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Topic subject(DEL) Kelnur the Weaponsmaster
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13172
13172, (DEL) Kelnur the Weaponsmaster
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Dec 17 23:05:50 2002

12 o''clock AM, Day of Deception, 2nd of the Month of the Heat on the Theran calendar Kelnur perished, never to return.

Cabal:NEXUS, Nexus, Seekers of Balance
PK Ratio:31% (closer to 100% is better)

13173, And...I'm spent again...
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just wanted to try out another warrior and see what legacies were all about. Neat stuff that. Did a little better with Nexus this time then Raniellebi, it's a lot easier to defend when you're inducted at rank 50 and not a shifter with bad forms. Hm, my legacies were autumn harvest and fist of the titans. I never got disarmed, so that was good, and when I had enough time to get reduce potions and was fighting a giant, autumn was good as well. Vuln blunt did me in more then anything. Hrm. Anyway, I'm going home for Christmas and won't have any time to play until mid January or so. You folks have fun in there.

Kelnur/Jalim/Lhydia/Ryzinom/Graffilon/Aiakalymn/and other folk
13180, RE: And...I'm spent again...
Posted by Jeagr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ya know, that made sense, looking back at it.
Jalim = Kelnur.
Didn't get too much interaction with you
on this one, but you were always pleasant
to be around. Luck with the next, I just
might outlive that one too >:P

By the way, I never knew you were Aiakalymn.
One of my all time favorite characters ever.
I was a certain arial scion who always got along
with ya back in the day. (and I had my damn
phylactery then, too)

13178, I have two words for you....
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh... bugger.

Well, thats one warrior down and now who do I use as a meat shield? :P

Glad you did well in Nexus, though you flying off at every single villager almost solo seemed a bit rash. Sure you made a mess of them most of the time but I remember you getting stuck once or twice. Wish I could give a bit more than sanc through the bond, and even that was rarely of use. Though I'd bring up this one memory of you I have hamstringing a big 'ol mace spec only to have you screaming 'Ouch!' a few moments afterwards. At least you were alright at running as something I think most of the people at the rift have trouble with is knowing when to fly. Villagers are far too fond of just lagging the hell out of you and then ganging up in masses.

I thought you had a good character, not a huge amount of roleplay but it was hard and simple - and that is a lot better than most people do. As far as svirf's go Yhorian really has a thing about short happy people but since you proved yourself such a great warrior he decided to lean off you a bit and yeah, Pushwance will love you whatever... as long as you have food! A shame there wasn't any invokers for you to bond with, it would only take one good one and the rift would be so much better off. Also a shame you didn't get with a shapeshifter more often as they're 20 times more useful than I am. I just look at their powers and start thinking 'Damn...'. Kinda annoying when you look at what I give you... but hell, I always need someone to bash those villagers down long enough to rip them apart. See you around.

13179, Okie.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Definetly didn't fly off at every villager I saw, well, unless they were alone and their names didn't start with a D. I did pretty good in most of my fights except against Drahk, that guy just scares me. I avoided him and Turets like the plague unless I had like..30 people with me. I really agree with you in that conjurers pretty much suck with the bond, and that Nexus is really really lacking right now. I'm hoping that there will be two new leaders by the time I get back, and I'll go on and throw something else into the fray. I definetly wasn't one to 'bash villagers down'. I had 0 lagging attacks in my bag of tricks. I was always happy if a fight ended with me not dying. Hell, I was happy with just disarming them sometimes, I got Gholrhun's skull sword, and Sayangu's sword and shield, it was fun!

As for Yhorian, boy is that not a likeable character. I got treated better as a fighter in the old Scion. I can respect you playing some serious roleplay, but sometimes I really did feel like nothing more then a meat shield. If not for Pushwance, I'd think that you spent all your time with your past character sitting at MS in Galadon smiting and plagueing all the newbies that passed you by :P

Anyway, its great that you're sticking it out even in the rough times, and props to you for that. Good luck man, and I hope you're still around when I break out the roller again.

13176, Good character
Posted by Rustanviel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well played from what I saw... Did you run around your whole life with resist mental? When you were rank 50 with Yhorian in the rift and my songs hit you both so hard... from then on, I don't think I ever gave you more than an EVISCERATE with a fire and ice. I was pretty impressed with your courage. Good luck in January
13177, Thanks!
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anytime I saw you logged in, I went and got resist mental preps. Heh, when I was rank 50 in the rift when you guys were raiding, I had just been inducted 3 minutes before. Yhorian says 'Time for a crash course in bonding.' And then boom, the tidal wave came in and crashed the ##### out of all my hopes and dreams for this char. :P
But I never fought you without resist mental after that, and managed to land that one kill on you almost all by myself. *strut*
As to the courage, I found out that I could re-equip myself with 1200 hp and a 40 dam roll in about 30 minutes so long as no villager multi-killed/full-sacced me while I was getting the stuff, which actually happened a bit, so I wasn't worried about dying all that much. I guess my fondest memory will be the time I retrieved alone against you and Guenrayn and got the link back, then died in the fighting right after, damn entwine.
13174, poof, you were there, you were gone
Posted by Guenrayn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Couple of good fights, but you sure didn't last long up in the higher ranks, at least, not that I saw. Oh well, was fun regardless.

13175, True enough. . . .
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I basically deleted my shifter after Vahlen uninducted me for not defending, then decided I still really didn't get a taste of what the Nexus cabal was about, so I'd try again. Rolled Kelnur and ranked to hero in about 80 hours, then just ran around for about 5 days getting smacked around by pounding deathblows. I figured out after fighting villagers for a bit that I just couldn't compete. I had planned on fighting villager warriors when I rolled, so I said 'Yeah! I'll just go spear/dagger and hit those bastards with so much -str that they'll *never* be able to wield anything!' I added it all up and learned that I could indeed chalk up a -30 str to anyone in about 9 rounds if everything went right..then I came to realize villagers could just thirst their way out of that. So hey, I was screwed on fighting any berserkers. Even when I had enough time to get preps, haste/stoneskin/shield, whatever, it wasn't enough to tackle any berserker. So! I could either stick around and be evenly matched with you and Rustanviel, and die to everyone else, or just cut my losses and come back strong later with a different character. Anyway, end rant.