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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectSome farewells
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=26899&mesg_id=26909
26909, Some farewells
Posted by Zauttevre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This character was made with two things in mind. Absolute, maybe not
unrational dedication to the Order sphere and therefore to the Empire and
pride which didn't serve me well. For this I got killed in quite many suicide
gangs and about the same number of them I managed to escape from. I tried to
be the Divine Guidance sect member as I understood it, that is, showing the
example to Empire. Too bad that was example that most of time only fortress
saw, other imperials would log out by that time.

In the last month I got more and more bored. Solo healer is not a big force
and without shawtabies that I lost in one of the gangs I had to depend on
others. After some moment I found that I cannot go into silent tower (a place
that I could explore alone) any more for a reason I still don't know, so all
that was left to me is cabal business.

I played for three or less months and 424 hours means I played damn a lot
every day. I burned the character's life, con and my desire to play him. In
the end when I was finally made a high priest there was nothing left. I
deleted before Emperor's elections because IC I had to want to become an
Emperor, OOC I had no wish to play any more and it was lame, especially if I
was suddenly made an Emperor.


Khasotholas: Hmm... what to say. At first I liked you. But it slowly
went downside and in the end I decided to boycott your shrine and never pray
to you again. I hate to be ignored and I felt you do it to me.

Yanacek: You were an awesome killer and an awful cabal leader :) Were
you an elite shadow, the difference would be only in your pk powers, no
difference to the empire. And for all I saw, your pk powers were quite enough
to kill most of those who you killed. I don't blame you for not playing often,
but I hate it when cabal leader does not lead the cabal and logs on only
several hours a week just to wipe his pk range.

Njaal: You have my respect for being a true divine that I tried to be
myself. My big respect to you is for making that net of spies and for moving
on the politics that Yanacek has abandoned. Too bad you died only recently, I
didn't play a high priest for long, I considered deleting because of boredom
even before you did.

Grottimgesh: You showed me a lot of areas where I never was at all or
where I couldn't go alone. It was very interesting to explore together. We had
a lot of good fights together defending and raiding, but I felt you have too
many chances to be chosen next emperor, so it was like... I'll write some more
when you delete. This information still can affect IC things.

Talabrina: I don't know if you felt it, but behind all those smiles and
eq sharing with you (you shared only one item with me while I helped you all
the time) I hated you. We two had to take the same place and while you used
the traditional ways, like intriguing against Nhaal, I went on earning his
trust hoping that maybe he will make me high priest if he manages to depose
Yanacek. In the end it worked well enough as I earned Yanacek's trust as well
:) Good luck on being next high priestess.

Drudental: You are quite good and skilfull but really, give up that ooc
crap :) I haven't seen anyone mention "damroll" in CF for quite a while... or
being sure when a mob with unlocatable item has it... All in all you were my
blade bitch :) who else would go kill Sitran for me and get half of his eq
dented. Too bad you stopped showing last several weeks.

Blitzenturt: Very competent warrior, I was hoping to see you depose
warmaster and getting your vote for me for helping you, but with Yanacek gone
it wasn't really realisic. I don't know what reasons you had for helping me
for nothing, but thanks anyway. You considered you as my replacement for
Drudental although less controlled one. My respect for logging in against bad

Galakonsis: Same respect as for Blitz, we had some good fights against
bad odds. Not many imperials play against bad odds.

Vivinxa: My mage friend, I really liked it when you were around. You
and me could stand against any enemies and so no one came :) Thanks a lot for
things you've shown to me too.


Nhiala: Well I think I wrote to you personally already, I hated you but
at least I killed you and I am proud for it. You could be much worse if you
weren't shield dedicated.

Larya: Damn powerful but luckily not playing much. You are like Yanacek
in fortress :) Too bad my ISP died that time when I tried to retrieve against

Lathan: You would think I'd fear you the most, for divine intervention
that you did to me. But I did not. Perhaps you are a newbie, but you never
made me even closely scared as did others, not even in a gang.

Thalric: Annoying, yeah. I hate shamans for a reason.

Elstratuviel: We had several big fights of group on group, and I died
twice to your phantasms. Both deaths were stupid on my part, but still you are
the most skilled bard this character has met.

Jaegrudai: If I was so pissed about my every death, I'd be in clinic
with a heart attack already. So what if you die and get full looted? A leader
of marans should not be such a wuss. Autodeleting a cabal leader is very lame.

Vahletharien: A competent invoker is never an easy enemy. You were very
careful, almost never died. Cursing you was absolutely hopeless, it worked
only once as far as I remember and you died that time. I hated you nearly as
much as I hated Nhiala.

Tulvaluthian: First a caballess invoker, you were bad enough, at least
you went to take some risks which probably were because you wanted to earn
respect of maran immortals. Big props to you, you didn't always gang.

Sherman: Your group teleports behind centurions always got me by
surprise although I had to expect them. My respects for playing against bad


Janakt: You were probably the most dangerous rager that I fought
against. And moving so fast that I with my link that I don't consider slow
never could catch you up when you ran away. Most competent rager.

Jinroh: After you half of ragers are hand specs. Stun sucks. Awaken
doesn't work for #### and waking others with attack breaks the group and
causes chaos.

Lhaedehk: With Janakt you were dangerous, but when you were alone you
always managed to screw things and chose an absolutely wrong tactics :) Learn
from your buddies in the village.

Ranak: One of the few ragers who would login against bad odds. I don't
envy you. But killing you on destructor was part of playing empire.


Quitting right when a sure raid comes is a bad style. I don't want to write names
here, you know who you are. No respect to you.


Lochzan: An evil paladin with no communes is a wonder, I didn't think
you'd stick around like that. I wanted you to eventually join empire but it
all went nowhere. You were too sure serving order was better in tribunal.

Baendra: I wanted to talk more with you but I didn't see you recently.
You are a very interesting character, good luck on liching. I hope you make


Sastine: Too bad you took Ghroth side that time. It was a huge and
hopeless gang that went and killed you in the inn. That must have sucked a
lot, but you understood what you've chosen.

Verv: If Yanacek was not such a hole in cabal leadership, imperial ban
from the inn had to cause inn to be constantly burned and all heralds killed.
Instead I had to go pray to Shazirah and got such contempt from her I never
went to entertain anyone in the inn.


Jyslin: If you weren't so stubborn and greedy you could have stopped a
war on the chasm. Although I think soon scions will raid empire as balance is
changing to that side.


Gradaelus: I hated you for always assisting goodies gangs and making them
by far more dangerous. It was really annoying how you don't have to defend
anything and you were always in a gang. You died twice with my assistance and
that was quite an achievement as you didn't take risks.

Yanomami: See Gradaelus. Dangerous, annoying and never risking.