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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectLlyion's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=67497&mesg_id=67520
67520, Llyion's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Honor Amongst Thieves
Added Sun Sep 30 20:29:07 2018 at level 51:

Llyion began his quest by venturing to the major metropolitan cities throughout Thera. As he made his way through these different regions he heard word of many types of professions and fraternities one could join as a means of survival.
The curious young Elf visited all sorts of guild halls across the land. He visited the bard's guilds just to learn he could not sing. He visited mage's guilds just to learn he could not remember incantations. He tried to brawl with the
students in the warrior's guild just to learn that the weapons were much, much too heavy. This went on for a while until one day he wandered into a thieve's guild. He saw some of the things the novice thieves were practicing and thought
that this might be useful for self-defense. Llyion began to practice basic concealment and sleight of hand with the neophytes. Graced with natural Elven dexterity, Llyion took to these sorts of activities like a duck to water. Since
things went so much better at this guildhall than all of the rest he decided to focus on the teachings of the Thieve's guild.

It is important to note that Llyion has never used his skills as a thief as a means to acquire personal wealth or other malicious activity. He uses what he learns from the thieve's guild for self-defense, the defense of others, or
defending ideals that are important to him such as Truth, Justice, and Order.

While visiting the major protected cities of Thera, namely Galadon, Voralian City, Hamsah Mutazz, and Seantryn Modan, young Llyion began to take notice of much more than the rich urban lifestyle. He began to notice the men and women who
helped regulate and enforce the laws. He heard much of how these enforcers operate and the types of laws they defended from his fellow students within the thieve's guild. Many of the students had run-ins with these law men on many
occasions, but this is a hazard of the occupation. Llyion never had trouble with the Law as he only used his skills with good intentions. Watching warrants being served, criminals being detained, and justice delivered, Young Llyion's
interest in the life of Law enforced had been piqued.