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Topic subject(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Karrel Muouk the Hunter of the Father, Avatar of Anger
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33939, (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Karrel Muouk the Hunter of the Father, Avatar of Anger
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Jan 9 16:36:32 2005

At 4 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 5th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Karrel perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
33951, Well, I finally got tired of playing him.
Posted by Karrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Typically with most chars I get tired of playing them for some reason. With Karrel, I was just kinda tired of equipping, of everyone ganging and hardly anyone wanting to fight alone. Now, that doesn't mean everyone, but it does mean most people. The few who would fight alone I really didn't have a need to fight them, aside from Khard and Dralkoz. My con was almost to six, I think about one death from it. So I decided after the last Scion group got me, I was tired of equipping and transmuting everything. So, I deleted. The only person that deserves an apology for that is Grurk, I think I lived up to everything else quite honestly.

My thoughts on the class:
I loved playing a druid. They are very tough, and very fun, and the best part is, they are great for playing alone as an angry person who doesn't want a lot of friends. :) The wilds and those from them were great friends to Karrel in his opinion. Couple of complaints. The different between five offensive herbs, and three is so minimal that I never even bothered after that. The amount of energy condor and bear form take is too high a price. I would typically only use condor if i needed to find prey that eluded me. Or, If It was about time to get herbs again. I changed into the bear once. Overall it was a great standalone class.

The goodbyes:

Grurk: Number one for sure, you made the experience awesome from the beginning to the end. I wish you had been around to kill me off or something the last time, to have the lava overtake me or something, but alas, you were not in the realms it seemed. Thanks for giving me the chance, thanks for the last name, thanks for making me your Avatar. I hope I did what you wanted, and I tried my best. It's a toss up between you and Intronan in my cool Lords to follow book.

IMMS: Never saw ya, never heard anything from you, I think thats crappy, but oh well, thats how it goes right now I guess. The extra stuff that you know what I'm talking about is cool. I rarely went out looking for them, but I did find quite a few. Thanks for that extra effort there. Or whowever did it.

Tjok: Probably the only person Karrel would call his "friend." We did a lot together and you weren't afraid to fight, which is more than I can say for a lot of people. If you know anything of all of my characters its that they love to fight, and fight hard. THose that do the same, become my favorite people to walk with. Thanks.

Thays: My second favorite Outlander because you were there all the time when I was. You got beat up a lot, but you kept trying, thats what counts.

Yisoras: Liked you, wish you had stuck around more. Yeah, that thing with Granaak and Restraal was ic only, didn't dislike you ooc at all. You were one of the couple of pepole karrel thought about giving a thornheart to after they showed the lack of respect for his anger.

Aesrira: Didn't see you as much as I wanted, you seemed to know what you were doing tho, and thats good. Hope things go well for you.

Jhuzyi: You were great, I loved you finding prey for me. Someday, as things progress I think you will get even better at this. I think you are doing a great job tho.

Norki: Loved ya, told you in your goodbye, thanks for what you've said about Karrel

Cathoria: You were a beast, always saying you ahd killed so and so, love that. Great job, wish you had stuck around tho, oh well.

Drahke: YOu better grow up and kick some serious butt, well, I think maybe you are gorwn all the way now, but still, you heard me!

Dralkoz: We had some fun fights, always close on one side or the other. You killed me a couple, I got you a couple. People always wanted to interfere tho, and it got really frustrating. Sorry for any of those times you think I used friends.

There were many mroe ragers Karrel interacted with, but none were really friends. Some in particular he found fun to hang around were Iborenn and Glaurathan.

Klendalstak: My nemesis really, the only one who could truly honestly make me run crazy...aside from those stinking fiends from Mela. I liked our fights, I was always bummed when you would bring friends because I knew you were stronger than that. THe time I did get you tho in the briars with the bad fleeing was just perfect. Great times, honestly, I respected you a lot as a foe. Now, as a Vindicator, I think you did a poor job, no offense, but you never tried hunting me down unless you had a crew. Once you had those guards coming out of the city with you, Ifigured we would be fighting a lot more, it was the opposite.

Melacarfina: FUn fights, I hated your fiends. had to make sure I had certain things if I was goign to be fighting you and anybody else.

Malz: Well, "my friend" Karrel hated you calling him your friend because he hated you with a passion. That death to the ghoul was frustrating, just because, that was the only reason.

Flix: You were fun, you didn't give up, yo ukept trying even with spores and such going on. I liked our interactions, keep it up.

Destripador: Never saw you when I was awake after the few times I beat on you, you did a good job stealing my stuff though.

Salsipuedes: Great tribunal for the most part. YOu at least came out and tried.

Zachaury: I put you here because this is when we fought, after you were booted I didn't see you out of your guild much, otherwise I probably woulda put some spores in your head. However, I usually had bigger fish to fry.

Ceik: I can't sugar coat this. I think your a coward and I think the empire has suffered because of you. It seems like its making a comeback now, but who knows, we will see I guess. You ran well, I never did get a skin made of you corpse, and that does make me sad.

Everyone else deleted before we could fight much, so no really major stuff here.

Restraal: The healer who always tried to talk to me. Well, Karrel hated you after that time you hunted down that imperial in our woods when I was after them. Also because he knew you were holding things he wanted. Karrel hated scions more after one of your stinking little nightwalkers stole my sack with the one moonstone sphere I had. Argh, that ticked me off.

Vanzokh: Probably my best enemy in Scion, we had some good fights.

Hylondin: Our fights would last forever, because elements didn't hurt me much and my stuff didn't hurt you much. Spores would wear you down bad in the long run tho, so that was always my target.

Granaak: Said it on dios. You are a strong fighter who relies on companions too much. I will go with the rest of the crowd in saying that there is way too much of this on CF nowadays. Not enough people who want to stand alone. Oh well, you were a beast, we had a few good ones.

Akscereh: I wanted you to start a war with us so bad. I can't beleive how much I put up with you guys when I was younger, or how much others put up with you guys still. The powers you guys have are a direct abomination to Thar-Eris, but, that being said, a war against you would tax the outlanders heavily. Three front wars are hard.

I know I'm forgetting some and I'm sorry. If you want to say something I will do my best to respond to whatever you wish to say.

Aaron aka Karrel aka Minyar
33952, hey
Posted by wungar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have played a couple of druids so I know how frustrating the class can be, bearing that in mind you did a good job. Sorry we did not get more solo fights but really the chances of either of us sealing a kill were slim to none except when you had like 6 ranks on me and killed me with sunray. I am sorry I had to call in others to fight you but really I was just trying to give you a reason not to try and fight me. Luck with your next.
33959, Sorry I didn't mention you.
Posted by Karrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
we had some good fights. I especially liked a couple of them. You were a strong opponent, and thts great. As for the time I got you, its probably more because of the hunt than the sunray! :) Oh well, live and learn.

33953, Well, sorry for trying to talk.
Posted by Restraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Waste of time I suppose.
33958, I think you read me wrong
Posted by Karrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
IC, Karrel didn't like Restraal. You lied to him at one point, and thats never good, then the whole ganging thing along with stealing the sphere.

OOC, I thought you did a great job and played your healer well. You rock with it, I honestly feel that. People don't get advisor in scion and a cool title unless they are good at what they do. Great job.
33974, RE: I think you read me wrong
Posted by Restraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I had more vituperations on the 'ganking' subject, as I notice that pretty much everyone who throws that word around engages in that activity themselves. Let's just say I thought Karrel was a strong, interesting character with a few faults.
33964, Wow... too bad you got bored
Posted by Melacarfina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew your character from others of mine... but I wisened up a little when I made mela. When I saw you comming to attack the first time I thought I was going to pee my pants. Druids are sooo hard to fight. Those damnable pets! There are so many people that call me a coward for fighting two rounds in the city and retreating to heal... but not using songs really hinders. You seemed like such a skilled player, I have no idea why you would let me luer you into the courtyard! Fiend fiend fiend, I'm a fiend monster. That one time you killed me while I was link dead in MS was crap. I had to reboot my comp and everything, and get back and wake up at the pit. I was so ticked. And you're right that goul was a little cheap, but we use the skills that are given to us. I always thought it was funny when you'd call me weak. I think I'm really sad about you deleting because there won't be any outlanders left! What fun is that if I have no one to chase around and get chased by. Good luck with your next.
33996, It didn't matter where
Posted by Karrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Karrel was always up for a fight, to be true to his character I had to fight you where you were, even if I knew you would fiend. I'm sorry you were link dead, the truth is, you died so fast it didn't seem like you didn't respond. You were on the "where pk" though, so you didn't get dropped very well. Thanks for the fun times.

33966, I think its amusing.
Posted by Granaak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very few people make it onto the kill anyway possible list with me, you were one of them..and I'll tell you why.

When it was basically just you and I logged on and we killed (while not grouped, but still working together) tons of the Spire and Empire we were fine. However, after the war you became a taunting machine. IC I thought that was really low considering our history.

Before the war:
Karrel was great, spoke his mind about nightwalkers and outlander goals etc. Was willing to work together somewhat to handle immediate threats to Outlander while keeping Scions in the back of his mind as enemies I am sure. Excellent roleplaying.

After the war:
Karrel tells you 'I see you are with others
Karrel tells you 'You are weak without others
Karrel tells you 'Come face me alone.
Karrel tells you 'You are weak.

I ignored you everytime, why? Because as you said to Zachaury: "However, I usually had bigger fish to fry."
33997, Sometimes the taunting works though.
Posted by Karrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and people come out to fight!

33967, RE: Well, I finally got tired of playing him.
Posted by Glaurthran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great angry druid. It warmed Glaurth's heart to hear something to the effect of 'want to go hunt them lawkeeps?' Strong fighter, strong personality, and good rp. I enjoyed intereacting with you, tho Glaurth was definatly jealous of the freedom you could have to a certain extent. Well done, good luck with the next.
33998, That one time in the chasm
Posted by Karrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Where you and I took on a couple of them, it didn't turn out well for you and I cant remember why. I was like, get out, next thing I know, yoru still there fighting away. Memorable and great Rager work, but then you died and I was like, well, I guess he shoulda listened!

thanks man,
33972, RE: Well, I finally got tired of playing him.
Posted by Aesrira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I feel the same way. I would have loved to travel with you some more too. But you were already a hero before I was even inducted and seemed to prefer to travel alone more often than not. Ah! The life of a angry loner! I was consistantly impressed with your skill though, you seemed a true beast to me. Truely a well done character.

Good luck in your next. Hope to see you again in the fields.


33999, Thank you so much, angry loner is a great way to put it. nt
Posted by Karrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
33975, Karrel
Posted by Tjok. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the kind words. But honestly, compared to Karrel, Tjok was "afraid" to fight. Karrel was a strong, powerful character and personality -- you, along with Cathoria, made it really easy to do certain things (like the "war" with Scion) that had to be done. Ironically, I think that if the war hadn't ended, neither of you would have deleted - you seem like the kind of players that look for something challening like a three-front war. I also thought it was great how you let me have it when I interviewed you, way back, before induction -- it was literally the reaction I was hoping for.

Anyway, not sure how much longer before Tjok's gone, but I'll probably have more to say then when I can speak fully.
34000, Thanks
Posted by Karrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If the war had kept going, your probably right, I would have not been getting so bored. Because, I could fight scions, but I could rarely get them to fight on any terms that were feasible for me. Now, if we had the scepter, I might have been able to handle them a bit more. Those groups are tough though. Anyway, I've been wanting to try something new, and the time just seemed right. Outlander isn't weak and so I figured I was leaving at an ok time.

33977, You were a good loner
Posted by Drahke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't have that many interactions. We grouped once when Drahke was level 29 and talked about outlanders. I think you did a good job then. Then I helped a few times with retrieval before I was inducted. After induction I think we saw each other two times. Anyway, from what little I saw I think you did the lone, angry druid well enough. I did find you overly aggresive, but it fitted your role. As for your foes not wanting to fight alone, well, for a lot of classes a druid is pretty tough so it makes sense to gang you. But I can relate to your frustration easily. I prefer one on one myself. Mostly because then I have a chance to see what is going on.

Drahke became level 51 last week. It took time, but it was not for lack of trying. As for the butt kicking. Its definitely on my to-do-list, but somehow I have just never gotten around to it yet.

Have fun with your next.
34001, Some classes definately have it harder
Posted by Karrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some worked ahrd at making it more even, Dralkoz coming to mind as the best. Warriors can keep druids guessing pretty well, but they hardly ever try it, or have practiced the skill enough to be good at it. Anyway, keep truckin!
33978, Laughing out Loud
Posted by Ceie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't worry, I don't take comments about cowardice seriously from someone who was always with others. We did fight alone, always in the wilderness, and a couple of times you did make me flee, otherwise I killed you or made you flee. I honestly would sit there laughing out loud when you would get a group of outlanders together, set a blatant trap on Imperial Road, which you did often enough, and sit there trying to goad me into walking into it so you all could gang me down.
The number one reason Empire took a hit is the same every cabal does at times, people decided it was a good time to delete their Imperials and play their other characters, and hey, thats just the way its always been in CF and it always will be.
34002, I guarantee you two things.
Posted by Karrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. If you walked into those traps on Imperial road, it was just me and you, and that would have been enough.

2. If anyone else had helped Grurk would have been all over me.

Also, like i said, everyone in outlander knew my philosophy and they lived with it. I screwed up only once that i know of, and that was with the old Imperial High Priest. There were times when others would jump in my fight, and I would flee. Ask Restraal and Granaak about the Galadon fight where Yisoras jumped in and I promptly fled. Yes, you did fight me a few times, the first times when I was younger and you killed me once, I think at centurions. I think you did make me run later again too. After that, I challenged you to come, and to your credit you did. But you ran and you ran fast and that was the last time aside from you trying to set another centurion trap that we fought, and that time you ran as well. So, my memory serves me well, does that not sound right to you? Quite honestly, you defend in a fight I never thoguht you would, then didn't defend in many where you could easily have done so. I'm not saying that i think you are a horrible person, or that your character is bad. I'm just saying, Karrel didn't like you, for more than the obvious reasons.
34102, well...
Posted by Ceie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you had those traps set it was not just you sitting at them. At times there would be a total of four of you Outlanders out there, and that is not something I'll just foolishly walk into. The centurion fight after you raided, that was two of you against me, you had a warrior with you not counting the pets, and I was really looking to hassle, perhaps drop one if I could. As to the ran and ran fast when I came, I beat your beast call back into the wilds and killed one of your pets before I had to withdraw as I was hurt from the battles, of course I fell back rather than standing and dying, its just common sense. As to not accepting aid from other outlanders in fights, that would make you the only one and you never mentioned anything to make me think such would be the situation. And its not going to help me think oh look he just wants to fight me one on one when he is sitting at a briarpatch with three other camoued Outlanders...*Wry*
Anyways laters, sure I'll see you in the fields here or there
33980, Bah, left me out of it...
Posted by Jaeiin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anyhow, great angry priest stuff. Grurks followers are all easy to spot and you definetly fit the bill perfectly. At times I almost thought your attacks suicidal but I guess you came out ontop just fine, the Tribunals certainly feared you after some of the houndings you'd give them.

He he, sorry if I annoyed you with my Rp but Jaeiin is one of those 'calm down and sort it slowly' at times. It varies, depending on his mood, but sometimes I was just so tempted to pin you down and figure out how to stop you being angry. Fruitless, I'm sure, as your Rp proved solidly throughout your career, but I thought it'd be fun to try for an impossible challenge anyhow. I loved the way you'd toss yourself in head first and so on, it was a thrill to ride on in behind. I do a fair bit of the city jumping myself but without some hefty druid power to back me up, I hardly come off as impressive :P

I agree on the roleplaying out our hatred of the Scions stuff. I can also see why the Ancients wouldn't want Tjok to go for outright war. Its annoying to have such a smarmy cabal trying desperately to placate us but I guess part of being a Scion is using the politics we hate against us. Its a shame I won't be around a bit more this month, as I want to know how things will start panning out now outlander is a bit weaker.

He he, guess you learned that wearing a container is the safest way. I just had to giggle when I'd managed to run about, near suiciding, and still held that stone to have you lose it in a short space of time. I think I'd been holding it for a bit more than a week too, not bad for a no-dying streak by my standards. Can't wait to see what logs you post. Hope you get rolling soon, see you in the fields.

Jaeiin Ismaere

PS - Calm down with the hating, its just a game. People act as characters would, no one asks for only one-on-one duels, or even that someone fights. Its just the way things go.
34003, My thoughts
Posted by Karrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The PS comment first. I guy can dream can't he?

The rest, well where to begin. I'm sorry I left you out, don't worry though, plenty of outlanders left me out of theirs! I thought Jaeiin was a solid follower of Shazirah and that you were doing a great job with it. I thought your RP is and was excellent, but your right in that it doesn't jibe with Karrel much. When he would say lets hit the spire, he meant now, not when your frilly dancing butt could get there! :)

We had a few good times together, I tried to stay away from constant groups as much as I could, but sometimes when the odds were bad it was great to have some nifty songs affecting me.

thanks a lot,
34014, Frilly dancing butt...
Posted by Jaeiin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like it :D

33987, NOOOOO!
Posted by Klendalstak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really thought you would outlive me. As you said, we really were nemeses(spelling?) I think I have fought you more than anyone. And it was always fun, regardless of the outcome. I was an asshole to you ic, but that's how klendalstak is. ooc though I thought you had a real fun char, who was very brave. Good luck with your next.
34004, I think you do very well, never doubt that nt
Posted by Karrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
34008, RE: Well, I finally got tired of playing him.
Posted by Dralkoz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, we were pretty evenly matched in our fights. Think we both killed eachother a pretty equal amount, and it was always a fun fight. You were pretty much the only Outlander I respected, for obvious reasons. Very well played, good luck with your next.
34021, Thanks man, and Ditto on the fights and respect. nt
Posted by Karrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
34089, RE: Well, I finally got tired of playing him.
Posted by Grurk Muouk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
PBF pretty much says it all.

You were very cool to watch, especially the fights you would
get into. It's not easy to be successful as a priest of mine,
with all the relevant restrictions. You did quite well.

G'luck with the next.

34099, Thanks a lot, truly a great experience nt
Posted by Karrel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
33945, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Karrel Muouk the Hunter of the Father, Avatar of Anger
Posted by Norkie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well done on Karrel. He was great and a very angry and independent spirit. I know the Scions hated you like anything and Norkie always got complaints about Karrel from his enemies. Well done.