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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Turetveskagg the Master of Mithril, Drillmast
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13064
13064, (DEL) Turetveskagg the Master of Mithril, Drillmast
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Dec 13 15:36:45 2002

12 o''clock AM, Day of Thunder, 17th of the Month of the Ancient Darkness on the Theran calendar Turetveskagg perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
PK Ratio:85% (closer to 100% is better)

13065, Sucks to see you go.q
Posted by Your sponsor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hope this doesnt mean I have to get another sponsor :(

Only 175 hours old hehe, dam I am way past that and still twiddling my thumbs waiting hehe.

Time to post a note to intronan/thror/kastellyn I think.

13066, RE: (DEL) Turetveskagg the Master of Mithril, Drillmast
Posted by Gholrhun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah hells. You were one tough bastard. And one I could respect and appreciate, there are few who are as brutal as you. Whenever we fought together I always had two simoltaneous thoughts running through my head, either you were damn strong, or damn crazy, to fight as you did. Regardless, your death is a loss to the current war. Your brute strength and rampant spirit instilled energy within the village. War on.
13067, Another empty Hut
Posted by Drayhloch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
People might bitch about there to way to many Villagers, but it doesn't matter when the good ones decide to say good bye.
Take it easy you brought the damage down on others the way a Beserker should. You'll be missed in the Village.

" It's not dark yet, but it's getting there" -- B.D.


13068, Dammit, I just got done writing Trekalsh's good-bye
Posted by Rustanviel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well played... the fire giant wrecking crew was fun to have around...
Very well played... I forgot about you getting me killed until you mentioned it, so don't worry about it.
Good luck on your next reincarnation.
Get that damn weed guy.
13069, RE: (DEL) Turetveskagg the Master of Mithril, Drillmast
Posted by Coolio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Brave son of a bitch all I can say see ya bub I and all the ragers shall miss ya.
13070, Well, I had fun...
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For awhile, Turetveskagg kind of died in my heart after I realized what a horrible mistake it was to choose hth for second spec. He was gonna go for Kastellyn's tatt, but never got far enough to consider himself a legend.

I really wanted to play him out and con-die him.. it probably wouldn't have been long, I died atleast twice per session, usually more - for the last two or three weeks.. So con was actually getting a little low.


Kastellyn.. Thanks for a cool induction man, pity I never really met you after that. Had plans though :)

Grogim: Spent time with you in my youth. We never seemed to be on the same time after you made commander though. Pity, I reckon we could've been mean together.

Guenrayn: Hope you get generalship back. One thing you did not far before i deleted really showed some leadership abilities.. peace.

Rustanviel: Always sweet to have a bard in the village. You seemed pretty competent too. Sorry about that time I got you killed by Nabokov.. Turet always wanted blood to be shed.. Whose blood was less important.

Rodonar: Sometimes you seem really skilled... Sometimes not, but all in all I liked you.. pretty solid gnome.

Sayangu: Damn you hero'd fast. Really liked you as an applicant too.

My enemies:

Yaofhil, one of the few I didn't disrespect OOC. You came to fight me alone, and didn't bring a gang even though you probably could.

Behnetit-whatever-orc: Damn you're a monster with that horde. Too bad you still feel compelled to grab as many other PC's as possible and gang people to fag heaven... but I guess it's rp or something.

Blasphemius.. Yes, we all know what a dope trick summoning ragers to noexit rooms is. :)(:

To everyone else: Drop a line and I'll respond.. If anyone wants to get private, mail me at cii00ms3@i.lth.se

I'll be back soon as I have killed and butchered the guy that sold me this bad weed. :(

13093, RE: Well, I had fun...
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cool character to watch fight. Reminded me both of why Battle could be fun to play and at the same time why Battle can be incredibly frustrating to play, but you seemed to take it all in stride.
13092, RE: Well, I had fun...
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I must say, I'm terribly disapointed about this. You were one of the deadliest villagers I can recall in recent times. And I enjoyed conversing with you as well. This seems a very bizarre delete to me, as you had a lot going for you, or so it seemed. Nice characters, I enjoyed him.
13089, RE: Well, I had fun...
Posted by Blasd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been affraid of you and your cranials - only one thing that pisses me off when in combo with deathblows. But, your last death.. I knew you would be seeking me soon as I noticed you in the area. I summoned these dwarves, but even without them you would die of my scourge. I knew you would cranial soon as I summon you, and wondered, who will die - me or you? :)
Good thing you went thirsting.

I won't wish you luck with the next, since:
a. it will be another rager, whom I will hate.
b. it will be another lightwalker (likely paladin).
c. it will be another scion, and I hate when people joins the winning side.


But I can wish you good luck in RL!
13090, You necrolicious you
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That last death was insanely silly. But that's what I get for not getting around to exploring new areas... I feel like I should have killed you more often than the 1(?) time I did. So good job I guess.

As for my next char, I'm trying to come up with a perm_pass_door rager. Just gotta find a way to handle the superior officers.

13091, RE: You necrolicious you
Posted by Blasd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe. I've been there for second time in my life, and for the first time in that room ;)
Besides, I died to you even more silly. Just couldn't believe you would win a fight withough the head. Underestimated you, as usual. Good luck with the translucent rager!
13087, Gah!
Posted by Vortigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My worst enemy is gone! We had some good fights but most of the times you were kicking my ass. Few ragers can actually kill me that easily, now I have to get Gholrhun and Drahk with you now! Mwahahahah!

Oh yea, come Scions next time.
13088, You were pretty fun
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought. Can't really specify why, but I liked seeing you amongst my enemies. I actually was going to make a scion, but there's too many of you now. My next char will be a minotaur herald or some other equally sinister being.
13086, That fight against you was so horrid, I have nightmares...
Posted by Yaofhil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've never broken a warriors weapon and had them still punish me the way you did. But then again, I've never had much luck with fighting villagers as a warrior. Our little chat afterwards about mages and flaming dwarven balls was funny, too. Good luck with your next,
13085, RE: Well, I had fun...
Posted by noldan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn, Id always wanted to fight you but before i deletaed you were just an inch to weak to pk me damn to bad woulda got my ass kicked anyWHo my char was horrible an pking couldent find out why... Well good luck with your next char
13084, *clap*
Posted by dwimmerling on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You met me, but you don't know it yet, I think. no, you met gunther too I think :P Good job!
And good luck revenging the bogus reefer

13081, Da beast....
Posted by Anith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey had some fun fights. You seemed pretty skilled. I kinda felt bad for you the past week....seemed you were victim #1. Thats only because you are skilled and scary. During any raid or big fight, I made sure you dropped before looking to anyone else. if you fled a big group encounter I would always pursue you no mater what...because you are a friggin beast, and I knew I had to use every cheap oportunity if I was going to catch you.

That log of you on eastern was classic Turetveskagg...balls to the walls...feel the pain.

Awesome job, awesome charactor, please come back for more....

Take care
13082, The log im talking about was when you made eagle steaks...n/t
Posted by Anith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
13083, The advisor with a Jones like Indiana...
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea, that fight you mentioned just got sweeter and sweeter. I just wish I'd have stayed cool and not ran back west onto eastern where I *knew* there was quicksand... but sometimes the stress becomes too much.

Ps. That mongoose of yours is really hard to hit. Much harder than most others... Good luck
13080, RE: Well, I had fun...
Posted by Guenrayn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Turet from what i saw of him. He was someone though that i didn't see a lot at my playing times. When Grogim said something to me about you being drillmaster, I was like, "what?" I never see him. Funny thing there is, I hardly ever see Grogim either, but such is life at times. Anyway, good work and...I hope I get to be General again soon too.

13078, RE: Well, I had fun...
Posted by Talfos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really enjoyed all our fights, and respected you a whole lot. When I saw you on eastern the one day with the Ancient Hide of the White Dragon or whatever, I thought "This guy is gonna be a problem". Think I was only able to get you on that one retrieval, and you had me near death ten times that many times. Good work and good luck on your next.
13079, Mutual respect.
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had alot of respect for you too, and not only when I was lacking cold protection... You seem to have understand what so many don't... that a character becomes so much more intimidating if you actually go out looking for fights with him, instead of just hiding in a remote area until you can start ganging people... Will be fun to see what your next char is.
13076, Dammit!
Posted by Grogim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its a great loss indeed. I only wished we could have been around more often together but we were like ships in the night, I would arrive as you left and vice versa. I know you will come back but who knows in what guise. Make it soon!

13077, RE: Dammit!
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm like clint eastwood you know... I always come back. Let's just hope you're still alive for when I return. If not, I'll pour out some liquor for thi dirtiest. Good luck!
13075, RE: Well, I had fun...
Posted by Rodonar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sometimes I try things that completely fail, and other times I'll admit I've been kinda braindead, but I'm working on it. You were nicely beastly, and it was good having you around. Between you and all the other departures, it's looking a bit painful for me... gonna miss ya.
13074, RE: Well, I had fun...
Posted by Tasfiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a beast, I saw you kill so many people that it just wow'ed me. I do enjoy the fact that I sprung that trap on you. Know your surroundings, but I don't think you'll make the same mistake twice. Well played, good job, all that rot.

13072, RE: Well, I had fun...
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll echo Intronan below, I am disappointed to see you go. I watched you quite a bit, and will echo pretty much everyone else below as well: you were a friggin' truck. As far as the tattoo goes, you were well on your way to becoming quite well known, if not a legend. But you had the potential, and it would have been interesting to see where you ended up.

Now I've lost 1/4 of my followers!

Good luck with your next character.
13073, re: Heh.
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Goes out to you and intronan... I had a sleepless night after I deleted... but next character I fuckin will condie, (or agedie, but that's unlikely). Anyways, cool to know I was on a right track...

On a side note, you inducted my two funniest ragers.. Turetveskagg and Tarosh(if anyone remembers him... :p)

13071, To echo what everyone else has said
Posted by Purlota on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our few interactions and I think we ended up 1-1. From where I sat, you were probably the best rager I have seen in quite some time in all ways, however, as an enemy one only sees a small portion of the character. Go rager again - they can always use good examples.
13094, Bye
Posted by Elrys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't interact much, but I have to say, you were deadly.
Twice, you took me out in a single round, once in two hits (not counting the <hits> from a cranial). If only I could convince myself that using the "where" command copiously really is important, maybe that wouldn't have happened.

Of all the people in Thera, Turetveskagg was the only one Elrys was actually afraid of. The word "Turetveskagg" appears and I'm instantly thinking "aww #####" whereas with everyone else at worst it's "I can probably escape at least"

You must have been generally cool to make drillmaster, but I didn't know anything about you otherwise... so congrats on that I guess.

13095, RE: Bye
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh. Elrys was so generally nice, never whined or anything. Probably the only dude in the world I could feel bad about killing :p

In hindsight, I wish I had done the trophy corpse;#100 sac 1. to pretty much everyone except you.. :) Enjoy your char. And I guess i'll see you in those fields.

13096, Bye
Posted by Kahargran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, you were tough! Even though I only fought you once, you took out both Harrol and myself! *Grumble* both you and I were convulsing too! And I had so many prep items I could have used, and potions of healing, and, and...Well, it was a good fight anyway...Guess I'll have to go master riposte if you're going to make another rager ;-).