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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [None] Meylin the Mistress of the Invisible Realms
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=64521
64521, (CON LOSS) [None] Meylin the Mistress of the Invisible Realms
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Dec 23 18:28:38 2007

At 11 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 9th of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Meylin perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
64633, well, I had fun
Posted by Meylin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This character was a remake of one that I played in in 2002, though that one was an invoker. The roles were almost the same, but slightly different, as were the personalities. I made this character to be an exploration char, and that's exactly what she was. However, it's been so long since I played a conjie that I wasn't used to the class any more and I died to alot of unexpected things. I must say, this class certainly requires a LOT more preparation now than what it used to. PK wise it can be very deadly if you prepare properly. However, that preparation is essential. Part of that, at least for me, was ensuring that I would get radiat or transplendant for archons, and terrible or lesser archangel for the angels. If I got something less than these, my chances of succeeding in any form of pk was severely limited. This was especially true since I could never find my barrier location. Since the time I first sent Meylin to Organia, I've been wanting to get her role updated, but I never got around to it. I was having too much fun trying to explore difficult areas and trying to learn how to PK properly (which I only started to get the hang of right near the end). I had alot planned for her role, but without the update I didn't really have a chance to carry it out. The funny thing is, just a couple days ago I was watching a movie and suddenly realized that Meylin's history was almost identical to the background of the movie's plot. This was thes second time I've seen this movie, but I had never watched it the first time until AFTER I'd written this role for my first character who used it in 2002.

There were just too many people who influenced Meylin's life, and I'm terrible at remembering people's names, so I'm just going to mention a couple who I was interracting with right near the end of her life.

Kelteon - I met you early when you got stuck in the mists of Thar-Acacia, and I was already in there before I could even conjure an archon. It was fun interracting with you, and I always wanted to take you on my exploration trips, but I'm such a big risk-taker I was always afraid I would end up causing your death even while my archon was able to deliver me.

Patick - it was fun going exploring with you. You seemed experienced enough in all those tough places that I really didn't have to worry about getting you killed. You seemed to know them well enough to survive tough situations even without the help of an archon. Ironicly, we both met our ends in the EXACT same place. I wound up with a stupid luminous archon in Trothon while trying to flee past the smoke para-elemental and the lightning quasi-elemental. Bouncing between the two with luminous taking forever to try and heal me, it was just too much too fast. I was really hoping for a chance to explore Silent Tower with you. Oh well, maybe next time aroud.

By the way, for anyone who had interractions with Meylin and learned a little about her role and purpose in Thera, if you would like to know the details of her role, feel free to have her PBF published. I would do it myself but I have only $20 to my name right now. I would interrested to see the Immortal comments about this characters as well.
64652, RE: well, I had fun
Posted by Aubrei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Too bad you never went Herald. We're always exploring :D
64663, RE: well, I had fun
Posted by Shaapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was thinking this is someone newbie (learning to pk) when i was reading the first part of your farewells.

I was thinking what a noob i am (i wasn't somewhere even close to the Trothon or Silent Tower) when i was reading last part of your farewells :)

Different things make us enojy the CF.

I'm very glad to hear you had fun :)
64671, RE: well, I had fun
Posted by Herald Assassi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Strangley This is the first time i ever heard of the deck of fate! lol the time i met you there was my third time there. my secod time i was leading a journey there.
64546, Lol I knew you would end up con dying!
Posted by Patick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were to much like me! always on the exploration path! well I had fun interacting with you. Im sorry i couldn't be there with you for your last moments. Wow you were a lot younger than I was!

I hope we can travel again in the future!