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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectBraughe's Role Chapter 4
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=84555&mesg_id=84577
84577, Braughe's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

We learn
Added Sat Feb 24 15:59:52 2024 at level 51:

Braughe met a youngling elf in the wilds and conversed with him
at length. He spoke of Outlanders and the Refuge to him with
advice that he sought. Braughe learned a bit more of the common
tongue from him and has taken to this study with a will. He hopes
to become proficient. This young elves name was Ernst. With the
Goddess it seems his words form from the thoughts in his head
and appear far better. He hopes to achieve the same in normal

Taenya's going has left a sharp wound to Braughe's heart.
She was such a bright light for the tree and he has felt a bit
lost without her presence. He see's Taenya in the falling water.
He begins to see Her in the leaves in the wind. He does not know
which is which sometimes, although it soon becomes apparent.
Both Her and Taenya's eyes urges him on to do more for growth
within the Tree. For without her the eyes of the wardens dim.
Yet Braughe see's them in the flowers in bloom, the grain golden
in the sun and the moss upon the wet rock. He finds his happiness
in snow, rain, sun and the quiet star light night. And Taenya's
poetry endures.