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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectIcaeos's Role Chapter 4
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=79269&mesg_id=79290
79290, Icaeos's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Nature's Law
Added Wed May 24 11:15:14 2023 at level 38:


First, Icaeos began by talking to the people from her own group of Outlanders who
had spoken with Him. It was from them she learned the name Haruspex. From there,
she made her way to His holy altar and began to pray. She prayed to a being she
didn't know, but could still feel.

She heard no reply, for some time, but the feeling remained. As she continued to
visit, she must have caught someone's eye because an Augur began to speak. Icaeos
took a moment to gather herself, but she eventually did. The Augur spoke, and
Icaeos listened. She finally felt truly welcomed and at home. She could FEEL the
immense pressure of the world beginning to fade as her faith began to truly take
hold. In short, she was empowered that day. Empowered with the energy, trust, power,
symbol of Lord Ergush. Icaeos was both humbled and shown insight into spiritual
knowledge she hadn't dreamed of before.

The empowerment, for Icaeos, was the most amazing thing she had ever been a part
of. She's in all the way.

The Augur sent her away with a task. A task, that took some time, but was
completed. Next, Icaeos was truly humbled. For Lord Ergush showed himself to her
for the first time. For Icaeos, she essentially stood face to face with her
hero/reason for existing. It was impactful, for her, to say the least. Once again,
He talked and she listened. It was a brief conversation, but within it Icaeos
learned even more of natural spirit energy, and divination.

For the future. Icaeos' main goal is to complete Lord Ergush's task, and learn
even more about life, and life within His faith. In addition, her main overall
goal is to live a life of devotion to Ergush and to see His will done through
her. She would like to, one day, earn his mark and stand by His side as one of
his priestesses.

Another of her goals, within the Ergush faith, is to work on ways to improve her
ability to 'divine' or feel the doings of the world through nature. Such as the
ritual Lord Ergush performed before her. A way of seeing things that are to come,
or may have passed, but through nature and senses. She knows the power of Storms,
and she feels they are beautiful and EXTREMELY necessary things to renew and secure
life. She has been 'reading' the storms, lightning, clouds and the like since she
was young. However, with her new empowerment and understandings of Thar-Eris and
Ergush's garden, she feels she can learn more.