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Topic subject(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Brumbalin Clubfoot the Bumblin' Sl...
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36725, (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Brumbalin Clubfoot the Bumblin' Sl...
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wonder if you can create a true slothful character, in all aspects, and see if it works. Lets try it, born Brumbalin. Where would be the perfect place for him? Tribunal, where else can you get paid to do nothing.

I would like to thank first, not the immortals, but all the players who grouped with this character. You all brought hours, literally of me laughing hysterically. This was, by far the most funny and entertaining character I have ever had. I sucked so much yet was able to hero without being pked and getting 6 or 7 or so pks in the process.

I would like to thank next the immortals. I hope I gave you a character you could have fun with when you were bored. I hope I gave to you what I always wanted to give to the players. I expected nothing out of you, because it was my own challenge and you all pleasantly surprised me. The echo I love the most of all of it was, "Lazy silence comes in response to your prayers." Perfect.

Mutant Kobold Attack: Oh that was a hillarious night. The best line from that night, by far was when I got strangled by a male kobold and he yells, "I have defeated Brumbalin!" Classic. Thanks. The cornering in the paladin's guild was also awesome. And thanks for planting on me the kobold skins and such.

The mysterious Ball of Slime and Ooze: Never saw you, never expected to. Why would the God of Sloth make any effort at all? I mean, you guys played it great. I thought the title you gave me at low levels would expose my secret but it turned out to be a blessing. I got more group offers then then before. Also, thanks for that thing, also perfect and unexpected.

Tribunal: I never misflagged someone. I find that as abuse and unfair to a player, something I didn't want to do. But I did do some shifty things in the name of laziness. "Official Magistrate Businees!" Har!

Marmmanth: The lich of Tribunal. Always had interesting conversations with you. But you did seem to change personalities periodically although, which I noticed. Was great interacting with you. Thanks a ton.

Onirakoth: Good, mean healer. Scary personality. The stress you created between the Tribunal and Fortress was palitable, creating some interesting roleplaying situations for me.

Nargrim: My favorite human and at the end, became my protector of sorts. You were great, sometimes dumb, but great to be around. Thanks for the leveling and not ditching me.

Flixso: Enjoyed my initial interview with you and wished I could have seen you more as I climbed through the ranks (by no skill of my own :).

Ceie: The Emperor of Galadon. Shifty little bastard. Brave to a stupid level. I don't know why anyone even tries to fight berserker villagers without at least sanctuary and/or haste. Its just stupid.

Tolchec: The Vindicator! Man when I saw that when we went out there Brumbalin instantly chickened out. He was, in essense a ####. Sorry you ate the end of the stick but as a lazy, slothful character, you don't expect me to fight hard fights do you? You thought I sucked, and you were right, I was a coward.

Mela: Man what do you expect me to do? I'm not BLOODY RAIDING! Thats insane. Damn right I'm going to run away when there is the first sign of a difficult fight. That made me feel so bad when you kept getting waxed over and over. Funny stuff. I didn't want to be Justiciar actually, but the idea was fun, especially about being paid more.

Obbe: Man I think you knew. But just didn't want to say. Always a good guy to be around. Thanks for the interactions.

Murcadin: I knew you were knew, I could tell, but you still rolled with it. Was fun.

Zenagren: I loved messing with you. All the different situations I got myself into. Hanging out in the paladin's guild, not going and fighting a dolphin. I mean come on, could you imagine that? I would take block oblits. It would have been disgusting. I'm a coward!

Arvinis: Too young really to get a feel of how useless I was, but still, thought it was funny stabbing you in the chest with the badge. I thought for sure the Provost would warrant me under law one. Good stuff and good luck.

Regnor: Hey, sorry that I was such a #### dwarf. We come in all shapes and sizes.

Noelani: The snake! You were about when I was younger, and it was fun being an ass with people.

Grukgak(sp): the duergar ap in Tribunal. Man did I love talking #### with you. From my point of view it was how I just said hello, and the levels of #### we talked to each other was awesome. Maybe now you understood why I didn't duel you. I had to keep my secret, a secret, for at least a little longer. Thanks for that. It was fun ruffling your feathers as well as others who heard us over the cabal channel.

Mucumba: Never saw you. Probably a good idea.

Gorgoth: Never saw you either. We must be from different countries. Good luck.

Other Tribunal: Do not use Brumbalin as an example to follow. :)


Asfas: I don't know how you DIDN'T know after our first duel. Damn you were kicking my ass. That log is still one of my favorites. I was in tears crying and laughing at the screen as it happened. You knew after that, and it was hillarious that you still wanted me around.

Dreadlord: Was a fun raid on Outlanders. I hated it that when I got disarmed I started "scratching" with my punches. Man did I suck.

Yag: Thank you for putting up with me for so long. I tried to become more useful because I felt so guilty as a player, but it was tough. Our ranking sessions were great. Keep going there.


Eshval: Man you came and messed with me sometimes. That was pretty messed up when you gave me the still warm corpse of a newborn baby. You will be happy that I left it in the Paladin's guild.

The tiger/diamondback: Your comment to me after our fight was just classic. "Do you have any specializations at all?" Too good. Amazingly I almost got you which was the funny thing.

Ounlee: I know you are exiled from Scion, but I'll put you here anyway. You were one of the few people who didn't just group me in with the more vicious oriented Tribunals. The "I'm going to kill you just because you are Tribunal" excuse came out of almost every single person's mouth that I ran into, except for you. Its amazing how people will make up whatever excuse, including comments like, "You tried to kill me before" when they were absolute lies. You were true and deserve that respect from an old player.

Judaao: Didn't interact much but liked your title and was surprised you got exiled too. Wish I was on the wall there.


Aarn: Was a great interaction in Voralian City. Thanks for that.

Kalumagar (sp?): The dwarven healer. It was fun shooting the #### with you. Thanks.

Cytherea: I NEED BREAD! There was something delicious about getting people to give me things. And it happened way more then I thought. And getting the healer of Innis, the Summer God to make a Tribunal food was just perfect ironic justice. I definately grew on you by the end there and loved causing you troubles. You went from bitter to hillarious over a couple weeks, all from me continually battering at your emotions. You must love the dwarf.

Ghearden: You were there for some of the staff act ups. And fun to run around with. Thanks for that.

Cowren: My female dwarven mountain mongrel friend. You dragged this useless Sloth everywhere and got him exp, and you didn't seem to mind it too much. So nice to someone who would basically travel with anyone willing. Thanks.

Solasarath: Prime example of how powerful two handers are. Damn. You put up with me, as any high browed elf would. I pulled out every single stop I could to get you to like me, from sympathy to pity. It was how the Sloth got things done. You also deserve a special thanks for ranking me.

Other fortress: Post I don't have much recollection of any others.


Innis: Hehehehehe. You giving alcohol and flowers to a dwarf tribunal was also a fun moment. Thanks.

Drahke: I thought you would enjoy the drinking war songs I sang as we came to Outlanders in great numbers (i.e. safe enough numbers for Brumbalin to go). Didn't interact beyond our short stint, was good stuf.

Akehkelor(sp?) that transmuter: I was rolling in my chair as I got actual OUTLANDERS to bring me food. And not just once but it continued. I could not believe it. It was just too classic a moment to pay you one copper for all the food you gathered for me. Thanks.

Baheil (sp?): You also came to me and made me some of your bread. Thanks. Loved the irony too. Good stuff.

Trussar: Damn if you ever knew how much you could have just killed me over and over if you just knew. I'm glad you didn't and therefore the aura of a dwarf warrior in tribunal was somewhat of a deterant even though you could easily just bash me down at any time.

Pelgor and Reggie: I know you Pelgor is not Outlander, I think, but I'm grouping you both. Damn did you both dump damage into me. Fun stuff. Manacles are definately not that big of a deal anymore for casters, I can tell everyone that.

Demonokis (sp?): That storm giant shaman. Man I loved messing with you. You didn't take it too well, but then again I didn't expect you would.


Tuggluk: You rocked. You are the image of what a berserker should be. Good going.

Jeha: Another awesome villager. Way to go.

Iborenn: Still kicking eh? Sorry for causing you so much grief with the janitor con. Was trying to get something for nothing. Its what the Sloth does.

The rest who are berserkers. If I was an immortal I would have a very well worn uninduct button. The things I saw with this character absolutely disgusted me. Jinroh was made to show the playerbase that you can be a defender and be nasty and that berserkers, who have astronomically more power then a defender, needs rules to bind them down. There needs to be hard lines governing berserkers or they need to be removed from the game. My opinion.

The one person I will mention is Garrauk (sp?) the svirfneblin that got booted. Man I have never seen someone lie so much in an explaination post. I declined your duel. You said that if I don't come and fight you, you will come in and kill me. You start talking ####, I talk #### back. You raid the paladin's guild then come after me in the Spire. I remind you of the treaty, you say you don't care that you are going to kill me. Kill the captain, raid the executioner, and then, crowning justice is you die. Such a liar.


Kaajk: It was greatly enjoyable to be killing you with a character that has 1% in everything. May want to review your logs for mistakes in strategy. You may also want to review your alignment. Good luck.

Palvelel: Damn I have never seen someone break roleplay so quickly when gear was involved. Ouch. Owned.

My favorite assassinating assassin: Your name will stay nameless but that was one of those classic moments in CF when Palvelel got enraged and when I went out to duel him, you had taken care of him. Sweet goodness.

In final: This was a great character and I never laughed so much. I challenged myself to do this character almost a year ago, and finally got to it. And I got to hero without being PKed which was just a bonus. Thanks again to all of you and my interactions with you. I decided that I needed a pure RP character with such a limited ability to PK and it opened my eyes to a lot of things. Including that every single person I roleplayed with tried to roleplay back, but there needs to be initiators. I coulf just see the level of roleplaying raising on all levels when I would interact with anyone from hero to first level. The other thing is that I didn't discriminate who I roleplayed with from 1 to 51, and was rewarded greatly, mainly is because I didn't have anything else to do. It was a great release and a different, and as rewarding of an experience as the ultimate PKer.

Thanks all and "Bloody Har!"


37015, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Brumbalin Clubfoot the Bumblin' Sl...
Posted by Crenton on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't forget the numerous times i tried to make you get mad on purpose, I thought the whole abandonind thing would work, but Brumbalin was too drunk to care, as we settled it with a beer. Last time Crenton and Brumb argued in the bar. Thought the broken arm things was good when we were young, but you never mentioned it again.
37013, You did make me laugh with the taxes.
Posted by Desmonn_Kinnt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Thats probably the only reason I paid them.

Glad your having fun.

36954, I want my ten gold back from yer ale divin' stubby pack o' rugrats damnit!
Posted by Nargrim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a really good time with Brumbalin all the time we ventured together or just sat around the town on duty. I knew you either had very ####ty skills from the get go or just insanley stupid stats because from the first time we ranked together you got your ass BEAT all the time by the mobs as a freaking staff/spear spec and I never once saw you spin. Hell...an axe spec with a shield tanked 100 times better than you did and that was sad hehe.

My role entitled me to be dumb sometimes but mainly this was just a real #### around character because I have had at least 30 different characters since they put in legacies but I have never had a warrior with legacies until now...this character was just a means to actually try out the legacies and see if they really did anything. Dumbass me ended up picking one of the wrong ones anyhow but It did help me out alot. Having 1100 hps naked is not a bad thing for a human warrior in tribunal...*snort*

I became your "Protector" just out of spite basically, it gave me something to do. heh. It was fun though and also fun questioning everyone why they had made you upset or why you upset them somehow and found out you were a coward around them. I never really got into any situations with you that would constitute cowardice or give you a chance for it I guess.

I will say again that I had fun with your character and always looked forward to the times you were on when I was, thanks agian for the Goodbye mention too.

36831, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Brumbalin Clubfoot the Bumblin' Sl...
Posted by Lorinelaette on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just curious, why were you so determined to become friends with me? I figured after the first few times of ignoring you, you'd have figured it out, but you kept trying. Wish I would have gotten to know you a little better though, but you know the reasons now I think. Good luck in your next character!
36854, Brumbalin Syndrome.
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He believed that if he could at least have you admit to him that you were his friend, that by doing so made it that much harder to attack him or double cross him, and, most importantly, abandon him. There is a certain amount of power in the words, "I'm your friend". He constantly had to be reaffirmed of this for two reasons. One, because of the above, made all that harder, and the more you admitted it, the harder it would be to do the above. Two, he liked being liked.

Its the old addage that if you tell yourself or someone else something long enough, it will come true. Good old college psy classes coming into play.
36812, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Brumbalin Clubfoot the Bumblin' Sl...
Posted by Varun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Firstly well done on a character with all 1%'s You even got some pks. Your RP was consistant, Though seems you had 'Run your Mouth out of Pk Range' at 100% hardly slothfull. Infact your character did just that ran his mouth all the time. I dont know what Planet you were on, because there was an Active war on during your time in tribunal between the village and tribunal.

That would make you an enemy whether you noticed it or not and a legitimate target. For those berserkers who were booted and this is going to be hard for some people to grasp. They werent booted for using there Overpowered skills against defenseless tribunal warriors.
Hell take a look at your own posts and see how over powered those deathblows were.
Why were those mighty warriors booted, Probably because they broke a fragile no aggression pact. Because they didnt listen to the express orders of the commander. Thats it thats the whole story.

If a particular individual makes an effort to interfere with the buisiness of the cabal, They should expect a hunted flag, If its two, three, four all from the same Cabal thats tantamount to war regardless of whether they are on 'official cabal' duties or not.

At hero range its expected people will prep to fight, if you dont prep generally you are going to loose against most things.

Jinroh may have scored over 200 kills but lets face it only 70 of them were at hero. So you say for the majority in the characters prime area and picked off a bunch of people. Duergar hps + Detect Hidden, and resistance + bandages are a very powerful combination especially when combined with slightly broken Hand to Hand.

As you have shown however even with a character with 1%'s you can Pk some one.

Brumbalin might of died undeservedly. However you trash talked the hell into me, And all I did was turn up to have a look for some mages. Telling me how dishonorable I was and how I was wasting my time with you. All the while being out of range. Clearly you stated this was your role to play people etc, to talk smack to them and use your 'Great words' to sway them one way or another. Thats groovy and all but at some point you have to realise that other people have roles, Other people have roles within cabals and maybe if your trash talking role begins to grate and interfere with their duties and or your cabal is very close to war with their cabal your going to eat a beating.

Incidently your arrogance when you thought you were the #### in regards to my recaction your smalk talkings was just pure comedy in relation to this characters goals and roles.

I appreciated this character and even Jinroh, except for where Jinroh would completely piss me off by rescuing my bard when it wasnt a raid and dismissed the parity rules out of hand. Sure he was a defender but then you were doing it off your own back just jumping in and ####.
Sphere Honor? Maybe I missed something.

So can you Roleplay? Yes I think you've shown that very effectivly.
Can you accept other peoples roles are not static and may be diffrent from how you perceive? I dont think you have that one just yet.

Incidently I hope your next character is a berserker with all 1%'s I'd really like to see if you could land more kills with that than with Tribunal guards and a staff of striking.

36832, Question for Brumbalin/Jinroh:
Posted by Vershellt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Have you ever actually played a berserker? If not, perhaps do so, and then we can continue at least some of this discussion afterwards.
36851, Yes I have played at least five of them...
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Including one who was a leader for about 250 hours before Jinroh. I also have one or two on the pillar, if it has been updated recently. I have also had a number of defenders and at least one scout. I have participated in at least five rites, including two as an immortal.
36852, I know who you are.
Posted by The Forsaken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I know you've had some great ragers. And other characters. In fact, I think I love you, without ever even speaking to you. Alas, my loneliness.

Great character list, Jinroh.
36914, Ha. In his face.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't interact with you, but from what I've been reading, Brumbalin was a really neat character. Reminds me of Jhuuni or whatever CW's sphere sloth empowerment character was in Entropy. Great logs, and keep up the good work.

36853, As for you.
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed your attacks, they were interesting. Thanks. It was nice how you attacked both Jinroh the character, Brumbalin the character, and myself as a person all in one post, high five on that one.

As a Sloth character, words are cheap compared to actions. Are you saying you know what a Sloth character should be like? All he had was words, and used them in his dumb, yet sly fashion, in anyway to invoke either emotion or action toward what he wanted, which was usually leaving him be. He ran his mouth all the time, that was part of the character. I'm sorry you had not grasp of that either. The character has to be at least playable, and words were his weapons. If you don't like that, tough shat. I'm sorry that you are bitter and have no understanding of the character.

What we learned from your post is five fold.

1. You were bitter enough about your bard being rescued, that it hurt you so much, that you had to bring it up here, months later as a cheap attempt to hurt me as a player. Ouch, you bastard it hurt sooo much. (sphere Strength, not Honor). Granted your PK jaded comment, really hurt me too, can you stop it please? Your opinion is highly held.

2. That you supposedly know what Sloth is compared to me or the immortals who rewarded me for my view. That apparently Sloth characters cannot talk ####, or interact in any way which does not fit into your interpretation.

3. There is a war with Tribunal huh? So when I asked villagers if there was a war, and when they said no, they were lying? So Vershelt was lying then? How about Kjelror? Did he lie too?

4. Brumbalin comments to you and to everyone were to invoke reaction to leave him be. Be it through shame, pity, whatever. Sometimes I chose the wrong weapon against certain individuals and pissed them off. Brumbalin is not perfect. As for you believing Brumbalin had some amount of arrogance, you are correct, he did. He was a Magistrate of Galadon damn it. But then again, if you see anything that is against your interpretation, that must be the bitter player.

5. As for your character, I saw nothing wrong with you. Just another person opting to try to kill Brumbalin and me trying to get you off my back by whatever way I could. I still believe your character is pretty good, but my view of you as a player has dropped dramatically. Guess that happens when you whip out personal attacks like your post.

Good luck with your next. Maybe you make a character with 1% in all skills and kill people with a staff of striking. I knew when I made this character that there are some people out there that have no sportsmenship, cannot just give some credit and move on. You are one of them.
36906, RE: As for you.
Posted by Varun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I enjoyed your attacks and they were interesting.
Thanks. It was nice how you attacked both Jinroh the character and
Brumbalin the character, and myself as a person all in one post and
high five on that one.

I wasnt attacking you as a player, I dont know you well enough to even have an opinion. I think Jinroh was Well RPed, I thought Brumbalin was well RPed. My counter was to you bitching about being attacked. Obviously you played the character in the manner you did and did very well with the Personality. Which is the Key ro presenting a good role and developing a well rounded and believeable character. I was just pointing out that some peoples response might be to beat on you.

As a Sloth character and words are cheap compared to actions. Are you saying you know what a Sloth charactershould be like? All he had was words, and used them in his dumb and yet sly fashion, in anyway to invoke either emotion or action toward what he wanted, which was usually leaving him be. He ran his mouth all the time and that was part of the character. I'm sorry you had not grasp of that either.

Did I grasp you were a sloth character? I try not to pidgeon hole people to a single sphere. How do I see a Sloth character? I'd see him as apathetic to most all everything, sure be slyly manipulative that fits well. I dont think Aggression and Bluster (Personally) makes much sense that seems like the character secretly was afraid of this fact being found out. If that was you intention well played. But that streams a little into Deception. Again I just see that slothful character as being more Re-Active as opposed to Activly being aggresive to people in hopes they will leave you be.

The character has to be at least
playable, and words were his weapons. If you don't like that, tough
shat. I'm sorry that you are bitter and have no understanding of the

This is the Key Essence I have no issue with the way you played the character and only in the way you thought it strange that people might react in the way they did.

>What we learned from your post is five fold.
1. You were bitter enough about your bard being rescued, That it hurt you so much, that you had to bring it up here and months later as a cheap attempt to hurt me as a player. Ouch and you bastard it hurt sooo much. (sphere Strength and not Honor). Granted your PK jaded comment, really hurt me too and can you stop it please? Your opinion is highly held.

This was simply pointing out that sometimes you do strange things within your role. I couldnt give a #### about being rescued by Jinroh. It isnt exactly a bad thing, just a little out of character. More so in the context of Strength of One.

2. That you supposedly know what Sloth is compared to me or >the immortals who rewarded me for my view. That apparently Sloth characters cannot talk ####, or interact in any way which does not fit into your interpretation.

Sure it does I wasnt blasting the character at all, thats a pretty damn cool thing to do rank from 1-51 with 1% in skills. Thats some real slothful #### right there. Getting inducted and ranking even pking is more than enough to get you some props. Additionally all that smack talking generated alot of conversation, all of which was well RP'd again it gives the Imms a broad template to look over.

> >3. There is a war
with Tribunal huh? So when I asked villagers >if there was a
war, and when they said no and they were lying? So >Vershelt was
lying then? How about Kjelror? Did he lie too?

Its one of those, On, off, On, Off, Maybe On. Maybe off, On, Off. Sort of affairs.....

> >4.
Brumbalin comments to you and to everyone were to invoke >reaction to
leave him be. Be it through shame, pity and whatever. >Sometimes I
chose the wrong weapon against certain individuals >and pissed them
OFF Brumbalin is not perfect. As for you >believing Brumbalin had some
amount of arrogance and you are >correct, he did. He was a Magistrate
of Galadon damn it. But >then again and if you see anything that is
against your >interpretation, that must be the bitter player.

Awesome, except you were out of range when you talked smack, when I had no intention of fighting you full stop, and only after you incited me + rp reason did I even want to have an aggresive conversation with you. As for the Arrogance I think you should think again about the specifics of our conversation. Obviously if he just didnt talk smack to villagers (People with nuts to do something about it in town) He'd of been dandy. As for the bitter player, I dunno if thats you or me, I'm not bitter, Are you? I dont get it.

> >5. As for your character, I saw nothing wrong with you. Just >another person opting to try to kill Brumbalin and me trying to get you OFF my back by whatever way I could. I still believe your character is pretty good

Thats great, But I didnt try and kill you in any way so I dunno how you say this.

my view of you as a player has dropped dramatically. Guess that happens when you whip out personal attacks like your post.
Good luck with your next. Maybe you make a character with 1% in all skills and kill people with a staff of striking. I knew when I made this character that there are some people out there that have no sportsmenship and cannot just give some credit and move ON You are one of them.

Again none of this was an attack on your PK skills, Which I highlighted (in Context) or your RP skills which seem pretty bad ass.
I was amazed, stunned and bewildered that a character with 1%'s in all skills could get pks its like the final nail in the skill perfection coffin. You couldnt ask for a better example of a handicapped character doing well in the hands of a skilled player.
As I said it was all to do with your perception of events from your characters point of view, mixed with what you thought other people should do. Did these people lessen your Player Enjoyment or did they just play a slightly diffrent game?
36809, The pain!
Posted by Onirakoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What else am I going to say? Very well done character. You had me (the player) cracking up. Of course, you'd never know that from Onirakoth's personality, but just know I thought you were great. It was hard not sharing with you more how much I thought you meant to the Spire IC (because of the glaring personality differences), so let me just say here that you meant tons. Of course, not the most feared or anything like that, but you really did bring the roleplay of those around you up a notch and when you are dealing with Tribunal (in most cases, not all) that is a very, very good thing. Way to be different and way to stick to your guns, you drunken dwarf. You'll be missed.

36774, Well, I found Brum intresting
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a player, I thought your roleplay was unusual and I have to give you props you did it well,
Now Iborenn's opinion of you was quite low as you could have imagined =D Trying to coherece money out of me heh, you should have had an idea that wouldn't have worked. To bad you didn't take up my offer either you would have actually found a reason for Iborenn to spend money.
Good luck on the next
PS, and give ragers a break if you think you've got such great ideas Imm and do something *wink*
(Yes I know you had a imm previously thats the point I'm trying to make..)
36778, Of most races, dark elves seemed to be immune to my box of tricks.
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Between you and a few other dark elves. I could never beg, shame, pity, sympathize, wrangle anything out of you guys. Fire giants, no problem, duergars, no problem, imperials, no problem, but something about dark elves and the air they create in the RP environment made reaching into their coin purses and giving up something for nothing almost impossible. Well played. As for your offer, well, don't think a coward with 1% in all his skills was really going to be able to bring it about. You were one of the few who resisted, Brumb had to move on to easier, although less green, pastures.
36763, OUTSTANDING! Have a few questions, hope you can answer. Thanks.
Posted by Noelani on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would have never guessed you were Jinroh. That caught me completely off guard. I hope you continue to do good things for CF.

Hearing you over the CB IC, I just thought it was useless and annoying banter between you and the duergar (forgot name). OOC, I was laughing hysterically. You were fun to be around. I tried tossing a couple role related things towards you, and you responded well. As Amaranthe said, most Tribunals are fairly rigid (me for example). It was definately refreshing to see you around while I was in.

Also, I expected more from you at times. Now I can see why I *shouldn't* have depended on you for any retrievals or what have you. LOL!

A couple questions if you get the chance to answer them bud.

Did you ever berserk, since it is an inherent ability of dwarves?

Did you ever use your *other* inherent abilities?

How did you have such an insane amount of hps? For crying out loud, with no freaking skills except staff, you had, at one point, 1900hps.

What made you choose staff as the ONLY weapon to learn?

Again, way to really capitalize on a sphere, especially Sloth. I had never taken the time to really analyze your personality. But now that I know, it makes great sense.

Good luck!
36779, Answers.
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since berserk was at 100% I did use it. But when I berserked it set all my 1% skills to 0% which meant I could not even pretend to try them while ranking (which was part of my cover). Thus I could do nothing but stand there. Hehehehe.

I used forgecraft once, and that was it. The other one, the secret passageways one, is automatic, so it went off whenever.

Where do you think all the practices went? Heh.

At 1st level you get to choose what weapon you have at 40%. I knew there were several brooms that were staves, so I picked staff (for the janitor roleplay). Staff went up, despite a 13 int, to 100% as I ranked.

Thanks, take care.
36761, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Brumbalin Clubfoot the Bumblin' Sl...
Posted by Ghearden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Leveling with you was actually entertaining and took the grind out of it for me, which is why I always looked forward to leveling if you were around. Thanks for having an entertaining character and grouping with me. Solid character.

By the way, can't believe you didn't post you defeating that might ice-drake that got sent our way.
36760, The bottom of the food chain!
Posted by Obbe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Im not sure what you mean "knew" if by your past chars, or by Brumbalin's spinelessness but either way, I think this character was simply awesome. IC Obbe wanted nothing to do with you, considering his stance on hunting/killing etc, but from an outsiders perspective I was thinking of this in class, and whoever makes a dwarf warrior that sucks (pk wise) i mean absolutely useless without his staff of striking, has to be either insane, or an extremely daring individual. the RP was awesome, A+ char in my book. Gl with the next.
36758, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Brumbalin Clubfoot the Bumblin' Sl...
Posted by Vershelt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry but while the rest of your game might have been spectacular (according to the others who post here who I have no reason to disbelieve) you had your head firmly up your ass when it came to villagers, particularly berserkers. And now we know the reason.

You completely let your ooc persona take over the character. When you interacted with villagers you were Jinroh's player. And you have a huge chip on your shoulder with villagers, especially berserkers. You completely broke roleplay and went pretty much totally ooc talking to me (in dwarfspeak, of course) about what a villager mission is, what should or should not be important to a battlerager, a berserker, how I am being a bad villager, etc., as though you were.... battle leader named Jinroh. You couldn't hold it in, you couldn't forget how much you personally are upset by berserkers, and it shined with the white heat of a thousand suns. How would a dwarf named Brumbalin, a slothful tribunal, have the first clue about any of it in the first place? It was very, very upsetting. You were obviously getting enormous imm attention*, were obviously doing a lot right rpwise in other areas, so to be so let down here was just disappointing.

You don't know anything at all about the current village, its policies and rules, and what is going on with respect to other cabals, including tribunal. Keep that in mind when you try to bring other people down as you are both here and on the other forum. That goes double for what Vershelt does, and why. You'll have to wait until this character is dead for a more complete explanation (at least from me) as to why you died and what might be going on, but until then, try to remember that all that rp you're doing is wasted when you hit a soft spot and go outside it because of your real-person issues on some topic.

I'm sure your next will be terrific and I hope it's a full 100% perfect and not the 95% that this guy was.

*The imms are very much like the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences. If you gain a lot of weight, lose a lot of weight, play a physically or mentally challenged person, or significantly make yourself look horrible, you are rewarded. That's how cf works, too, to a large extent. Eriwal didn't practice parry and got the wolverine. You don't practice anything at all, virtually, and get more immteraction and fun perks than anyone else I can think of. Not that there's anything wrong with it, and you certainly weren't getting anything even nearly so powerful, but it's something to keep in mind for the rest of us. My next character will be blind, deaf, no arms, no legs, but with the overpowered ability to generate tons of bellybutton lint! :P
36759, You touch on a good point
Posted by Tahren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't personally know Jinroh or Brumbalin in game. However, I can say from personal experience and from experience with other players that it is VERY difficult to divorce personal feelings from character feelings. This is especially true if you have been in a leadership or other high-ranking post in a cabal and interact with that cabal from the "receiving end" with your next character.

I think a lot of people can learn from this observation (whether true or not in this particular case, I have no idea). Separating your feelings from your characters' feelings is a key aspect to better roleplaying, in ANY roleplaying atmosphere.

I made some other points, but deleted them before I posted...didn't want to hijack Brumbalin's thread too badly :)
36765, Character handicaps
Posted by Aarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*The imms are very much like the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences. If you gain a lot of weight, lose a lot of weight, play a physically or mentally challenged person, or significantly make yourself look horrible, you are rewarded. That's how cf works, too, to a large extent. Eriwal didn't practice parry and got the wolverine. You don't practice anything at all, virtually, and get more immteraction and fun perks than anyone else I can think of. Not that there's anything wrong with it, and you certainly weren't getting anything even nearly so powerful, but it's something to keep in mind for the rest of us. My next character will be blind, deaf, no arms, no legs, but with the overpowered ability to generate tons of bellybutton lint!

I think you're looking at a symptom, not necessarily a reason. Characters on CF who willingly handicap themselves, do so because it fits with an indepth role. Their handicap constantly serves to keep them in their role... it's really hard to fall back on your past characters experiences and/or your personal mannerisms when the only skill you've practiced is staff. If your character can't talk at all, or can't hear or see or whatever other idiosyncrasies you can think of, it constantly makes you think about your role and your character. Hence, your roleplay ends up going up a couple notches, you get noticed, and you tend to get rewards.

We as imms also appreciate characters who leave themselves with significant handicaps in the name of roleplay. Notice the emphasis... it doesn't mean if your warrior doesn't practice bash you'll get noticed. If you're not roleplaying some good reason for it constantly, we're likely to just think you're not very experienced. :P Ghuljun was a good example, a lich that refused to raise zombies. Or that shifter that didn't pick a major foci until hero because of his roleplaying. I should also point out, that if you do something permanant to your character to make them un-powerful, such as not practicing all your skills, you may get some neat questy stuff and interaction, but we're likely not going to do anything to make you all powerful in a different manner.

36766, Along these lines....
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a DM a very long time ago who *insisted* that every character we rolled up *had* to have a flaw of some sort. It made for more realistic RP because people are, well, not perfect and it helps make your character more than just a stat column-uber guy that a lot of people are tempted to do.

Some philosophers say our flaws shape us more than our strengths.....

Anyways, yeah, a flaw that makes it harder for you to PK/rank or just be sub-optimal for your gear/stats is going to be noticed more, but any flaw makes for a better character.

Just little things like a paladin who hates unleavened bread and soup, an elf who refuses to get muddy, a dwarf that gets drunk while ranking and emotes spewing all over the ground can make the game more fun and interesting, I think.
36768, Very nice post.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I popped in on this thread earlier, and was going to write on that topic when I had time, but Aarn saved me the trouble.

I'll also add that the most important thing Brumbalin had going for him was originality. We don't just auto-reward people for picking some random handicap. We reward people for originality, fidelity, and quality.

Actually, Brumbalin chose a handicap that made him very difficult to reward- who is ICly going to want to reward this guy for being the biggest loafer do-nothing possible? We found some things that worked (a largely-for-giggles quest skill, multiple interactions), but I doubt the player was playing this particular kind of character because he thought he'd ever get anything to make up for not practicing any of his class skills and choosing truly, truly awful starting stats. We had some schemes in mind (for example, an NPC figure in Galadon trying to bribe Brumbalin into "doing nothing" while he hatched some scheme counter to Tribunal interests), but this was a difficult character to reward with the exception of interactions, which he made very easy.

36773, I agree with both you and Aarn
Posted by Vershelt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I wrote above there's nothing wrong with this syndrome :) it's just something to notice. And also, as I wrote, I know he didn't get anything to really up his deathfulness.

For me the thing is what pretty much every player will tell you, and that is that every player, or virtually every player, covets immteraction. It's the #1 carrot and laurel, both. There's a sense that a player needs to do all this crazy stuff to hurt himself, as Brumbalin did, in order to get that. Nobody is saying, certainly not I, that doing it doesn't help roleplay. But there are plenty of other characters who I bet are equally deserving, who don't have speech impediments (like me) or don't choose not to practice skills (like Brumalin) or get arms broke (like Rhomelanthos) or whatever.

Bah! This became far more serious than was intended. Just funny to recognize that the people who do the self-hobbling bits get huge immteraction, from several, not just one, imm. Most people can't even get a hello from one imm, and work their hearts out. That's all I was saying.

In the words of Phil Hartman on News Radio (one of the funniest, and most underrated shows): Good times.
36776, You are working under one huge wrong assumption.
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This character was created on my own accord, to challenge myself. I sought no immortal action other then prayers to the Sloth God, who, in essence and truth, wouldn't even care if he was Slothful, which is what happened.

The immortals are human too. And if you make interacting with you easy, enjoyable, and, god for sake, fun, you will get some love. Think of it as flipping through channels on TV. You keep going until you find something that seems interesting and fun. If they are flipping through your channel at the time where you are just running back and forth on eastern road waiting to kill someone, or if you are ranking and nothing is being said or done, they won't stop.

I believe it is less of people trying hard, its more of people trying only when they thought the immortals were watching. That is something this character has taught me.

There is also the syndrome of power gaming which I have noticed too, and I believe the immortals have to. Where people sacrifice RP for PK power whenever its appropriate to make their character survive or gain PK prowess. It happens way more then you think.
36786, Some people avoid Imm interaction.
Posted by Pro-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So ya know.
36770, Here is my problem with Brumbalin.
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How could he possibly be the highest rank possible in the warrior's guild when he is the worst possible at all requisite skills. I'm fine with any RP rewards he received, but personally I think some RP he should have received was being booted from the guild and not allowed to advance within said guild.
36771, Huh?
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You've never met someone with an impressive job title, a huge salary, and a brain the size of a McNugget?

Brumbalin showed pretty consistently that he could con other people into taking care of him, thinking he was more impressive than he was (see Alarian's comment, etc.), and/or being intimidated by a badge and some guards. He's that guy at the company who gets promoted (slowly) because he shows up every day, and people like him, but no one can name a damn thing he's done particularly well.

It's not like he used the guild for anything anyway. Or that we're looking for excuses to penalize a character like this even further.

36777, I would have welcomed that, would have been fun n/t
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
36775, Actually I had no problems with berserkers...
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Until they tried to constantly kill me. And as is Brumbalin's role, since he cannot fight anyone is to talk a great amount of drunken crap. He did it to everyone, you were on the receiving end of a normal day of Brumblin'.

As a side comment. How is it that I don't know whats going on in Tribunal. I was in Tribunal.

Brumbalin is part of the CF world, and although having an intelligence of 13, he knew basic lore. Berserker villagers are the most powerful warriors of the land, embracing honor and hatred of magic, and that they fight magic and magic users, everyone else should be pitied. That is basic lore of the village, and thats all Brumbalin talked about. I didn't talk about tablet commandment 3 or 4, or plaque rule 9.

Brumbalin took what he knew of village lore as Brumbalin, and whipped it into words of shame to try to get you to leave him alone. Its you as a player who is freaking out, getting all bent out of shape because I as a player have a character that, because of your actions, came to the same conclusion as me as a player, thus reenforcing my player views. You need to step away and unwrap yourself from your character. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.

I never picked a fight with a villager, nor ever could, as my skill list states. Brumbalin didn't want any conflict, because he knew he could not handle it. At no time did I ever even talk the bad stuff to a villager until they attempted to kill me without provication. Berserkers that will remain nameless (Btwrn) said, "But you attacked me first" or "You raided the village and tried to take the head" or "if you don't duel me I'm going to kill you" or "your a coward (well that one was right)" or "you full looted me last week" or "You killed this villager so you are going to die" or my favorite, "Its because we are at war with Tribunal". Every single one of the above reasons given to kill Brumbalin were bold faced, power gamer lies just because berserkers were bored and wanted to kill someone on late at night. Brumbalin was attacked on numerous occasions in a Galadon city that was empty except for him.

You are given skills that to me did 700 points of damage to me in a parting blow. Do you think, as a player, its right that you can literally kill a normal warrior in one deathblow and one hit? I mean, come on, do you have any "fairness" nerves in your body, or are you just that much of a lover of power gaming?

I'm sorry if my opinion tastes bad for you. I found other berserkers, Tuggluk and Jeha, simply awesome. I found others less appealing. If there has been some huge policy change, I cannot wait to hear about it. If you are now at war with Tribunal, that would be good to hear too (granted I would know about it because Brumbalin was in TRIBUNAL). But I highly doubt that the fact judging by what happened to another Cloud giant Berserker and Grraruk. Both who got uninducted for doing what other Btwrns did, and are doing right now. And despite all what you said, you did not come up with one good reason for attacking Brumbalin over and over and over. Tell us why does a berserker villager continually attack a peaceful Tribunal warrior who is sitting in town alone with no mages about at all?

As for your percentages and trying to bring me down and the imms down. Just poor form man. Poor form. I wonder what your percentage would be? *chuckle*
36785, RE: Actually I had no problems with berserkers...
Posted by Vershelt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This will be my last post on your battlefield thread, no need to hijack as they say. While I will make a few comments below different sections of your post, suffice it to say we'll just have to agree to disagree. It was clear to me that you the player were upset because you believe you know better how to be a berserker, or villager, and you wanted to lecture berserkers. Which you went ahead and did.

>Until they tried to constantly kill me. And as is Brumbalin's
>role, since he cannot fight anyone is to talk a great amount
>of drunken crap. He did it to everyone, you were on the
>receiving end of a normal day of Brumblin'.
>As a side comment. How is it that I don't know whats going on
>in Tribunal. I was in Tribunal.

Being in tribunal doesn't tell you anything at all about what is going on in battle, even when it may concern how battle treats tribunal.

>Brumbalin is part of the CF world, and although having an
>intelligence of 13, he knew basic lore. Berserker villagers
>are the most powerful warriors of the land, embracing honor
>and hatred of magic, and that they fight magic and magic
>users, everyone else should be pitied. That is basic lore of
>the village, and thats all Brumbalin talked about. I didn't
>talk about tablet commandment 3 or 4, or plaque rule 9.

Actually, nothing in the village (or very little) actually talks about honor. That's another Jinroh thing. It has pretty much always been about courage. Again, it's your take on things and your player's point of view. Certainly Brumbalin wouldn't care if others were either honorable or courageous, as he was neither.

>Brumbalin took what he knew of village lore as Brumbalin, and
>whipped it into words of shame to try to get you to leave him
>alone. Its you as a player who is freaking out, getting all
>bent out of shape because I as a player have a character that,
>because of your actions, came to the same conclusion as me as
>a player, thus reenforcing my player views. You need to step
>away and unwrap yourself from your character. You are not a
>beautiful and unique snowflake.

Nobody is freaking out, at least not until your post. Your character didn't come to conclusions, you brought them. I'm not going to defend other berserkers who behaved wrongly - I'm the one who uninducted them both by the way, so it's somewhat amusing that you feel you need to argue to me how bad they were - but you are unwilling to accept the idea that there are perfectly good reasons for berserkers doing what you complain of, and that the simple fact of "a berserker attacked me!" != bad roleplay by that berserker.

>I never picked a fight with a villager, nor ever could, as my
>skill list states. Brumbalin didn't want any conflict, because
>he knew he could not handle it. At no time did I ever even
>talk the bad stuff to a villager until they attempted to kill
>me without provication. Berserkers that will remain nameless
>(Btwrn) said, "But you attacked me first" or "You raided the
>village and tried to take the head" or "if you don't duel me
>I'm going to kill you" or "your a coward (well that one was
>right)" or "you full looted me last week" or "You killed this
>villager so you are going to die" or my favorite, "Its because
>we are at war with Tribunal". Every single one of the above
>reasons given to kill Brumbalin were bold faced, power gamer
>lies just because berserkers were bored and wanted to kill
>someone on late at night. Brumbalin was attacked on numerous
>occasions in a Galadon city that was empty except for him.

Again, I won't defend others (though I'm not going to just take your word for what they said to you or whether you had not, indeed, attacked them, either alone or in a group, it's not something I can check obviously) but at the very least the last statement is perfectly fine. Why wouldn't they attack you if you are at war? And as a former leader you should know that just because only one side thinks they are at war or somehow in conflict does not make it any less true. So no, they were not all lies. And I know that's a fact because I killed you for a perfectly good reason.

>You are given skills that to me did 700 points of damage to me
>in a parting blow. Do you think, as a player, its right that
>you can literally kill a normal warrior in one deathblow and
>one hit? I mean, come on, do you have any "fairness" nerves in
>your body, or are you just that much of a lover of power

Do you think it's right that are given a skill that can flat out kill any pre-20 character, despite you being a hero? WANTED is overpowered! All of which is beside the point and a topic for the gameplay board. I think you're wrong, but this is not the place for that discussion.

>I'm sorry if my opinion tastes bad for you. I found other
>berserkers, Tuggluk and Jeha, simply awesome. I found others
>less appealing. If there has been some huge policy change, I
>cannot wait to hear about it. If you are now at war with
>Tribunal, that would be good to hear too (granted I would know
>about it because Brumbalin was in TRIBUNAL). But I highly
>doubt that the fact judging by what happened to another Cloud
>giant Berserker and Grraruk. Both who got uninducted for doing
>what other Btwrns did, and are doing right now. And despite
>all what you said, you did not come up with one good reason
>for attacking Brumbalin over and over and over. Tell us why
>does a berserker villager continually attack a peaceful
>Tribunal warrior who is sitting in town alone with no mages
>about at all?

As I said, I'm the one who did the uninducted on both counts. Sometimes killing a dwarf tribunal in the city is right. Sometimes it's not. Knowing the difference is all the game. And let's stop with the hyperbole. I did not attack Brumbalin over and over and over. It was one session, and all within about 25 minutes realtime, and all part of one situation. In total I'd say there were three, maybe four engagements where I'd attack, you'd flee, you'd come and try to manacle, I'd redirect, etc. And as I mentioned last night, it started because I was fighting that gnome mage, who I did kill. So really, lay off.

>As for your percentages and trying to bring me down and the
>imms down. Just poor form man. Poor form. I wonder what your
>percentage would be? *chuckle*

Nothing I said brought imms down. And I didn't bring you down, I said you let your personal problems with berserkers leak into your otherwise terrific character. I stand by that.
36791, Couple things for you to read.
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, is this log, which is Ordasen explaining to me what berserkers should be. Him laying down HIS rules, me enforcing them. Have they changed? I severely doubt that.


He talks about honor in this, he talks about parity in this, he lays down the groundrules for the new berserkers. He does. This is not my opinion, it is the opinion and thus law of the Immortal who runs the cabal RIGHT NOW. As for courage, it is intermixed with parity and honor. Its not a Jinroh things, its ORDASEN'S thing. Again, I didn't create it, he did, I just enforced it.

You cannot say with a straight face that non-mages can be hunted for whatever reason? Ordasen and Kastellyn, Thror before him, Boltthrower, all said that no non-mage is to be hunted without a flag of Hunted by Battle. Enough said. There was a huge multi-month quest to prove that one point. That is why you write violations of raiding the village to the battle immortals for them to make final judgement and Kastellyn writes the offender usually the "last chance" scroll before marking them.

What I find interesting here is that you dodge and dally around having such good reasons but yet never give one. Why not give your good reasons?

What you cannot grasp is nothing leaked into the character. Brumbalin was constantly attacked by berserker villagers for no reason. We are talking from level 30ish on here. Once Brumbalin was in hero, he was beelined by three of the offending berserkers, including you. You spent 25 minutes in town trying to kill him, despite mages were long gone.

What your problem is that you think no one can come to this conclusion. That this conclusion has been come to, it must because its player bleed through. ####. I didn't come to this conclusion about Jeha and Tuggluk. Those two I had enjoyed immensely despite our problems.

Most of the tribunal cabal came to this same conclusion, are you saying they are all played by Jinroh clones? Or that they are all village hating players? Some of the Fortress characters I traveled with came to the same conclusion. Empire as well, Scion too. Are you saying that all these players are actually just rager haters with character bleed through, and you, along with two or three others, are thus perfect in all ways. And that despite other berserkers being in your same cabal, and same situation, berserker, did nothing in kind like you and the few others are doing. And the simple fact that two of your fellow acting berserkers have been booted from the cabal for violations of the berserker code. But yet, you, who is doing the exact same thing, are in the right.

By golly, thanks for opening up our eyes. I guess that 20 minutes after the first incident where you come in and bash me down with no other mage in town, thats just danty. Strange Kjelror did the same thing. Where is he? Oh okay, just checking.
36797, I can barely believe you are real
Posted by August on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hi Jinroh or whatever you like to be called,

My name is August, I live in the Bronx, NY. I just recently made a character because my neighboorhood is a bit dangerous and I've been staying inside alot this winter. I haven't played CF for at least two years. I was poking around the forums and log boards and I noticed alot of the things you have written and posted. I am sorry but I feel you are a very sad individual. I can't believe someone could care about a game this much, I mean you REALLY care. I wish you didn't play CF. I think it makes the game less fun with people like you playing, and there is nothing I can do about it. The reason I say this is because regardless of how well people think you are roleplaying, you are an a$$hole in real life. I think it makes the game less fun because you detract from the fact that it is just a game. I enjoy playing a character for different reasons than you. And well, I sometimes wish carrionfields had a completely different playerbase. Find a different mud? Yeah right, you sound like one of those people who make carrionfields MUD their life. Ahh well, it takes all kinds, enjoy your hobby.



36806, Give me someone that adds ic any day
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Personally, I don't care much what Jinroh is like ooc. Yeah, I felt that he became somewhat bitter for a while. That said, IC, he has played some of the best characters in recent memory, that got respect from most friends and foes alike. That's quite rare. That one of his chars was known for pk and the other for pure rp is almost unique.

You know what makes his characters good? That he doesn't throw all rp out the window to try to make his pk life easier. The people who think that the game is about "winning" in some fashion tend to ignore aspects of the game in order to make their pk record as good as they can get away with. If you look at the complaints that have gone on for years, you will see that almost all of them can be traced to people having questionable rp in order to have an easier time pk'ing. e.g. ragers trading with magi for gear, paladins going on gear trips with necros, and in this case, the accusation being ragers picking on the essentially defenseless non-mage, non-enemy cabal, character instead of the harder to kill magi, or ganging supposedly inferior warriors. Other cabals have the luxury, in many cases, of more freedom of action. Ragers don't, probably because of balance reasons. Allow ragers too much "fun-stick", and you have a balance problem that impacts on the fun-stick of whoever is playing non-ragers at the time. The same applies to other aspects of the game where ragers are not involved. Too much fun-stick for one group can mean too little fun-stick for the rest of the playerbase (e.g. permagrouping).
36811, Very simple solution to your problem
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since it is his forum persona that you feel detracts from your enjoyment, you have a few options. Do not read his posts would be likely the easiest. Do not visit the boards at all. Lastly, you could go somewhere else. All are viable. I'd say avoiding his posts would be the simplest.

Furthermore, it's pretty obvious what you are doing. Your entire post was an attack on Jinroh. It had nothing to do with his character that he deleted or the little debate about berserkers. If someone being an asshole outside of the activity that you share with that person has that much of an effect on your level of enjoyment of that activity, I'd say you are the one with issues.

This whole little side thread is probably on the brink of being deleted, but nice job being an ass and slipping a completely unrelated flame in. God you're an asshole, it's taking away so much from my personal enjoyment of CF.
36783, I'd also like to add..
Posted by Arvam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There have been plenty of characters that had handicaps that didn't get anything. Why? Because they used it as a gimmick for attention and didn't play it out fully. A character that incorporates a flaw and handicap and really makes it come alive with their character will get attention. Thats true of any char that makes things come alive when you watch them. I've seen plenty of fat, blind, deaf, one armed, horrible halitosis chars that were pretty dull. So don't think that playing a flaw will get you loads of attention. Playing one well will, but then again, playing anything well will. I'd much rather see a well played paladin...who just plays the basic paladin ideal, than someone who goes out of their way to be unique for the sake of being unique.
36787, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Brumbalin Clubfoot the Bumblin' Sl...
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>*The imms are very much like the Academy of Motion Pictures
>and Sciences. If you gain a lot of weight, lose a lot of
>weight, play a physically or mentally challenged person, or
>significantly make yourself look horrible, you are rewarded.
>That's how cf works, too, to a large extent.

You're missing the bigger message here, which is that even a player who has been, at times, jackassed and antagonistic to the immortals can get the proper recognition for playing a great character.

I don't think most (any?) of us noticed the severe skill handicap of Brumbalin until a week or two ago, well after he was getting a lot of attention. We didn't notice the ####ty ability scores until last night.
36789, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Brumbalin Clubfoot the Bumblin' Sl...
Posted by Vershellt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like I said in response to Valg and Aarn, I agree with all they (and you) are saying. In no way do I take away from Brumbalin's roleplay in everything outside his dealings with villagers.

And as the little smiley face thing and the reference to the movies was supposed to indicate, I was speaking mostly tongue in cheek. I'm sorry if anyone was insulted, that was not the point. It's just interesting to notice that over the years the key to getting imm attention has been something along these lines. It's a hook. Statistically I'm sure you'd find that. Maybe it's a catch 22, the people who think up and play these roles are the ones who'd do well anyay, and the ones who would do well anyway are the people who come up with these roles.

Either way. :)
36808, I agree with the "hook" thing
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I played Baendra, I originally had a quirk whereby I called everyone "sir". Lots of people commented on this manifestation of rp. However, no one really appreciated the rp aspect of her growing beyond the stage of using the "hook", and when she stopped saying "sir" to everyone, I think people stopped noticing her rp.

I wonder if people would have noticed Optomkiptum as much if he didn't say "I demand..." all the time. I'd be very surprised if so. That's not a reflection on the character, but simply an agreement that a hook makes a character way more noticeable.
36754, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Brumbalin Clubfoot the Bumblin' Sl...
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a blast getting to know Brumbalin. At first didn't know what to think of you, since Cyth didn't even like any tribunals. But after a few interactions, you really grew on her. Couldn't aid you directly with anything, but hiding bread around was fun. Wanted to do that some more. BTW, sometimes when she gave you bread...she didn't even make it hehe! Great job, see you in the fields.
36782, I had a sneaking suspicion right from the beginning...
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that the bread you were giving me was not the right bread. Partly because I would ask for bread, you would gate off, and then come back and give it to me instead of making it on the ground. Which was why there were times I was trying to pressure you in a veiled kind of way, to make it in front of him. "I bloody like watchin ye make da bread in fronts of me."

Isn't laziness and child like stupidity so easy to love?
36753, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Brumbalin Clubfoot the Bumblin' Sl...
Posted by Sessha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was wondering what happened to you! You were a riot. Thanks for all the laughs.
36772, Damn forgot to throw you in there Sessha.
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was fumbling with the idea of telling you me little, dirty secret. How you got the immortals to code hip swinging/hugger dress I have no idea. Just screams something I cannot mention here because of the mead swillers. Very much fun to interact with. Take care.
36748, Why I need to shut up. :)
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never saw any of your laziness, honestly, since I can't have a mort and can only judge someone from CB and scrolls.

So all I see this well-roleplayed, competent dwarf who gets along well with his cabalmates and he's only a Magistrate of Galadon? Just yeasterday, I suggest to Marm via scroll that you should be at least a Provincial.

I'm never reccommending anyone for anything again until I can snoop.

Just thought you could use one last laugh for this character. :P
36747, Grogtok the AP Tribunal
Posted by Wilhath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I had a good time talking smack with you too. Grogtok just hated everyone, especially mountain mongrels like yourself, so while you were just saying hello Grogtok was saying he hated your f'in guts and hoped you died.

Anyways, nice character.
36746, Hysterical Character
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A riot to watch, really. Sorry to see you go.

The echo I love the most of all of it was, "Lazy silence comes in response to your prayers." Perfect.

That was me, as well as the title. I couldn't let a character *that* amusing run around without an amusing title. Nor could I let a character that lazy run around with the action-oriented set of warrior titles his whole life. Standard warrior titles on Brumbalin were just so... wrong. It seems I almost "ruined" another character with my attention, but since it was intended to enhance the persona, I'm glad it worked out for you in the end.

Also, having having played Constance a few years back, I have a special place in my heart for people who try to bring a little humor to the Blood Tribunal. The nature of the cabal understandibly attracts a lot of straight-and-narrow RP, so a little humor - while still maintaining the cabal's ethics - is always refreshing.
36781, Nothing ruined at all.
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I felt truly blessed to actually get a permenant title at like level 32 ish or somewhere around there. I liked the echo too that you did when it happened. Thanks again.
36745, Terribly amazing.
Posted by Israhiaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First person I actually said I would never go after and ment it. Funniest guy, amazing logs, amazing practice list.

Great job.
36744, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Brumbalin Clubfoot the Bumblin' Sl...
Posted by Faelria on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You trying to convince me to turn myself in was one of the funniest
moments I've had this far with this char, I literally chuckled out
loud a few times. It sure broke the tedium of solo ranking, thanks.

Good luck etc.
36732, Give me a break Brumbalin!
Posted by Ghrulkar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was your title ?
I can't believe you didn't eventually just suck it up, maybe even try to show some humility. You run around with a crazy set of magical gear, group with mages on the constant, then act all innocent and freak out when you get attacked by magic haters. You think battleragers need to be controlled because they are amoung the most skilled warriors in Thera? I suppose it would seem like they are extremely overpowered to someone who never wants to bother to practice,or hone their skills. What you had there seemed very personal, I sensed alot of hatred and misdirected hostility comming from your char. If you were in role, wouldn't you have tried to "con" the ragers into doing what you wanted, or at least had a silver toungue with their ego's to keep them at bay? After all you were a warrior not a mage. So why would they come after you, especially if you were so unskilled, and claiming your death was nothing to be proud of? I don't beleive I've ever killed you with Ghrulkar but you sure did talk alot of ####, an unbelievable earful actually, I had to go deaf on you a couple of times, because I was bombarded with a rant/whine about how I was supposed to do this, and wasn't supposed to do that. Why would anyone listen to you? You know if you were respected it might have been a different story, but you aren't looking at yourself from another eyes. I found your roleplay to be immaculate. I particularly liked seeing you when you were young, wielding a broom, and sweeping, yelling funny things in town, and trying to charge battleragers for spilling blood and guts in Galadon because you had to clean it up. I did give you money too. You are responsible for every death that came your way, don't try to put the blame on other people. You will get more respect from your enemies, and deffinetly from me.

nice one
36743, Aw man
Posted by Aarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved this character, you were always hilarious to interact with. (and we interacted more then you might think) Your emphasis on roleplay showed through... especially in light of your mad skill practice scheme! Man, all I gotta say is keep it up, please. It really does raise the level of everyone around you.

(To everyone else, emulate that level of roleplaying too!)

the staff of striking
36780, The STAFF!
Posted by Brumbalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you so much Aarn. I felt like an old school entropy character stuck in Tribunal. When you started whispering to my groupmates I just said, "Oh crap... the gig is up".

The biggest blow to Brumbalin at the end was seeing an Outlander wield his staff after getting full looted after Vershelt and the healer attacked him. He was too lazy to continue, as is what a true Sloth would do. Lie down, go to sleep. Thanks again for the great interactions.
36739, Awesomely played.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved the rp from this character.
You kept my laughing half the time and
the other half tying to figure out if my elf
should be annoyed with you or not.
We only grouped for a little while when younger
but It was a blast.
36737, Brumbalin was fun.
Posted by Atohner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Akehkelor(sp?) that transmuter: I was rolling in my chair as I got actual OUTLANDERS to bring me food. And not just once but it continued. I could not believe it. It was just too classic a moment to pay you one copper for all the food you gathered for me. Thanks.

You weren't the only one who was falling off the chair. I had a lot of fun when Brumbalin was anguished and crying because the food was flat and he couldn't touch it. The whole thing was about teaching a city dog to be a wolf, but during the interaction, you had sphere sloth written all over you(my other guess was gluttony) so that didn't work out. Atohner was too soft, so I ended up losing half of my food in that incident. :D

So, Brumbalin was convinced that forest food tasted good so he wouldn't have to survive on city food. After that, he wandered back to the city to be lazy again. It was a lot of fun on my part as well and was well worth the food lost in the process. Exellent RP, I must give you respect for that.
36735, Oh man...
Posted by Cowren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
ALL that whining and effort to get you to hero and you delete on me! Definetly a fun character to run around with - always fun trying to tell you to keep that damn Provost in line! And you would just whimper helplessly. Your character definetly brought out the mother in Cowren. You offering me Innis's wildflowers so I'd level you up to hero was classic. Like...what am I going to do with those??

Awesome, awesome character all around. I knew full well you were completely useless (learned that the HARD way trying to level you in Tower of Trothan - *laugh* The way you whimpered when I dragged you there!) and I kept thinking to myself...it's in my RP to try and defend this guy if he ever gets in trouble, and I know I'll be going straight down if I have to!

Trying to kill people in Hamsah with you in tow was also worth a good laugh.

Mad props for being able to do what you did. Go Fortress with your next. :) But learn some skills!
36734, Funny stuff
Posted by Lycand on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Typically Tribs I meet are so arogant and condenscending, that I lump them all together, but your character was funny as hell. "Just checking the soup for poison!" Heh. Dont think we ever fought, but I did try to turn 'mehself in' a few times near the aryth. Play a something that hunts Tribs/Villagers next time. Eye opener.
36731, Props to ya man, excelent rp. And damn funny aswell
Posted by Judaao Britala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never interacted with you much as my shaman. However, I damn near hit the floor of my room the day you told another character of mine that the Muse said you would make horrible art so no need to kill you. Just told me that out of the blue, which I got a good laugh from. I am sure you know who I speak of, though I wont mention the name. Either way man, well done
36728, Seems the best roleplayer, I've ever met.
Posted by Asfas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hularious, what can I say? When I first dueled with you, I understood there is something wrong with your skills, still couldnt guess it's about the Sloth. Invited you over and over again, becouse as a healer (may be it's just me) there is not much to do when nobody strike your keep and nobody to travel with. So I used every moment to interact with others. And that was truely a great laugh to do it with you. That time when you made me submit to Justice, I saw you are damn trying to convince me in, but I've been tired of the flag and everyone pointing me about it, so I couldnt think of anyone else who will punish me more in style then you did! Though almost all of tribunals offered me to die and get everything back. That's bad for me to read such of your logs, as I just begin to think rolling something same interesting and challenging:)) See you in the fields!
36727, Thumbs up!
Posted by Zheairth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have not interacted with you almost at all but judging by logs you was just awesome. Great fun reading it. Wish I had chance to speak with you more. Thank you.