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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectIlyana's Role Chapter 2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=62757&mesg_id=62778
62778, Ilyana's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

The Curator and the Spire
Added Fri Aug 31 12:03:19 2018 at level 44:

It was not long after she had pledged her services to the Spire that Ilyana received word of the late Provost's demise. Luciaquos had served for many centuries - frost giant or not, this was something she could respect and certainly aspire to.

By then she had already spoken with Karvesh (the future Provost, albeit unknown to either of them at the time) and later Screlpth. It was Screlpth who broke to her the news of Luciaquos's demise, and on his advice she sought the Lady Curator.

The Lady, when she finally met her in the Eternal Library, was all Ilyana had expected and more. And the manner of her arrival in the Eternal Library was quite astounding - in a loud flurry of swirling pages - apt.

Though Ilyana had long followed Ishuli and her teachings, this was still her first time before an Asgardian. It was fortunate she had instinctively bent knee upon the Lady's arrival as such, else she might surely have fallen flat upon her face.

What followed was a delightful, stimulating exchange regarding trying situations a magistrate might face, and Ilyana was surprised - though she should not have been - that in giving answers she was in fact receiving answers.

The Lady Curator does not tell her devouts WHAT to think, she teaches them HOW to think. Trusting that through careful thought in context of right knowledge, every soul - be they mortal or otherwise - can reach similarly appropriate conclusions.

This first audience in the Eternal Library was almost a reaffirmation of beliefs as such. Ilyana was reminded of the many things her mother had taught her regarding the Curator, her patience - but only where merited, and love for knowledge.

That audience ended with Ilyana being inducted to the Tribunal by the Lady Curator. Thus began her dreamt of life as a magistrate, heart singing with joy and inappropriately youthful exuberance as she strode into the Spire for the first time...