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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [None] Tegerek Angerhand the Blood-Shaman Chief of Rage, Pious Pillager of Morius
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=138523
138523, (AGE DEATH) [None] Tegerek Angerhand the Blood-Shaman Chief of Rage, Pious Pillager of Morius
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Mar 3 23:34:39 2020

At 8 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 11th of the Month of the Sun
on the Theran calendar Tegerek perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
138537, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Tegerek Angerhand the Blood-Shaman Chief of Rage, Pious Pillager of Morius
Posted by Tegerek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I finally kicked the bucket. Tegerek was truly an enjoyable character, and I appreciate all the hard work that the Immortals put into the game.

I probably laughed out loud on my logins so much with him due to various interactions with the character that my wife made a comment, on why are you laughing at a stupid "text game".

Despite what most of the CF population thinks, I cannot recall one incident where I was handed the codex by an Imperial, and if I was it happened when I was younger, as I had no problem taking the head/orb/codex/fetish on my own. Also, for those that think orcs are too "hard" to play against,play one, and you will quickly figure out how to beat them.

Tegerek's war with the Battle all started because Bendoegh (Drillmaster as the time) had attacked Tegerek south of Galadon, Tegerek told him "he was not a mage", but when he pressed, Tegerek killed him. He then mentioned it to Quinloc, and no explanation was given, so Tegerek then focused his "rage" on the village for next few decades of his life. I had not planned on hunting battle with this orc, and had even learned with Jumbel for a good amount of levels when I was younger. Despite, Tegerek hinting with some villagers about getting the commander to make a truce with
Tegerek, not a single commander tried to make peace, so of course Tegerek kept taking the head, as a headless villager is easier to kill than one with it.

Thank you for all the random interaction that I received throughout Tegerek's life. I really enjoyed those interactions, even though they did not result in immortal exp as many probably thought. It was actually just enjoyable to have interactions with immortals.

Thanks to whoever did the global echoes when I finally kicked the bucket. I posted the log for those who wanted to see the details.

Jormyr: Thanks for the custom long, the little stuff like that is really rewarding to me.

Lord Morius: Thanks for the tattoo, second adaptation, time, and the constant prodding to want to feed your rage.

I hope Tegerek carried out your vision of Rage quite well. I appreciate everything you did for Tegerek, including the prompting of disappointment when I had not crushed the Palace, and spilled my blood for the Empire. I had avoided crushing the palace, since I rarely saw them aboutat the hero ranks when I was logged on (and the few I did, decided to make Tribute to Lord Morius), so I assumed they had crumbled on their own.

However, after I died with the Dreadlord, I let "Tegerek's rage" unleash and took it upon my self appointed pennance to do what the Empire claims should always be done. "Take all the items of Power". That night ended up being quite enjoyable. Was hoping to get them all before you departed, but think it took too long, but I did get them all, but I am sure they were all returned the moment I slept.

You say 'which items?'
Tremblefist says 'A large chest formed of a dragon skull contains the Imperial Codex, the Scales of Justice, the Ebony Scepter, the Equation of Entropy, a primitive bone fetish, a radiant crystal orb and the bloody head of a magician.'

Ironically, this led to a war declared by the Emperor on Tegerek, which he promptly answered like he did when Battle declared war on him, and took the Codex everytime he could.

Also, in case you were did not know, Tegerek was always up for a fight, and often would fight you at your inner guardians if that was the case. I also tried to return as many "toothpicks" as I could. For the most part, I avoided looting corpses heavily, as no one really likes to have to re-equip for taking a fight that may not have the best odds to win.

Dhrak: My "Chief in Training", "Bash Buddy", and all around good orc to be around. I loved having a Warlord around, and it made the boring times when all the prey would disappear a lot more tolerable, as we would go explore, and Teg would teach you all "his tricks". You seemed like a rookie orc player at first, but I think you have quickly gotten a hang on most of it. Honestly, I was expecting to age die a lot earlier than I did, and expected you to take over as new chief, so I tried to outfit you like a chief.

Vindelph: I loved that you were willing to fight Tegerek, and had enough honor not to jump in on the fights when I was battling two or three others. Truth be told, that time you got me, was truly a surprise since I had easily taken you all the other times before, than I didn't hesistate to bash when I should of just ran since I was malidicted still from the Destructor. But great job putting me down, as I was still at full health when we started.

Ella- Elf Warrior: You were probably the hardest warrior that I had to fight. At the end, I think I figured out how to play against you so you didn't straight out beat me down.
I liked the fact that you were at least willing to try and get the orb back.

Illyria: Turkey!!!! You had me literally laughing at the screen several times while we bantered and fought back and forth. Honestly, I could not remember what item you had looted from me, that you kept until you deleted.

Gruntner: Was great fighting you, but by far was one of the shining moments for me was the first fight with you in the Inn, when I said I was going to gamble, and then return for dwarf meat, and I somehow managed to pull it off and get you.

Bulonk: Another fun foe to fight, and you taught me how to fight your type of paladin a lot better. I remember the first few times when I would come at you with the horde, and you would pretty much own me, but when I fought you without one, I could turn the tables on you.

Aztezul: Tegerek was never sure what you were up to, but I found it funny when you made me the Duke or whatever it was on the Villagers area. You were great to be around, but Tegerek was always looking over his back since I suspected you wanted a few of my items.

Dhuzok/Morok: I really enjoyed the fact that you were willing to throw down. I really did not expect you to sneak up on me as much as you did.

I had many interactions with a ton of characters, so feel free to leave comment and I can respond.

138543, My terrifying Tegerek
Posted by Morius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What started as a crush on you quickly became infatuation as I tried to steal you to be my agent of Rage and destruction. And how glad I was to see you never truly disappoint me.

I admit, I smiled when I saw you fall in the Empire's stead. As Morius saw it, it was well deserved since you shamefully allied yourself with heathens. I enjoyed the aspect that afterwards it became more of a personal crusade of pure rage! Very religiously fitting.

Tegerek was a beautiful beast, and I was glad I got to spend the time with you that I did. One thing that surprised me is that more orcs didn't stick around during your reign, it's so tempting to join the clan when a Chief is butchering everyone.

"With rage his black heart was wholly filled, and his eyes were like blazing fire" - Iliad
"I am breathing fury and utter rage." - Aeschylus, Eumenides
138544, RE: My terrifying Tegerek
Posted by Tegerek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The funny thing is the first words out of my mouth after I died, was something along the lines of that what happens when you upset Lord Morius, and Teg deserved it.

Really liked the coin flip event for edge vs flaw that you did at the inn.

It seems that most people really don't like the orc play style as it is quite different. It seemed there would be a bunch of orcs at once, and then all would delete or auto not too much later. To me, orcs are much more fun in the hero range than the mid or lower ranges.
138549, Well done
Posted by Jarmel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had alot of back and forth against you as Alrion.

Learnt a great deal about fighting Orcs in that time but just as I thought I had it all nutted out, you would get me guessing again.

Scary, but fair and amusing at the same time.

138550, Obviously I replied in the wrong spot! Good internetting :P
Posted by Jarmel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
138545, Huge fan of both the character and player
Posted by Dhuzok / Morok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Someone mentioned on Discord people would log when you jumped on - I can't understand that, the game was most fun when you were on.

You were always down for a fight, tough but not unbeatable, you would gank (which is fine for an Orc) but also fight solo. Add on to this your fun RP and it was always a good time when you were around.

The Head in the Orc Village is an interesting one. Seems like the abuse was less with people giving to Orcs but more abusing your taking of it. I have logs of Az & co spending literal IRL hours camped out on Bramblefield road or the Village waiting (you weren't on). Which I can't understand, seems like horrible RP for a Trib to spend their time protecting an Orc Village and it's no fun for either party.

Anyway, I don't want to derail the your farewell, it's just good to hear your perspective.

Hope you stick around to roll another, the mud needs more people like you to keep it fun. Thanks.
138555, You need to move on.
Posted by Aztezul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My goal was to keep you from getting the head. It usually worked.

Best part was as an undead I didn't have to deal with all those nasty Orc STD's.
138559, What STDs is?
Posted by clnt2020 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just can't figure out what did you mean there.
138560, RE: What STDs is?
Posted by Nalasul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
STD = Sexually Transmitted Disease. Filthy orcs.
138562, RE: What STDs is?
Posted by clnt2020 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lol, thanks )))
138561, Hahahaha!
Posted by ice king on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're funny, and I'm not talking about the STD joke either. ;)

"Never pass up free frags."

I always thought they should expand on those orc diseases. I mean they're THAT filthy that they could have a whole new disease evolved from the diseases living on their body.
138546, Very nicely done
Posted by Narra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You surely know how to orc. Narra saw you as a very useful tool to have despite the general dislike for orcs and such. Too bad we weren't able to wreck face more and genuinely GLWYN.
138564, RE: Very nicely done
Posted by Tegerek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah pretty much when we were together, everyone logged off. Having a someone to fly around and could see hidden was great.
138556, Still my favorite ally.
Posted by Aztezul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You only had one item I desperately wanted but not enough to betray the dominance our alliance created. I'm glad you got a kick out of the Baron title. I enjoyed that one more than most of my propaganda pieces.

138563, RE: Still my favorite ally.
Posted by Tegerek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, we pretty much dominated when you were a Tribunal. However, once you turned Scion, you didn't seem to play as much, which was a bit disappointing, as I loved having a competent summoner by my side.
138590, RE: Still my favorite ally.
Posted by Aztezul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The timing was poor. Real life took over right as things got interesting.

I wish I could say it's the first time it's happened. But the same cycle has cost me characters in the past.

I'm sure we'll connect again on your next orc. We usually do.
138557, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Tegerek Angerhand the Blood-Shaman Chief of Rage, Pious Pillager of Morius
Posted by Ellainaraya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey Teg. Just wanted to say congrats for playing such a successful orc and being a really cool person to play CF against.

I enjoyed the competition against you. And damn did you ever get tough as hell as time went on. That cursed inky soot!!

Great job. Really great job.
138574, Tegerek Angerhand
Posted by Xiqoanna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great job. It was always fun. Looking forward to your next character.
138577, Well there goes my con dying plan!
Posted by Yaennistel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You showed orcs are pretty insane! Thanks for being a gracious Victor. You coulda been a whole lot more assholish and it be pretty ok orc behavior. And thanks for enforcing that sense of role play on your clan. Also, thanks for not abusing your 2nd adaptation more than. 200hp blood drinks. You really coulda screwed me with soot ritual like you did at first.

I didn't have an answer for two orcs bashing and Savage feeding hitting for Oblitz through a ton of protections. When I was able to get you and Dhrak in a snare, I had a better than even chance to just escape and maybe drive you both off... Never had a real shot on closing you out.

My only gripe would be to give it a break now and then. If you killed 1+ defenders and successfully raid, then kill another 1+ trying to retrieve, just give it a break. That really killed my fun stick and made me highly contemplate deleting and rolling an alt for no other purpose than to pick on you and Dhrak. It sucks dying 3+ times to the same person in a log in.

Anyways, GLWYN unless it's another orc... Then f that.
138533, Goodbye to the Avatar of Rage
Posted by Vindelph on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Having to fight you was downright scary. You are a true beast. I appreciated it immensely that you would have dhrak stand down so we could fight an honorable fight. The one time I won is easily my greatest victory and Vindelph will always look back at his memories of you filled with honor and appreciation. Great. Effing. Job. Thanks for all the fun fights man.
138538, RE: Goodbye to the Avatar of Rage
Posted by Tegerek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I was overconfident on that fight. Good job putting me in my place. I really enjoyed your character, and even our orc name for you "VindOrc" that I am not sure you were even aware of, but Dhrak and I would call you that.
138551, Haha yes I loved the Vindorc name!
Posted by Vindelph on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Vindelph: I loved that you were willing to fight Tegerek, and had enough honor not to jump in on the fights when I was battling two or three others. Truth be told, that time you got me, was truly a surprise since I had easily taken you all the other times before, than I didn't hesistate to bash when I should of just ran since I was malidicted still from the Destructor. But great job putting me down, as I was still at full health when we started."

I also tried a new tactic here that I'll reveal more of when I'm dead and gone but don't want to give away anything right now heh. I was surprised myself because in both instances of combat I used commands that didn't lag because I did not expect my damage output. I hit enter on kotegaeshi and it said "Gushing wounds" and I was like "That can't be right..." Heh. I loved coming for you even though it had me as a player shaking in my boots lol. Always a great time when you were around, even when it was just having drinks talking about our fights. Can't wait to see what you do next.
138532, You have now wrote the book on.."How to Orc 101".
Posted by Emnon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Golf clap......
138539, RE: You have now wrote the book on..
Posted by Tegerek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the compliment. Also, thanks for holding the Valentine's massacre. I wish I had been able to come earlier, as those events are quite fun.
138531, Best. Character. Ever.
Posted by Illyria on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tegs was the best. I could ramble for paragraphs, but I'll just keep it as simple as badass tough, badass rp, just plain badass.

138530, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Tegerek Angerhand the Blood-Shaman Chief of Rage, Pious Pillager of Morius
Posted by Aithiar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have never seen someone age-death an Orc before.

Major props, my friend.
138540, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Tegerek Angerhand the Blood-Shaman Chief of Rage, Pious Pillager of Morius
Posted by Tegerek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Most of my orcs tends to age die, since I really enjoy playing orcs. But I probably will take a break from them, and maybe show back up during Orctober.
138528, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Tegerek Angerhand the Blood-Shaman Chief of Rage, Pious Pillager of Morius
Posted by cassock on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
my first homie you were all around great i got to play alongside you in a few iterations and againdt you as well you spanked me good on all those also. if you ever noticed my typing i was stroke guy you killed me as yulian daniella few others i think
played just as an orc should got me interested in the glass showed e it could even bepoowerful i tried on when they came outwhen i wss still good and i wad underwgelmed but you sure pulled it off
great job
138541, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Tegerek Angerhand the Blood-Shaman Chief of Rage, Pious Pillager of Morius
Posted by Tegerek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My early thief buddy. I really like Cassock, and missed when you stopped coming around with him. You really should try an orc, they are truly enjoyable once you get the hang of them.
138526, Slow clap, man. Nicely done.
Posted by Lil gobbo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Solid orc, all-around. Fun (and properly scary) to fight against and alongside. Makes me want to try another orc.
138542, RE: Slow clap, man. Nicely done.
Posted by Tegerek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks. You should definitely try one, they are not as bad as they appear at times.