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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject The Tale-telling fire dims as Patick leaves us, but shall burn Eternally.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=64314&mesg_id=64320
64320, The Tale-telling fire dims as Patick leaves us, but shall burn Eternally.
Posted by Patick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I achieved almost everything i've wanted to do in cf with this char.

Hero (Check)
get past friggen mule kick (check)
marry (check)
age death (not check)

So this is my frist time heroing and pretty much all i just noted. its sad, I have played since 2002 and this is my first hero. Granted I usually gave up on leveling death after death.

BUt I got to say this char was really fun to play. You know it really opens a door when you Actually RP everything. I don't have any regrets with this char. hehe well sept a few but they know.

I have interacted with so many over the cf years of Paticks life! Hes friggen seventy!! wow old! Its funny cause today is my birthday also, When I turn twenty two my char con dies. thats nice. I guess I should watch out when Im seventy then!! wow little side tracked. I will try to get as many as I can, Like I said I talked to many who stepped in the inn.. I was the friendly Herald assassin after all!!

Xhirathos: Of course your here, Wow twenty six! from level twenty six to my final words! In all my time playing i have never interacted with anyone for that long. I had so much fun with you! we would be on every day around the same time and play till the wee hours of the night! That was before i got my wounderful job at a gas station! thats why i dissapeared so soon! I was worried you would think i deleted a few times but meh. Smelly duergars, Tale of three in the chessmasters, Leaving you behind.. " Xhirathos groans at the sight of you." lol Well played character. Glad I got you into the Heralds! well Ish, Because you are a hearald. Drinker and suicidal adventurer!

Lauriel: My wife! ahh that was a beatufiul wedding for starters! haha I was always proud of my self When we would go on our adventures, or I would show off that wedding band. IT is definitly an accomplishment! :D. Haha towards the end Xhirathos also couldn't sing her songs against me! so your not the only one. THat was funny as hell when we were infront od Deyranias and you were all antsy wanting to get to the "Lauriel you may kiss Patick finally!" moment!! haha. I was laughing my ass off!

Gaspar: My brother! My teacher as well! Wow we were close. Id say you were probably my closest male friend! Sorry about that tattoo, but your still gaspar! the Chef Kingpin! And thanks for making me kiss that monkey and that orc! (yuck) mind control ftl! haha very funny.

Beaubril: What happend to you man? Started off wanting to get into the Inn then you got it, help me level a bit then vanish! Whered ya go? don't worry You can go into your dragon form any time and we will have one hell of a honey moon!

Aera: My personal Shield! I'm sorry I also didn't get to see you in my final moments. Sad time it was. I died to guess what! Arch Lightning! damn I could of used your shields. and our trip to hell just you and I! We only made it to the first circle, but still managed to make everything hunt us! haha we held out pretty well.

Meylin: My lil blue elf! The conjure who summons very good angels and elementals, though For some reason the elementals don't seem to like you! WHy !! Your a good person. you should tell them that. I think that aspect of your char with the blue skin is very interesting and unique! heh I remember that now more than when we first met up again not to long ago. Thanks for being there at the end! definitly a good friend! hehe my last words i hear. " Must be cold as a ghost."

Kelteon: Brother! Hehe you are following in my footsteps, that crevice has been home to me on a number of times! Thanks for being at the wedding also! You know in the beginning of our interactions you seemed new, though so did I, then all of a sudden you seemed like a seasoned vet! unlike I.

Darascas: Yaya I know that tattoo thing, I didn't do it after all for I realized It didn't change her alignment. you were at the wedding also, Haha I remember that time you asked me to go fight ravon. In my mind i was thinking " Im gonna die im gonna die im gonna die." and i didn't die. though i was ready i was stalking him.

Mreeshai: Heh because of you I got so close to heroing! I remember that time you and I went to the white cloak in search of that diamond ring for xhirathos. haha so long ago. then you vanished as well!

Aubrei: My little Gnomey crazy fortune teller! I told you she wouldn't be in a orange blazing dress! ahaha From young till old we only got to travel twice.

Sulerius: Haha "assassin guard yells Help! Im being attacked by someone" "you say five minutes later, so this is what it looks like on the inside!" lmao ten seconds later " A warrior yells Ouch!, Sulerius yells HEY THATS NOT FAIR!!" then the fire giant attacked you, then died to us in the inn. lol fun times.

Sevenna: No I was not flirting! you were with gaspar and I knew it. And I had xhirathos at the time, till she denyed me then Lauriel

Imm: the only Imm I interacted with was Iunna! Thanks for inducting me into the Heralds. Im sure I probably bored you alot if you were watching me, I couldn't leave the Inn. I've always loved the enviornment. great place! And where else can I get my virtual booze!
I got to admit, you scared the hell out of me.. when the inn was quiet and i was just sitting there. and you snuck up on me. I didn't believe at first it was you but then it was as if I was meeting a celeberty! So hopefully you didn't regret inducting me! I was a herald before you even inducted me, I would buy people drinks and over friendly tales. Only diffrence when you inducted me, was I became a chef! haha!! (cook cookie Iunna shapped cookie. put in basket. l in basket (55) Iunna shapped cookies

Mutik: only moment i ever really cursed with my char. you gave some of it back which i admit not alot would do so thank you. heh I was looking forward to crossing blades with you.

I am sure I forgot alot of people but like i said, I talked to everyone who showed up at the inn or in my path. Its hard playing an assassin and knowing you have that powerful deadly skill, and not use it that much. there were a couple of times I gave in and attempted it. but the only time i ever got even close to landing an assassination, was on Xhirathos! haha. and it mauled her. well if i forgot you, leave a post and ill reply!