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Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Delkinen Windsinger the Guiding Zephyr of Life's Radiance, Sunwarden of Thar-Eris
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=142100
142100, (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Delkinen Windsinger the Guiding Zephyr of Life's Radiance, Sunwarden of Thar-Eris
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Nov 4 09:38:16 2021

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 2nd of the Month of the Grand Struggle
on the Theran calendar Delkinen perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
142102, Delkinen Windsinger saying Goodbye
Posted by Delkinen Windsinger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So... where to start. What a ride. When I made Delkinen, I did not expect to go 460 hours. I made him for two reasons, though, and that was to be a very anti-Mae Sunwarden and to really try to be the overall super goodie type character. I have tried a few times lately to run a neutral or evil and I just never pull it off well. Ultimately, Delkinen's personality is my personality and it made him easy to play.

I have tried animist a few times, and had never really succeeded in them. I didn't use a bunch of the spells and such in the past so I had no clue what I had until I started really using them here. I made arial because I wanted a race that would get Deft Harbinger of Talismanic Doom and so I could use the crushing hand talismans and for awhile, I was the one doing it. Eventually, they got changed and I had to change my tactics around a little. I had forgotten about entangle for awhile but eventually remembered about it and was again at least somewhat difficult to face.

Arial animist is fun... until you try to solo raid. If I didn't have Allavia or someone who could raid with me, I was pretty much worthless. I solo raided Empire once and probably spent 20 minutes there working on it and having to heal up under the Council. Ancestral spirit is not enough damage and is two round lag. No entangle, no gust of wind (indoors), pretty well nothing. I started using thrust with a spear for something to do but as a leader, why would I not want to use leader weapons? Stumbled upon a HumanSunder and offhanded it with a leader weapon sword for forever with blademasters and prog gear and at least did okay.

In the wilds was a whole other thing. Snare, primordial vengeance, wasps, entangle, gust of wind... all of these are such great and useful tools... up until the point where you get bashed into the ground by a duergar sword spec. That was one of my few deaths and I was gotten good that time.

I originally rolled with the intention of following Padwei (which I had tried to do before with Jyrendis (another failed Warden attempt... I don't do warriors well)). I had tried to follow Azorinne as Leradas (I cannot stand conjurers) and just failed out mostly because of the class. When Padwei disappeared, Azorinne made perfect sense for my character and went and really fell in love with the religion. I will say following an azure-touched and vowing that I would never willingly enter the Spire and get wanted as a Outlander was fun RP.

So on to goodbyes. There are ton of a long period of time and I will miss people so if I do, please speak up!

Firstly, Azorinne: Thank you thank you thank you. You were so amazing and always willing to sit and chat and lead me on to a new spot or thought. The idea of guiding your followers is so much better than just trying to figure it out. Even after getting the tattoo, I was still amazed at how much depth was put into the conversations and the pointed directions you provided. I would not have had nearly as much fun or survived the 450+ hours as Delkinen without you. I didn't intend, as stated above, to follow you but I wanted to after Leradas and it just worked out.

Ergush: Thank you for making me Sunwarden. I knew Wardens needed one and I tried to put myself out there. I hate that I kept falling over myself on saying I would do events and then not holding up but at least I did a few. I really tried to play the free Sunwarden who really stressed choice. We didn't get to speak much towards the end but I really hope that I did well from your viewpoint.

Allavia: You were easily Delkinen's best friend and rock. Our playtimes worked out perfectly and between the two of us, it was nearly impossible to retrieve from us. I know how much that annoys lowbie retrievers but it was amazing to make such a difference. I missed "Found you!" after your spirit went on and I so enjoyed every moment we had and all the talks we had, which were extremely numerous.

Moja: Without tab-complete, I cannot spell your character's name. You're an absolute beast, but I expect you know that. I have never seen anyone just straight destroy their range and their enemies with so much ease. I really enjoyed trying to get you to see other side of things... until it got frustrating, then I was pulling my hair out on the other side of the screen. I did not ever really run with you grouped, I tried to lone wolf a bit beyond Allavia because Moja was always ready to go straight at an orderly goodie as much as a Outlander enemy and I had to distance myself some from that.

Alendross: Man... you were my in game Dad. You're amazing and by far one of the best characters of the last few years. You really made a huge difference in Delkinen's life and really pointed directions that I went with many things for his entire existence. I really appreciate everything and absolutely loved every minute of it.

Other Outlanders: There were tons. Scyreth was awesome and had a hand in my becoming Sunwarden, I think. Boggz, use my last gift well. Rinn: You're awesome, keep it up! Wardens: Remember I set this up for you to continue. Do a good job!

Enemies and Friends: I'm going to categorize this together because other than a single one or two, I never considered an enemy just an enemy.

Hoisshyr: You were amazing. I am pretty sure I voted for you in Dest's contest as one of the best characters who just never stopped coming. You are what I think CF needs more of and I loved every minute of it. That back and forth in the dwarf place in the past was hilarious. As you can testify to, I was about worthless out of the wilds.

Volzmer: You got me good that last fight, easily the biggest "splat" I had in the entire time. I loved how you responded both to the death before and my death after. Class act. You, beyond Hoisshyr and the next one I'm going to metion are probably my favorite Imperials.

Rashign: Love your RP. Had great conversations with you and I can't wait to see what else you do moving forward.

Dohri: Keep up the faith, kid! You're doing great and I love what you're doing with it. Sorry I had to leave you to discover some on your own, but I think you have a good pathway forward.

Atrissa: You were my go to talking post just before Allavia died onward. We had some great conversations and thank you for inviting me to your event.

Teithwir: Thanks for never killing me! As an animist, I was always super worried about if you were going to come after me but we were always on pretty good terms and I loved it. I think I went to help fight another Tribbie in Silverwood one time with you there and unleashed the spells and thought afterwards that I just sealed my fate with the Village. Class act.

Kira: We didn't really fight much except when you came to the Tree, and knowing I promised never to try to be wanted or enter the Spire explains it. We had some decent, probably short, but worthwhile conversations. Good job.

I'm writing this from work and trying to think of anything else, but if you reply or make mention of something, I will certainly do my best to respond quickly.

As far as some of my more recent past characters: I had Leradas, Jyrendis, Torchae, Breeng. I'm a pretty serial Outlander player so you can see the connection there.

Had fun and I will be back when things slow down a little bit!
142104, Got you just in time!
Posted by Atrissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You really weren't far off were you, you old bird! A character you should no doubt be proud of. You certainly affected me, no telling how many other storylines you impacted! A pity I never found you to give you your Special Certificate :(
142105, Great Job!
Posted by Dohri on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved the interactions we had. Our conversations were great and so helpful. Good luck with your next character.
142108, Really really good.
Posted by Rashign on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Top notch character. I really had fun with the talks too, don't stay away too long!
142112, Well done..
Posted by Emnon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great job sticking it out to the end as the Sunwarden. Your empathy for other characters and interactions was top notch. I think if I remember right.. Your first event was when Ergush, Alendross, and Scyreth decided you should become the Sunwarden. We just had to get past the "funny" parts of it all.
142114, said it on discord but
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Delkinen was such a terrific character. very difficult foe, too! you got great mileage out of insects, entangle, and vengeance. super duper! (excellent age death echoes too 😄 )

(color me with ranger envy!!)
142122, RE: Delkinen Windsinger saying Goodbye
Posted by Azorinne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh Delkinen! I'm going to miss you. You know of course I trusted you implicitly, which is why I sent so many of my faithful to seek your guidance. Your journey was something I was happy to be a part of, and I'm glad you enjoyed the direction the faith took you. And another thing--your vow! What a unique idea, and one I thought would be very much a challenge to keep, but you kept it. Things on the mountain are going to be strange, maybe quieter, now that you're gone. I'll think of you fondly, of course, every time I gaze out at the Tears.
142126, thumbsup!
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Amazingly great job! Thoroughly enjoyed everything I saw from this character. Well done!
