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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Lucrucien the Preacher of Truth, Initiate of the Scarab
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=33721
33721, (DELETED) [None] Lucrucien the Preacher of Truth, Initiate of the Scarab
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Dec 31 03:40:39 2004

At 6 o'clock AM, Day of the Bull, 22nd of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Lucrucien perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
33764, A question if you don't mind
Posted by Kahlruk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now why did you have to make it so clear who was playing this character (not the first time mind you)? So many people knew who you were when they first saw your name/class/race on 'who' even before you were an initiate of the scarab.

This bothered me a bit when I was playing my first shaman and was reluctant to fight you at first just because I was somewhat intimidated by who you were (ooc affecting ic blah blah...). My experience of a shaman vs shaman fighting at that point was limited to 2 or so fights against not so talented players. Had I not known who you were I might have let you pimp me like the ho I am. Of course I later learned that shaman vs shaman is not a very exciting fight. Thank you for the lessons though. I appreciated it.

I like your style, which I might have mentioned ic (icly of course
33793, Like I have said many times before...
Posted by Lucrucien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I play strictly for myself, no one else. I am not here to satisfy other people's wishes.

>Now why did you have to make it so clear who was playing this
>character (not the first time mind you)? So many people knew
>who you were when they first saw your name/class/race on 'who'
>even before you were an initiate of the scarab.

I never made it clear. I never posted a single thing on any forum for months. If So many people want to discuss who plays who on AIM or ICQ, that is there perrogative. It doesn't bother me any.

>This bothered me a bit when I was playing my first shaman and
>was reluctant to fight you at first just because I was
>somewhat intimidated by who you were (ooc affecting ic blah

True, a lot of people avoided me whether they knew me or not. Nothing really new actually. This didn't bother me. Well... in one respect it did. It was my objective to distend at every rank with this character. I personally just wanted to know if I could still distend at every rank. And I did several times pre-empowerment, in my 20's, in my 30's and in my 40's. I didn't level sit to power game (I would have joined a cabal or ganked if I wanted that), I just did whatever came naturally. Killing comes naturally so this is what I did and the distention came along with it. But I must admit that it took me quite a while to distend at level 40 because I did find it hard to find single willing opponents at this level so that was the only thing that bothered me a bit, but only marginally. When I did distend at 40, I didn't power rank. I stuck there for over a month with the distention because it is really not a problem to deal with once at level 40 (Hero air/offense shifters being the only annoying thing at point).

My experience of a shaman vs shaman fighting at that
>point was limited to 2 or so fights against not so talented
>players. Had I not known who you were I might have let you
>pimp me like the ho I am.

It is your choice if you want to let OOC affect IC. I don't.

Of course I later learned that
>shaman vs shaman is not a very exciting fight. Thank you for
>the lessons though. I appreciated it.

No problem. Though there are a lot of tactics involved in shaman vs. shaman fights. It is probably one of the most tactical fights someone will have (to actually seal the kill) because it is not just lag, lag, lag. How do you think I was frequently able to send Jhishesh fleeing even though he had black sanc, reduced supplication costs and an earth elemental while I had nothing?

We had quite a few fights and I liked fighting you infinately more than any other shaman. Thanks for the go rounds as well.
>I like your style, which I might have mentioned ic (icly of

And I liked yours. Good Luck.
33798, That's funny...
Posted by Jhishesh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...because I recall you fleeing most of the time.

You weren't bad, sure, but for the most part you wouldn't fight unless you'd already taken time to get ready, etc., and even then you'd flee most of the time.

Which makes sense because, as you noted, I had some advantages. But then again you are a prepwhore (not a criticism) and I rarely use preps, so in the end I imagine it was about similar.

I do have to echo the original poster though and say that it was obvious who you were from day one. Which is why I looked for you every time you were on to fight.
33805, I yield to your infalible logic.
Posted by Lucrucien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Total PK Wins 69
Total PK Assists 82
Average Group Size Per Kill 2.12

Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Hides Behind Allies

Average Group Size Per Death 1.39

Death's Ganked-O-Meter says: Murdered By The Self-Reliant
33807, RE: I yield to your infalible logic.
Posted by Vimal2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Whatever you are implying, didn't come out right.

1) His PK statistics have little to do with the encounters between you two.

2) If it is gank-related; you did your fair share.

3) On a personal note, he didn't level sit like your character will forever be renowned for doing. Play for your own enjoyment, I can go for that. Don't worry about anybody who thinks you suck. But don't turn around and start taking shots at legitimate characters.
33811, Shrug
Posted by Lucrucien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Whatever you are implying, didn't come out right.

It came out right, you just took it wrong.

>1) His PK statistics have little to do with the encounters
>between you two.

Like his character, his rendition is flawed, but I'm not getting sucked into that pissing contest.

>2) If it is gank-related; you did your fair share.

There is an easy way to find out. I know how I kill. Maybe you should find out.

>3) On a personal note, he didn't level sit like your character
>will forever be renowned for doing.

Makes the game more challenging to play while distended.

Play for your own
>enjoyment, I can go for that. Don't worry about anybody who
>thinks you suck. But don't turn around and start taking shots
>at legitimate characters.

I simply stated a fact. I made him flee frequently even though I was disadvantaged which is true. Then he took a shot at me saying I need to be prepared in order to fight?? LOL, that's the funniest one I've heard yet though. What does he expect? I'm going to fight him, Shanta and Lothorectred without flight or sanc? I'm a prep whore? What the hell can a shaman prep with? Flight? I still don't know any preps beyond the ones I'd found out years ago and most of those were long gone. I don't need to be bothered with them. I continually find it funny that someone will come up with the most ludicrous faults about someone else's play. "I needed to be prepared." LOL

To each their own I guess.
33822, Er...I'm just a passerby here, but I couldn't help but notice...
Posted by Mek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like his character, his rendition is flawed, but I'm not getting sucked into that pissing contest.

I think you started this particular pissing contest by even mentioning Jhishesh. What was the point of doing that if not to be an ass? Sure, you could say you were using him as an example in your explanation up above, but there was no reason to.

And then...

I simply stated a fact. I made him flee frequently even though I was disadvantaged which is true. Then he took a shot at me saying I need to be prepared in order to fight?? LOL, that's the funniest one I've heard yet though. What does he expect? I'm going to fight him, Shanta and Lothorectred without flight or sanc? I'm a prep whore? What the hell can a shaman prep with? Flight? I still don't know any preps beyond the ones I'd found out years ago and most of those were long gone. I don't need to be bothered with them. I continually find it funny that someone will come up with the most ludicrous faults about someone else's play. "I needed to be prepared." LOL

Now you have a whole paragraph's worth of ranting crap directed at a guy who you brought into the situation in the first place. What's with the ####ing chip on your shoulder? I guess it really is the same old thing with you since Drucyrus. Ah well man...eat less red meat or something. This isn't a football game.
33829, Shrug universally means I don't know...
Posted by Vimal1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And universally you would be right. You don't know.

Distention, that's a funny topic. I certainly don't remember you in my range as a giant warrior(which was 2 months ago). Now, we have two reasons for that.

A) You never distended that high. Which, thank goodness, because you'd have to fight giant warriors and pallies.

B) You did distend, and I just missed it. Which in that case, you absolutely must have sat it out and decided to "watch for an opportunity". Which translates into picking on the lower end of your distention.

You may claim you aren't attempting a pissing contest, but you most certainly are. You use Jhishesh's name, then bring out his PK statistics(which have little to nothing to do with the encounters between you two).

Before you post, know that I'm just trying to keep you here on Earth. B/C it seems to me, that you are floating away.
33823, I don't know the history here.
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I will point out that Drucyrus is about the last person who merits being called a 'prep whore.'
33752, My only hope is...
Posted by Felar Revenant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...that Lucrucien doesn't get placed right next to Arthakar within the Temple Ossuary.
33748, Dammit you owe me 10 gold!
Posted by Restraal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's what I get for trusting a duergar I suppose.
33724, You lasted a LONG time ~
Posted by MayDay on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
33768, Not hard to do
Posted by Xenoroyal... on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you level sit at your characters optimal range for months.
33722, I remember fighting you just after 11th.
Posted by Some paladin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed the skirmishes we had. Luck with the next/current.