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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12720
12720, (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Dec 6 16:15:05 2002

1 o''clock AM, Day of the Sun, 27th of the Month of the Dark Shades on the Theran calendar Nourn perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
PK Ratio:55% (closer to 100% is better)

12721, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by CracklenOats on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sad sad day. Well, it was good to fight with you and watch you from the shadows. Sorry I never got into your range, wanted to spar with you. Looking forward to your next. Hope I get to see your name on the pillar.

Elf Bane
12722, You were farking awsome.
Posted by Valarath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thats all I need to say.
No... I need to say it again.
You were farking awsome.
12723, RE: You were farking awsome.
Posted by Nourn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sure got dull when you left. We had some fun times...I have the log of us defending the shrine vs like 4 or 5 seekers...goodtimes! Hope to see something from you soon.

12724, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Koaeb on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you made a great General in the Village. Great job with the character. I wish I could have been around at the end. Still, thank you for the words of encouragement. They meant a lot. It's not easy being a level 46 warrior in the situation I'm in.

Good luck on your next.
12725, I enjoyed all our interactions
Posted by Falax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And battles, what few there were. Good show.
12726, RE: I enjoyed all our interactions
Posted by Nourn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were always a tough fight. As Owagwyn we had some good talks as well. Take care in whatever your doing now.
12727, RE: I enjoyed all our interactions
Posted by Falax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't realize you were Owagwyn...yes, we did have some good talks. I enjoyed them a lot.
12728, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Konnal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't have much of a chance to know this incarnation of yours very in depth, I had a lapse of characters for a time after Shamus and took a big break. But I remember Thralkoz and a few of your others, each new character you play I like you more. I had the chance to fight with you before you fell at least. War on Nourn.
12729, Konnal...
Posted by Nourn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I saw you fight enough at the Giant's side to know that you were one tough bird. I watched you go through some tough times, and thats what makes a great Rager, which you were. Take care.
12730, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Nourn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I miss Nourn already...*sniff*

I'll go right to the character concept of Nourn. Bottom line he as a drunk. Often I would find myself getting drunk to play him, and it was soooooo fun. He loved the village more than anything in his whole small little life. (i'm drunk writing this on a friday night at 12:32 am.) just the way nourn would have it. Courage was my sphere and I think I potrayed that pretty good. on to the many....goodbyes.


Roktalken: I still feel bad about the legacy glitch and the crash afterwards. You were tough an I respected that.

Khurmen: You were my second lich I fought, and it was fun. Your Characters are always a good fight, and keep on trucking.

Jalim: Scared me with that perfected assassinate, but I got you in the long run. *wince* thanks for the fun fights, and the scares.

Trajena: the healer, you know who you are. You were a tough, and smart. I got pissed at the fact that you came with alot of people to raid, but what else are you supposed to do? heh.

Urden: Holy sh*t by far the best enemy I've ever had. you taught me soooo much, and I'm sure all the present invokers hate you for it. You're a brilliant player and I have enormous respect for you. Thanks for all you taught me.

Uzarag: the other Scion invoker, you were tough, and I was hoping you would be as tough as urden and teach me more... Hope you're still around.


Cusip: Damn that water form was tough! you should be around more, trust me you had some villagers scared.

Coleghin...hell I can't spell it. The invoker who stopped showing up, think you were an arial. You were tough as nails, we had some good fights.

Faerk: you slippery little puke. Well played thief, sneaky and quick. always had my inventory worried.

Kragnar: Balls to the walls to say the least. You came you won, you died. just like me. the fun way to play.

I know there are more Scion/nexus I'm forgetting respond if I did not mention you.


Lardovian: Our fight were fun, and I hope to see you again.

Sloyras: the conji...I should do this sober with the spelling... Damn you knew your stuff, you just vanished...hope your happy with whatever you, or your character is doing.

Finduthilas: Another tough invoker, wish you would come around more. That time at the Tower with myself an Hirilim was one of the best fights I had. thanks for all the fun fights.

Now that my enemies are out of the way I'll go to my allies.


Huraz: you were a great Commander, you lead well and pked well. You always held my respect.

Bryvac: We had so much fun together, sometimes I wish you never imm'd. I hope you become a major battle imm. thanks for all the PIES!!!

Valarath: You had heart and I told you in your goodbye I was watching you...you became one hell of a villager.

Guenrayn: I know you'll get the position back, don't feel bad... Your tough, you got some smarts and you'll go along way. Thanks for being honored by little ole me... *blush*

Grogim: That one day we spent fighting all those Scions was a blast! we even got immteraction from it. I know you'll do well as commander, I felt you deserved it. Your a good Rager, and I know the downs of being Commander so keep your head up.

Paschal: Another great villager, glad you came to the other side...

Rustanviel: A tough bard...Sorry I did not finish the thing you were working on...give me an Email and I will send it to you. Always glad to fight by your side. That Valkore thing was awesome!

Valkore: I'll aid it under battle since you deleted basicly as a Rager. I never liked you ooc cause you tried to multi kill me at the Destructor, you just waited there for me to unghost. You also chased me to Galadon where I kicked your ass and got credit for it by an imm (cause we had no head and i'm sure they saw what you were doing)

Birota: shame you had to auto. you were fun to be around.

koaeb: I hope you get back in, you were a good villger.

Rodonar: I know you will go far in the Villager, stick it out man...

Tauser: A great assassin, hope you make it to an officer or something...

Hirilim! I was pissed when you deleted! you were the only one to go crazy with me on raids that were impossible. You were sorely missed...

Intronan: our fights were great, you always help out the village and your a positive force among the huts. Thanks for all your time.

Thror: I out drank you! The weapons you gave me an Bryvac rocked! that whole rp bit was awesome. thanks again.

Sorry if I forgot anyone, plese remind me if I did...

Thanks for the fun times guys.


12747, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Noldruk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never really understood why you didn't like me so much.. I really wanted/tried my damnedest to keep relations up with you as best I could, but we always seemed to butt heads. It all turned out good in the end, I suppose. Have fun, man.

12748, I never really "hated" you...
Posted by Nourn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just needed a good fight now an then, and you were always up for one. You had solid Rp, and good pking skills, few could match that. No matter what slack you got, you always had my respect. Thanks for all the fun, and good luck with the imm thing.
12746, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Sloryas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm surprised that someone remembered this character. I deleted Sloryas like a couple of weeks ago. Lost interest in her totally. Second Conjie. Was fun fighting you. But I really hate critical hit.
12745, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Lardovian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So this is where you went...

I enjoyed the fights we had a lot too, even if most of them didn't turn out in my favor. I'm still baffled that you managed to get away that time at the angle when I had been rolling you around for five rounds or something :P
Other than that... I think I got you like once, that time in the holy grove after a long chase.

Now go and roll something that I don't have to fight all the time, I'd much rather have you on my side ;)

Good luck and all that and I'll see you in the fields.

12744, A shame you're gone...n/t
Posted by KatistrofiK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

12742, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Martinian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember a newly minted 40th level dwarf named Nourn complaining how useless his second spec choice, whips and flails, were. I remember telling him he should hold his judgement until he was older and had gotten much more used to them. I remember him saying he doubted it, but alright, he'd listen to his hero giant cabalmate.

And the rest is history....

Super job, man.
12743, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Nourn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I still wished you hadn't deleted...your Role was tough, but it was different. Thanks for all the advice you gave me. Also! thanks for teaching me some whip tricks =p
12740, nice job.
Posted by Anith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I only got you once, and you were a bit sloppy that day. Ive seen you inaction with other charactors though and you did awesome. Nice job all around.

12741, RE: nice job.
Posted by Nourn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anith, your going through hell and making it look like heaven. You've earned my respect along time ago...Hope you stick it out, Scion needs players like you. Also nice job all around as well.
12739, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Finduthilas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

As much as I want to play regularly, I've emigrated and my internet time is short. Still trying to rectify that. I had a feeling you would mention that Hirilim fight, actually I think I would have won, but my server lost link just as I entered the open seas and started to geyser you, really poor timing.

The battles that you won while I had my senses were that time in Camelot where you fell right into my trap and I fell right on the ground dead, and when you were able to taunt me into overestimating you and fighting you at the giant.

You're one of the ragers I remember with fondness. Good luck.
12738, well well
Posted by Abernyyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was nice watching Nourn and you made me wish that I had gone whip/flail with Grubbin but then I would not want to sacrafice my polearm or axe for it. I think I might try this whip/flail malarky out next rager I make because goodness knows it will probably be a scout and entwine at the giant and a few crit hits just got me laughing at the thought of the panic in the mages faces. That said though, I had promised to try and get back into the berserker swing of things so maybe I will marry the two ideas but for now I will plod along with my assassin. I Loved Thralkoz, hated Owagwyn and Loved Nourn which is a testament to the variation 'A RAGER' can put on the rp of a character, contrary to popular belief. Well done again. If your making a new rager I might even rank up with you in the future. Unless your serious about the whole, lets make Nexus warriors and kick some rager ass for a bit to slam the critics?!


12737, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Rustanviel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very well played character. You impressed me time and time again, just like you did with everyone else. I definitely enjoyed travelling with you, and the fact that with just the two of us on, groups of six wouldn't raid because of a fear of entwine/ surrounding. I wish I could have been around in the end, but it wasn't meant to be. My email is hogwild4676@yahoo.com
Be looking for a goodbye poem or some such in the next day or two sent to all.... you've definitely earned it.

12735, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Nwayreth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You prolly hated me, but were on of the villagers i was impressed with, i always would rather talk to you and see what your thoughts on things were, before i would swoop down and pay you a visit, I hope by the time we both finally bit the bullet you decided that i wasnt just a pking air/off major, but i liked to rp a lot too and find out about people
12736, I always knew you were well rp'd
Posted by Nourn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our fights were fun, sucked I had no defensive specs, but thats life. I enjoyed our talks, fights, and cunning banter. heh. Take care in whatever you do.

12734, Ahh! No!
Posted by Kragnar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved your character, it was a love hate relationship i think. I feared our fights because i knew one of us would fall because we were pretty much too proud to back down. You have my utmost respect. Great character.
12733, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Rodonar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While I never really got to fight by your side in your range, I loved seeing you around when I was younger. You seemed to fight hard, and be around even when the Village was close to empty. You'll be missed.
12732, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Faerk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Faerk: you slippery little puke. Well played thief, sneaky and quick. always had my inventory worried.

Yeah that is all I could successfully do on you sometimes, since most
of the time I was not in any shape to fight you and your maces.

The best moment for me was when I stole your boat in the Rift and
was able to keep you from leaving long enough so I could catch you at the sentinel.

You were a real balls to the wall fighter and I knew that if we were going to fight that it would be to someone's death usually. Well done!
12731, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Urden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, thanks alot. I had quite a bit of respect for you as well. You
had the cojones to fight me alone and poorly-armed. Aside from a few
attempted gangs where your driving legacy almost killed me, I held no
ill-will towards you. ;-)

I'm glad you learned a lot from what I was doing. That sort of trips
me out, considering Urden was my first invoker in years, and I only
had a crappy one before that, when I was relatively new. I liked to
use all sorts of spells and tactics that I never saw being used. I
mean, hell, I didn't practice the damned things to NOT use them, right?

Anyhoo, thanks for letting me reminisce a bit. I'm pretty much done
with mudding these days. That's good, I guess.

12749, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Bryvac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bummer man, you and I were a two man wrecking crew. Good job on the villager, and an even better job on staying alive as long as you did. I wish people knew how the challenge of keeping a villager alive along time, with a better than average pk ratio. All in all, good job, I knew I could count on a real fun time when you came around. And about that little bit below, about me saying something along the lines of you only being able to loot good, just for the record, nourn got in the village before me, and was mortal for longer than I, not once, in any of my time there, did I ever say #####, so whoever you are, think about it, and I'm sure you'll find out that it ain't me.....alas, farewell for now, smelly dwarf
*empties his canteen on the dirty smelly dwarf*

12752, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My bad, must have been Huraz then. And I don't think he meant it to be mean, it was just that Nourn was uber decked when he was young.
12753, RE: (CON) Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yea, it was definitely huraz that said that... when i see a level 23 dwarf warrior sitting around looking for interviews wearing amulets of ares, arkham signets and various other nice pieces of equipment alarms go off. Looter. The looting didn't bother me, i just wanted to know how he was going to re-act when he lost it. He re-acted well and turned into a solid character that became less annoying after i told him to quit referring to his Commanding officers as 'lads'.

Good work Nourn.


12750, Bryvac, an Yror!
Posted by Nourn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bryvac: I know you didn't say it, I knew ORB got little mixed up. heh. We had some great times...wish you hadn't imm'd so soon, but good job with that. And I'll punch your damn knee for that water stunt!

Yror: Sorry I forgot all about you...You were one of Nourn's best friends. We could clean some house, an with Bryvac with us....*whistle* I missed having you around...
12751, Good job
Posted by Yror on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Yror: Sorry I forgot all about you...You were one of Nourn's
>best friends. We could clean some house, an with Bryvac with
>us....*whistle* I missed having you around...

We managed to do well together. I think Nourn's courage matched with Yror's recklessness almost always spelled doom for me when we went out together. At least you knew when it was time to retreat, hehe. Good job on the character, definitely had a dwarven flavor, and was fun having another scout around to watch fight. I've got a few logs somewhere, though I'm still waiting on Finduthilas to leave the game before I post all of them.

Take care.
12754, NO, darn it
Posted by Guenrayn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Look, I screwed up, and I lost what you gave to me. I hope I will find favor again enough to gain it back, but know that I am working toward it. I loved Nourn ic and ooc. Always fun to be around. There are chars I like ooc, but Guenrayn hates them, I'm sure you understand that. Anyway, you were an inspiration to me, just like Tobeldest was. I wish I could have been around to see you off.

til next we meet, pillar man

12755, Kudos!
Posted by Uelveyye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great rager character. I would always wince when I glanced at you when I was duo'd and see you wielding iron maces. You taught me the painful lesson of "Don't rescue with guards then your duo'd" Out I popped and got myself munched in two rounds.

I also thought it was great that you were given a significant death for all to appreciate.
12756, Your flashy ending
Posted by Yanoreth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A dark, cloaked figure gestures to the swirling air elemental at its side.
A blast of air knocks Nourn Ironheart, Honored of Battle, clear off his feet!
Grumbling about his ale being spilt, Nourn rushes to attack, and a raging battle ensues.
But alas, although the air elemental vanishes into a hundred swirling eddies, Nourn is overcome.
As Nourn Ironheart breathes his last ale-sodden breath, he looks towards the village with contentment, a Battlerager to the last.

12758, RE: Your flashy ending
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yanoreth, that's so cool that you guys did that for him. I love it when dedicated characters get an epitaph like that.

Nourn good work, I remember you when were both young rager applicants. I rage deleted mine, and you went on to have a great run. Nice to see how far you came, because I remember Bryvac saying that the only thing that impressed him about you when you were an applicant was your looting skills. Guess you showed him ;) Good luck with your next character.
12757, THANK YOU! that was so awesome you did that for me. nt.
Posted by Nourn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM