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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[FORTRESS] Alynthorin the Priest of the Templars, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=69
69, [FORTRESS] Alynthorin the Priest of the Templars, Acolyte of the Golden Sun
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Alynthorin Broughton, the Priest of the Templars, Acolyte of the Golden Sun, Acolyte of the Golden Sun


Skin the color of a gray dawn, this proud looking fae-kin stands
quite erect, his chain reinforced plate armor well oiled and
gleaming. Silver-blond locks of fine hair are tied in a tight
horse tail, save for two long braids which fall in front of his
slightly pointed ears. His slim face is hairless, save for two well
trimmed eye brows, which frame two orbs of grey, ice flecked and
piercing. Though his armor looks well kept, he does not appear
wealthy, none of his belongings carrying any ornamentation you can
see. His height seems to betray what is obviously a stout build,
no doubt needed to wield the massive blade hanging across his broad
back. He appears slightly weathered, his grey eyes soft, yet also
stern and wary.


Exp444800To Level23600SphereWar
Age middle-aged, 107 years old (620 hours)
Hit Points517Mana585Movement674
Carry #0/32Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  
78, Alynthorin's Spell List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Spell List

Level 1detect evil80%
Level 1mend wounds100%
Level 2armor77%
Level 3create food88%
Level 4create water77%
Level 4know alignment59%
Level 6bless89%
Level 6detect invis97%
Level 7cure blindness81%
Level 10flamestrike82%
Level 11call lightning75%
Level 11protection95%
Level 13remove curse85%
Level 17cure deafness77%
Level 19blessed divination90%
Level 20wrath92%
Level 21summon96%
Level 22crusade91%
Level 24remove taint80%
Level 25turn undead75%
Level 25essence of temperance75%
Level 27sanctuary100%
Level 27templars vigilance77%
Level 28revelation77%
Level 29heal100%
Level 32word of recall87%
Level 32divine insight75%
Level 33righteousness75%
Level 37redemption79%
Level 38holy word75%
Level 38champions stand79%
Level 40sanctify room75%
70, Alynthorin's Equipment
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Equipment & Inventory

You are using:
You are carrying:
71, Alynthorin's Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Adventuring Statistics

Character Created  Mon Nov 10 01:03:05 2003
Quests Completed  4
Exploration Points Found  15
Bonus Experience from Immortals  0
(WANTED) Criminal  3 times
% of lifetime in the wilderness  30 %
% of lifetime in the cities  7 %
% of lifetime in the Inn of the Eternal Star  2 %
% of lifetime caballed  53 %
72, Alynthorin's Class Specifics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Class Specifics


73, Alynthorin's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Embodiment of Honor, War
Added Mon Nov 10 04:12:43 2003 at level 10:

Returning to the orphanage, the proud youth trembled with rage.
Before the old knight he went, tears welling in his eyes, his voice
ever-soft but trembling still.
"Master Jaragh, I seek to be a soldier, to follow the principles
you have taught me, to spread these tenets you have preached to us
all these many years. The school for warriors has sent me away, for
I refuse to agree with the evil that place breeds... if your Lords have gone
from this realm to what heavenly Lord might I seek guidance from?
Has none taken up the banner of Honor, or of War, since the Lord's Cador
and Bolthrower left Thera?"

Pursing his lips, the old knight paused, and then spoke equally softly
was one, but he has slept for many years... recently though
I have heard his Clarion ringing high on the morning breeze. Perhaps
he or his band of soldiers has returned. Seek him out among the
Southern peaks, and listen closely for the sound of his horn. His name is

74, Alynthorin's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Learning the Path
Added Mon Nov 10 04:03:21 2003 at level 10:

"You wish to enter Thrym's school for warrior's eh..?
Well, he is certainly the best in Balator to teach
you such things as combat, but is the life of a soldier
really what you seek?"

A silent nod is the knight's only reply.

"Very well then, I'll arrange for your entrance. You
can remain here as long as you like, so long as you
remain true to my teachings, young Alynthorin. You
will no doubt make an excellent warrior."

"Thank you, Master Jaragh. You have always been so kind."

Gracefully, the young Alynthorin turned and walked back to
his room, where he continued his long hours of calisthenics.

"What ye big bunch o' blubber butts, is the meanin' o'
War?". A massive blade named Skull was gripped lightly
in the massive fist of the giant.

Stuttering, a young arial, another one of Jaragh's
orphans, lifts his voice saying,"To defeat your enemy
with the least possible use of force and resources?"

"Hell nae that ain' the meanin' o' War!
War, ye young slog bellies, is te destroy
completely any who stand in yer way. Put them
down so they can ne'er rise against ye again. This
is the true purpose and goal of War."

Rising from his seat, the shy looking fae-kin
suddenly took on a rather proud and erect posture.
"I disagree," he said, not angry or rude, but as
a matter of simple fact.
"The goal of War is to defend one's people, to
promote freedom and prosperity where it is
threatened by oppression, and to stand against
any who would attempt to subjugate the right
of all people to live in peace if so they choose.
In short, War, although an opposing force to Peace,
fundamentally sustains the recurrence of it, and
ultimately it is only through the cyclic state
of War that any people have freedom"

The giant stood, obviously somewhat confused, before
belowing,"Ye don' come in my school an' tell me what
War is all about der ye bastard son o' an cave elf!"
"Get outta my school!".. and, fearing what might happen
next, the erect but somewhat fearful looking half-elf
turned on a heel and left.

75, Alynthorin's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Added Mon Nov 10 03:44:15 2003 at level 10:

"Today I will teach you of the Lord's I have followed
all my Life, that have guided me and my path, even
long after they both passed from these realms."
"The Lord Cador, who teaches us that Honor above
all things, is to be cherished and held onto. One
can survive immense tragedy, survive horrific war and
all manner of inequity, but within themselves if they
have Honor, they are, like the blade of this tattoo,

"The other I have followed in my life, the Lord
Bolthrower, teaches us what War is, and how we
must learn it, learn ourselves, and learn our
enemies, in order to gain victory not just in
war, but in life itself. First we must know
ourselves, our history, if we have one, and how
to overcome it. Then we must learn the world
we live in, it's mountains and valleys, and
many places to do battle. Finally, we must learn
our enemy, and more importantly, when we are our
own enemy. Defeat of the self is sometimes the
greatest challenge of all..."

76, Alynthorin's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Added Mon Nov 10 03:34:28 2003 at level 9:

"She's in a great deal of pain, Jaragh. I don't know that she's
going to live to see her child born. Not that she'd want to,
the filthy half-breed."

Letting out a long deep sigh, a tall knight places his hand
softly on the shoulder of the haggard midwife, speaking
in low tones.
"Do what you can, the drow seems to have afflicted her
with a scourge I cannot cure. And above all else, save the
child. Half-breed or no, children are innocents."

Muttering to herself, she nods half-heartedly, then again
more earnestly as she looks up toward the knight's stern

77, Alynthorin's Skill List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Skill List

Level 1mace100%
Level 1polearm75%
Level 1sword100%
Level 1staff77%
Level 1parry100%
Level 1rescue76%
Level 1recall100%
Level 1shield block82%
Level 4enhanced damage100%
Level 6second attack100%
Level 7hand to hand89%
Level 7fast healing99%
Level 10charge1%
Level 10disarm75%
Level 10shield bash77%
Level 10strike of faith100%
Level 10lay hands83%
Level 12haggle75%
Level 13third attack97%
Level 14meditation100%
Level 18spiritual link94%
Level 19lore80%
Level 20strike of purity100%
Level 20pen75%
Level 22pugil1%
Level 25templars defense82%
Level 28track the wicked79%
Level 30strike of deliverance100%
Level 30counter strike89%
79, Alynthorin's Cabal Powers List
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Cabal Powers List

Level 10favor of the sun79%
Level 24spirit sight70%
Level 30altruism70%
Level 32succor83%
Level 35curse of radiance70%
80, Alynthorin's PK Statistics
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

PK Statistics

PK Statistics

Total PK Wins  30
Total PK Losses  41
Total Mob Deaths  17

PK Wins by Class
VS. thief  1
VS. warrior  12
VS. anti-paladin  5
VS. assassin  1
VS. necromancer  5
VS. bard  1
VS. shaman  1
VS. berserker  1
VS. shapeshifter  3

PK Wins by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  2
VS. Evil  28

PK Deaths by Class
VS. transmuter  1
VS. warrior  5
VS. assassin  4
VS. invoker  1
VS. necromancer  6
VS. shaman  5
VS. druid  1

PK Deaths by Align
VS. Good  0
VS. Neutral  0
VS. Evil  0