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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectThe angsty bizzzznatch is dead. (Lade)
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=19823
19823, The angsty bizzzznatch is dead. (Lade)
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Way too much Linkin Park when I rolled this typical half-drow. Way too much Evanesence. Way too much Powerman 5000 and Rob Zombie, hell definitely way too much angsty rock and roll. Drowning Pool and Rob Zombie's, The Man Without Fear does NOT help you PK better. It actually gets you killed. Trust me from experience. A short, very frustrating 112 hours overall. Deleted at 13 con because I got sick of watching it whittle away. The gear never matters to me, I can be full looted and full sacced all you want and still be decent, but my con is precious, it's the main reason I hate being PK'd.

Anyway, this was my first halfie, and I have to say, the RP is there for real resentment of alot of people. That is, if you aren't bothered that 75% of everyone you meet will blissfully ignore the fact that you're half-drow. Hence the hate of ALL types of elves, which later on was focused more on drow specifically. And Warders, but all of them were playing classes difficult to kill and Akrangol never attacks unless he's damn sure he'll win, just like a smart AP. Never got to truly tangle with Aeregelen.

Bards are fun too. They are versatile, they have the power to outdo most offensive/utility specs in tanking without when you don't see me. With it they outdo even assassins. But you do have to take the time to get hth in the 90's to see a massive difference. Actually your knowledge of your opponent's weapon carries far more weight than your % in parry. They can do damage like invokers, but unfortunately this means invokers can defend from everything a bard throws at them easily with iceneedles and voker shields. Bards are like spellcasters but you're better off jumping from warriors or assassins to them because of the 2 round lag on many songs. They can seamlessly switch between support and offense at any given moment making them dangerous to would be PKers in ranking or raids.

Well, now for specific goodbyes:

Imms: Nope, didn't meet any, and with Lade's general attitude, it was probably for the best because her general bitterness and lack of respect toward EVERYONE would have gotten her smitten where she probably wouldn'tve deserved it. Oh, I shudder to think how a meeting with Karithia would have gone. But if any snooped over my shoulder and managed to get what was going on beyond my slacking off on the role command, that'd be neat to hear opinions and tips about.

Jaedren: Sure I was pissed ICly, but OOCly man this is good stuff. Too bad you wandered away from RPing with the rest of the populace in general when you became a squire. Lover's quarrels happen to be among my faveorite situations to roleplay. Great stuff. You really showed me that the types of roleplay I thought quite dead still exist even at level 14. I hope being named Big Strong Avenger didn't annoy you. I also hope you manage to score alot of kills with that shield spec. And yeah, paladins are sad sad tanks before shield mastery. Even with sanc. :P

Cersai: Ho. :P No, really, you were cool, just really forgiving, but that can be overlooked since you're an Acolyte. I never really understood why you were so intent to keep good grounds with me, maybe it was because I kept kicking the Tara'bal's ass with thief Imperials when I was pissed, I dunno. If I were in your position, no matter what alignment or cabal I'd have found some way to effectively say #### OFF, BIATCH. Lade's suspicious nature just took over when you told her about you and Jaedren, though she thought it'd be Lariya the whole time! Hehe. Prejudice against elves and all.

Golgic: The RP was fun. The PK was not and I rolled her specifically to PK and tried my hardest to be dangerous. I'm sorry you deleted, you were a good buddy to have around even if you preferred to turn your nose up at the situation when I'd bitch about one or two certain people. ;)

Agapetus: Charming bastard. Never expected you to gank me silly and then I'd have a complete turnaround, usually I don't ever forgive people that manage to get me killed. But you definitely need practice on killing bards solo. You also need practice on finding scrolls for thieves. Ask Gilleonoir. He seems to know his shiznit. We had some good times, I just wish I didn't spend so much time being pissed off about everything, but that's what comes with trying to PK when you have something to prove, one big red flag is everyone ICly tells you that you should ####ing quit it. (Ywyrrn, Trinton, Nadalia, Jaedren, Cersai etc. etc. etc.) You have a rather loose outlook on things, however it's my humble opinion that goods need detect evil before they start deciding indiscriminately who is evil and who isn't.

Nadalia: Little sis! Sorry I ran out after suddenly barely tolerating elves and wood-elves. Take care and don't let them push you into marrying that decrepit monkey skeleton!

Other Tribbies: Rocked as allies. #### you Morillion. Everyone else is okay.

Warders: Sorry I never got to speak with you about getting the Warders off my back, Choranek. I also think that I'll avoid playing half-drow and stick with half-elf instead. The metal vulns aren't what bothers me but you guys were ten times tougher to fight than I'd hoped you'd be. That's what comes of fighting 200 hour caballed foes I guess.

Ragers: Wish you guys could have gotten closer to me, but the anti-ganging rules have turned you all into pussies. You can't even *interfere* with magi attacking people unless they're in your group? Bull ####ing ####, that's a valid tactic. It's not your fault that it's too easy to get booted from the Village. Zhabrinyhai, don't attack aps with dagger when distortion and fiend would have killed him easy. :P You're handy to rank with because you spank all the solo morons, especially Warder pretenders who step out of their wilderness.

Trinton: Cute. Too cute. You could have been handsome in Lade's eyes but you tried to hard and too often to play innocent kitten. Especially when I'd get pissed off at you.

Ywyrnn, Mossi: Stay short, stay bitching about being naked because of Tears, stay cute.

Kerinin, Kertaki: Good times. Good times.

Darch: Stop listening in on random people, unless you like cold be sleep or fire an ice from afar. ;) Actually it was sorta comforting to know that at any given ten minute period you'd have clairvoyance/audience on me, it kept you in the loop on some very juicy gossip. But you shouldn't be able to clairvoyance/audience to people in Organia. It's a very good place to hide as it is since nobody checks there and most heros don't know how to get there.

Think that's everything. I need to not play the angst trip so often. Especially roles that involve killing people, since I'm just a reactionist to soloers and not a proactive hunting machine.

I left some true rants on PKilling and mechanics on Dio's char board.
19859, Bah! Sorry we didn't get our chat
Posted by Choranek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It just seemed every time we were both around I was either defending/retrieving or it was a Full moon (time not to be wasted in chitchat) That first time we tangled really had more to do with Lade's insulting arrogance rather that the half-drow aspect, and then on top of that was the taunting. That cold be sleep when I was wanted is a good log, I'll post it on Dio's. I knew I would most likely die, so the only thing I wanted was to get the thornheart on you. I knew pretty much where you would be to get rid of it. So off I went to set my trap, which went off pretty much as planned.

I totally got your RP, so kudos on that.

Good luck on the next.
19829, RE: The angsty bizzzznatch is dead. (Lade)
Posted by Alaminore on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll keep my gnomes cute, I promise. Being Mossi and all.

Darch -could- hear us in Organia?

Dang, I really thought he couldn't. Anyway, that's my most fond memory of Lade. Her attitude. It was great. Especially those talks in Organia. If Darch did listen in, I guess he deserved to hear what was said about him... heh.

Oh, I'll make sure I get really pissed off about Tears, in Lade's memory. ;-)

Anyway, go into the light and all that.

----- Alaminore, Of Course! -----
19828, someone blinks and his eyes flash white in the shadows
Posted by Kertaki on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
heh, aw gonna miss you. Saw you post some stuff on dioxides and I knew you were new to the bard class, then watched in amazement as you ran off and attacked basically anyone you didn't like that day. good stuff.

Liked your style too, always had the feeling if I said the wrong thing I'd be dancing with a fiend :P Never understood Lade completely with the whole hating pure elves and drow, and hating...well everyone else you hated, But hey I guess it was more fun that way. I think you did a great job with Lade overall.

(ps: that time at the inn with Docrrann....pftt I was pretty embarassed about that. Time to stop using aliases and just type it all out for once...)

19825, Goodbye
Posted by Morrilion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We fought several times. It was really strange how much weaker your fiends were compared to for example Gwyythinniel. You tried a few different tactics. I felt the flee;return and sing something was your best. You were probably cursed by the Gods, so the plan could never work.

You took your losses well in my opinion. Good luck on your next.
19827, Yeah, I take the #### you back. :P n/t
Posted by Lade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM