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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectIlyana's Role Chapter 10
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=62757&mesg_id=62786
62786, Ilyana's Role Chapter 10
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 10

The Tree and Tower
Added Fri Oct 19 07:24:18 2018 at level 51:

Ilyana hummed to herself as she practised her martial forms alone in a clearing in the woods. The morning air was crisp, and a bluebird perched on a branch joined her in song. Her motions were fluid and without aggression: almost a dance really.

The memory of her conversation with the Awakened Ancient still loomed large in her head. Such kindness in his voice as she had dared hope but never expect. She had conveyed her heartfelt respect for his creed, his Tree and those who watch it.

The discussion which followed validated her thoughts and inclinations formed over many conversations with the likes of Sunwarden Ischer, Warden Stren, Harbinger Elandarn, Sentinels Zsorilya, Flimmy and Thebor.

Whatever her father had done to mother, it was not representative of these branches of the Tree: the Wardens and Sentinels who comprise the vast majority of Outlanders - they are good and decent people. They share her love of Life and Liberty.

While Lord Strienat had cautioned her that Harbinger and Sunwarden cannot agree peace for the Tree, not without consensus of the Nightreaver, that Tree and Spire have values in common was manifestly clear to her...

She felt vindicated as such in her efforts and resolve to someday bring lasting peace between Tree and Spire. If the sacred charge of leading the Spire were ever to fall upon her shoulders, her first decree would be a unilateral moratorium.

A moratorium on Magistrates seizing the Outlander Fetish, or even indeed the Entropic Equation, for both good conscience and strategic thinking had ever driven her towards such decisive action. The Spire must rise above petty bickering.

Our one true enemy is the Criminal, and we should not be distracted from this by pursuing instead vile campaigns of extermination against Thar-Eris's free-spirited children, or the learned magi who call themselves Chaos Barons.

Yes, even the Recruiter Gilversplitz had spoken rationally with her - wisdom enough to reciprocate courtesy, to understand that her colleagues' recent assaults on his Tower was not necessarily reflective of the Spire in its entirety.

There can be peace, there will be peace. Even if that dreamt of moratorium is not immediately reciprocated, it surely would be - gradually, over time. For Ilyana has faith in the seed of goodness that is in all Creation.

Faith also in the strength of the Spire to turn the other cheek and endure, and hold fast - for however long it is needed. The Spire and our Laws are indeed the hope of many, and hold the promise of a better future for all Therans.

With a sigh, Ilyana moved to complete her graceful dance of fluid and gentle motions. Ending with an unrelenting flurry of impossibly light punches directed at a huge boulder, she felt satisfaction as it disintegrated under minimal force.

Compassion, love, respect and empathy - these were her punches. Words to end wars, and always the courage to dream, to act.