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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectIlyana's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=62757&mesg_id=62779
62779, Ilyana's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

The Code and the Law
Added Mon Sep 3 21:37:35 2018 at level 51:

Ilyana paled visibly, trembling with outrage as she heard the storm giant templar speak the evasive, taunting works of a duergar. In the solitude of her guildhall, she slammed a fist into the hard rock of a nearby wall - the pain was a salve.

Through tears of shame and sorrow for the Code betrayed, she stared numbly for long minutes at her knuckles now bloodied and bruised. Ignoah the so-called Champion of Virtues, what manner of paladin was this, had the Dark overtaken his soul?

It had all begun innocently enough, casual conversation with the Provost Karvesh - a good person who also held the Light dear to his heart. At some point they came to talking about the Fortress of Light and whether they respect the Laws.

Naively, Ilyana had protested when told that not all Marans could necessarily be trusted to confess their crimes when asked. They are the Fortress of Light, she exclaimed. The Code compels Integrity - I know they will surely answer truthfully.

It was not long after that the opportunity arose to put her naive presumptions to the test - the Provost requested that she assist with an unfinished investigation involving Ignoah and an Imperial fallen in Galadon town...

His words, those leering words that caught her by surprise and left her shaken: "Where did this take place?" "Where in Galadon" "Well that is something to think about huh... good place to hunt evil folks" "ooo I did not realize I was evasive"

Long days passed and still she felt tainted, dirtied by that interaction. While she had reported his conduct to the Fortress, a wall of silence was the only response she received. Was the hour so late, had they become the very evil they fight?

As had become her habit of late, she found solace in the Eternal Library - the books, so many books: welcome diversions, perhaps she might even come across something there which could help shed light on the ignominous Ignoah...?

Enter 'The Code', by Thalamanion al'Dinien. In it he first concedes that "Respect the laws of the land and those who seek to enforce them" is in the Code, but then alleges that this respect need not extend to actually obeying the Laws...

Ilyana slammed the volume shut after re-reading it twice. "But the Laws are an instrument for good!", she exclaimed to herself, pacing the Library - agitated. "Deny the Laws and you betray the Light... Light! The Light forgive them..."

Had Ignoah responded from the first with a dignified silence, she might have accepted that even if she did not agree with it. But for him to have hemmed and hawed, delayed, deflected and those final mocking words...

"Respect the laws of the land and those who seek to enforce them" He had disrespected both through his conduct. "Do not become like those you fight. Respect, Integrity, Valor." Where were those traits in him?

Ilya bowed her head in silent reflection, ignoring the solitary tear which ran down her cheek. Her eyes were closed but are now open.