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Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Zridv Zerislov the Victorious Stalker of Empire, Imperial Shadow Lord
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=65636
65636, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Zridv Zerislov the Victorious Stalker of Empire, Imperial Shadow Lord
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Jan 24 15:46:08 2008

At 9 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 3rd of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Zridv perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
65644, A pretty long road, with lots of bumps, and lots of fun.
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, where to start. Hopefully people will read my role and come up with some neat ideas of their own. I've never been a great role writer, but then I got this idea. I had been thinking of a movie I like and wanted to watch one day. The movie is "Enemy at the Gates" and its about a russian sniper in World War II. Anyway, for those who haven't seen it I'll give a brief synopsis. The movie centers around a russian man, I'm going to butcher this, but Vasili Zeitsev or something. I know thats not the spelling, but i'm not sure how to. Anyway, he becomes a sniper in the russian army and is in Stalingrad defending the town from the Germans. Basically he meets a man who writes for the russian "paper" and they herald and lift him up as a hero, and write stories about him. Now, that was a part of the role, the second part being a profile like what people think the CIA keeps on its people. I of course have no idea what those look like, nor am I a conspiracy theorist. It was just an idea for a model of a role. Anyway, a bunch of role entries later and I'm winning a role contest, first ever for me. Well, they will be in the pbf, so enough about them.

I seem to be good at playing Imperials. My last real char of substance was Draktel, and I was hoping to bring more of that. Maybe its because I'm a conservative republican that I play an evil imperialistic, somewhat descent guy. :) Thats for you Valg. Anyway, I saw a need for help in the Empire. There were large holes even from the time I joined up, with only seeing strength in the presence of Eoria. I should also add that I took the 'WOT' approach to the Empress, May She Live Forever. I also saw opportunity as Eoria was old, and wearing strange bracers for a long time, I figured she would die out. Well, she has played less and less, and she isn't there. Oh well, I also had a hurdle in Rhayla as well. I'll get on to goodbyes now.

If I miss anyone, as I'm sure I will, please write and I'll get back to you.

Dark Voice - You made this character a blast for me. That first interaction while going after Kelteon was awesome. I appreciate all you did and how much you looked for me. You were a great boon to the character. Thank you for the ring and other things.

Zulgh - Well, I'm not really sure what to put here. I think you are one of the greatest gifts to CF and I appreciate all you do. i was really bummed however to not hear one single peep from you. I have a feeling you made me Shadow Lord, but eve nthat was "an Immortal." What did I do, or not do that turned off the char? I did finally write you a note, but I came to that gate a lot. It was disheartening that you empowered that one guy, but never spoke to me. Oh well, I would like to know in case I try another follower of yours.

Eoria - What can I say, you and I were a good team. We could do nearly anything and we had some great fights. You kept telling me I was your best Imperial, but I wasn't seeing anything for it. It started to really tick me off ooc that after getting you two of the absolute best items in the game, it took forever to reach Shadow Lord. The icing though was when I found out I had double the donations of Rhayla. I know playing a leader can be tough, but unless you are super busy IRL, please delete or play more. I realize your times might not mesh mine, but i get the sense you aren't around much. Other than those complaints, I want to say you play a great character and bring a lot to others in the game.

Rhayla - Well, we hardly ever interacted, but you were in my way. I never disobeyed your orders, I just didn't bother with them. If you had been around, I might not have done such.

Chirikaw - You and I were bread and butter for Shadow. We lead the sect, regardless of the Shadow Lord. I appreciated your friendship. I didn't worry much about you stabbing me in the back.

Kostyan - Good luck with blades, I thought it was funny when you wouldn't let Liriana sing for me. Sorry, I have a hard time letting another sect leader try and boss me around. You aren't my leader, thats my view on Empire, though I will show you some respect in case you get higher. I think there are some blades though that should be challenging your position.

Liriana - I liked you a lot, and you were always up to mischief with me if we could. Thanks for all the songs and fun.

Bruth and others - Keep truckin

Ophanelu - You are the future of shadow, and I thank you for marrying the character. That was a fun experience, and I hope I could rub off some of my RP and role onto you. I hope that perhaps after reading it in the PBF's it gives you more inspiration to take yours to greater heights. Not that mine is awesome, but who knows, it might give yo ua cool angle. Maybe you could publish my book? Anyway, I hope yo ugot the ring. Good luck

Thercic - I really am jealous. If I could have been his first, I would have been in a heartbeat.

Iltch: I start with you because you are the most annoying. I'm sure you are fine with other people, but man you lack courage. I'm sure its a survival/role thing, but it just rubbed me the wrong way. I tried to be cool with everyone I killed, but you made me want to take everything. Those times you let others take stuff after ganging me down just pissed me off to no end. Oh well, you must be doing something right, but man I think its screwed up. Darkness swaying and using Igbah to try and bash me after you blackjacked and tied me. Oh well...good luck, but i'm rooting for the gangs to kill you. :)

Ravon: Died to you once, I said that was enough. Two rounded through trance isn't my idea of a good time.

Llorenz: Man you sure were a beast. I was so mad when you came and killed me in the island, then did it again when I unghosted right then. Argh, how frustrating. Good job though, you really were well played. I was very close to agreeing to that deal for Iltch's head.

Chrichuk or whatever: You were one of the few blemishes I give to myself for Zridv. When I killed you and you were obviously ld, I was just so frustrated with you scions that I went ahead and did it. I apologize now, not that it means much.

Yevandr: You were one of those people I assassinated a few times, but man you were a beast. I laughed really hard when you got mad at me though for killing you in Imperial after you attacked our Vanquisher, then told me you wouldn't do that to me if I fought the giant to get someone. A week later three of you gang me down at the giant, even though I'm fighting the minotaur, and not the giant.

Battle guys in general: I fought a lot of you and I like most of you, feel free to write and i'll respond. One of my favorite assassintions was getting the three of you on Calandaryl.

Werzidian, Throkk and Folsa - You three were tough for me and you gave me pletny of beatings, and I think I dished out a few good ones. Throkk, you were the only one I didn't get.

Dejek - I'm sure you are cool and all, but your RP with me I didn't like. Trying to make it sound like we fought evenly all the time, which we didn't. I don't put much stock in shifters beating me as well, the only one I could truly beat up on was the orangutan, becaue it had arms. I think shifters need to be a bit more susceptible to assassin skills. Why would caltraps not hurt an animal with four feet more than a person with two? Those kinds of things.

There are many many others, and I'd be glad to respond to anyone.

My thoughts on Assassins are that they are a great standalone class and I will play them more often.

Thanks for all of your RP with me guys!

Aaron aka Minyar, Draktel, and now Zridv
65646, Fortress
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Darascus - ug, so annoying that i never got you. I had you stalked so well a few times and just ebfore "assassinate Darascus" went through you sticking fireballed me out! Argh. Anyway, we had some great battles and I appreciated most of them.

Dungard - You suck! Just kidding, we had some very good battles too, but I'm nto a big fan of bash bash bash or those who come running into even battles. I know, anything to kill evil, but it sucks for that lone evil guy. Good job though, co-winner.

Kecaza - I should have stuck around just to assassinate you! Thanks for protecting my stuff that one time after you jumped in that battle. good luck.

I know I missed a bunch of people, write and i'll respond!
65647, You were the best foe:
Posted by Pmurtar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved trying to track you down and get you.

Each time I logged on I would be thinking: Okay time to find some water so I can see if Zdriv is on the job. And unlike some roguish types you would never leave off a target once you acquired it. I think that is what I respected and enjoyed the most about you.

I was hoping to see how Aeaph would do against you as well but alas I got worn out by my own insane role requirements.

You were an absolute joy to fight. You never talked smack and definately got better as you progressed. I would say exponentially.

I thought I had you that one time in Balator. Cutoff was working and then that rotten shadow sect leader Imperial type arrived.

Never boring with you around. You made my CF experiences a pleasure for the majority of your character's life.

Cheers & GLWYN.
65648, You were a tough target and a good foe.
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't want to give away too much about what I've learned as an assassin, because I think it would spoil things for other assassins. I'll just keep the knowledge for my power-gaming self...water stuff being one of them. :) I did finally land that assassinate on you and was sad to see you delete not too long after that. I like to think more people took maelstrom of the veils because of me...its probably that purple crack though. We did have some great ones, and man I was happy to see Rhayla that time in Balator.
65667, Sadly:
Posted by Pmurtar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

> I did finally land
>that assassinate on you and was sad to see you delete not too
>long after that. I like to think more people took maelstrom
>of the veils because of me...its probably that purple crack

I deleted because of things I heard about what befell my character
with respect to a loot by lower level character that was out of
range. It was unpleasant to become aware of certain aspects CF
and without logging conversations or the like it was just too
frustrating because I could do nothing about it. And even then
who knows about the validity of what I heard? Ah well, it no longer
grates and I admit it was a knee jerk reaction to delete.
C'est la Vi!

>though. We did have some great ones, and man I was happy to
>see Rhayla that time in Balator.

I think I had you that time but Rhayla came in. It was a memorable
comment from her character "You can not have him.... yet. I have
need of him." I remember that pretty much made my day since it was
so dark and yet humorous.
65657, Top Fargin Notch!
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a great time fighting and interacting with you as Pesa, and afterwards loved to be perched on your shoulder as an Imm watching you do your thing. You pulled off some great fights, some ballsy retrievals and great all round RP.
Sorry to see you go, but look forward to your next.
65671, PeskY!
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked to call you that because man you were a tough foe. I know you guys are saying that striking is fine, but I think its a bit much. To be able to totally own someone and then totally get owned from just a legacy seems really lopsided. It increases the desire for someone to just flee from a fight and run around til healthy, hence many fights with Golhyrr. Oh well, it just frustrated me to no end. That time in ysigrath, did you see me? You were in there so long I had to leave to eat and drink. I had like thirty stalks in.
65677, STSF
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To be honest Striking never really did that much against you. I think looking at all the scraps we had I got very few observes in (you would usually have me blinded). What would make the difference in alot of our rematches would be that first in I wouldn't have prepped at all and you got the jump, second time I would prep some.You can just take a look at some of my logs to see how slowly striking would charge up for me. It would often depend who who's maledictions landed first. Usually it was Shifters who got the worst of it, combining my maledictions, which would lengthen the fight, and then Striking kickin in.
I have to say often Assassins were Pesky's toughest fighter matchups, when your kans and kote landed I was usually in trouble. I would specifically carry super light daggers just to deal with you. Several edges I took simply to fight Ktaar, who constantly Pwn'd me.

That try in Ysigrath was just dumb luck on my part. I did a who and saw you in PK (probably when you were eating and drinking) and thought #### I better not sit here any longer he's bound to find me here. I walk out and BLAM! You go for the assassinate.

Again Kudos on Zridv, I wish I had logged more of our skirmishes, many of the fights where one or other of us ran for our lives were just great.
65661, So long!
Posted by Darascus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Zridv being around meant I was going to have to be on my toes, and I certainly was. Fortunately, my crack-monkey altertness saved my neck from your dagger on a few occasions. Your kicks, as I recall, were always big trouble when groups were involved.

Good job all around.
65662, RE: Fortress
Posted by Nolyek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good fights, you landed an assassinate on me but I'll admit that time when you, Eoria and I don't remember who were raiding against me and Soayel was the most fun I've ever had in CF, so thanks for that.

I had you convulsing a couple times and you always managed to get away!!!! I got you one time though at least!

Classy char, good luck with the next.
65672, You had striking right?
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think that you did, and I'm telling you, that is the bane of assassins. once the foe has learned you, they can just stop all of your attacks, you miss everything. I even failed six vanishes against someone...six...perfect vanish...that was annoying. Anyway, that was one of my favorite assassinates, and we were pretty good about your things i think. It was Chirikaw and Arkuss I think.
65685, HELL NO!
Posted by Nolyek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
nah man, no striking, #### no! and trust me, I know it's ANNOOOOOOOOYIIIIIING as ####ing hell. I don't think I'll take that legacy EVER.

"once the foe has learned you, they can just stop all of your attacks, you miss everything."

yep, pretty much so.

I had maelstrom and the -svspell one. Not sure what you meant by being "good" about my things. I suppose you mean you didn't loot much and that's right, as I've said in my goodbyes, I've never been less looted with any other char before and it was much more fun for me, thanks for that.
65686, RE: Fortress
Posted by Dey on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remembered you, I had to keep on my toes with you around. Assassins are nasty. Well done.
65965, I remeber you and Klydenstrom both had that virtue.
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Where you could sense my presence or whatever. Klydenstrom thought it was "assassinate" protection and I was hoping to show you the error of his thinking as well. When I was tranced most of our fights were fairly even. You deleted before I really got a great chance at you. Thanks for the comments.
65649, RE: A pretty long road, with lots of bumps, and lots of fun.
Posted by Rhayla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought Zridv rocked. It's always impressive when you log-in and find out someone is kicking ass like YOU'RE suppose to :). Your donations destroyed mine AND I'm pretty sure you were promoting more than I was, which just made your donations all the more legit.

Sorry I couldn't get out of your way earlier!, but glad you had fun and GLWYN!!
65651, Thanks
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What little interaction we had, I liked for what its worth. I would have rather seen you as an elite, as i know your time was limited. Part of why I deleted is that I got a promotion at work and well, I can't really play from there anymore. More money = more busy. :)

Thanks for the comments..oh, and from one assassin to the next, I think I'm right about number of stalks for most people. There are just some that are harder than others.
65650, Well..
Posted by Iltch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Iltch: I start with you because you are the most annoying. I'm sure you are fine with other people, but man you lack courage. I'm sure its a survival/role thing, but it just rubbed me the wrong way. I tried to be cool with everyone I killed, but you made me want to take everything. Those times you let others take stuff after ganging me down just pissed me off to no end. Oh well, you must be doing something right, but man I think its screwed up. Darkness swaying and using Igbah to try and bash me after you blackjacked and tied me. Oh well...good luck, but i'm rooting for the gangs to kill you.

Glad I could be a thorn in your side. I'm definitely not fine with everybody else, and yeah, courage isn't something that will keep you alive overly much as a binder thief, but I take many risks. Zridv totally rubbed me the wrong way in our early interactions and I pretty much couldn't stand him from that point on, I think it was the promising to full sac me after I didn't return a sword of darkness. Immediatly after that I got nailed by that big Empire raid of 4 against me, that pretty much set the tone of our relationship from then on out. It's funny you complain about me letting others take your stuff after ganging you down, like I had some kind of awesome say in what the people who killed you took or didn't take. I got you that ring back and spike-toed boots back every time though, so I guess I did.

If evil is tipping greatly and there are two influential evil characters on who I know are hunting each other, one of which has a chance at dying, the other being too beastly to even consider killing in a pk as binder, I don't see anything wrong with using evil against evil, like I explained to you. You had 2 strong evils, now there is one strong evil, the overall impact on the balance is evil is now weaker than it was. That's my philosophy anyway.

Enjoyed hating Zridv and chasing him all over the place, good luck with the next one.
65653, Yep, I did say something about saccing you.
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
However, I had the chance, and didn't. I could have easily taken or destroyed everything when we got you in the island. Instead, we left a lot of descent gear, including a humansunder I believe. Anyway, you did start trying me alone once you had that sword, which hurt like hte ####ens I tell you. That thing scared me, I was glad to see it. That time with you and the bard at my centurions, if I had tranced and used a flight potion, I think you both would have died. however, I was hasty and screwed myself, then watched as my nice set got looted by your groupmate who wasn't even able to be harmed. He was fully sacced for that, the only time I did that, the only time. Oh well, I know you are doing a good job, but yes, we rubbed each other wrong.
65679, You are'nt the only one he rubbed the wrong way. n/t
Posted by Another enemy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
65737, If it is a time when we ganged
Posted by Eoria on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Iltch and druid at the islands with you, me, kostyan and bruthamontis.. I must say that my log is saying something different than things you wrote.
65659, :)
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn my eyes ... farkin' draktel. hehe.

Zridv was just a handfull of aces in my book. I had a
WOT outlook on the empress as well, with a little star
wars twist. :) In any case good times all around.
The extra weapons now and again was what really "bought"
Chiri's loyalty BTW. *wink* Though I took the order part
fairly seriously with this guy so I probably wouldn't have
jacked you over in any case, hell I even helped imperials
that I hated, hehe.
Though when you hadn't logged in for a long time I made a
tentative grasp at shadow lord. :) I'll have to try an assassin
past the twenties one of these days. At least we were on the same
side this time around. Lemme think, Too much stuff you were
just cool all around. We'll let it go there.

65663, Woah woah
Posted by Dejek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My rp was minut at best, and it was a mocking statement basically because you rocked out the same to me.
Maybe we just rubbed eachother wrong, but I fought you once with a group of three, and you fought me once while fighting the elf too.
I don't know if you remember fighting me back then, or maybe thought I was pexi, but you basically said the same thing to me.
Other then us rubbing eachother the wrong way, everything I saw from you was perfect for an imperial. But I did have to chuckle at your recruiter title, no offense but I thought it was kind of terrible and was sorry for you for having it. It didn't really ring of the badass deadly assassin that you definately seemed to be. :)
65669, That title was all about my role.
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The second title was definately more fitting and I was so happy to go out on it. The first one though was great too, though yes, kinda odd. Truth be told, I didn't oath all that many, but I did promote a lot of shadows. That was one of my gifts from the role contest though, and it fit perfectly to the role.
65664, A good foe. Tough, smart and full of guts.
Posted by Throkk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Looking forward to reading your role as we only fought and exchanged
a few grunts along the way. The marriage note was funny and it
sounds like you had an interesting background.

You pulled off some cool, sneaky retrievals. Well done!

Throkk may have been a bad match-up for you, but I can assure you
that I always took you very seriously, and you came close to killing
me a few times. I can't remember, but I don't think I ever got you
solo or otherwise.

That time when you and Liriana came knocking at the tree was super
cool. Later when Namarin showed up I didn't know he had you in a
snare or things might have ended differently ;-)

Our last fight was pretty exciting too. I was worrying about an
owasa and couldn't lag you because of the big kotegashi, then I
retreat and end up fighting some watchmen at centurions, but
fortunately you didn't chase.

I like your style and hope we meet as foes again some time.

Good luck with your next.
65666, Well, hell...
Posted by Ophanelu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As far as your roleplaying rubbing off on me, it sure did. I think about four of my roles are entiredly about Zridv. By the way, you have permission to post whatever Ophanelu logs you have, but I couldn't post on Dioxide due to the whole having to be logged in, none of the VIPs look, thing. I'll post it up myself on Officials if you'd like.

I was pretty amused when Zridv approached Ophanelu about marriage, as I didn't realize that the Dark Voice had whispered my role into your ear, but I'm glad it happened. Got the Oath from you, and all my promotions. I was going to pay you that 50 gold, I swear! :)

I'm enjoying Imperials quite a bit, and I'll say who my Imperials were after Ophanelu is gone, but you've had an impact on all of them. Yes, I got the ring. Another blast of inspiration for a role that I'm usually not so great at writing. Not to say that my role is fantastic, but I'm having a lot of fun with the character because of it, and the interactions with you have definately helped in huge amounts.

When the news came that you had 'offered your life for the Empire', or one of the other billion IC explainations I've heard, it offered me a gaggle of interactions (some horrid, but mostly great). Glad I could add to your playing experience. Thanks so much, again.

Great character. I'm not sure Ophanelu would have been as much fun without you. Good luck with your next.
65668, My hope for you
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is that a certain dark voice friend of ours rolls with something he and I had talked about concerning me and my wife. Who knows. Anyway, good luck and I look forward to knowing more of who you played.
65673, bah how am i outliving everyone
Posted by yevandr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved our interactions. I also love that after the first couple of times you switched from assassinate to fighting. i think you realized I would just sit there and soak up the attempt for a chance to fight and you got bored of getting the easy kill haha but it resulted in some really epic fights. We each got each other a few times and overall this was one of my favorite rivalries ever. I really enjoyed that we had moments of quasi-working together to eliminate certain threats and then as soon as they left the area we could go at each other.

as for that one(heck it could be a couple instances) I do lose my cool now and then. I like to think I have a lot of patience and what not but I am sure to have racked up 80+ pk deaths with yev and every now and then you just lose it. In that particular case I was just utterly amazed, in the time it took me to sprint to the vanquisher from balator, hit it for one round, and sprint out there was a set of cents and 4 of you waiting for me. i was like omg it has only been 10 seconds how the hell, so much for trying to pick you guys off one at a time as you showed up. Honestly at the giant if anyone had said it was some sort of duel I never would have interfered sorry bout that but I was in the dark.

But with you gone it seems my plans of altering the empire/village dynamic are gone drats.
65681, RE: A pretty long road, with lots of bumps, and lots of fun.
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Zulgh - Well, I'm not really sure what to put here. I think
>you are one of the greatest gifts to CF and I appreciate all
>you do. i was really bummed however to not hear one single
>peep from you. I have a feeling you made me Shadow Lord, but
>eve nthat was "an Immortal." What did I do, or not do that
>turned off the char? I did finally write you a note, but I
>came to that gate a lot. It was disheartening that you
>empowered that one guy, but never spoke to me. Oh well, I
>would like to know in case I try another follower of yours.

I honestly didn't even know you were chasing me down for a very long time (I've been bad checking on people pinging my shrine guardian/pray logs, and this reminds me of some code I need to write).

Part of it, is timing. The last 2 1/2 months I've been sparse with the holidays & the new job. What time I did have I spent focusing on the Santa Zulg project and was rarely involved watching any mortals. The one guy who got empowered had the same complaint as you, and is part of the reason I put myself back as dormant.

Note/Email is the best way to try and grab me if you haven't found me, and I can try and schedule some time.

Yes, I was the one who made you Shadow Lord. I'm pretty sure I said something over the cabal/sect channel as the Dark Dream. I hadn't been watching much, but you'd pulled off a nice counter raid and someone was going to toss you some Imm XP for it, and I said I was going to make you the Shadow Lord for it. I win.

There were immortals who definitely noticed and appreciated you. The few times I watched, you were solid.
65739, Well
Posted by Eoria on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Eoria - What can I say, you and I were a good team. We could do nearly anything and we had some great fights. You kept telling me I was your best Imperial, but I wasn't seeing anything for it. It started to really tick me off ooc that after getting you two of the absolute best items in the game, it took forever to reach Shadow Lord. The icing though was when I found out I had double the donations of Rhayla. I know playing a leader can be tough, but unless you are super busy IRL, please delete or play more. I realize your times might not mesh mine, but i get the sense you aren't around much. Other than those complaints, I want to say you play a great character and bring a lot to others in the game.

Sorry man but I'm not one to promote someone on leader position just for shinies you got me though it is always good to get them ;). As well as I had rp reasons for keeping Rhayla at shadow lord position. I will explain it after Eoria deleted/age died if you ask me.

Also I'm sorry that I can not play in your time! Due RL things my playing time is changing a lot but I'm trying to play at least 15 hours a week. Except the week I took for vocations, before that I was trying to find you and promote for 2 weeks or so(no one I've asked in char saw you around). Then I asked Imms to do it. And I'm trying to play in different time so I can see/give promotions/demotions to as much imperials as possible.

Do you always belive in things Empress was telling to you? :) Anyway, you were one of the best imperials, one who I don't have to tell what to do, one who always did everything right. That's why we almost always kicked asses when we were together. I loved each moment we spent together on carrion fields. Though I'm somewhat pissed off by your comments.

65751, I put a caveat in there about times.
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
knowing that you probably are playing at a different time, so just ignore that. Yes, I know you had some reasons for keeping Rhayla there, but in my opinion, the Empire isn't strong because of your leadership, nor was it getting stronger. At least, in the times that the "majority" of people play. Its not a slight against you, honestly, its just my observation of things in the more popular playing times. Honestly, I knew with my style of play, keeping those bracers wasn't going to happen. I didn't mind giving them up for the elite promotion, even though I deserved it from other things. You are a good player, and you know a lot about hte game, a lot more than I do about areas and stuff. yes, some of my frustration probably came with not getting promoted to Shadow Lord right away, and it is showing through in my goodbye. :) Keep trucking, you have some good imperials on the way up.
65830, No sweat
Posted by Chrichuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was furious for moments, but eh. I know at time it must've been frustrating at times. I got geared up fine anyways ;).
65962, Yea, I felt really bad about that Chirikaw
Posted by KrilcovGularys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Me playing an emperial, I just help slay a link dead scion... and I am like, sorry dude, let me give you back the few things I took... cause link dead sucks. But you where cool and said no prob, the stuff was in.
65997, Heheh Dear Chrichuk:
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now you see what I mean about getting hit by people thinking
it was you? there was a lowbie just before I deleted with yet
ANOTHER similar name (his was actually closer to mine) and when
people started asking (jokingly) if they were a relative of mine
I just started to twitch. Didn't mean to jump on the thread like
that but it was just too ripe to pass up.
:) - Chirikaw.

P.S. I'm sure it was mainly an easy typo, murder chir oh
I mean.... or seeing chirikaw is here, holy crap that's that
scion invoker dude! oh #### I can harm him! murder chir...
hehe but I sure lost alot of feathers over mistaken identity.

65836, RE: A pretty long road, with lots of bumps, and lots of...
Posted by Fjarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>One of my
>favorite assassintions was getting the three of you on

That was crazy. You nailed one of us on the way there (we knew you were around and probably stalking, but that confirmed it) and I wasn't quick enough on the attack to get you. Then, you got the second of us on the mountain. I was ready that time, but still managed only to drive you off. After that it was basically like...well, the experience is good and I need a couple levels so it's worth the risk.

And of course, you landed it on me too. Three in a row, and two of them we were ready for. Good times.
65845, Yeah
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you guys were kinda crazy for staying there knowing I was going to keep coming. I had a nice edge that helped with groupmates, so I usually wasn't too worried. I figure most people knew that if I assassinated them once, i wouldn't do it again that day, they also knew I probably wouldn't loot anything but coins. If you are willing to eat one death for gaining ranks, then I guess its understandable. We had some really good fights aside from those times, and for the most part the village was cool about looting and stuff. You guys did get smarter about not just sitting in the village if I was around. Employing river tactics and what not! Anyway, good luck and keep goin.
65849, RE: A pretty long road, with lots of bumps, and lots of fun.
Posted by Llorenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yo Aaron
I wish we had tangled more near the end of my character's mortal life. I think after a few tussles early on you pretty much stayed out of my way, when ever I noticed both you and chirikaw on I made sure I played it smart and didnt give any obvious blackjack opportunities. I would have done anything to work out that deal we talked about but every imperial i talked to just turned me down. :P Good luck with your next char , you never dissapoint.

65900, was fun few times we fought...
Posted by Namanrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I really surprised you that time outside high lords keep... other than that the one time I snared you close to tree when you were with Liriana and Rywald?... was going to kill bard before going to you but think me and Throkk had some bad communication... so ended up getting away... also.. just took your bracelet of charms because needed it... dont believe in looting unless something is needed/wanted...

was fun non the less. good luck with next.
65960, Yep, surprised doesn't begin to describe it
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I missed marking you...and i stayed to try again. That was why I died. As for the charms. Yeah, i liked having that item because of one person, and one person only. I don't like having the charms bracelet typically, but a certain thief liked to rob everything i had, including my food. Funny thing was, after you took it, I went and got another one. :) I was careful to mark you when I could. I think you must have gotten me pre Shadow Lord. Good luck though, keep those wilds safe!
65958, My old advesary...
Posted by Krengrar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always enjoyed knowing you were around. Seeing you around was better because it meant that I knew where you were... heh. You certainly raised the bar when you were about.

I'm still bonking myself on the head for that fight in the shadow grove. Every part of me said to flee....but having sent you packing so many times before, I ignored my better judgement. Oh well.

I read part of you role... and I really liked the format, excellent idea.

See you around.

65961, Thanks
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were always a tough battle, and one I was very proud to finally land. I just found you sleeping and I had you marked from before. It was great because I just prepared while you slept and the log shows the work. You did send me running a lot, but I had a few good ones too.
65639, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Zridv Zerislov the Victorious Stalker of Empire, Imperial Shadow Lord
Posted by A dark voice on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This really kinda upset me. I realize you were hell bent on Zulg's tat and all, but I think your timing was bad in those regards. I might add here that if you're looking for a specific imm... go ahead and email the guy. Just something like... hey I play guy X and I'm looking for you, is there a good time?

I thoroughly enjoyed Zridv. I don't know how many conversations we had, I can't count that high. I was thrilled to see the "looking for a bride" note come out from Lauriel, and I almost pissed myself laughing at it. I remember talking to you about it before hand thinking it would be a great way to get some of your role flavor out to the playerbase. After seeing it I sat back and pondered my own greatness knowing you you had come through like I'd hoped.

The role was what really drew me into Zridv. The role play kept me bothering you. I really hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. That is to say if you hear it from no one else, thanks for a solid character that made the game more fun for a lot of people. All around a solid character. Best of luck with the next.

That guy..

PS - email me the wedding log, I wanna see how bad I fumbled that. -

PPS - Beer and laptop keyboards are not conducive to typo free rp sessions.
65640, Woohoo!
Posted by Lauriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't believe that something I wrote was remembered. Wootie!

Now Zridv, damn, we had a long friendship. Countless hours talking to what seemed like every female imperial trying to decide who would be best for you, unfortunately RL took charge right in the middle of it and I missed the wedding. *sigh*

But honestly, what an amazing char. Well played! Well spoke! Well, ####, well done!

65645, My bard friend.
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some good times, hard to imagine as I killed you when we were younger, but you were a good friend to Zridv. The Empire got a little empty there for awhile, and you were a good person to talk with. You also helped me with my wife quest, thanks for that. I hope you and her can get some RP of your own out of it.

Great job!
65638, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Zridv Zerislov the Victorious Stalker of Empire, Imperial Shadow Lord
Posted by Aubrei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You ever end up doing that role thing with the wedding?
65643, Yes, and I have a log of it, just waiting for the players to die. nt
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
65658, RE: Yes, and I have a log of it, just waiting for the players to die. nt
Posted by Aubrei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*nods* I so woulda been the one with my other character, had my internet not died :P I wanted to ring your neck when you killed Aubrei like that, but I was like "roar, different characters"