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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Romasurn the Knight of the Glade
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=33961&mesg_id=34013
34013, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Romasurn the Knight of the Glade
Posted by Romasurn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I have always wanted a battle ranger. So I guess I got my wish. This
was my first rager, which I am sure was painfully obvious at times. I rolled him with a great role in mind, but then became obsessed with ranking and just putting in a crappy little role. I had a lot of misconceptions of the cabal and now they are laid to rest. Thanks to Iborenn for inducting me..you had a "human behind the monitor" feel to you. Which is always fun. To those that want to play a rager..I agree with the Big Blue Yintrik up top. Defenders are a blast. A cloud giant ranger with defender skills, herb and camp..is a beast. I am sure I made some people frown at times at what I did. I deleted because I became the guy nobody knew in the cabal. Plus, I had about a zillion deaths, but all in good fun. Iborenn, thanks for giving the rager newbies a chance, Khard the dwarf..those forged weapons are great buddy. Yintrik, aka blue, you were rocking hard..but figured it was an experiment for how hard you were going. Jurt..wow..amazing you are still around you little bastach. Thanks for making my first rager loads of fun, that is what it is about after all boys and girls. See you in the fields I imagine. Have fun. Seriously..Have fun.