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Topic subject(AUTO) [FORTRESS] Saerali Kinkaide the Pupil of the Archon, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
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76276, (AUTO) [FORTRESS] Saerali Kinkaide the Pupil of the Archon, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Jan 26 09:12:26 2009

At 1 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 30th of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Saerali perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
76305, Goodbyes, etc. Warning: long!
Posted by Sionel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'll start off by apologising to those who were annoyed by the incompetence (as opposed to the melodrama) - Saer was my first character here that got beyond level 3, so the learning curve was really, really steep. I know I made an awful lot of mistakes, especially at first - thanks to those who put up with me anyway :P About two months ago real life stomped me into the ground with a vengeance, so I haven't been able to log on really at all. I didn't want to auto-delete her, she was so close to con death - but unfortunately when you're overseas and moving house these things happen. I am going to try and get the PBF; two warnings, if you read the role! First, it took me about three chapters to find the formatting tool, and second, it's written from Saer's viewpoint if not all in her voice, so it is *seriously* over the top drama-wise.

Re the melodrama, I'm not surprised that she annoyed you, Baer (and no doubt others). I expected her to. It might be worth noting that she also intensely irritated me with all her poor-me, suicidal stuff...frequently! A lot of the reason I pitched her that way was as a contrast to my characters on another mud that I had been playing, and it was a refreshing change to play something quite different. Normally I'm a melodrama-free zone as well, so Saer was an interesting experiment - but I see the potential for annoyance.

On to the goodbyes:

Corrlaan - I would have loved to interact with you a bit more (though, as above, I see why you might not have loved that so much :P). Nice religion - I will be back with a less dysfunctional follower in future if I get the chance! Your tattoo absolutely rocks my world.
Baer - While I realise you didn't like Saer, I did enjoy the couple of interactions we had. Not liking her was very in keeping with Baer's persona, of course, and made things much more interesting.
Beroxxus - You probably don't even remember a debate we had in the Inn as a sideline to the plot with Etie and co, but thanks anyway. You came very close to convincing Saer that your fatalism was right, which would have been *very* interesting. One of these days I want to roll a follower...

Too many to name everyone, so I'm not going to pretend that I'll succeed. Feel free to post though if you remember her, and I'll respond.
Ren: Of course. Posted on your thread too. Again, sorry about fading out on you, but we had heaps of fun! Look forward to seeing you (/killing you/dying to you) in other incarnations. I wonder if anyone else will ever have that sort of picnic in Hell...
Padwei: I honestly can't think of anyone who would have done a better job as the Prophet, or as an Acolyte. The more time I spent with you the more interesting you were and the more I enjoyed your company. Thanks hon, hope to see you out there :)
Synoria: Saer didn't understand you in the least...but I thought you did make a very interesting Cardinal. Not to mention providing some much needed kicks in the you-know-where to a certain bird!
Una: Interesting role...I loved the way he developed over time, and also the way the conflict between him and Saer resolved.
Volu: You were just plain fun to have around! You and Kernagor sparked an affection for dwarves (in Saer, not me...I still have no desire to play one!) that completely surprised me. Really hope to run into you again out there!
Kernagor: Well, hopefully all that effort ranking me wasn't entirely wasted...I did appreciate all the help. Thank you muchly - and see above comment. You guys pretty much gave me something to aim for if I ever have time to try a Maran in future.
Llondolis (and following incarnations): Sorry, sorry, sorry! I do know how to keep a sanc up!

Heralds and other peoples:
Etie: You had a huge impact on Saer. As I mentioned when Etie died, she must have been about the nicest person I've ever met on this mud! You did also do a lot to stabilise her when she was melting down - good for both her sanity and mine. Many thanks.
Ryasyn: Thank you for saving me from a completely humourless character! ;) I hadn't realised how long characters can last here, and if I'd kept on for that many months without meeting someone who made her laugh that much, I might have gone mad...really. Or at least quit.
Ilegor: Wish I'd seen more of you! You were great fun. Of course, that ability to camouflage makes it hard for us half-blind people...
Camridarinil: No doubt Saer annoyed you intensely, but thanks for dragging me around anyway. Always enjoyed your company.
Pioche: What an interesting role! It's a shame we never got to sit down and actually debate your views on the gods, but well done - and it was fun hanging out with you, too.
Nererial: I think you were my favourite person to fight(/run away from) during Saer's whole career. Kudos for the sportsmanship and generally great attitude. I totally want to try a shaman now after watching you and Ijerga in action - and I wish Saer's personality hadn't prevented me arguing with you the way I would've liked!
Lezra: Not that I ever gave you a fight, but you seemed really decent in the way you handled yourself. I won't say I wasn't relieved to see the back of eagle/alligator though...

There are lots of other people that I had lots of interaction with and enjoyed getting to know, and I'll answer any posts. Not sure if/when I'll be back to play another serious character, since life is still on my back, but Saer at least was good fun. See you in the fields!
76329, Most of the time
Posted by Ahtieli2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you were pain in ass. I think all my "smart" plans of killing you did not work. That is so sad :P
76330, RE: Most of the time
Posted by Sionel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, 'sad' is a matter of point of view :P I was quite relieved, actually...and amazed I survived as often as I did. Those armies of yours are just not fun!
76345, Awwww. Hehe.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Volu really liked good ol Saer. Though I have to admit there were
times where as a player I was gritting my teeth over the poor me bits.
:) I tend to roll with it, and have even played a few of those
myself... but ummm.. yeah... *rofl*

I still loved the "we are too young to pull off taking this item,
but we are going to do it anyway" :)

I am sorry to have drug you along on some of my more death-defying
forays and gotten you killed, but really when the paladin is trying
to get you to make a run for it and save yourself, well over half
the time it is because he wants to run and his RP won't let him unless
he can get the rest of the party to run first. *giggle*
I think the behind the keyboard statements were all similar to this

"holy crap holy crap holy crap, gonna die gonna die gonna die..."
Say Get out! Save yourself. (or whatever)
then: "Drat she's not gonna word. *grumble* okay the imperial is gonna ... the villager is gonna... ahh hell we're gonna die."

I assumed you didn't leave for about the same reasons I didn't.
I have to say though, it was a whole pile of fun.

If/when you get back to it, good luck with the next. With this having
been a first hero you should really come back, need more like you.
Go freakishly happy and upbeat though and when people get annoyed with
that bring up in the death thread how the last time you played lady
sad and people didn't like that, so quit complaining. *rofl*
(Yes, I would be one of the first to complain.)*snicker*

Good job with saer.
76465, RE: Goodbyes, etc. Warning: long!
Posted by Nererial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice one.

Saerali was pretty well played I thought. Maybe verging on the risk-taking side, but I admired that even though I'm sure it caused you to die a lot. I also admired that you would come and put up a defense at a time when plenty wouldn't.

Don't think I got you much, but there might have been one or two occasions.

I noticed a sea change in the kind of person in fortress from a bunch that did nothing but gank to a group of mostly well role-played people that were willing to fight alone if required. Saerali was around at the point of that transition, and I think can probably take some credit for it.
76537, RE: Goodbyes, etc. Warning: long!
Posted by Padwei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You'll be missed, even if you made me want to pull my hair out
sometimes! I hope to see you back soon, in some incarnation or
76289, Dammit. I hate when good chars like this one just fade away. nt
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
76290, RE: Dammit. I hate when good chars like this one just fade away. nt
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Saerali had good moments for sure, but I had a hard time with her melo drama and always felt that if I were in charge of Acolytes she wouldn't be one. Too down on herself and too many soap operas to make a truly great Acolyte, I thought. And of course Baer had no time for any of it!
76291, True, she annoyed the crap out of me with pretty much all my recent Forties..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But it always felt like it was her playing her role, which was at the extreme opposite end of powergamey. Kind of refreshing, even if it is frustrating when your healer doesn't sanc themselves. Ever.

Either way, I had fun with her. And ultimately, that's what counts.

But yeah, I really do despise "soap opera" type RP. And honestly, it makes me gag just a little bit every time I see the marriage announcements and stuff.

And yes, even yours... as sweet and pure as I'm sure your love was.
76294, Psht Melodrama
Posted by Kernagor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd take a Saerali any day over many more competent teammates.

Besides, I don't mind melodrama for the most part. Its just an RP foil, kind of like how every scion uses the word indeed at least once per login or the infamous dwarf/giant mangled english.

Heralds and forties are just a little more given to melodrama, just like imperials and scions all tend to be ambitious power-hungry egomaniacs.

Anyways, there have been times when I felt like going emo myself, just to spice up the cycle of raid, counter-raid, gather preps, repeat.

But then to be fair, I haven't spent the last six months consistently attentioning wonky forties during my login sessions, so my tolerance of this is probably higher than yours =P
76277, We stand here to watch as the dearly departed joins her husband in the eternal sleep.
Posted by Revered Jackson on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Both auto. Nice.