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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectI am dead, so that is bad. (long)
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=33762&mesg_id=33766
33766, I am dead, so that is bad. (long)
Posted by Androkin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, bear with me because I knew a lot of people pretty well with Androkin
so I hope this isn't too long. I'm one of the many on and off players and I've
been away for a while and decided to play a character and kick around to see
some of the new changes and such. I decided to try the approach of acting
like a person who was new the world would be, so sort of asking a lot of
newbieish type questions and things. A lot of times i would ask questions I
was pretty sure i knew the answer to, but mostly I was checking in to see
if things were the same as I remembered.

As a role, I was a hunter of interesting information. And I tried to keep
that overarching theme pretty broad. Anything was interesting to me, from
quests to gossip. And I had wanted to do some exploring with this char so
I thought up having a shop because when you explore you always get a bunch
of nice gear that you can't use. I had tons of fun with the shop and I always
tried to make the sale no matter what. I would say probably 75% of the sales
I made were for information that I already knew, but it was all about getting
some good customers and such. If someone seemed like they were new to the
game I always tried to make them a good sale. I even sold someone a spear
for the interesting information called 'how to get myself an expertly
balanced practice weapon'. In terms of cabals I really tried to stay neutral
and out of the cabal wars, which is a lot harder than it sounds sometimes.
I always made a point of telling people I wasn't interested in any trouble
and overall I was very successful. This was actually one of the reasons I
chose a bard for this character. Generally speaking a bard is a good guy
to know to help get gear and stuff, and has no natural enemies. Ranking up
was also easy which is important to me because I really hate levelling. I
also avoided wearing gear that was highly desirable, so this helped keep
me from being a target. I actually worked very hard at politicing and keeping
in the good graces of everyone. It was a lot harder than I thought and one
of the most fun parts about playing Androkin.

In addition to my shop and exploring, I had a couple of side projects going
as well, mostly I just happened upon them. I joined the Galadon Thieves
guild which rocks, Everyone should go make a thief. I also had some strange
stuff going on with the Order of the Black Feathers, and some other things
as well. Side projects are always good for a character.

From a roleplay standpoint, my idea for this character was that he was
supposed to appear slightly dimwitted at times, and sort of genial and
friendly. I always tried to tell people how smart they were and how much
good informations they new and what great artifacts they brought to the
shop even when a lot of people would bring me crud and act like it was
the best gear ever. But I also wanted to have a sort of undercurrent to
the roleplay that was 'I'm a little brighter than I let on'. I think at
least a few people caught onto it. When I hit about 400 hours I decided to
try to evolve the character a little bit and sort of turn into a bit of
a crotchety old man. I also complained about how old I was a lot how my
bones were creaking and tried to gather gear that would make me younger but
I wasn't actually planning on prolonging how long I lived and I would always
take the age gear off when noone was around to see if it was time to die yet.
I tried to integrate a few sort phrases and spearch patterns to make myself
sound distinct, I always felt like I only got sort of halfway. So that is bad.
But at least I made an effort, so that is good news.

Ok then, that's tons of yammering already but on to the goodbyes! Also, if
anyone has any questions feel free.

Battle - Most of the battle characters that i knew were from a long time
ago, but overall I think battle players have a lot of fun playing. At least
it seems like it. I tried to help out when i could with helping some of you
guys rank up since I know it can be tough at hero ranks.

Tribunal - I only new one tribunal well and that's Melacarfina. We had great
chats hanging around in the Bard guild while you were on duty. Especilaly the
one about how to make a fire giant into a sword addict. I told that story to
a few more people. Malzhalohn we didn't cross paths as much as i would have
liked to, I could tell you had a lot of interesting stuff roleplaywise going

Scion - Scion is the new Herald. woo! And i mean that in a good way. The level
of roleplaying on average among scions is far higher than any other group in
the game. Sure they got a couple of duds, but overall I was impressed. Kudos
to Eshval or Valg or whoever is running the cabal nowadays. Akscereh you really
creeped me out. All those emotes are just plain icky. Sometimes I would try to
think of excuses not to travel with you becaue you were so creepy. So that is a
job well done. Restraal, boy did we have a lot of good expeditions, everytime
you lost that amulet I was groaning to myself though, no more swamp, no more
swamp. Still though I'm happy to help out. I never did get through that door and
i tried a few more times too. Sorry we didn't get a chance to visit the tower. I
always appreciated it when you would say things to sort of poke at me when i was
doing my 'pretending to be dimwitted' routine. I hope you liked that note I wrote
for you, sorry if It helped get you wacked. heh. Granaak and Hylondin you guys
were both solid as well, Granaak you cracked me on a number of occassions, like
when you just about killed Hylondin and were like sorry, didn't mean to gut you.
And I was thinking to myself, I bet he let himself almost kill her on purpose.

Empire - Most of the Imperials that I knew I knew back when urog was emperor so
it was a while back, but I did a lot of good business with the Empire, including
my first big sale to izuaki. Urog though we only interacted a couple of times I
was surprised at all when you Immed, seemed well deserved.

Fortress - Kelin, that is definitely the most fun I've ever had exploring, I wish
we could have gotten farther but I was just stuck on every front. It's much better
exploring with someone else. that and countless trips all over, Especially to the
fish castle. Naref, sorry that I never got that sword for you, it is just hard to
come by. One thing I would mention as a side note, I did a lot of good business
with the Fortress, and good aligns in general. And I've gotta say, scions, fire
giants, thieves, they've got nothing on the Paladin and Elf Population. You guys
were greedy ass gear gobblers from head to toe. And I loved you for it since that
is good for business :).

Outlander - I was sort of Jealous of the outlanders. I think they have the most
fun cabal from what I can see. Jaeiin thanks for helping me out when I was hunting
informations and things. Tjok, haven't seen you for a while but we had some
interesting chats, especially about those spheres, though it seemed like nothing
ever came of them and that basically when a character got a lot of them they just
got killed by imms and had them taken away. Sorry the ancients didn't do more tricks.

Gnomes! - Gnomes are good news for Bards that want to explore, because they all
know defense forms. Demenius and Guarapo, we did a good bit of exploring in the
early days and then on and off and I had a lot of fun. Grollina my very favorite
gnome who always knew the backstory of the areas which is impressive. I still think
you have a crush on Master Frooze. I hope I gave you some good hints about the tower
and that you keep having a good time there. Emilee you are an honorary gnome. We had
some good explorations, particularly with Hipsin and the Tower.

Leader of the Order - wish I could have done a better job for you, a combination of
it just being difficult, and also my trying to do too many things made it tough. I
hope you had some fun with our Interactions, I know I did.

Thiefs - Thieves guild is pretty sweet. Desmonn I hope you catch up with your wife,
Hipsin we had a lot of great adventurers, and I was pretty psyched that we made it
out alive that time, Also, i saw you flee in all four directions at once. That was
totally bizzare.

Imms - I didn't interact with any Imms, but I'll give a shout out to my favorite current
Imm anyway, and that is Qaledus, who was always giving me interesting projects to
work on by proxy. I was a little sad that I didn't earn myself a title, did I just not
do a good enough job roleplaying? I'm just wondering, maybe there was something I could have
done better?

I tried to spend some extra time in reading the areas because i know just how much work goes into
writing one. And overall I think it's worth mentioning there are a lot of very well
written and creative areas (and a couple that suck so bad I laugh at them!) But mostly
they are fantastic.

There are tons of other characters that I had interesting interactions with, sorry
if I missed you but if you drop a line I'll respond.