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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectGilliri's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=84322&mesg_id=84341
84341, Gilliri's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

The Squire upon the Plains
Added Thu Feb 1 09:44:12 2024 at level 24:

Today marked a pivotal moment in my journey, a convergence of paths leading
to the fulfillment of a life goals. Having pledged my life to the outer
guardian of the Fortress, seeking training within the Brigade, I found myself
on the placid waters of a nearby lake, engaging in a profound discussion with
the Captain of the Brigade. Amidst the gentle ripples of the lake, we spoke
at length about our life experiences, our aspirations for the future, and the
shared commitment to the Light. The Captain, discerning the fire within my
heart, was pleased with my dedication and granted me the honor of becoming a
member of the Brigade, training as a novice Squire. The realization of this
goal filled me with pride. Inspired by the camaraderie within the Fortress
and fueled by the Light, I set my sights on the next objective that tugs at
the fibers of my being and I would seek out the shrine of Sennoseri.

For weeks, I traversed the open plains, guided by my internal compass that
resonated with the divine connection I sought. And then, like a beacon on
the horizon, I stumbled upon a great white sycamore tree, standing tall and
wide. Seeking shade and rest, I approached the tree and discovered within its
roots a collection of handmade symbols. Each totem bore a naturalistic
theme, but one, in particular, caught my attention; a depiction of numerous
humanoid figures carved from a dark, oozing wood. Side by side, the totem
displayed a duergar, a dwarf, the Imperial Codex, the Scales of Justice,
a binding circle, a sack of coin, a cutpurse, a minotaur, a goblin, a holy
knight, an unholy knight, an orc, an undead monster, a nightwalker, and a
blackened heart. Crowning these graven images, a full breasted centauress
glared down upon them, an arrow knocked in her greatbow. It was an altar, a
sacred space dedicated to Sennoseri, and it named all potential enemies to
the plainsrunner deity. The symbolism was profound. The struggles and
conflicts that threaten the natural world, the forces that stand against
the harmony of the plains. Plains grasses sprouted beneath the figures, a
testament to the resilience and joyous vitality that Sennoseri embodied.

In this discovery, amidst the whispering winds and the ancient sycamore's
embrace, I felt a profound connection with my diety. The journey to find the
shrine may have been arduous, but in this sacred moment, I felt the divine
threads weaving through me. The challenges ahead may be great, but with
Sennoseri's guidance, I am ready to face them and continue my quest with
renewed purpose and a heart brimming with gratitude.