at least poke me in the head and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I came from a mud where this kind of thing happened all the time and all this does is completely demoralize me to the Carrion Fields experience, which I KNOW isn't really like this.

A lot of this may read aggressively. It's not intended that way, it just comes from frustrated fingertips that have spent the past month typing unheard.

- JC
2601, Couple things:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The only interaction freely given so far is a surely well-intentioned but ill-received trick that turned my character into the opposite sex

This is an automated impact of something in the game, and has nothing to do with the staff.

No one is giving me that chance.

It seems that you first went to one Immortal, who empowered you much of the way and gave you a task. You did not complete the task, then approached a second Immortal. (This is rather significant.) You have recently been praying from a third Immortal's shrine, with stops at other Immortals' shrines.

Your emails to a fourth Immortal were apparently answered, beginning three weeks ago. You've barely played the character (~1 hour in February, short logons) recently.

It's entirely probable that you're creating a lot of confusion with all of this, and the reason you aren't empowered today is probably because of any or all of: no one knows who you're seeking, someone is waiting for you to complete the task you were handed, someone is hoping you'd take the advice you were emailed, or someone thinks the character is dormant.

Taking the issue to the forums is not a good idea. An email to the staff would have been more effective if you had a concern that someone was being unfair or neglectful. For now, I'm locking this thread and recommending that you review the helpfiles on Empowerment, deal with the matter IC, and pick a clear path.

I can't delete and remake the character to spark some life-changing roleplay event in him that causes him to forsake all of his prior vows, because the name will go unusable permanently at this point (not that I want to do that, but it was nice to think it was an option)

Addendum: I don't ever recommend doing this. We don't permit name re-use once that character has progressed very far because we don't was confusion between different "versions" of the same person, who ICly should be different people. I know you've already done this (this name is a re-roll of a very similar pre-purge character who was declined for empowerment), and we're being lenient, but for the future: it's never going to help.

2600, Yea
Posted by Rodriguez on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After my last big character I wanted to try a priest again and empowerment problems always made me lose interest. After a couple of chars I decided to just play a mage for now.

I too think that empowerment under a non Imm covered sphere should be a quicker process with the disadvantage that you get less Immteraction.

Another thing about the sex change: Are you sure that the Imms did that or did you just eat some grapes from your inventory?
2599, You have several problems
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) If you don't have an imm to your sphere, then even if you write to imms, they might just leave it to a different imm to handle.
2) 15 hours is not much, especially if it is compressed over a short real life period.
3) If all you do is write notes and pray (and not get out there and do stuff) -- note that I'm not saying this is the case -- then imms won't be particularly interested in going out of their way to help you.

Personally I've got to level 30+ unempowered over 80+ hours without hearing from an imm before. Not saying that makes it right, but you seem to be reacting WAY too soon to me.
2598, RE: I'm at the end of my rope.
Posted by Wayward Knight on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would like to add:

I know that with the player-wipe the mud staff has been helter-skelter busy. In the case that being busy was the real problem, I would have been completely satisfied with just a one-sentence response to one of my several notes, or endless prays.