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Topic subject(DELETED) (OUTLANDER) Carijisdun T'akulda
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36134, (DELETED) (OUTLANDER) Carijisdun T'akulda
Posted by Cari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I realize that as my time has been dwindling more and more because of work moving back into full-swing that it wasn't fair for me to be taking up the Sunwarden position. Especially since there has been at least one instance (that I know of) where a goodie was inducted into Outlander while I was Sunwarden and I didn't do the inducting. I see that as bad. Hopefully someone else can fulfill the position better than I. I really feel I got Sunwarden just because I was the only goodie constantly around for a while. Another Outlander had been inducted just before me, but due to some OOC things, he couldn't be in game as much, so it went to me. This isn't bragging; far from it. I'm just stating that I think Cari became the Sunwarden because there was no one else better. Now that Outlander has several great, promising candidates, someone more worthy take over.

That being said... this was my first goodie in a while after a long string of neutrals. All Outlander, of course. Each time I make a new character, I want something different of them that really stands out. Cari's thing was that she was an elf from a desert tribe. She sounded much like a cloud giant, but with a few important differences. Being an elf, she had god-like intelligence, and I wanted this to show without making her sound "civilized". Thus, she would often come up with plans, strategies and the like, using big words for the express purpose of proving she had the intellect without trying to be showy about it. It made for some challenges. I really liked elf with the new swiftstrike skill. With proper preps, the elf would be quite deadly. However, I'm rarely one to spend time gathering preps. I like the pure combat of it all without the reliance on things outside of your skills. As such, I did a lot of dying. But each one was a learning experience of how I would do things different the following time. Windwalk makes things great for exploring, and since Cari was a tank, I did a lot of exploring in places I've never been. This was both a blessing and a curse. Some of my deaths were caused by the constant exploration I was doing, and because of that, I got chided a lot. A good bit of other deaths came from stubbornness and being unwilling to give up retrieving when I should. Few deaths came from actual hardcore, honest deaths. But those were the most fun. I LOVED defending by my lonesome against a group of Imperials or Tribunals. Hurl is my dearest friend. Also, this was my first leader character. Anyway, some goodbyes to Imms and Outlanders. Anyone I miss and any enemies feel free to post and I'll reply.


Innis - You provided the most immortal interaction that I've had with any character. Had Cari not already been dedicated to the Great Spirit, she probably would have annoyed you even more than she did as a worshipper. You helped answer a lot of questions, provided me with a lot of wisdom, and made the game a whole lot better.

Ancients of the Sun - Thanks for the chance of being Sunwarden. First ever leader, all you can do is make mistake after mistake, and I made quite a few. But... I felt I grew a little as time went by.

Amaranthe - We never got to interact, but I heard you were behind a few of the smiles Cari got. Thank you especially for the leader weapon. It served me very well.

Lyristeon - It was interesting not liking you for once because of the whole goodie thing rejecting evil. The spat you had with Innis on the cabal channel was great! I had to laugh hard at that. Don't tell Innis, but I think you outargued him.


Aesrira - Mother! Sister! Best friend! Cari adored you. You were the main reason I ever tried to log on the times when I thought you would be around. I loved running aside you and picking up all sorts of tidbits of information (RP-wise, not item-wise). You did show me a few things that I didn't know, but mostly it was fun watching the porcu-gator-raven tear things up. I don't think I've ever had a better complimentary character to mine than you. Together, we could do an awful lot. Thanks for all the motherly advice, all the wisdom, and all the great, wonderful, fabulous RPing.

Garigend and Jekte - It seems like one day, no one ever had a storm shaman, then you two plus Gna all want to join Outlanders. I liked both of you two's roleplaying. Keep up the good work!

Otzo - There were a few patience issues I felt you had when I interviewed you, which gave me reservations about the kind of Outlander you'd become. But after seeing your character recently, you seemed to be doing far better off than I. Whoever the next Sunwarden is, I think you'll play a pivotal role in shaping the sun path of the Outlanders. Great job and thanks for putting any fears I had at ease.

Brulgabauth - I absolutely refused to travel with the Nightreaver, though I did get to fight alongside you a few times. I liked what I saw.

Reggie - Invoker pal! We had some great fun in defending. It was a blast!

Aerik - A bard is always useful in Outlanders and I saw you on your way to really becoming great. I hope you continue to evolve the character.

Beidal - You seemed unsure of yourself in the beginning, but I think you're coming along nicely. Once you learn all the intracacies of being a gnome healer, I think you'll be a force to reckon with.

Kallor - The things you said were always evil and creepy. Well done with that. Keep working your way up to hero and be a nasty ranger that everyone fears.

Everyone that's missing, feel free to post. I met a lot of people and fought a lot of losing fights and never had so much fun. :)
36469, At the risk of repeating myself...
Posted by Aesrira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I thought Cari was great. When I rolled up Aesrira I was hoping I'd find a character for her to bond with and you were the best. Definitely one of the biggest reasons why deleting Aesrira was so hard.

And to echo the Imp, I can't imagine for a second you got Sunwarden by default. In my mind you were one of the best goodies going, you really brought your character to life. I had no problem latching on to you and roaming around. I like finding players like that. It's one of the reasons I like this game so much.

Anyway, here's to your next character! May you have as much fun as I did roaming the fields.

36473, Necro Wafers
Posted by Cari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly, I don't think I would have deleted if Aesrira didn't delete. When you have that one character that you're sympatico with and they're not around, it makes everything else less fun. Case in point, Sydrian and Iramath. I don't blame you, though. The game can wear on you and you find yourself looking for an out until it comes to deletion. So, have great luck with your next and I look forward to perhaps meeting you in another incarnation in the future.
36249, A good char.
Posted by Reggie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a lot of fun traveling with you and getting to know you. I will say sometimes he goodies in outlanders tend to be a bit too friendly to the evils and somewhat vice versa, the less the other way. All in all though, great job.

36281, Thanks!
Posted by Cari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Reggie a lot. Of the invokers in the cabal, I think each one had a distinctly different personality that kept each other from being cookie-cutter cut-outs.

>>I had a lot of fun traveling with you and getting to know you. I will say sometimes he goodies in outlanders tend to be a bit too friendly to the evils and somewhat vice versa, the less the other way.<<

Actually, this is something I wanted to hear about. As a goodie, I tried to believe in the best of people while still being harsh and unrelenting to those evils I wasn't tied with (i.e. Imperials, Tribunal, etc). As far as evil cabalmates goes, I really wanted to come off as someone that didn't like the evil and wasn't willing to be friends with them, but seeing that joining outlanders was the first step to redemption. So, it was cool tolerability. However, if I didn't pull that off, it'll be something to work on in the future. Thank you for the helpful insight, and if there's any specifics about how you thought the goodie should have acted towards the evil outlander, that would be great and well appreciated.
36245, A good char
Posted by Hammond on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like gutsy chars, but I thought that you might want to take the suicidal attempts at retrieval a little less far in future. At some point, guts gives way to pointlessness. My char did not want to have to keep clashing/killing other good-aligns, but you basically committed suicide several times in a single session. The first time you came back I was impressed. Less so the fourth time (or whatever it was).

That said, if you are going to do that, you might want to take the time to look at your enemy. Every time you brought the lightning javelin I had the blue dragonhide on.

Great rp though. The one regret I have with my own rp was slipping up when talking to you. Your own rp, however, was flawless when I saw it.
36229, RE: (DELETED) (OUTLANDER) Carijisdun T'akulda
Posted by Jekte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Cari. Solid rp and you taught me quite a bit in the short time we got to spend together. Mostly from the relentless pursuit side. Well done and good luck with your next.
36220, RE: (DELETED) (OUTLANDER) Carijisdun T'akulda
Posted by Garigend on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You thought it was bad? Here I thought I was doing something unique. No Storm Shamans, a class I like and wanted to try the Sun side of outlander. Hit L30 and find out Jekte wants in too. Then we both get in and get another one! Why! Did you hate me or something! Cari was a great leader. I just wish we could have traveled more. Good luck with everything! And you have know idea how many times I want to reach out and slap you and say You did what to die!!?!?
36222, Shya, Man!
Posted by Cari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On the contrary, I liked the idea of storm shaman classes because I remember how wicked Starkad was at being able to summon people to him. ALWAYS made it more interesting to pick off foes. However, I became a bit jaded when the first two people I inducted were storm shaman with another one on the way. Still, you three were unique enough in your roleplay and perspectives that made having three storm shamans interesting and fun.
36203, Aww, nothing this way?
Posted by Tolchec on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey had fun fighting you, Spear dagger is a hard combo to deal with. Actually suprised I got you in the spire with your healer there. Anyway, I saw that others were effected by you, I don't think we interracted too much, but fought a decent amount. Was hoping to see you around more, but I guess that won't happen now. Good luck on your next.

36223, Tolchec Mate
Posted by Cari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, I liked Tolchec. For a while, I underestimated his deadliness because the first few times we encountered each other, I was able to strength drop whatever weapon you wielded at the time. But then you got smarter and fought harder and started beating me with regular consistency. Congrats on making Vindicator and I think you'll make a worthy opponent to the Outlanders. That death in the Spire with the healer with me was frustrating, but well-earned. You fought like a champ.
36180, RE: (DELETED) (OUTLANDER) Carijisdun T'akulda
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great character, lots of fun. We did interact as "the Ancients of the Sun". Whatever your failings, I do think you definately inspired and strengthened the "good" element of the cabal. Well done, and I hope to see you again in the 'Fields. :)
36184, Amaranthe about your behavior ::snicker::
Posted by Cari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Something that tore me and happened several times afterwards as a result of the meeting was the Ancients of the Sun was the cabal being attacked or raided and not being able to go defend. But, the "stay here and talk to the Ancients of the Sun" thing was used to make the decision to stay and finish something through rather than run off. As always, you make the Outlander cabal the best around. With Innis and Lyristeon to fill your shoes, though, I think you'll have nothing to worry about while you're gone. Good luck with everything coming up and thanks for the chance to be Sunwarden!
36179, RE: (DELETED) (OUTLANDER) Carijisdun T'akulda
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't think for a minute that you became the Sunwarden as a default. Believe it or not, deadliness is not as important to the immortals as the roleplay. And your roleplay was exceptional. Amaranthe asked me to spend some time watching you so that I could give an opinion and it didn't take me long to put in the 'yay' vote.

You really came into your own in the latter half of your life with the tactics and having some decent people around you. The strength of a cabal is always determined by the strength of its leaders and Outlander was kicking when you, Aesrira and Brulgbabauth were spending a good amount of time around.

Well done and hope to see you back soon.

PS The Imp is a master of feeding the bs...don't think worse of Innis for it. I won't tell him if you don't. :P
36183, It Smells Like Rotten Eggs
Posted by Cari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was really nice having all three paths filled. Thank you so much for the 'yay' vote. First time leader is such a big responsibility and a big-time learning experience, and I'm glad I got to try it. I love the chaoticness of your Ancient self; always showing up in the Spire and making the whole place smell. Would have been nice to butt heads a little more. Great job on the Nightreaver you have, too. Hopefully if I ever make a character who becomes leader again, I'll do much better. I just didn't see Cari as the very well roleplayed.
36176, Sun and Night
Posted by Brulgbabauth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cari was a better character and a better leader than you give her credit for.

When I was inducted there was maybe one good Outlander in the cabal. Now the sun-side flourishes with bunches of great characters and that's all your doing.

Sometimes when you died I couldn't even figure out how it could have happened, but that is part of the learning process.

Wish we could have played the same hours a little more often. Good luck on your next!
36181, RE: Sun and Night
Posted by Cari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I eventually wanted to put something into the role about trying to convert the Nightreaver to see less unscrupulous ways. Ever since the Innis-Lyristeon-Contra Scandal on CB, I wanted to pit myself against you, but not in a "let's fight" sense. I really liked Bulg and wish he had more night path Outlanders to counteract anyone I inducted for the good side. Would have made things very interesting to constantly have a contest as to whose cubs were better. Also, another goal I had was to see the sun path people as distinctly different from the Harbinger cubs or the Nightreaver cubs, because I felt that at the time, a lot sounded too neutral. I assume that ranger is one of yours, and if so, I like his distinction of being evil. Great job with Nightreaver, and keep on truckin'!
36163, RE: (DELETED) (OUTLANDER) Carijisdun T'akulda
Posted by Viviarong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A pity you deleted now, was hoping to get more time with you to flesh out the sun path for myself. Would be interesting to get a more whole view of things :D

I only briefly met but I think you were a treat to outlanders, you kept morale up :D

It was so funny when I was brawling with that ram by Tar Valon (V...something) and you just hauled are you ok?, gah what else than I am fine could I answer :) Hey I'm an outlander...

As a player I don't care at all for gear, its just time consuming to get and I just want to be part of the action, so when you gave me the crown I was more or less a big question mark, and Viviarong himself was very pleased with the gift, took it as recognishion from you. Only piece of gear he treasured was that crown :)

Well I look forward to seeing you in your next incarnation, since I liked what I saw from the sunwarden when I had the pleasure of meeting you.

36182, The Goat Says Bleeeeeeaat!
Posted by Cari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Viv. He was a very head-not-in-the-clouds druid. I really do wish we had more time to interact, but I think I only saw you once. Not for lack of presence, but more a times not meshing thing. From what I saw, you're druid was great and gutsy. The crown is a very druid-like thing and I thought of you when I got it. Glad you liked it! If I'm not mistaken, you've been around for a long, long time. Good luck with continuing that longevity!
36154, *wave*
Posted by Onirakoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Neat character from what I saw. Grats on that.

36158, RE: *wave*
Posted by Cari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Onirakoth was definitely a thorn in the side of Cari whenever we tangled. A healer leader always means trouble... especially when they can sanc lieutenant mobs. Nevertheless, it was a lot of fun tangling with you whenever I could. You seem to have courage and wisdom to lead with a good head. Good luck with everything!
36151, you'll be missed
Posted by Kallor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Woot! Thanks for the compliment, most ppl (ooc friends) hate my rp abilities. You were a very suitible Sunwarden. Too bad I didn't get to much hero range play with you.

Lastly, I'm trying to find out who started the new outlander induction style. You know what I'm talking about. Is it really new? or just old stuff making a come back. Let me know. It's just a little too hippy/treehugger for me ooc, and definately ic. Reguardless it was definately entertaining, and heck that's why I play.

Go you!
36159, RE: you'll be missed
Posted by Cari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you're talking about Aesrira's style of induction, I really like it. She set the standard for what induction should be. Just because you make a character and want to be in a specific cabal doesn't mean you should be let in anyway, regardless of current numbers and such. Being in a cabal should mean laignappe (I believe that's spelled correctly) for the roleplaying effort behind the character. She said it best when she put "I wanted Outlander to be the best roleplayed cabal in the game." Its what every cabal leader should strive for, and it starts with the induction. I hope that's the answer you were seeking.

Sorry I didn't interact much as I deleted. You were the only cabalmate around and we hadn't had the close connection I had with others. Plus, I assumed you were evil, so no tears shed in a goodbye or anything.
36466, RE: you'll be missed
Posted by Aesrira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I've always thought that inductions should be an event. It's meant to represent a life long commitment for the character in question and as such should be much more than just

induct playername cabal
say Follow me.
say Let me show you the Tree/Village/Spire/Whatever

In terms of it being old or new, it's probably a bit of both. It's old because I have always thought inductions should be this way, but in my limited experience have never seen it done. And it's new because I created the actual ritual out of Aesrira's own experience, which I think is closer to what you were asking.

I basically took Aesrira's particular beliefs, her religion, the cabal's views and rolled them into a ball to come up with my own little ritual. It started smaller and grew as I got more comfortable with it.

As far as Kallor not liking it IC, I thought that was particularly appropriate. Given the nature of your character I would have been surprised if you had embraced it fully. If I had been the Nightreaver, I probably would have done more with a blood ritual, but that would have been an entirely different character!

As far as it being too hippy/treehugger OOC, I never saw it that way. It was simply something that was rooted and continued to grow out of her character and role. You mentioned in my battlefield post about being "One with nature", I'm not sure I ever used those words, but I could have...In any event, Aesrira was much more focused on the great cycle as she would say and used the ritual as a way of bonding to her "family" and the memory of Thar-Eris.

Anyway, I tried to make the induction process a little more interactive. I'm glad you found it entertaining, that was one of the things I was hoping for :)

36149, A shame
Posted by Gileanas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its a shame to see you go, I only got to interact with you a few times, and to be honest you were one I was hoping to learn a good deal of the sun path from! Well good luck with work and the next incarnation when you find the time. I'll try to keep the elf in the trees going!
36150, RE: A shame
Posted by Cari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked your note to be interviewed. I wish I had gotten to be there to interview you. Sorry we didn't interact more. Good luck with everything!
36140, RE: (DELETED) (OUTLANDER) Carijisdun T'akulda
Posted by Parantl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember when you got inducted... I think a very good
char all round , good rp and I too was impressed how well you
did fighting considering only preps you really used were
our invoker shields when one of us might be around...

Kudos to Carijisdun... Good luck with any futue chars..

36145, I loved Parantl!
Posted by Cari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ack! How could I forget Parantl! Thanks for all the interaction we had. I liked the few talks we got out, but defending and raiding was always fun with an invoker about. Since preplessness was a key motto for Cari, anyone that could grant an aura or shields or stoneskin always made things easier.
36148, Bah, the rat death, you never go to show me the rats wi...
Posted by Parantl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
36139, RE: (DELETED) (OUTLANDER) Carijisdun T'akulda
Posted by Innis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You provided such entertainment. You were likely the most creative person I have met in a while in your methods of dying. You were fun and enjoyable to watch and our interactions reminded me of many of the best parts of cf. Thanks for being about, it was a pleasure.

(And no, Lyr did not out argue me...he is still short.) :P
36144, I'll never live that rat death while I was a hero down ~nt
Posted by Cari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM