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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectZacchaeus bids Farewell.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=96437
96437, Zacchaeus bids Farewell.
Posted by Ardryll on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Zacchaeus was my grand triumphant return to CF.

I would like to say firstly, in advance, this had nothing to do with that death, or the loss of anything. Its plain and simple, I've allowed myself to be consumed again by this game. My priorities unfortunately have shifted from leisure, to being forced to take account of what precious limited time I do have, and i have found myself cutting corners to make this character possible.

Considering he was Elf/Shield Paladin, Im amazed at how effective and resilient this one turned out to be. He had far more success then i was expecting, and I am really glad how he turned out.

I would like to give a big thanks to Nnaeshuk first and foremost. You are very delightful to have around, and you make an excellent presence and addition in the midst of absence among the Fortress Imms.

Adekar, I am positive it was you that upped my empowerment when i was given Maran. I greatly appreciate it that you stepped in, and granting me all the opportunities you have. (ps: i dont know if your just always wizi now, or life has come up, but you dont seem to be nearly around as much as your AVA days, but either way, i hope your religion opens up soon, variation among the good empowerment is desperately needed)

Despite all the obstacles that Zacchaeus had, he was incredibly PK successful, whether i prepped or not. Every death i did seem to have, was me just being... well foolish and overconfident that RNG would be in my favour.

It took quite a few days via email to make my Empowerment with Baerinika Possible, and unfortunately i didnt hear another word from her until a month and a bit later (Yesterday morning? when she gave me my first Virtue)

I'm glad your still able to contribute, and every opportunity i have ever been given over the span of all my characters.

Chestav - We both know who each other are, its nearly instinct after sharing three generations of characters alongside each other. You've certainly come along way and I am glad you got your shot with Marshall, you certainly deserved it.

As for the rest of the Fortress - please feel free to leave any comment, and i'll be happy to post in response.

Quick enemy recap :

Targala - I dont know if it was catching you after you lost a few key pieces of your set, but i didnt find you much of a challenge the few bouts you had before you did up and delete.

Cawr - It seems fitting that our longstanding quarrel finished that way, i admit it was upsetting, but it is usually overconfidence that is my downfall. (and to think i knew you were waiting for me there, even quaffed the pink potion expecting a summon trap)

Despite the tactics, well done, but the eyes/flee perma lag game mechanic abuse is a terrible way to finish that.

Jharazhoul - I despise you. Not because i have ever had any interactions with you that make me disprove of any character/player attribute, but because you were that much of a pest. Whether i was rank 30/or 51, you on meant i couldnt land a kill on a Imperial.

So you deserve the greatest of applauds, you are one of the most effective healers i have seen. Ashame you fell for that, well lets face it, brilliant trap.

Thanks for everything, Its been fun.


96603, RE: Zacchaeus bids Farewell.
Posted by Yitzua on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gonna miss all that I was hoping to learn from you man. GLWYN
96599, RE: Zacchaeus bids Farewell.
Posted by Kalcova on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As one come back char to another I'd like to say thanks for the chance and the interaction. Sad to see you go been wondering where you've been past couple days but I don't constantly check the forums so I'm just now finding out as no one has said anything in game about it. Was hoping to get to hero and fight beside ya proper but it'll have to wait another time.
96470, I always wanted to ask you IC...were you a wee little man...and a wee little man was he?
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
96477, would have been better as a ranger Zaccheus the treeclimber
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
96460, RE: Zacchaeus bids Farewell.
Posted by Vourecourl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Did not have much of a chance to run with you, but I had the strong sense you were competent and was looking forward to more fights shoulder to shoulder. Sad to see this deletion. GLWYN.
96456, RE: Zacchaeus bids Farewell.
Posted by Denawe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked that you were always gung ho to go raid.

That said, WOW were you bossy. :)
96453, Aww, back to empty nights.
Posted by Jerohk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Having been in the process of moving, guess I missed out on my chance of rolling w/ Zacchaeus. I had been sorta curious who might have been behind him, as you had that odd mix of pulling out preps I'm just too lazy to learn, and then my having to explain random things that I always thought were easy to know.

Oh well, hope to see you around again. I'm fond of uncaballed explorer characters when I don't want to get too preoccupied w/ CF.
96449, RE: Zacchaeus bids Farewell.
Posted by Adekar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't empower you...I had been waiting for that to happen to Maranate you. I did give you that little title. I liked Zacchaeus. Maybe not as much as I've liked some of your other characters, but I still liked you.

I mostly play from work during the week now, so while I can keep my eyes on the game, my interactions are not reliable and filled with telnet typos :)
96446, I've never gotten a chance to test that out before...
Posted by Cawr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... and this was the perfect opportunity. I was amazed how well that worked. And yes, in a sense it's abusing game mechanics. Bug board it? But I doubt it'll get changed. Personally I think it's a viable tactic, it's a choice one has to make to keep that power up or not. I know I've faced the same choice a few times with my Marans.

You were indeed resilient, had a hard time fighting you unless I was packing barrier.
96448, It sounds like an entirely legit strategy/drawback of the power
Posted by elmeri_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And it's not like it's super easy to exploit it as an ap or necro, since permalaggin someone is not that great unless you get some hits in :P
96450, A wise man once said...
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...'Every Maran has a story that goes along the lines of "So I had eyes of flame up..."'

Eyes will get you killed. It will also save your life/seal you kills, so c'est la vie.

PS I have the funniest idiotic eyes story. ####ing Elhe.
96444, RE: Zacchaeus bids Farewell.
Posted by Ahvake on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't interact much with you aside from my rec talk, but I sincerely hope that wasn't your ooc view on how things should be in the Fort and was more your elf's rp. That said it sounds like you were fairly well respected so to each his own.

96443, RE: Zacchaeus bids Farewell.
Posted by Truhukk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was kind of curious as to the type of responses lately was it a player or character thing. Just curious. Thanks for the little bit
of running around a few days ago. That was... interesting. Heh.
96442, Bummer
Posted by Nnaeshuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked what I saw from this character. You really rallied the troops and made those around you not only more confident, but also better with your presence. Good work with that. I feel really bad that I had to bail on our last encounter. I was at work and had a crapton of people come into the office and I just had to quit out without much notice. Sorry about that; I always liked interacting with you.

96439, Sad to see you go, you'll be missed. nt
Posted by Thraris on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
96438, RE: Zacchaeus bids Farewell.
Posted by Meoilaxenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for all the help, and the fun.