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Topic subject(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Destripador the Hand of the Unseen, Justiciar of Thera
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34724, (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Destripador the Hand of the Unseen, Justiciar of Thera
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Jan 31 02:41:22 2005

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of the Bull, 29th of the Month of the Frost Giant
on the Theran calendar Destripador perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
34822, You were around for a long time...
Posted by Mela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
to only have that many hours. But then again for a while there I never did see you. I guess you lost interest... or had life things. Why not post any goodbyes? I really enjoyed being co Justiciar with you.

34845, ermm,ok,I guess an explanation is in order.
Posted by Destripador on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>to only have that many hours. But then again for a while
>there I never did see you. I guess you lost interest... or
>had life things. Why not post any goodbyes? I really enjoyed
>being co Justiciar with you.

You are correct, I simply lost interest in the char, tou it still had its fun moments. When I joined the spire all the way to hero range the tribunals were in power most of the time, then we became the underdog and it became lots of fun for me, then the spire became powerful again and I had to delete I wouldnt stand the boredom of being in a cabal with so much power again.

Also,I couldnt stand for long not being able to kill someone alone witout massive ammounts of luck.

Melacarfina: I didnt like you at first, mostly because I had a bunch of bad experiences with another bard tribunal and I tought it would be the same. And also because you interviewed another char that I had rolled for tribunal and you had a bad understanding of one law. However you must have corrected the mistake along the way somewhere as you never made any mistakes catching me completely unawares.

When I first saw you as justiciar I tought I would get the boot the moment marmaanth looked at me again, so I looked for him to talk about getting an item in the justiciar room but I never did see any immortal again. Then we started working together and I must say I enjoyed it a lot, you knew how to fight criminals and understood my tactics enough to work well together. (Unlike that certain tribunal bard who got to be provincial and always woke my enemies with his guards,etc. I think his name was Dsomething)

To sum it up, I really liked you at the end, as you could have noticed from what I said last, I really meant it. Good luck.

Klendalstak: You were very cool and became a great ally and I considered you a great friend in a duergar orderly cowardly kind of way. We never talked much but you always got my respect.

Malzhaalohn: I didnt like you one bit, you would usually be too chicken to do anything witout a full army,and if you failed to assembly one you would log out or some such.

To the minotaur tribunal: I hated you as well, you disputed a direct order several times, that is just stupid and agaisnt the order of the spire. If you dont agree with an order you obey it, then you go look for a superior to discuss the order given. Dont know why you forgot it, I interviewed you and talked about it with you.

To the other tribunals:The spire is about protocol,never forget it. You have to learn to work with the protocol or you will get the boot aka. writting warrants, obeying orders, when to investigate,etc. That is the best advice I can give all of you,learn how everything works and never forget it.

To the outlanders: You were always fun to bother hahahahhaha, I cant believe how many times you guys fell for my nightgaunt trick, I think I got jaeiin, tiriundrum, drahke and some other with it. I couldnt believe how many times it worked. To all of you, plenty of respect for always trying to kill me and trying new things like putting fire to arkham to try to flush me out.

The village in general: I cant believe how wounded sentimentally you all got when I robbed any of you blind. Taking the scales and such when we were in peace only because I robbed one of you.

To Iborenn: When you told me that the village was destroying completely the spire, I definitly chuckled. At my times we destroyed a bunch of ragers all the time, dont know if when I wasnt online the tribunals were getting ripped apart but I never saw it. Were you bluffing or were you honest and the tribunals were getting slaughtered?.

To everyone else: Dont get your panties in a bunch if you get robbed really, grehmunitor comes to mind, I robbed him once and he dedicated the rest of his life to slay tribunals and take the scales and he was an orderly gnome. I can name also ermm,well maibe I cant, the previous leader of the hamsah guild, after I backstabbed him like a good duergar and he dedicated his life getting completely suicidal trying to get me back. Even recruiting the aid of tiriundrum and others( that always boggled me, an outlander working with the leader of a city's guild of thieves).

All in all I hoped to get truss, but I never got it I got fooled by a premium battlefield post. I still had lots of fun but not as much as I could have with truss.

To marmaanth: Why did you stop talking to me?, I really enjoyed talking with you and your aiding me understand better the laws of the spire and my duties but you never really showed up again.

To the immortal that transfered me to the realm of the dead over my name, thanks for not banning me, I swear you will be the only person to know what it meant. I bet one or two people in the whole playerbase could have a clue at its meaning. It gets really amusing to hear people attempt to speak spanish and the most they can acomplish is "hola" "nada""cojones""amigo", its as if they tried to use those words as if they were "####" in english which knowing it you can speak half the languaje.

All in all, thanks to everyone, why is it that only melacarfina replied to my battlefield post? did you all got pissed at me for being a thief or something?.

Destripador Vergudo, Justiciar of Thera.

P.D. Immortals, could you give me an answer on the email I sent you about the justiciar room?

P.D.D. Any anal spell checker will be shot on sight, I dont care enough to spellcheck.
34848, So long...
Posted by Klendalstak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice char. I liked Dest's style. Always had his head in the Spire. And that's what gets things done. Anyway. Sorry to see you go, and gluck with your next.
34849, RE: ermm,ok,I guess an explanation is in order.
Posted by Rom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

To the immortal that transfered me to the realm of the dead over my name, thanks for not banning me, I swear you will be the only person to know what it meant. I bet one or two people in the whole playerbase could have a clue at its meaning.

babel.altavista.com says it means "Ripper"

34854, Destripador..
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What Agantas thought of Destripador as justiciar.. Two words describe it well: Pompous ass (ass as the animal, not bodypart).

Destripador questioned his judgement, starting from the incident where I was investigating the gaunting of Synnarlo and was about to group with her in Galadon momentarily (basically to use the group command, see xp's, ungroup) to see if she has more xp than me to check whether the younger conjurer could harm her (the younger conjie could not harm me), as I didn't bother to do the math. At this stage, Destripador jumped in, forbidding Agantas to do this, as he saw it as off-duty investigation. At this stage, Agantas tossed the whole case to Destripador, as Synnarlo was getting verbally abusive (in IC fashion) as well, which is why I didn't do a theoretical calculation of their xp's.

Then there was other gaunting in Galadon, from which Agantas placed a warrant and Destripador sent him a note about off-duty investigation (naturally, there was none).

There was also the case, where an orc butchered Agantas's corpse and his groupmates took Agantas's items from the ground. Destripador basically said that Agantas was wrong to warrant the groupmate orc, who saw the butchering and quickly grabbed (though they grouped after the incident) Agantas's items while I was still trying to 'g all corpse'. The two companions were invisible when they took the stuff, so Agantas couldn't see them. After Destripador complained about this, Agantas saw a clear loophole around the law, a one even he could abuse himself.

But however, if that 'if items are on the ground after the corpse is destroyed, taking them is not looting'-policy is written somewhere in the Spire, I'd like to have someone quote it to me and explain how it should be applied in situation where there are certain knowledge that the items came from a corpse (Destripador didn't convince me IC).

It was really annoying as Destripador was a bad listener and too eager to judge Agantas's opinions (which was something Agantas didn't like), which is why Agantas formed a negative opinion conserning him. Basically, every time when Agatas was reprimanded by Destripador, Agantas thought that Destripador was speaking without adequate knowledge of the situation.

Anyway, a nice character. Good luck with your next!
34870, RE: Destripador..
Posted by Destripador on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Look at it this way, when you join ragers after a while you know certain items are a no no, it aint written specifically anywhere in the village that those items are BAAAAD items, but everyone knows and its a consensus.

I have had about erm...., seven or eight tribunals, counting some arbiters in there. That is just the way it has been for quite a while.

And about the off-duty investigation, that is something I was told IC by Marmaanth and I tried to enforce it as best I could. It was something new and I wanted for everyone to abbide by it.
Again, it aint written anywhere in the spire,but thats how it is. And of course there isnt a black and white case even less that of the nightgaunts so I had to "judge" as best I could.

Good luck to you too
34866, Any "slaughterings" I saw you guys do
Posted by Iborenn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Where situtations like the one where you got me
3 vs 1
Not because you had some cunning trap or great plan
But because I was a freakin idiot and though I could handle three hasted warrior classes.
Otherwise yes, I did see tribunal avoiding fights with us alot more than us avoiding fights you.

Sure you slaughtered lowbies, but as a lowbie rager I got slaughtered by people out of range with guards to.
Good bye.
34883, I'll vouch for this.
Posted by Alathin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tribunal was getting raped during the war. Tribunal hero-range people lost more con to Ragers and Rager pairs than their gangs and raids took from Village.

Destripador, the entire bulk of the war happened when your playtimes cycled away from nighttime EST U.S. to midday, Which would explain why you would think you were winning. Most lowbies are going to die to guards a fair amount of times and some Ragers made some really dumb moves. But when Village even had a pair of hero-level dudes that got it into their heads to roll into Galadon, they were a force to be reckoned with.

Klendalstak confirmed the above by stating that most of the time Tribunal had the head (during a discussion in which I implored him not to throw his and the Spire's lives away by attacking and consistently losing to veteran warriors) but I myself wasn't around enough to witness it. It didn't matter anyway. He himself almost con-died to that war instead of much later on to his own mistake.

I specifically remember one time when just Jurt and I entered Galadon with Lora, Klendalstak, Melacarfina a mage and a lowbie healer Tribunal allied around. Bloody shackles was annoying but hardly stopping us. We eventually killed most of the Tribunal in our way and took the scales. Melacarfina escaped alive and I think the mage did too.

Vershelt and I also screwed with Tribunal alot on many occasions.

I almost wish Tribunal and Village would remain at war constantly. The skill level of players that consistently play in Village would clean out quite a few of the less-than-intelligent hero-level players that regularly get inducted into Tribunal and use Wanted flags as their personal brand of revenge. Wanted flags are not that threatening to most Villagers.

Also, it's just fun to screw with a cabal that relies so heavily on manacles and special guards that they are slow to adapt when a class can actually tank and pack an offensive wallop, and on top of it doesn't need to use word or teleport, without needing to redirect targetting. Heheh...
34891, A side note
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I took the head with Klendalstak two or three times as Agantas. This happened before the US prime time hours and there were no ragers about to defend the Village that time. I also tried to solo the Destructor once, but the mob was too tough for Agantas when there was 40ish defender (Karashin) around healing it.

34867, heh
Posted by Malzh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Malzhaalohn: I didnt like you one bit, you would usually be too chicken to do anything witout a full army,and if you failed to assembly one you would log out or some such.

Well, You can see what Malzh thought of Dest on the PBF in my last few role entries.

As for defending what you thought of me.

About the chicken part.

1) Malzh was convinced he would become immortal(lich). Both Malzh, and me, are convinced no lich/mummy has ever really *understood* what true immortality meant. Why take chances with my form that can be destroyed...if all I have to do is wait for a few thousand years...and all of my foes...and all of the descendants of my foes...will die on their own...then I can get back to what I was doing.

2) Early on in life, I died a few deaths that were directly related to charging into the fight un-prepared. Almost all of those deaths would have been victories if I had an army with me. Malzh prided himself on being able to not only learn from the mistakes of others...but on his own mistakes... But when you said "Wouldn't do anything" without an army. What you mean is "Wouldn't charge the outlander cabal to retrieve not knowing if I will get one rounded by an ambush" without an army. I propose that such a view is the rational view for a necromancer of Malzh's particular bent.

About the logging out part. That was unfortunate.

It takes about 10-20 minutes between attempts. Let's say 15. After I perfected animate, I attempted 329 animates....and succeeded at 149.

that is an over-all success rate of 45%. The success rate on elite storms...and storm lieuts...was much lower. That success rate was 32%

After getting the vision of the lichmaker, I never would start making an army, without the full intention of making a full one...and heading to that place to pray.

Just so you know, that is one *ROUGH* area to go through when you only know about a shield prep. Shield + wraith + armor of bone...I *NEEDED* a full army, and alot of healing preps, to survive the hour+ it would take to stumble through that maze.


For every 1 I succeeded at, there were on average 2 I failed at. So to get a full army of 4, I had to do aprox 12 attempts. at averaging 15 minutes an attempt (not counting kill time) that's 180 minutes. Three hours.

Count another hour or so to go pray...and I had to have a full 4 hour login....minimum...to be able to pray for a lich quest. And that's *IF* I wasn't busy with tribunal stuff or outlander raids and such.

Now, considering the fact that it is once in a blue moon that I can force enough time in my schedule to have a 4 hour login....add to that a MOST inconsistent link that would drop me often....add to that there are time when I was called away 2 hours into making an army...

Please...please...trust me. Making an army was the Least fun part of playing a necro. You must believe that I never planned to log on, spend all my time making an army, just to log off.

Also. ooc I believe, and ic Malzh believed, that any tribunal that starts a war with the Village isn't doing it for the good of the Spire, infact, they are doing it in direct opposition to the good of the spire.

(this does not include times when the village grows strong and, as it always does when it is strong, declares war on the law first)

anyway, You can read why I sent that note through the bard to all and stopped the war in my role.
34868, Here you go.
Posted by Malzh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

So you don't have to wade through my long role to find it. It's role addy 1 (never liked how they were numbered in reverse order)

here is the link.

34869, As a side note.
Posted by Malzh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I read. Alot.

As such, I have a really hard time dealing with the thrors and the celebrimbors and luciifers and such. Their names break the rules. And I hate how some people get away with breaking the rules...because seeing those names brings *ME* out of the rp mode....it destroys my limited "suspension of disbelief" that I get into when I am roleplaying.

I understand that the imm-staff lets these things through because they think that it's ok to break the rules as long as not many people will notice or "get" the refference. I realize that compared to the immstaff I am extremely anal about this. And that's fine... they are entitled to run the mud how they want.

But from the beginning, I had a hard time rp'ing around you, because you thought it ok to break the rules when you rolled your character...because not many people would get that you broke the rules.

I just don't, personally and oocly, happen to appreciate that mindset.
34871, RE: As a side note.
Posted by Destripador on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alrighty,lets see...

First about the name: Have you noticed that the most anyone in the forums knows about spanish are the words I mentioned before?, now taking that into account I choose a cool word with a slang mind you to make it obscure enough. Why you ask?, because a name gives life to a char, and a cool name makes a cool char. I truly didnt mean to break anyones roleplay or some such because I didnt expect anyone to know the word.

Sure a walk on the translator can give a meaning, but who is anal enough to put every name in a translator?. Apparently several people.

And about the war with the ragers:
What I was trying to do is not let the spire appear like weaklings and lapdogs. Like I said to Iborenn I truly did see a bunch of ragers die left and right, glaurthan, yintrik, and a bunch of others including the bard rager lathian or some such. And then someone who couldnt handle the war with the ragers was making everyone look like pathetic weaklings. So seeing as there was an intention of peace from the ragers I tried to discuss a peace and not simply kneeling and obeying what Iboreen said like apparently you tried to do.

And about why I hated that note IC was for the reasons I sent on a note to the Spire. Letting spire business on the public and breaking of protocol which I mentioned on my goodbye note is very important.

Now you ask, why try to act like provost if you respect protocol so much?
Because nobody was doing anything and we were getting treated like noones by the ragers. I never wanted to be Provost, I dont like all the duties that it brings I had enough as it is as Justiciar tou some were lots of fun.

34872, Thanks
Posted by Destripador on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks to the one that paid for the premium post, ermm, who was it?

And thats strange, I always tought I was never given my lastname because of the name, there was no immortal comment about it?
34873, Last Names...
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Every IMM has their own standard for when and how they give last
names. Mine is both perhaps the most liberal and harshest at the
same time. You will notice many more last names in Empire as a
consequence of this... but here's my take.

If you are about level 35, and in a cabal.. I can't think of a
reason why you haven't earned the right to your last name.

my only caveat to this is: I really really really hate when
people take two words and cram them together to make a last
name. "Windfoot" (or worse) "WindFoot" "Tallbear" "Beardroppings"
whatever. I know other Imm's don't have any issues like this
and have no problem giving out these kinds of lasts names.

Also, Imms tend to let the cabal imms give out lastnames for people
in their own cabals. So you won't see me handing out Trib or Fort
last names. Maybe this is just my own rule again, I don't know.

Ok, just a little insight into last names. Hope that helps some.

34876, Am I reading this right?
Posted by Alarian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The village in general: I cant believe how wounded
>sentimentally you all got when I robbed any of you blind.
>Taking the scales and such when we were in peace only because
>I robbed one of you.

>To everyone else: Dont get your panties in a bunch if you get
>robbed really, grehmunitor comes to mind, I robbed him once
>and he dedicated the rest of his life to slay tribunals and
>take the scales and he was an orderly gnome. I can name also
>ermm,well maibe I cant, the previous leader of the hamsah
>guild, after I backstabbed him like a good duergar and he
>dedicated his life getting completely suicidal trying to get
>me back.

In all seriousness, are you wondering why people came after you when you stole stuff from them? People don't like being robbed. That's why the phrase "beat you like you stole something" came about.

I'd be more amazed if I stole from people and they *didn't* come after me.

There are consequences to being evil and a thief. I mean, you can't steal from and backstab people and expect them to smile about it. :P