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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectWrukesht's Role Chapter 10
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=82997&mesg_id=83023
83023, Wrukesht's Role Chapter 10
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 10

Holiday Excitement, Cheer, Danger, Lessons - Continued
Added Sat Dec 9 22:26:50 2023 at level 26:

Hamsah was a revelation. All the sights and sounds. And smells! Such exotic
spices! Silk scarves! And she saw someone exchanging black and white pearls they
said came from the merchants all the way east on the city docks. Things she'd
never seen or heard of were going on all around her and her head couldn't swivel
fast enough to catch even half of it. Jaragh was careful not to let go of her hand,
much as she thought she was too old for that, as he knew, even if she didn't, just
how dangerous the city, and the world, can be. She was still quite innocent and
while he didn't want to spoil that, he certainly wasn't going to take any chances.

They spent hours in the city. A bit of wandering, from clothiers to food merchants,
to jewelers and toymakers. Exotic chocolates and clever toys for the youngest kids.
Complicated puzzles and contraptions for those a bit older. Clothing, and even a
small bird as pet for one group of kids sharing a room. Jaragh asked Wrukesht what
she thought before each purchase, making her warm inside with pride and happiness.
As the hours went by they filled their bags (some things Jaragh paid to be
delivered as they were too big for the two of them to carry), Wrukesht began to
notice that they hadn't talked about her, about what she might want or about what
Jaragh might have in mind for her. Of course she did not bring it up, but it was
like a hornets' nest in her belly, she felt she would explode!

Jaragh, of course again, knew. This was not his first tourney! And he had something
very, very special for Wrukesht. So, sure enough, when he sensed she actually might
blow up right in front of himi, he said, "Wrukesht, I know how tired you must be,
and you probably want to go home, but, would you mind terribly if we made a trip to
Galadon? I would like to see the Weaponsmith there, he says he has made a sword much
like the blades we used to used back when Knights were still around."

Wrukesht could not have been more silent and still if she'd been hit in the head with
an iron mace. So stunned she was, it took her half a minute just to comprehend this
development. Forget buying a gift, she was GOING TO GALADON!!! THE MOST FAMOUS CITY

"Uh (cough), sure, (cough) Old Man. That would (cough) be fine (throat clearing). I'll
be (more coughing) just fine. Really (sipping water to clear her throat and calm her
down. So, uh, let's go?" Hiding a smile, Jaragh went to the royal stables where he'd
a week ago called in a favor and arranged for two horses - they would ride double but
this way they could ride fast and change halfway.