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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Izuvererus the Protector of Faith, Anathema to the Empire
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=20848
20848, (DELETED) [None] Izuvererus the Protector of Faith, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Aug 28 12:47:16 2003

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 14th of the Month of the Great Evil
on the Theran calendar Izuvererus perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:76% (closer to 100% is better)

20911, RE: (DELETED) [None] Izuvererus the Protector of Faith,...
Posted by Socherion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our rps were similar in a way, no questions asked, only statements made and such.

However, you made two big mistakes.

You made a big thing of order and all and you accused me of being a criminal, while you are grouped, and are providing sanc to Khalizad, who is wanted at that time, and that too, for cone of colding a few camels?

I clearly remember what you said, you said things to the effect of you are going to pay for this invoker.

And that is after I helped rank you up at warders.

After that I saw you at hero ranks, and deliberately approached you to see what your reaction would be. You were not too averse to accepting my shields then.

Funny thing being I grouped with you and Khalizad, and provided you all with shields.

Apart from this you did a pretty good job.

P.S. Also, acussing me of assaulting Khalizad wasn't too bright on the part of the empire when it was he, ugrag and vidros who came for me and jurrintaila. And what a log that makes.
20884, Asihara?(nt)
Posted by Someone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
20874, damn Izuvererus.. its khalizad btw
Posted by mememeee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh. Well.. as far as Khalizad, you saw alot of my char, but.. I didnt show you alot of things that had deep meaning with him, my 'other' emporer, the teaching of the axe, and yeah, I truly did want to teach you how to use an axe, and show a little kata' with them that I learned in rl with axes, you and chasillia both, with emotes. THAT, would have been neat, but its been a while since I saw you last.

As for the new emporer and the council, that was political, and truly the shadow lord had to have done it from that. I saw him maybe 2 times in my chars life, so I had no interraction with him heh. Since it already is over and Emporer decided, I will say it came down to a vote. I voted for the black leader, the one you hated the most, for emporer, if it would not be me. The divine, you know he would pick anyone but me, Were I amadalie I would definately choose anyone and anything to be Emporer but Khalizad :). Isengrim.. for some reason he got it in his head that I wanted him anathema for some reason, and had spoken to me about it, and that yanacek had spoken that he had overheard this. In truth Isengrim, I never said anything of the like, nor wished it. oh well, but, that is how Yanacek was made Emporer, his dealings through that. Well done there too Yanacek, I just hope you dont be the george bush of Empire.

As for my plans with you. I know you and Isengrim hated each other. In truth, I wanted that to be the same with all my council. In char of course, Khalizad wanted the glory to himself and to the blades, as long as all the sect leaders hated each other, I would look to all of Empire as the greatest thing alive. The sects would have strong leaders, and people who seem to be able to lead well enough that the past problems with sect leaders dont continue. No matter what, The Emporer Khalizad would not have been a figure head, but a definate moving piece in the puzzle of sects and sect leaders, and much much more. Ahh.

More of things on you, man. I spoke before I needed a healer with me, any would do. I am glad when I helped you lvl up when I bridged someone with us, that you turned out competant. You were quite, quite competant too. It did seem you died a bit too often, and also it seemed you were better than that, but you said your char enjoyed death, so you let him die often too. Eh.

I remember you praying once, Praise I give to you Khasotholas, for giving me such a strong warrior to yadda yadda yadda. I was drinking a pepsi the first time you said that, and man, I had soda all over myself I was laughing so hard. Me alone, I could give people a hard time. You alone, you could do the same. Myself and you together did things we should never have been able to do. I mean that one day, five maran. Five, maran. Against a healer and warrior. We should not have even had a chance in hell :)

Oh well, Khalizad's life would have been much, much boring without you when we were around together. Khalizad, wasnt a man of faith, in truth, it confused him alot. I remember going to Khasotholas' shrine twice. Sitting there, and doing this emote. 'Emote stares blankly at the wall'. That was me praying, with no prayer. You gave him a religious aspect, and a sense of faith.
Remember this? Great bes being Lord and God of Khasotholas!

and then me saying something to this affect, "So what bes being Khasotholas Lord do any and way?"

Anything that wasnt cold hard metal was not his nature. Thank you for interracting with him. You did make him fun, even during times where it was just sick to see the things some people were doing.
20880, Ahhahha ;)
Posted by Izuver on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, we sure had fun! Players like you and characters like Khalizad worth playing despite all that #### that is going on there. ;)

"Things bes safe enough for JXXXXXX to show up!" - that made me laugh, and I recalled this phrase (or close to this) quite often in the same situations. ;)
20869, RE: (DELETED) [None] Izuvererus the Protector of Faith, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Dreadlord on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well chief, where do we start. I think at some point we started off on a good note. But then your annoying rp got the better of me I think everytime I asked, told, said something to you the first response was "Is that an order or a request.." that #### got old fast. Then when khaso smacked you around for being a nincumpoop on the cabal channel. You took your annoying attitude too far, without me ever have said anything disrespectful to your char or having broken any law, you all of a sudden decided I was anathema to divine or maybe you. I think right around this point I began to dislike you, and when you started making a nuisance of yourself by not staying to defend or do you bitch healer bit during raids. I had about enough of you, I tolerated you cause you were of use to me. When you stopped being useful I stopped tolerating you, simple as that. Just cause you are an imperial healer doesnt mean you can walk over everyone in the cabal. Sometimes you will end up walking into walls and sometimes right over cliffs. In your case you managed to do both. Well done and good riddance, you are and were far too annoying for me to miss you. Even if you were a healer.

20851, I had fun, thanks... to some of you.
Posted by Izuver on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Healers are most funny class I ever played, I suppose. Even better then those nasty necromancers. Lich would be nice to play too, though, I bet. Not in this life, though.

I made this char... damnit, why would you care why? Anyways. My favorite nightclub got closed for a month or so, so I made it because of boredom, and I do not regret anything. Next week this looooovely club will be opened for the new applicants, so I do not regrt deleting.

This char were way too distractive. From the work, I mean. My efficienc decreased meanrly to zero. Sometimes I've been working and playing at the same time. Terrible.

Most bright moment in life of Izuvererus - it is interraction with Khalizad, no doubt. Thank you for that, sometimes I've been laughing so loud that my team were asking me what is there so funny.

Empire would be GREAT if Khalizad would take the throne. I would expect most fun than it EVER experienced with such leader. I only regret that some retards teamed up and ruined so good game, at least, for imperials. Now empire will be yet-another-standart-cabal-with-a-weak-n-moronic-cheating-ass ruling it. Well, I accause no one. It's just my opinion. Die, if you disagree. ;P

Izuvererus were a kinda maniac. He hated marans sincerely, more than anyone else, for a reason which Khalizad allready mentioned: mass logins and mass logons. I hated those players, Izuver hated characters. Double hatering made him quite dangerous. I hope.

Another thing that I hate - it's that Empire is not what is supposed to be. If Laws is not sacred, then rewrite codex. To enforce the Laws is an immwork. But they regret those morons (IC, of course) who break the laws. This made me loose about 80% of interest in this character. If imms do not wish to watch the laws, let players do so. But #### it, you didn't do even that. I tried, you know, and you didn't care much. For this I despise you, sorry. If you run a cabal, you shall care for it. And again, it is my sorry underdog's opinion, I know that I'm wrong everywhere and you are absolutely right in every situation. So I won't disput it.

Now, some farewells. Hopefully not too much.

I tried to be your good servant. I played, or tried to play, a zealot. A maniacally killer. I didn't care for my own life much, or I would not die in 90% of encounters in which I died. ;) Izuver embrassed Dath, since he was walking the way of Death. He never tohught of it as of something terrible; Death was a good friend of him, and he, and I, as a player, enjoyed every death, even my own.
At the end you said something concerning reward. Well... a bit late. I thought that I am not playing well enough to be rewarded/tittled, and that destroyed another 20% of my interest in this character. I thought until we spoke for the last time that I'm another unsuccesfull your priest. Ah well.
Anyhow. Every meet with you were inspiring and interesting, I enjoyed a lot. One advice, if mortal can do advices, you need, as I think, to be more harsh. You care way too much for your followers... I think I should be punished in some situations where I did mistakes. :
Good luck.

Very impressive. It's a shame that you are visible so rarely, you are very interesting to interract with. Shame on you that you didn't care for Khalizad. With little bit of your support he would become Emperor. I thought you care more for your sect.

I thought of making your follower. No thank you. You should leave your ego, or at least a little bit of it and admit that you can do mistakes too. That promotion were disgusting. That interraction were disgusting. Your decision were disgusting. If that was you!
If not, I sincerely apology and will make a follower of you right now. At least for 5-10 minutes, I swear! :)

Thank you, I enjoyed a lot. I didn't mean to insult you, but that happened somehow. Ooops. But I couldn't do anything, since it would be against my character's personality. Cool punishment, I enjoyed it a lot, though I think you need to make it more various. Seeing one thing three times in a row... well, that could annoy a little.

Hell, nice! Thanks. Another imm that Izuver "accidently" insulted. Though, in that situation he was absolutely right. I've been a little disappointed that you didn't pursue him and finish what you wished to do with your claws. Still have no idea what you wished to do, but suspect the worst - changing sex I wouldn't like A LOT.

=== Mortals ===

You made life of this character interesting, full and impressive. I enjoyed every moment of our interractions, no matter of what did we do - burning our own stuff or slaughtering 5-6 marans all together.
Many thanks to you, and it's a shame that our timing do not match as much as I would like to.
Hell, I would like to speak with you, and since I do not plan returning to CF at least until good bit of my work is done, I ask you to contact me: ddanilevski@hotmail.com
You would be the best Emperor, and I have no doubt it would be most funny era of the Empire.

You are weak, paranoidal wretch. I despised you IC, I despise you as a player. For such roleplaying I would throw you out of the Empire with a lightningspeed. Reasons for my demotion were laughable. Claiming that I shall not demand respect (nonsense) and then demanding it to youreself and to my foes (another nonsense) made you look like an absolutely idiot.
You do not care for the sect; you care only for youreself. Selling your own priest who supported you (yes, I did, Izuver followed the Codex, unlike you) to gain respect of two idiots, who were wise enough to use you and throw you away... pathetic.
Go back to scions, you are playing them well. I recognized your style and more than sure that I know who you are.

Isengrim and Yanacek.
One of the most pathetic imperials I ever seen. Weak and pretty much worthless. If Yanacek roleplaying slightly, Isengrim playing a battlerager with 'sleep' spell within Empire. Rahter pathetic, you both do not woth to waste space on you here, so I am finishing with you two.

Well, you know I am far better than you are. ;) Well done, do not give up, but stop licking asses and become a proud Divine, not some kind of little servant that you are now. Just my opinion, though, since most likely with those guys ruling Empire it would make you anathema sooner than you think! :)

Good luck. I enjoyed you, though we didn't interract much.

I cannot write anything good here about you since it would decrease your reputaiton there. ;)
Kidding. My favorite shadow, perfect work when you do not sleep youreself. Waking you is a trouble.
We surely had fun, though I suspect that you sold me a couple of times ;)

Astilamos - you are dead. Rest in peace. I obeyed your orders even after your death. Order, you see.

I depsise you. All but Vanadulin, who showed some guts and didn't mass login/logoff with the rest of you. Well, most of you.
You are always blaming Empire in gangbanging, though I HADN'T EVER seen such gangs that you usually form when you come to fight 1-2 imperials. ####ing hypocrytes. You are gaining tittles for that. Rot.

Follow marans.


Sylvan immortals: your captain got autodeleted. What more stupid can you imagine? Wake up, boulders.

Choranek, you are man with the guts. You cared for your not less than I cared for the Empire. Coming to us, knowing that you'll die likely, unaffraid of the death - I liked that. Sometimes killing you were disgusting for me as for a player, but my character enjoyed it. Good luck, hopefully you'll become a captain.

Permagrouped (IMHO, for the God's sake!) Tichnktil + Aereglen.
Despised you. Together coming, together logging off, together dying. Must be funny to play marans now.

Enjoyed slaying you, though your accausing me in cowardice when I came alone against you, Choranek, fullmoon, you with your pets, +2 hunts after me (were there two?) in the ashes/ysigrath... that were stupid.

Didn't interract much with you, always tried not to loot you. Enjoyed some battles.

Rest of the cabals.
Didn't notice you, for the most part.


Man... I wear, you had fun, so I did. I called it a 'fishing' and I am sure you deserve tittle of a 'Fisher'. :) good work, good teamwork also.

Think you are a bit of newbie, but you strive to learn, and I liked that. I tried to travel with you and hopefully you gained experience (not only IC) in those travels. I liked your style, too, keep the good work!

Most pathetic thing that exists in CF, all of you should be wiped out for breaking the Paladin's Code. All of you, dishonorable scums.

On this happy note allow me to bid you all goodbyes! Thanks to the most of you for the perfect time!

Ah, Nep!
You are EVIL. You tower is EVIL. But it's too "closed", and it's just a little useless puzzle, IMHO. Moreso, it enforces cheating (mixing characters), since with one character most likely you'll never even come to the first quest in ST. Going there alone is boring, at least, for me now, and unspoken law tells us not to reveal quest secrets to anyone... so this is a big, but useless place in the game, unfortunately.

Bye all, until we meet, or not meet, again.
20856, I see no reason why this entire post shouldnt be removed..
Posted by Gondorff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The mass log ons log offs came from both sides man. I remember when I would log on and I would be one of two marans and maybe one or two imperials. Then you or Khalizad logs on and the mass log ins from empire start happening. It is ####, but seriously man stop thinking that it is a fortress only problem.

EVERY cabal is guilty of it.

AND HEY GUESS WHAT DIP####? There are sometimes when it is pure coincidence.
20867, Stop beating this to death.
Posted by Aereglen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm pretty sure everyone's seen the usual dance of the citizens.

step #1 one or two hero citizens get on

step #3 PROFIT

of course nobody in empire knows step #2 because they deny it

step #2 OMG Izuvererus and Astillamos are on! LET'S ALL GET ON OUR IMPERIALS YAAAAYYYYYYY

just like the damn underpants gnomes I tell ya
20889, You need to stop over generalizing
Posted by Verisla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can tell you for sure that there are many of us who come about when no heroes are around. There are also many heros who come around with no support, and I bet they get pretty tired of it. Khalizad was one of them, Sevarecan has always been one of the most dedicated I have seen. Many of the oaths and citizens are always around, there is just such a huge influx of goodies about that none of us can find groups to rank with to come up and kick the crap out of the light. It will happen soon though, don't you worry. Your pockets will be much emptier.


ps All that to say, don't pretend to say that all of empire does it, because we all knwo that in all cabals, many people do that because they are pathetic, but there are many people who don't. I could site many times in past chars of this kind of thing happening, but I don't want to give anything away. So admit the truth and come off the horse.
20910, You need to lighten up.
Posted by Aereglen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a joke. Yeah it was about empire and how they do the whole 5 people all logon/off at the same time once a few tough guys are on or leaving. Yes other cabals do it, but I gotta say empire is the worse with that sitiation. BUT, it was just a funny. Lighten up.
20930, What is truly funny.
Posted by Verisla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is that you admit that without powers you can't stay around. Thats funny.

20936, Think, then speak.
Posted by Aereglen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ditching out because you lost your item/powers is one thing. Leaving because all you do is running from a constant stream of people tracking you down especially with airforms and healer trying to kill you and stay right by you so they can do it again RIGHT after you unghost another thing. I stuck around through a lot of thick #### after we lost the sapling so keep what you think is funny to your lonesome dumbass.
20858, RE: I had fun, thanks... to some of you.
Posted by Menzaen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You come off a lot more juvenile in your reply than you ever did in character, but I can definately recognize points at which your real life personality shined through the character.

That being said, it was still fun to run around on our frequent inter-sect equipment hunting.

You didn't quite have the reliability and brilliance of some of the past Empire healers, but keep at it and you'll get there.

Try not to lower yourself to the level of insulting everyone who you didn't get along with perfectly. If everyone in the world acted like this, there'd be no MUDs to play. And that'd suck.
20859, Interesting character
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The bad first...

- I only regret that some retards teamed up and ruined so good game, at least, for imperials. Now empire will be yet-another-standart-cabal-with-a-weak-n-moronic-cheating-ass ruling it. Well, I accause no one.

Actually, those retards did something very... Imperial. I won't comment on another moronic cheater ruling Empire, and I'm glad you didn't accuse anyone of such.

- Izuvererus were a kinda maniac. He hated marans sincerely, more than anyone else, for a reason which Khalizad allready mentioned: mass logins and mass logons.

As you had a very cozy group you travelled with quite often, and were almost always together at a certain time, I'm not sure you should be making accusations.

- Another thing that I hate - it's that Empire is not what is supposed to be. If Laws is not sacred, then rewrite codex. To enforce the Laws is an immwork.

Here's a law you really should have looked at, instead of coming to imms...

10. The Emperor and Council will interpret and execute the Law.

- But they regret those morons (IC, of course) who break the laws. This made me loose about 80% of interest in this character.

You lost interest because you were made anathema and were slaughtered for it. I saw no waning interest before that, whether it be time, or passion, and I watched a lot.

- At the end you said something concerning reward. Well... a bit late. I thought that I am not playing well enough to be rewarded/tittled, and that destroyed another 20% of my interest in this character.

You were tattooed, and received more interaction than most mortals dream of.

Now for the good...

As a priest of my faith, you were quite excellent. You played a 'preacher' priest, and actively promoted worship and homage to me in the Empire... which, to me, should be the role of a healer, as well as someone who merely heals. At that you excelled. As a priest... you get high marks... as an Imperial... well, umm, not so high.

I hope you enjoyed most our interactions, I thought you did well in them.

20860, Thank you :)
Posted by Izuver on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, perhaps, perhaps you are right. But about mass logins, damnig, I have no other characters, I have no ooc connetcions to the currently plaging characters except for an one and with this one we didn't even travelled mostly. So no, I cannot be accaused in that. ;)

Anyways, making another of you would be not be "right", I think, so I'm forced to give you farewell. I cannot speak english well enough to hide my personality (though I didn't wish to do so with that character).




20861, Analogous feelings
Posted by Amadalie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
--You are weak, paranoidal wretch.

I never claimed to be strong. Even the best leaders in history had their weaknesses.

--I despised you IC, I despise you as a player.

Because Khasotholas picked me to lead the Sect over you, are we in 3rd grade now? Don’t take everything personally. It’s a game; you don’t even know me as a player.

--For such roleplaying I would throw you out of the Empire with a lightningspeed.

My plan was to make the Empire more then a mass player killing machine like it was in the past. I have always enforced Imperial Law and wanted to have the Empire Respected by all. You did not care about anything but your own goals and your placement in the throne.

--Reasons for my demotion were laughable. Claiming that I shall not demand respect --(nonsense) and then demanding it to youreself and to my foes (another nonsense) made --you look like an absolutely idiot.

Respect should never be demanded it is earned, I told you that numerous times yet you selected to ignore it. As for your Demotion it is simple…You did not support or respect your own Sect, you plotted against me and wanted the War Master in the Throne, think about it.


Khasotholas says 'Izuvererus is a fine priest of my faith... but that does not automatically make him a fine citizen.'

Khasotholas says 'You were right to reprimand him.'

--You do not care for the sect; you care only for youreself.

Right…that’s why I am titled, tattooed and I am still leading the Sect.

--Selling your own priest who supported you (yes, I did, Izuver followed the Codex, --unlike you) to gain respect of two idiots, who were wise enough to use you and throw --you away... pathetic.

When did I not follow the Codex?

How was I used?

Why don’t you define pathetic for me?

--Go back to scions, you are playing them well. I recognized your style and more than sure that I know who you are.

Never had a Scion, Try Again

20862, RE: I had fun, thanks... to some of you.
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> I thought of making your follower. No thank you. You should
>leave your ego, or at least a little bit of it and admit that
>you can do mistakes too. That promotion were disgusting. That
>interraction were disgusting. Your decision were disgusting.
>If that was you!
> If not, I sincerely apology and will make a follower of you
>right now. At least for 5-10 minutes, I swear! :)

I have no idea what you are talking about. I never once bothered to interact with Izuvererus.

The only note I'd make of Izuvererus is learn tactics with a healer. When someone is getting the crap kicked out of them don't heal them...sanc them...then worry about healing them. I saw you do this over and over and over.
20881, Perfect!
Posted by Izuver on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now I gonna make a lich of you. ;)
I'm done with CF for a good while. But I'm glad that it wasn't you who so pissed me off. Nor I wish to know who it were now.

Thank you for your advice. I've been pondering about it and sometimes I thought: "hell, if I sanc him now, he will die most likely becuase he is wo wounded - I won't have time to heal him up". Seems I'm wrong here, but this advice won't help me much now. Playing another healer in a row would be good, I think.
20863, Permagroup?
Posted by Tichniktil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I only spent the first 400-450 hours without Aereglen. Some permagroup, huh?

When I'm on at 5 am my time, and he's the only other sylvan on, you can bet I'm going to stick with him.

But, another crappy character Thornarcrull. We know it's you because you can't speak english, can't do simple math, yet still try to insult people after they kick your ass.
20866, let's get this strait bub
Posted by Aereglen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you're in sylvan and there's only one other sylvan on with 5 imperials on, we're side by side for sure. I must say you were quick and sneaky, buy had no guts and you started wordfights then notell right away. That spells 13 year old to me, but I guess your english is pretty bad so whatever. But the main thing that pissed me off about you was the multikilling. I remember times unghosting to you gating to me while telling Hru, Sevaracan, and the empire flunkies where I was. Over and over and over. Although you only managed it once to get me right after unghost, other sylvans were less lucky. RP is one thing, but multikilling just because you had your pit looted is sad. That kinda explains us(sylvans) logging off. Once you've lost chameleon it's hard to face a healer/2 air shifters/assorted citizens(most with big iron axes) all looking for you. You were kinda tough, sneaky, and cheap. A true citizen. Good luck on the next if you keep up.
20873, A question to you
Posted by Calessin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I made this char... damnit, why would you care why? Anyways.
>My favorite nightclub got closed for a month or so, so I made
>it because of boredom, and I do not regret anything. Next week
>this looooovely club will be opened for the new applicants, so
>I do not regrt deleting.

I'm curious, what's this night club you're talking about? I might check it out too. Thanks in advance.
20883, LOL
Posted by Izuver on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I sincerely apology for an offtopic, but such question I canot ignore!

Best nightclub ever, but it's IMHO. I know that many would prefer Absinth or Jakatta, but I looooove PAR.spb
It's going to be opened (with a good celebration, of course!) at 5 september. I allready have some preps for the properly celebration!

20882, Ummm, thanks .. I think.
Posted by Vanadulin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While I appreciate the apparent compliment. Not everyone did the log on/log off thing, It did happen on both sides plenty of times.

I am starting to think it is (partially) a matter of perspective.
I do know that plenty of times I would be sitting there when everyone logged out (on my side) thinking *Oh (insert explative). I'm dead now ..just a matter of time. Now where should I start looking for another (insert list of gear)* hehe before I had even died.

Other times I watched as everyone on your side logged out and when I saw that a couple of times you were not one of them I was impressed.
So I thought hrm, he had to be empowered so he probably will preach or try to convert me instead of just grunt, and I began to talk to you. I got some insight to your character, a ton of respect for him, and a hell of a good time. (I thought the language thing was just an rp quirk, it really wasn't that noticeable.)

While the game lends itself to tactics, you were a strategist. Whether it worked out for you or not I do not know but i started to notice the pattern and thought i was looking at someone who was attempting to be a 'general' rather than a sgt. (You need both though)

'Course you have to hold enough power and be able to get folk to follow you (willingly) to pull off that kind of thing.
(guess I can't say much here as I suck as a tactician and am not so hot with strategy as it applies to the world of CF) But I think empire is the perfect place for trying that kind of thing out.

Well anyway back to the good-bye. All this was great, the 'battle of faith' thing was great to see which of us had more faith in thier cause, had you come back and plugged it out as best you could even as
Anathema I would have said you had the 'faith' over me hands down

Well i would, of course, tried to scootch ya over to the light. 'See what those bastards did' 'Come walk with me in the light for a time'
well i know you wouldn't have done it, but it would have made for great conversation. would have probably ended with disrupts, curses words, teleports and gates.

I LOVED the teleport vs. gate chases.. funny as hell.

on to fond memories:
scion have the orb, nightwalker is writhing, i'm writhing.
i'm fleeing all beat up, going flat at the instant you arrive (and not through a gate no less)
luckly for me your fog missed. :)

Denzibah gaunting me when I thought we had ya. I think later that same day. THAT had me giggling my @@@ off irl.

Learning that if there is an enemy healer online do not request anything. That one sucked. :) for me.

now to the part i regret.

when we rolled into empire in a big pile, you die and sit there talking to us, sounded too much like a whine to me. lost a little of that respect.

The 'tone' of your goodbye post did more to lose that.

In any case you still had a cool character, I was just hoping to end it old enemies discussing philosophy between attempts to slay each other. maybe have a drink at the inn, arguing our cases before stepping into the brawling room to kill each other. :)
from what i saw good healer though. never played one so dunno, but I'll remember what Zulghinlour said if I ever make one hehe.
Well it was fun anyway. Take care. This was longer than I expected.

20885, RE: I had fun, thanks... to some of you.
Posted by Pelthaas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I've made it a point to *not* post thus far on anything. I'd originally wanted to save everything until Pelthaas was dead and gone (and after this I will probably do just that). For brevity's sake I'll try to be succinct.

First, you need to get your facts straight before you come here with the mud-slinging, bud. I didn't call you a coward when you were playing the gating-to game when it was you and I alone. When I did, it was when you (albeit cleverly) finally got me with the Conjurer gaunting me away at low-hp. I think I might have done so also when you killed me again with the Warrior near the wastes just after I'd unghosted. I lost my cool, and I apologize for that. It's the first time (I believe) that it's happened in the life of the char. What I didn't get is when you were asking "Who's the coward now?" the next day when I wouldn't play the dumbass and fall for the same gaunt trick twice. And by the way, it was (afaik) only 1 hunt, and it was mine.

Seriously though, I don't think I've ever died to you solo. Ever. I know I've died in retrieval attempts where you were around, but you certainly weren't alone (nor would I expect you to be). I have no problem dealing with death, heaven knows I've died enough. It's just a part of life in this beautiful place known as CF.

In closing, I don't know if it was your chosen rp angle to come across in char as a scorned child, but OOC it's just not necessary. You're obviously a skilled player, don't besmirch others' opinions of you by bringing it here. Well, so much for brevity and succinctness.


20887, Heh..Nice one.
Posted by Denzibah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At first I thought I was gonna have to make a foe out of you, when you basically ordered me to go get your mask back. But before that came to bare, I started hearing about how you were punishing the hell out of my bigger foes. The gaunts were amusing. Seemed anyone you attacked would be dead that night. You always left them helpless....and I was there to ice the deal.

Never got to try out a lesser ice-devil with you at my side. I think that combo would be unstoppable. Occasional heal and the healer with an eagle staff or something.

Hearing and watching your exploits makes me wish I was in a cabal. Can get dull at times being solo. Awesome charactor and I wish I was playing an Imperial during your times. I can tell we would have made a mess out of our ranges.

Take care.
20939, RE: Heh..Nice one.
Posted by cya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It would be damn nice. My last, or pre-last death there were intetnional. I could word, or teleport, or something, but I wished to die in glory, on the battlefield. Though I think evil conjurer with a healer would be very, very deadly.
About playing loner... well, it's must be boring to hell. As a healer, sometimes I had nothing to do but sit and waste my time, since there were no one to travel with, and no one I could gate to. ;P
Empire is fun, but IMHO, not at the moment.
20891, Win some lose some
Posted by Choranek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah I pretty much knew there was a high probability in dieing when trying to retrieve against Healer warrior shaman and one or two thieves. But even then I pulled off the odd retrieval. There was one I swear I must have been one hit away from the Vanquisher dying when Shezeral got the kill on me. If only I had gone for a heal instead of a rake! Oh well.
I tried to set traps for you all the time, and of course those were the times you would never gate to me. And then all the times you did gate were those when I was still half way though gathering. The most annoying was you and Denzibah's tag team, I knew it was coming but had failed treeform 4 times in a row, then the chase through Hillcrest, only to lag up and get caught in the forest.

Empire will not be as bold without you I'll warrant. As Khas mentioned don't be too quick to accuse folks of the mass login effect. I saw the same thing when you arrived, empire ranks would swell.

Killing you finally got the gnome-endzone dance, just because you were such a slippery bastard!

Kudos though. It can't be easy when english is your second language especially when in a preacher type role.
20938, Heh...
Posted by Izuver on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope empire will regret our absence. :)

I though that I'll make a paladin and destroy empire just alone (yes, one skilled paladin would do that :P), but I am:
a. Too bored with CF;
b. Have a lot of work;
c. Have my loooovely girlfriend so I cannot play at the night (as I did long time ago). This is why I've been only at the least popular time.

With Denzibah we had no team, actually. Just form time to time we exchanged something like '%name is hurt, if you can, prepare your creature', and usually answer would be 'he is dead now'. :) Quite bloodthirsty conjurer he is, and he did well against you.

As I mentioned in the post above, I died in the fortress intentionally, so, sorry lad, but I have to disappoint you ;) It was a suicude.

Another time!
20912, Bye
Posted by Chasillia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, sorry to see you go. You seemed like a good attack healer. Too bad that one and only trap I had set for you didn't pan out like I'd expected, muwahaha. Anyhoo, you seemed like a good healer, and coupled with that giant your duet was a beast. A pair of ballroom dancers well attuned to one another's... Umm, there goes the metaphor, I lost it, it's dead now. Only fought you a few times, mostly it was even, except that one raid. One thing I disliked about your post is your inclusion of Warlocks in that log on/log off dealio. Only once did I log on randomly when a raiding party was forming, note the word randomly. Besides, we can't do that thing because we really don't have enough people to do that, and I can't see how you could accuse other warlocks of that, because of raiding rank there aren't many/any that are ever around. Well, other than my slight indignation about your inclusion of Warlocks in your generalization, I more or less liked your char, what little interaction I had with them. Oh, and about the log on log off, yeah, I noticed a bit of that too, but still, don't be so angry. Calm down. Don't wanna give yourself a heart attack or anything. Well, hope to see you again with a new char eventually, I'd like a rematch. *wave*