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Topic subject(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Nuloh the Fist of Darkness, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=57582
57582, (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Nuloh the Fist of Darkness, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Apr 22 22:05:40 2007

At 8 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 3rd of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Nuloh perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
57614, Few goodbyes
Posted by Nuloh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always wanted to rock out a decently tough AP, also always wanted to see what a vindicator could do so I decided on human for the bit of extra Int(Which actually made a difference, I almost always landed sleep) and the nicer pk range. Well, once I hit hero I wish I would have been a fire giant and started kicking myself in the ass, but before hero range being a human ap is quite nice.

Being made vindicator was cool, I would chase down a lot of lowbies and would catch most of them, one or two got away. I only had one problem being vindicator and that was that no Provost was elected at the time and everyone would come to me to solve problems, ewww. Mixing evils and goods really closely together in the spire is a blast though, and having to mediate some of those disputes was generally fun and I would play it out as close to my role as I could and not take sides (though treat the evils just a tad tad bit better then the goods). I really enjoy the debates about the law with everyone that would have them with me concerning different viewpoints. It really made things interesting.

Someone please take over Marmaanth a bit more? If anything to law out some fun little lich type punishments and threats to people who might be walking that fine line in the spire. As it was I saw too much bogus junk go down (magistrates attacking people in galadon) and not get reprimanded that it left a sour taste of disappointment in my mouth.

Maethron - Man, I put you and Isabaeux foreward for Provost even though you were an elf and we had our disagreements you kept your play steady through everything and I eventually began to enjoy your haughty taughty elf attitude. Keep rocking out dude.

Isabaeux - Sorry I deleted, it really would have been fun running with a mummy to raid and take down the tougher groups of criminals, I hope you don't get screwed over by the mummification and everything works out well.

Vessit - Dude, Isabaeux gave up on the lich, you better lich! We ran a LOT together and I have nothing but respect for you, sorry I can't help you with your armies anymore.

Bawgor - Oh man, I could tell you were new from day one but my oh my do you learn fast. Nuloh considered you his right hand and wished he could deligate more power to you.

All the other little goodies in the spire, thanks for the debates and the grudging respect that SOME of you gave me for my station.

Hunsobo - YOU MONSTER! We never really got to run together, but that time against the marans on eastern was glorious. Keep it up, my noob saw you yesterday and saw your new toy!

So many imperials, I enjoyed running with almost all of you at one time or another, thought a lot about taking the oath until I got moved to galadon and then vindi'ed

Sekhuroth - We had mutual respect for eachother, though you always did promise me that you would kill me in time, and I was always wary about you sleeping me.

Bleh, I am starting to run dry, I may try to post some more but I left out way more people then I should have, have to go to class though

57619, That was a good time...
Posted by Hunsobo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I imagine Tragnor and the "Team Fort Ganksquad" didn't find it very enjoyable, but that one got the heart racing and I was sorta like "Ok what's going on? Oh, they are all dead or running."

You were badass. I was kinda surprised you didn't delete when you lost your unholy. Maybe that was just "didn't delete right away." instead of didn't delete?

Ah well, nice work, good luck with the next.
57625, Every time you would log in it would be let's kill some criminals
Posted by Lucury on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Although I have to say, that one time on the Mount was embarrassing on my part.
57626, RE: Few goodbyes
Posted by Vessit on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Watching you come up was fun. You were a sneaky bastard as far as building your weapon up and getting your controls. You sat at 40-41 working your skills for so long I don't think most people expected you to continue, but then you were hero'd over night and rocking people in the face. You helped me a lot more than just with building armies and for that I'm very appreciative. I really really didn't want you to delete. Which sucked, because obviously, in character I'm not going to beg and plead for you to stay, but it was hard to resist. It was pretty obvious you weren't digging being pushed into the position of dealing with inter-office disputes but I thought you handled it well.

Really liked the character and like I said, this is going to be a big hit to the spire.
57628, RE: Few goodbyes
Posted by Toramok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guess I am rated in that field of goodies that didn't show you respect. I will first say, great character, and you radiated schemeing bastard to me. I'm curious though as to our little incident that sent us both back down to the bottom. Where you trying to goade me into a fight there, or did you just not care if I attacked. As fast as you got out of there when I struck, I figured that was the affect you were aiming for. Just curious now. And boy, I wish I would have gotten to watch you fight those villagers, was going to try and Aristaeia you right there while they pounded on you. :) Wasn't to worried of being kicked out since I was just biding my time to strike you. Good work. Loved the character as a player though.

57606, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Nuloh the Fist of Darkness, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Posted by Chesa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, taking my chance to be (slightly) nasty.

I really...
REALLY hated you both IC and OOC for a really, long time. I was actually cheering for myself when I saw this in the battlefields. Summoning someone onto the river INSIDE Galadon with the full intention of killing them sure as hell feels like an in-city murder.

That said, the PK as usual for AP classes was cheap... Sleep blind plague poison (wait until at about 20-30% health) and one hit kill. Totally unnecessary for a mage, and a mid-level transmuter at that. I think getting summoned by Isabaeux in the graveyard was worse, but only slightly.

Sorry for flaming OOC while in game, but you killed me a lot over pennies.

Good luck with the next.
57592, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Nuloh the Fist of Darkness, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Posted by Bawgor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a good ally that showed me around. Thank you for good times. I am very sad to see you going. Being Vindicator must have a pretty high burn out factor.
57591, I hated this character and really enjoyed him all at once
Posted by Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to give you props for managing to make me hate you with Cikron.
To going as far as to trust you as a current.
Anyway, dig the stab at a hero human Ap, they just don't compare in the long haul I imagine, though I bet having slightly better pickings for charges at 36 was sweet, doesn't compare to detecthidden, or resistphys/giant sized.
57586, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Nuloh the Fist of Darkness, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Posted by Isabaeux on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I go into incubation and both you and Rebin delete? I'm going to come out a mummy and no-one will be left in the Spire!

Looking forward to seeing your PK stats, I reckon they will be damn impressive. Getting Vindicator seems to be a curse, the last two haven't lasted very long.
57584, Man, the timing.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was both a lot to like and a lot to hate about this character, and I can say I did my share of both.

That being said, I assume you'll be kicking yourself over the timing of this in the relatively near future.
57585, RE: Man, the timing.
Posted by Nuloh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me guess, edges?
I liked this character myself a good bit, I did fly off the handle once or twice when dealing with a few very specific individuals, I shouldn't have let them push me so much but hey, we all have our bad days.
I will write goodbyes once I get around to it :)
57587, Also
Posted by Nuloh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you (and anyone else that watched?) wants to field what you thought was decent and what you thought was horrible about Nuloh please feel free to. Good and bad, as rough as you want to state it. I would also ask for anyone reading what gets posted in reply to this to not turn it into a flame fest and only post if its truly relavent. If you don't want to, well thanks anyway for cf and all you have done.
57601, RE: Also
Posted by Theroc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And you bothering the crap out of me for Sword of Zurcon? I told you to give me time...You asked me when I was praying for an Imm at her shrine...Then 4hrs later you asked if I gotten it. You need to learn to be patient.
57624, RE: Also
Posted by Nuloh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It wasn't Zurcon I was really interested in, as I said in character more then once it was the screaming demon mace. And the reason I asked you so soon is because it takes a thief about ten minutes to see if its in and get it with relative ease. Sorry I harassed you, I guess you didn't know where to look.
57634, Asked the wrong thief. Doh. Sokde started it!
Posted by Sokde on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Basicly, a lot of people know that Nuloh and Sokde weren't exactly stable enough to even walk by eachother without taking a shot. Strangely, we just never seemed to run into eachother that much. The Herald thing kept me out of wanting warrants, so we didn't have much need to interact past a few words. I think I only robbed you three times that I can remember clearly, and it was all junk (good old container stealing).

I liked Nuloh. Despite how Sokde felt, I always enjoyed the little ruffle of feathers back and forth. I'll be able to say more when she's dead of course. You were consistant all but a few times I remember, though I more than likely could have been one of the characters that brushed you completely the wrong way. I have no idea. If that's the case, my apologies. It is just the character, and she had some opinion forming interactions with Magistrates very early on, and she was dead set to hate you regardless. The politeness of Nuloh was generally the only thing that threw Sokde for a loop, as she can't handle initiating an arguement if she can't blame it on you, so I had to step back out of it a few times because all you would say is "Yes ma'am" or the like, so I'd press for a minute and then give up. Towards the end, when we started doing mild business again, Sokde got another kick in the ass when you started asking me about a mace, were very polite, and sounded like you wanted it very badly. Thanks for the weapon anyways. I got a good chuckle out of our conversation as to me sending someone to pick it up for me, because I think I was writing a missive... but it would have been in Sokde's character to not trust Nuloh for a mile, polite or not. The initiation for him asking was the offer I gave you, but the details of that little random steal 1. player disaster are reserved for after Sokde dies.

I think perhaps I just liked you because you type fast, or so it seems, so I wasn't left waiting for hours and hours just to hear back on something as simple as a theranized version of a '#### you' sentence. And I liked you because you use the shift key.

Great Character, Good Luck.
57647, RE: Also
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think you'll see a lot of this in your PBF, and I can't imagine that someone won't buy it. Basically, most of the snide comments you have are from me, and most of the XP you were awarded was also from me, so. Love and hate. :P

I really thought the RP of this character was good in general, although as you say, dealing with some people your temper got the better of you and that was what it was.

As far as your level 36-ish period went, on one hand, I had to like that despite you not having a lot in the way of preps going (at that point) you were taking a human A-P out and beating people down, where we hadn't seen a lot of success with anything but duergar or fire in a while. On the other hand, the flipside to that is that it felt like you were playing really really conservatively (even by A-P protecting an unholy standards) to do it. That's not something that's horrible exactly so much as, watching fights and seeing the rise and fall of a character you hope to see them taking on a couple people and winning, or going after that one tough guy and bringing him down. Nuloh in that era was more like "Nuloh finds a single terrible player who might be worth 1 charge if he's lucky, and kills him one on one" x100, seeming to give tougher opponents or multiple bad opponents a wide berth. It definitely worked for you up to a point, but I couldn't get too excited about watching it.

I had mixed feelings about you trying to take more of a leadership role as a Vindicator and you'll see good and bad from me in the list there as well.

I think the biggest piece of advice I would give you is to just never post on the forums with an active character. Because of your generally consistent RP and speech, initially, when I'd see (for example) you giving someone #### for something you yourself did, or calling someone a coward even though their play was much riskier than yours, I assumed it was part of your cool evil RP. I think most evil characters probably would realistically be blind to a lot of their own flaws and failings. But, later in Nuloh's life, I'd see you posting (and maybe this is just player frustration leaking out, I couldn't say) and I'd feel like... wow, this player really does think (for example) Tallanalas is a huge coward because he won't charge into Nuloh's gang of three PCs + a decent pile of mobs and die, even though Nuloh would never intentionally get into a fight with even half that much risk. There's just no way something like that could help but make Nuloh and his RP seem that much less cool.
57588, You mean like the time I killed you
Posted by Tallanalas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And took a few baubles said you were going to delete until I told you come get your things.

That kind of letting people get to you?

I'll remember that as an all time low in CF for me when you tried to assassinate Tal. Especially because up until then I had supported you even against another elf which was way out there for Tal.

57646, RE: Man, the timing.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Let me guess, edges?

I'm sure you've seen by now that yeah, that was it. There are a couple in the pile that I think would have played really well to your style.

I saw that you deleted and I was hoping they'd be together in time for you to reactivate if you wanted, but it didn't quite play out that way.
57793, Aside: Re: Iia and Reaping the Meek
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So let's talk Nuloh vs. Iia:

First kill: Nuloh and Rebin and Naloril on Iia in the Spire, retrieving if I'm not misremembering. Okay, that's well in gang country.

Second kill: Nuloh and Dalayl gang down Iia on Eastern Road, with Dalayl getting the last hit.

Third kill: Essentially, Iia is beat to #### and generally ####ed up in various ways by circa 4-5 PCs. A tick or so later, Nuloh then puts Iia to sleep and finishes the job. I was willing to round that in favor of gang, though in retrospect it's possible Nuloh wasn't aware of the whole of that.

Nonetheless, I think the comment, in general, is fair.
57820, Why you being so hard on these guys?
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just have to ask Nep is ganging a druid down any worse than having an amulet that simply eats them? :P I think i'd prefer to be ganged! At least there's code in place to theoretically give me a better chance of surviving. I think you're just being hard on these guys! (And it's not like you didn't know what the amulet did before you had it!)

57832, What is this ####ing amulet I keep reading about?
Posted by Pro-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did it literally insta-kill Druids?
57835, Nothing special
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just a hell item that is suppose to insta kill goodie communers every now and again if they fight the person wearing it.
'Apparently' (And we all know an imm wouldn't abuse the game for themselves) but apparently its code was changed to go off on communers of any alignment.
57836, RE: Nothing special
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, it worked that way (non-evil communers) since its creation in 1995 or so.

(At that point it just killed non-evil clerics, but you get the idea.)
57848, P.S
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't want my last post to sound like a shot at you (after i re-read it it kinda came off that way) because I think you rock with or without any amulet but just wondering why you're being so hardass on people.

57853, RE: P.S
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know, I don't think it's all as lopsided as that. I crack on people but I also give people stuff for being cool when I think they are. I'm most of Nuloh's hardass comments, but I'm also most of the imm XP he got, for example. . . and really, most of the hardass comments are less of the tone "this is pathetic" and more of the tone "I think this guy is good enough to be cooler than he's being."
57583, I knew this was coming.
Posted by Maethron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I didn't see you login as often as you used to, I knew you had deleted or were going to delete. Oh well. There goes the muscle of the Spire.