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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectParantl Wolfpaw is dead....
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=36196
36196, Parantl Wolfpaw is dead....
Posted by Parantl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Welp it was a good run... Parantl is dead....

tis was fun but to be honest I grew tired of this char along
time ago, I simply kept going because of my promise to Tjok...
I told him (not in these words) that Iwould hero and do well
hunting for ancients...

I feel I did well enough.. made some friends.. made some enemies...

some short goodbyes...


Kallor: your a cool ass ranger.. you will do very well..

Aerik: good choice for harbringer (though I wanted it ;)) was fun traveling with you...

Brul: well nightreaver what can I say besides it was awesome travelling with you.. good rp.. good pk skills and the balls to back
it up..

Reggie: Me and you were only invokers around a bunch, and yes I too hate when other outlanders bunch me you and the other gnome in the gruop known as the "invoker squad".. I feel I taught you a little but know you taugfht me alot friend...

viviarong: You are a cool cat, wish youd have come around a bit more..
I doubt you remember this, but we grouped ALOT when younger.. I also played hekiutol a shifter who got jaguar form.. me, you and some outlander who referred to himself as the beast we grouped alot and killed some #### on battleifields for awhile, after I rolled an outtie was glad to see you about.. all of our travels in both lives were fun..

Jekte: cool stormy shaman...

well I think thats all the outties, I was friends with that havent del'd...

onirakoth: cool...

Macumba: I think your a bitch, you would never fight me unless had friends....

that shifter boba something... I hated walking across the water when youwere shark formed...

Flix: I really think your a cool tribbie, a couple of times we had rp interactions that was nice...

and finally
Parantl's archnemesis.. Tolchec ;) ME and you must have rolled up chars around the same time, I remember grouping with you at like rank 8 then you went tribbie I went outtie and so it began.. Tolchec and myself had some cool fights either A. I killed him... B. He killed me
or C. We both fled with like 50 hps each ;) If its cool Ill post our last fight... when i schooled you in emerald forest... (by the way I happened to just enter thera in emerald and saw you there.. you had no idea I was around and I think that was best "surprise attack" I ever got on someone....

outlander immms,

lysterion: thanks for being yourself the few times we spoke.. especially about Arlyisnim ...

innis: we spoke twice... sorry I could never make you your wine ;(...


Rilliana: you are the bomb. nothing else to say...

Arlyisnim: I dont know what happened to you... but I can honestly say you were PArantl's best friend and I really wish youd have stuck around... what happened to you?


Welll my best known char was Zandorix, the Drowned duck...

this was my first invoker since back when invokers had enchant weapon and Ams.. I dont like new invokers.. WAY too much time practicing... dont think ill ever play another...

Ive played one sylvan, 4 ragers, and 30 masters, a couple of non-cabaleds... and now one outlander...

I must say outlanders is the BOMB! My next char shall definately be outlander...

anyone I forgot Im sorry.. Im really bad with names...

overall Parantl was an ok char, nothing great... Im going to miss the friends I made in char... but hey "such is life"

anyone feel free to post questions, comments, Im all ears....

See you all in the fields!


36231, RE: Parantl Wolfpaw is dead....
Posted by Jekte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Having a hero invoker around made my life so much easier. It's a shame when hours get skewed and there just isn't enough support when you get the spare time. Good luck with the next.
36209, You definately saved me some headaches
Posted by Reggie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You gave me some great pointers on learning spells and I really appreciate that. Learning things with an invoker was and is frustrating because it takes so much time. I honestly can't believe the number of hours I have right now with REggie. How many did you delete at? I liked having you around and I hope the things I taught you could be lessons for your future in CL. I know yours were for me. I'll talk more about stuff when Reggie is gone, but I've still got a few hours left in him, so you'll just have to keep checking back. It was fun!

Luck with your next,
36221, RE: You definately saved me some headaches
Posted by Parantl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Think I was at like 310-315....

it took me 250 hours to hero plus get water,lightnings,fire,air
and frost shield.... at this point I also had vitriolic acid and
pebble, neither of which I mastered...

36242, I stopped mid 40's and helped people rank to learn spells. nt
Posted by Reggie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
36200, Archnemisis...
Posted by tolchec on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thats funny, I had some good battles with you. At the end there you started to prep more, so your vuln didn't crush you as much. Good fights, if I remeber, I had just fled and teleported from someone, and was nearly 50% in emerald, then I saw you roll up and I fumbled at the keyboard to quaff another teleport potion. damn you. =P Good fights, try the other side sometime?

36199, And another one bites the dust.
Posted by Kallor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Geez, Outlanders are falling like...like...*insert witty quip here*
It seems the glory days of outlander are ending.

Anyways, good to know you. It was great having Invokers in Outlander. You didn't seem to be a/b/s so you weren't an insane factor but you still had plenty of uses. We weren't too close but I enjoyed what time I did have with ya.

Keep up the good work.

ps that leaves us with how many heroes? Blug...Otzo? At least we got at least three near heroes(me, gileanas, aerik)...but still. Oh well, a dozen applicants who can each be the next outlander doombeast. I'm sure i missed a bunch, oh well.
36197, RE: Parantl Wolfpaw is dead....
Posted by Viviarong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea I wish I could have come around a lot more myself... I have had a period since 1.1 up to now where I have worked 80+ a week, and that is pretty nasty... Though I have tried to pull some hours, and now I am starting to get more time to play. But its mostly weekends thats mine.

I remember your shifter well. I allso remembered not trusting you in the start but it came along after a while :D

I liked bouth of your characters, maby Parantl the best of those. That is probably since I had you in the cabal and all, and for all I know we might even group together once more before I die with your next incarnation :) Btw I just love your surname :D

I look forward seeing your next character, and I wish you all the luck with him :)

I just have to agree with you about the outlander cabal :)
