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Topic subject(AUTO) [SCARAB] Zhuanza the Arcane
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=135086
135086, (AUTO) [SCARAB] Zhuanza the Arcane
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Sep 8 06:36:20 2018

At 2 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 18th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Zhuanza perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCARAB, the Cult of the Scarab
135283, Not to bring up that Jenno thing, but since the Flame is no more
Posted by Zhuanth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He made a suggestion to speak with you, but there was literally no other context to it. AFTER speaking with you, however, I could understand why you were having trouble getting inducted or even at a baseline, meaningful interactions from him other than tells.

It's relative to the value you place on RP in carrion fields on whether or not you agree. As people have mentioned, it's not the position of the Flame for inductions - so there is much more emphasis to stand out on the correct footing. That's to say that nobody should expect to know the "answers", but after some discussion with you before the mud crashed, your angle had already painted you into a huge corner in that regard.

I was willing to work with you and unfortunately couldn't wait around for the mud to come back up. Within 24 hours of that you were pledged to Empire so I never bothered contacting you again.


Other than that, this character didn't get to accomplish the things I wanted to. Had been a decade since my last transmuter, so was fun to do it again - was often frustrating finding someone, prepping, and they had moved on someplace else. The life of a transmuter though (and most mages).

Voice - You were pretty spectacular in regards to teaching me a lot in the process of induction. It was everything I was hoping for in terms of complexity, yet really, simplicity once it clicks. I know I'll make another down the road here and have a much more confident approach to it thanks to you.

Gillador - Didn't get to overlap with you much at all, and then as soon as you were in hero range I went to the movies with the family, had this massive inspiration for a character - the kind you needed to start getting down on paper to not forget. Zhuanza basically got shelved at that point and mostly due to just never finding that base affinity with her backstory compared to the new character. Otherwise, we could have been one hell of a deadly match for anyone when the need arose.

Drissa - Probably don't remember, but my death to you north of Voralian. I was so pissed off at the situation because I was simply following the groupmate, they apparently walked by your location so naturally you followed him - he just never bothered to say anything until the literal second I forced visibility from duo. I was at 50% or less health and before the lag wore off you rushed in.

Anyone else - probably minimal interaction since I spent so much time in duo.